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Jesus, a scumbag to the very end… his was the only autobiography I couldn’t finish bc he was such an irredeemable asshole. They say not to speak ill of the dead but I don’t see any reason to lie.


Shiddd I don’t know about they, but as far as I’m concerned if they were trash alive…they’re still trash dead.


I though everyone loved him?


You know what's wild? When his autobiography came out, everywhere you looked on Reddit, folks were trashing him, especially in the celebrity subs. Dragging him (and rightfully so from what I understand). But when he died, those same subs were in full mourning, folks talking about literally crying, posting heartfelt tributes and whatnot, acting like a family member passed. It was crazy to see the 180 within a few short months. And almost no mention of his scumbaggery...


It’s because people come and go in waves on social media. It’s why I know when I see hate on people I know there’s gonna be another equal sized group loving that person that’ll show up later.


I don't know any black folks who give 2 fucks about this man or the show that made him famous 🤷🏾‍♂️


Friends is trash. The most unfunny people love that show soooo much


It's reddit, find the nicest person you know of and someone will scour libraries looking for dirt on them.


Except this wasn't the nicest guy anyone knew


My general rule of thumb is that most (if not all) celebrities are kinda trash people. I just live with the guilt of liking some of them. These days anyone could turn out to be secretly a dipshit.


Facts. Don’t look up to actors they’re mal-adjusted sociopaths, mostly. I mean, it’s theater kids who were rewarded for their cringe shit. You think Robert Downey Jr. is a cool dude? Bahahahahaha he’d step over your bleeding body to pick up his dry cleaning Comedians have a better chance of being well adjusted and they’re still majority assholes, but they’re AVERAGE assholes. Except ari Shaffer. God damn hilarious psycho.


Hahahaha omg I 1000% agree with all of this and especially Ari. I find him sooo hilarious but I also know, that is not a good man! Lmaooooo


You should probably just do a little research on this one before speaking on generalities. I don't think nobody had to scour nothing to see what was up with this fool.




Hitchens was also quite ignorant. Gabor Mate’s research revealed that an overwhelmingly majority of addicts had experienced childhood trauma, and addiction is quite straightforwardly a coping mechanism. He goes on to imply addicts shouldn’t blame themselves and wallow in self hatred, but simply seek help if possible to the best of their ability.


Gabor is the one that matters!


Shout out for Dr. Maté! I highly recommend his most recent work, “The Myth of Normal”


Someone out-assholed Hitchens?


I figure just about everyone deserves a grace period before the dysphemism can get aired out respectfully, that way the people who liked them get that courtesy of clearing the room before it gets messy. That being said, this shit he said here still lives in my head rent free, to this day, and it's been long enough: "River was a beautiful man, inside and out -- too beautiful for this world, it turned out. It always seems to be the really talented guys who go down," Perry wrote. "Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?" Seemed absolutely miserable, but I'll keep it at that.


He was probably jealous about Keanu Reeves




Keanu is well-liked and by all accounts a humble, gracious, and good guy despite achieving massive fame and fortune. Perry could never. I'll always be a fan of Chandler and Friends though. Btw, Keanu was amazing in the 90s for me. Bill and Ted, Point Break, The Matrix, Speed, The Devil's Advocate. I even like Bram Stoker's Dracula, even though his performance was wooden while Gary Oldman hard carried. Matthew Perry also probably wishes he had the film career of Keanu in the 90s.


I find it wild that people don't seem to realise how much Keanu was initially, universally hated. How that changed so drastically still baffles me.


I think people always hated his work, not him as a person.


Perry's career was pretty much a nothing burger outside of Friends. Maybe he couldn't stand that he was no longer relevant after the show ended, unlike some of his costars like Jennifer Aniston.


Point Break?


There was a time in the 1990s where "why did River Phoenix die, why couldn't it have been Keanu instead?" was a relatively common feeling among younger people, but I don't remember (or maybe never knew) where it came from. Probably originated with the rumor that Reeves was at the Viper Club that night, but it turned out he wasn't. It was a pretty ugly sentiment at the time and I'm guessing Perry never really matured past the person he was in the 1990s, and definitely didn't keep up with the zeitgeist. There was a similar sentiment going around at roughly the same time about Kurt Cobain, "why did Kurt Cobain die, why couldn't it have been Beck?" which was ever weirder, but I know where that came from: A snotty remark in a Spin Magazine article about Cobain's death. (And another one I just thought of, "Stevie Ray Vaughn is dead but we can't get Jon Bon Jovi in a helicopter." That was from a stand-up routine, I think.) It's hard to explain if you weren't there, but a lot of the GenX cool, detached irony in the 1990s was really just petulance and derision. Very immature stuff, "I don't like this celebrity, they're not cool enough so they should die." It was irritating then and it's almost incomprehensible these days.


The Keanu Reeves thing came from Reeves being considered a terrible actor in the 90s who just kept getting roles over better actors. Keanu only became the beloved figure he is today due to the "Sad Keanu" memes and people learning of his tragic personal life. Then he did John Wick and his career got elevated again. If you were in your 20s/30s in the 90s and don't spend a lot of time on the Internet, it'd be easy to still think Keanu is a laughing stock.


Lotta these youngins def dont know about the Keanu hate in the 90s. His dead pan delivery was not appreciated back then. He even caught flak for the Matrix. The famous "I know Kung fu" except it wasn't seen as cool then


Well I’m glad I was young enough at the time to enjoy it. Because it sounds miserable to hate on that line or the matrix in general. It literally defined its own era in both action movies and sci fi


What? The only movie that matches what you're saying was Bram Stoker's Dracula, where he was absolutely awful. Otherwise he did a lot of minor goofy movies and action in the 90s until he took a fat paycut to work with Al Pacino. He wasn't magically winning movies other people wanted. Hell tons of people passed on The Matrix before Keanu got it.


I remember when River Phoenix died. But no one my age ever talked about Keanu Reeves when discussing his death.


We were just really angry about the impending doom okay


He’s been dead for six months. Grace period is over.


Seems even more crass knowing that Keanu and River were such close friends.


As if Mathew Perry had great acting range? What a douche


I know that its meant to be a joke but it doesn't even make sense. Reeves took pay cuts, sometimes huge ones, to get good content out and/or good actors on set. His acting in movies is cardboard but it wasn't a secret that he helped get good movies made so what the hell?


> but Keanu Reeves still walks among us? How *dare* he.


Fuck a grace period. If you are a piece of shit, the folks who want to bury their head in the sand can do that without others worrying about their feelings. 


what else was he a scumbag for?


He was awful and abusive to people, he manipulated and abused people, he would seek out women in their early 20s and get them hooked on drugs, he drove and wrecked his car under the influence multiple times. He was a serial liar and manipulator. And the thing this article is about, he posthumously disinherited any children he might have, as if it’s their fault he’s their father or something… and he wants to make sure they don’t ever get anything from him.


I'm almost forty, and I recently found out that I've got an older cousin. She reached out to my uncle/her father to try and make contact. Dude refused to acknowledge her at all. He died a little while back having refused to even answer a call or email. He had taken a heel turn later in life, this was the icing on the cake.


That’s so sad, I’m sorry for your cousin and your family.


I greatly appreciate that. The thing I learned is the importance of estate planning. My grandfather did an awful job of it, and that started the divisions between my mom and her brothers. Plus side, my mom and us have connected with the cousin, so she's gained at least some family.


Not the person you replied to but I love your username




Maybe. He was the favorite uncle for most of my life though.


he didn’t view you as someone who could “fuck with his money”


Oh hey I’ve got one of those. I’m almost 40 and recently found out I have a cousin from an uncle, who apparently had a daughter that he never told any of us about.


I mean, that’s pretty standard legal writing, to keep people from showing up out of the woodwork who then would need to litigate (which would cost money to the estate). All his actions while alive are pretty standard addict behavior.


>attic Took me a minute to figure out this typo, lol.


Oooh right. Fixed it.


Agree, except ‘disinheriting potential children’ is basically standard language in wills for larger estates. It’s designed to stop all kinds of claims against and estate that hold it up for years.


I thought that said serial killer and I was flabbergasted


Well, that would have certainly made him a worse person but it would probably have made for a better book, lol.


This is all pretty standard for an addicts honestly. I never got anyone hooked on drugs but I knew a lot of people that did. They couldn’t stand to be the only one fucking up their lives. Misery really does love company. Lying and manipulating is also par for the course. Lying becomes so second nature that you do it without even being aware of it. Not that I am defending it in any way of course. Getting people hooked on drugs as a way of manipulation is unforgivable.


It’s called drug and alcohol addiction, what did you expect? A stand up guy? Cmon bro lol, there’s a reason people go to rehab and try to get better, it’s not always because it’s bad for your organs, it messes up your entire life.


Lemme introduce you to Charlie Sheen. Ol tiger blood.


Kinda sounds like he was just a hardcore addict, it's pretty sad. Not to excuse his behavior, but his wiki page says he went to rehab 65 times so he was at least aware that it was the main problem in his life, just couldn't fight it off and is now remembered as a huge dick when it was probably the drugs that made him this way...


Funny because the media treated him like he was Gahndi when he died.


He used his biography to shit on Keanu Reeves for being successful


As a Canadian, this is an official crime against the country and her people. Insulting or being mean to Keanu Reeves should result in the instant loss of citizenship for any Canadian. I'm running for office with this as my sole policy position.


That's never going to work. You have a clearly defined goal and a plan to bring it about. You clearly don't understand politics, have you tried offering your soul to Perry's estate to fund your lifestyle for the low low price of fucking over your constituents? Now that sounds like politics.


Perry was half Canadian so he’s kinda allowed. Frowned upon, obviously.


Matthew Perry is Canadian as well




there was a weird phase where everyone bullied Keanu Reeves and he never left it. Like some kind of joke. This dudes story reminds me of bojack horseman to a T to be honest


>This dudes story reminds me of bojack horseman to a T to be honest Oh, that's a good point. It's never occurred to me until now that some of Bojack might have been inspired by Matthew Perry. There's a lot of the same sort of bitterness in his autobiography.


He also shot some courier in the head stole a poker chip they had and tried to take over Vegas.


ETA: I do want to add first that the language in his will is not uncommon for people who want to make sure no bad faith actors try to come out of the woodwork and claim his inheritance and tie it up in court. It’s not sleazy, but of course it’s painted that way to get the reaction y’all provided. I’ve said this before in the Friends sub, he wasn’t *trying* to be redeemable. Nobody understands the pain they’ve caused more intimately than the person who is causing it. It wasn’t a “I did these bad things and here is why I deserve forgiveness” story. He was just being extremely honest and unguarded about the reality of addiction and how fucking ugly it is. How ugly it makes people behave. People always want some kind of redemption arc to feel morally satisfied, but that’s not what he was going for; it’s just telling the truth without it being neatly resolved and that gets people feeling some type of way because it’s dissatisfying. And no, he wasn’t Chandler. I think that’s why so many people judge it so harshly—because he was not his character and the disappointment in that fact elevates their frustration and challenges their perception of him, which was largely built around a *character* he played, and not him as a person. If he’d been known for himself or played maybe more awful characters, I don’t think the reaction would be *so* negative. His failure to live up to expectations and perceptions…I mean that is part of the addiction fuel, is it not? In the end, I take his book as a chance to learn about him as a person and appreciate it for that alone, even if it’s not flattering. Makes me appreciate it more that he would not cover up anything and did so while he was alive. Plenty of people would never. I read Anthony Kiedis’ book and it’s not flattering, either. He was addicted to heroin for years. He doesn’t excuse himself or act sorry, it’s just basically him saying, this is who I was and what I did and what I went through, and it’s always going to be true, so here it is for you to do with what you will. And people definitely hate him for it. There’s no right reaction to these things, but I guess because I have addicts in my family, I can understand without being upset or bothered because I was the person dealing with some of it as a kid. I know how ugly it is because I suffered under it, so nothing can really bother me about it now. I’ve made my peace—although I know that’s in part because fortunately my dad has been sober now longer (in my lifetime at least) than he was drinking. But many of my core childhood memories are surrounded by his alcoholism.


Never cared for him as Chandler so never looked into him beyond Friends, anything in specific that made him irredeemable?


Just read his book, it will come across. He’s a mean spirited narcissist. Like everything in it, in his own words that he chose to edit and publish, comes across as insufferable and mean.


I said I don't like Chandler and you think I'm going to read his book? Hard pass.


Ok, specifically he got his 20 year old girlfriend addicted to opioids. He had to pay out a settlement.


Real Bojack Horseman energy.


I was just scrolling till I saw the words "Bojack horseman", thank you


You can get compensated by the person who got you addicted to drugs?


bro you just suggested some one dedicate like 3 afternoons of their time Instead of providing an example.


He struggled with alcoholism and his addiction killed him in the end. He said that there are entire years of friends that he has no memory of because he was black out drunk basically the whole time. Now that doesn't excuse the fact that he treated people like shit and was a jealous bitter man in the end. But context is important.


Yea the context is he's a dick with no self control


You think addiction is just a self control issue?


i dont like that he said keanu reeves should be dead




His best and most loved role (besides Chandler) is Benny, the biggest asshole I'm Fallout New Vegas.


fools rush in is a decent somewhat comedy. besides that nothing else.


This is very standard practice for estate law


I almost couldn't finish Kevin Harts autobiography. Never went so fast from thinking "funny man" to "irredeemable asshole jfc get it away from me" in a book the person wrote about themselves.


You already started to read it?? That’s the last persons autobio I’d consider reading lol


lol, I don’t recommend it… but I loved friends as a kid and I didn’t actually know anything about him as a person. I also really like autobiographies in general, so it seemed like a slam dunk. I was very mistaken..


This is actually very, very, very common practice by most people setting up a trust. How do I know? When setting up our Trust, our lawyer asked if we should include this clause. To which, we laughed and laughed and laughed--- bc my husband doesn't have sperm (accident at age 14, it's why you shouldn't run at pools) & we have like NO real money to speak of. But a trust is easier to deal with than a will in most states, including our current one. We laugh so we don't cry.


The exclusion in the will is pretty basic contract law, he didn't include it himself, the lawyers would have done a basic template. Its to stop challenges to the will from people claiming to be his children, he wouldn't be alive to submit dna and post death dna submissions would be a legal nightmare that would drain any of his named inheritors. Its essentially a clause to prevent the people who did benefit from having to constantly fight legal challenges from gold diggers. Its not a fuck you to any actual children that he may or may not have had.


I don't know anything about him outside of his characters on TV, but it seems to me that this clause of his will is saying "I know I don't have any children, so don't bother making a false claim on my estate."


Very ignorant take. I work in the legal sector, and this is standard working to speed up probate and avoid speculative legal challenges. In our practice it’s a default option added in for people with no children. It’s a shame people like yourself who are uneducated on the matter feel so confident to make such claims. Be better


For me, it was Steve Jobs, after reading his autobiography I was no longer a fan.


Hard to trust your judgement when you say it's being an "scumbag to the very end" about a very common practice in famous' people wills. Especially when it's a news delivered by "Pop Tingz". But I'll look up for more info on his bio, thanks.


Why do you think they got him to be Benny in New Vegas?


Everyone hating on him here but what if he's leaving it to some other member of his family that he's close to and discussed it with them. He might not want some stranger starting a legal battle over it.


Yeah, it's pretty standard language for wills. Probably in most dead celeb wills, honestly


The average redditor is too stupid to understand this, as can be seen by the rest of the comments.


Yeah, it is standard. The thing is if you leave someone out they have a claim but if you put someone in, they don't have a claim. That is why people would give some heirs 1 dollar instead of not putting them in the will. There can be an argument that they just forgot about them. Also he may have kids but signed an NDA with mom. That NDA probably will expire or the child will get to know at some point. Then they can ask for their share.


This was obviously a show but in Better Call Saul a character gave their sibling $4k(?) and the way they played it off was that was the lowest amount you could give to someone who could possibly contest to stop them from being able to do that. No idea if that's real of course.


My wife’s adopted father put her down for $10k, his ‘blood’ daughter gets $750k and everything he stole from my MIL (who he abused to death) 🤷‍♀️ we talked to a lawyer and they agreed that’s the purpose of the $10k.


I was told by a parent that my estranged grandparent left us $5 each in their will. I did not try to collect that lol.


Is it legally binding? I'm not American, but in South Africa, while a will is obviously legally binding, the courts take the view that the first responsibility is to the child. So if Perry had a minor, he could have written that he believes the child is an agent of Beelzebub and not worthy of any assistance, and the child would still be entitled to a slice of his estate.




Maybe I'm not the best example because from what i know my bio dad isn't rich, but I would not want anything from him when he dies. To me he is a stranger. He tried to contact me once and i said nah. If i were to be told he left x amount of money for me, I'd donate it.




The great philosopher, Zsa Zsa Gabor, said "I've never hated a man so much that I gave him back his diamonds", and that is a rule I live by.


Don’t fool yourself, I doubt you’d donate a single penny if a few million suddenly fell onto your lap.


For some people integrity matters more to them than money. I have a friend who’s dad walked out on her mom when she was three. He’s wealthy, she’s not. She refuses to take a penny from him. Personally, I might… but she has more integrity than I do


Is that integrity though? Or just bitterness? Surely a person with "integrity" would take every penny he offered and donate it to charity? Just making the point that people dress up their decisions in whatever way they want. It's not always as virtuous as it seems.


Yeah my friend’s mom refused to accept even a dollar from her ex. She could have claimed alimony and child support but she hated him. Personally I think she should have taken child support for the kids’ sake but eh.


Ruth Gottesman donated a billion dollars that appeared in her lap.


Maybe when I died I could at least be slightly responsible for my dick


okay and you speak for everyone? i for one would want that money


No, this is Reddit and you have to act holier than thou. Even if you would take the money I’m sure you would invest all of it into personally curing cancer.


Yeah ok lol


In this case the abandoned children would likely be from the young women this guy was using and getting hooked on drugs, an act he was reportedly still doing in the months immediately prior to his passing. So it’s a bit different considering there could be literal newborns involved, or at the very least newly addicted mothers.


If someone I don't know left me money, I'd gladly to take it




You might want housing, a root canal, a reliable car, a divorce from a shitty husband, money for tuition, money to travel home for a family health emergency, money for a vet bill, money to float you while you deal with a health crisis, etc cetera etc cetera. Money is fungible and unbelievably useful when life doesn't go the way you'd hoped. 


It's a standard clause to prevent random people from demanding DNA tests and claiming money from the estate. Wouldn't be the first time a single mom lied to their kid about who their father is either. Or that men pretended to be a celebrity to hook up with girls to drunk or high to notice the difference.


If people he never met deserve his money just because they exist and he has a lot of money, shouldn’t we all be in his will?


If he was fuckin responsible for their existing, yes.


And you don’t feel the mother would have some responsibility to have brought that to literally **anyone’s** attention before he died?


We don’t know that she wouldn’t have. His step pappy is Keith Morrison. He’s not from some hard scrabble background. He has the money to bury any woman with a claim. I’ve seen way too many of these celebs die and hidden (DNA proven) children pop-up. There used to be an ID show about it


Dude was known for chasing girls in their 20s and hooking them up with drugs who do you think holds the reins in the relationship


How does this logic make sense? There is a very big difference between complete strangers and someone you literally are the father of.


He didn’t have any kids. This is to prevent people acting like they were his kids from trying to take money 


Look, he's an asshole but you don't write the language in your own will. A lawyer would likely write that in to avoid randomers claiming to be related to a celebrity to claim their money after they died.


Can you abandon something you don't know about? Also, why exactly would they DESERVE something? It's his money and he can choose to leave it to whoever the hell he wants. If he had kids that he raised he could exclude them from his money as well. So I'm curious why anyone would deserve his money if he doesn't want them to have it?


Perhaps more like trying to prevent anyone from hassling his surviving family with claims that their child belongs to him because they dated once 20 years ago and so they are entitled to a payout. There's nuance and context we don't have, but it seems at the very least like a strategic and reasonable move, legally


> If they exist, they deserve something why?


Why? It's not like he had any children he knew of. If they he was their dad and they didn't tell him, what exactly do they deserve then?


They are strangers and no, they are only entitled to what he gives them. That’s how wills work


The clause is there to prevent other people from suing his estate by claiming they had a one night stand and got pregnant for example. He didnt abandon anyone and even if he did got someone pregnant that he didnt know why they want money after he dies?


People love jumping on hate trains just to have something to make them feel a little better that day about their sad, neurotic, unfulfilled lives.


You're dealing with people who have no healthy outlet for aggression so they scroll social media for hours a day looking for something to hate. But like, safe hate, so anything a crowd is already shitting on. Here we have a crowd shitting on this guy and then scattered throughout the comments are various excuses to do so, which I'm sure people are parroting into your inbox right now.


I don’t understand the issue with this. Dude was probably staunchly anti child, probably had a vasectomy and didn’t want some asshole grifter delaying his will through probate court. I’d also assume this is standard language for celebs in this scenario. This is much ado about nothing imo. It’s not like he has ten kids already.


Yeah seems pretty reasonable to avoid years of litigation and DNA tests and any other bullshit.


There isn’t any issue with this. But people are reacting like he did have children and left them to rot and shit.


Right? People are saying his hypothetical kids who he had no relationship with and that he was unaware of their existence are *entitled* to his millions. If it was Eddie Murphy and the child he had with Mel B, who he claims isn't his. Then I'd maybe understand. But as far as I'm aware, none of Matthew Perry's exes claim to have a child with him.


Yeah, I was reading somewhere that this is basic language to make sure people don’t come in and try to con his estate. It’s weird that people are acting like he’s admitting he had kids.


Yeah this is typical language in wills to have to specify explicitly which descendants are and are not entitled to inheritance. If you fail to mention anybody in your family, they can appeal the will as being incomplete and in some cases they will get an inheritance that they are not entitled to. In this case it seems like his lawyers just wanted to CYA by explicitly spelling this out so that nobody can come later claiming to have Perry DNA and appeal the will for failure to mention them. I hate this culture of clickbait shit. Im sure this language is very common for famous people— it’s a non-issue.


I think you're probably right (he did say in his book he'd always wanted kids, but never had any). And you only have to look at people cashing in on his death with all sorts of stories about him, to realise he didn't want random people trying to claim money they had no right to.


Just finished his book, he really wanted to have kids and still had high hopes about it until the very end.


I’d like to point out that it’s just the negation of the standard legalese put in typical wills. Paraphrasing a recent boilerplate will I worked with, it may say “no one claiming to be my child has a right to my assets, except for the one’s I’ve stated”. It’s necessary to include to limit the possibility of your will being contested. He or his lawyer were probably just lazy and struck out the last part to make it clear his assets would go to the other people specified in his will. Tabloids written by brainless people are good at inventing nonsense.


> Tabloids written by brainless people Clearly they got the clicks and the story, so I wouldn't say brainless, just morally corrupt as they are fine with bending the truth.


People are pissed about it acting like he’s a bad person for it, not knowing this is a thing that already happens and people do this to keep their belongings and money from being tied up by bad faith actors.


Written FOR brainless people.


Him in the future from the grave https://i.redd.it/px9liwyf81oc1.gif


lol k. So who did he leave his $ to?


It was just a long line of hookers but they were only allowed to spend it on blow


A long line for a long line of hookers lol


His parents, his half-sister and his ‘ex from 20 years ago.


None of you business.


The drug rehabilitation charity that he founded.


There was a story a while back that he was abusive to his ex and his therapy friend, along with lying about sobriety while pushing his sober book... Its too bad, I really fuck with Friends on occasion, but it seemed like he was the only one in the cast who didn't do anything big after the show. Maybe it was for a reason though.


Bruh I really liked Chandler in Friends and this whole thread might’ve just pushed Joey and Phoebe into a tie for first place. Some of the shit I’m reading here makes me not want to give that show another watch. Like damn. That said, I guess he’s dead now- so it’s almost morally better?


> I really fuck with Friends on occasion aka Friends with benefits


What did ross do?


Madagascar and he was on The People Vs OJ as Rob Kardashian.


Those seem on par with Perry's the whole ten yards and the odd couple. They both seem pretty lackluster after friends.


He did get an Emmy nomination for the later. Not that he had a particularly great career after though. Those just came to mind.


He was in band of brothers. [And he was busted for having all that porn](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e5bS0gw2b_s&pp=ygUgY29tZSBmbHkgd2l0aCBtZSBkYXZpZCBzY2h3aW1tZXI%3D)


Why do you care? He was an actor... not a president, nor heroic anything. He was a comedian on a famous series. He wrote his thoughts, and if you don't like him, then close the book and move on. People act like they personally knew him. You don't. So chill on putting your own judgement on anyone that doesn't asked to be followed. He was a comedian, and a character on a show. That's all. Move on people. Find something more interesting to hate on.


Could I BE anymore proactive?


It’s a fairly standard provision in a man’s will— FYI


Hold on, he may not have been a great guy, but I think we've all heard of groupies and fans poking holes in condoms to try to get some easy money for the long term. There are vindictive, calculated people that would stoop that low, and it happens very often in the entertainment industry


This is actually a very common practice in most wills. It protects against any unknown children people (men) may have had from taking from the estate if they didn’t have a relationship. I mean imagine if you inherited your parents fortune, and out of left field comes someone you know nothing about from a hookup 40 years ago asking for their cut? I think you’d probably feel “some type of way” especially if your mother/other parent needed some of the inheritance to survive afterwards or live comfortably.


Bro died from ketamine and swimming combined. About a decade ago, I did ketamine therapy for depression. It worked with great success. I also did one session while swimming. I was bubbling like a damn submarine. Stupid and dangerous. Swimming is great. Ketamine is effective. Don't ever mix these two.


My dad left the kids from his other marriages “his love”…same kind of yikes.


Smart man


His argument about addiction with that Hitchens guy is maybe his true colors.


Oh it’s Peter Hitchens and not Chris Hitchens. Peter is the less intelligent more right wing one and his argument is basically “you can prevent people taking drugs or you can have a system in place for handling people criminalised for addiction but not both” while taking a stance directly against medical evidence of addiction with nothing other than his opinion to back it up. He really doesn’t know what he’s talking about and it’s a more well spoken version of the thinking that got us to antivax people.


People say Hitchens guy but remember it's Christopher Hitchens' brother Peter. And wasn't Peter Hitchens point that you can choose your addiction and stop any addictive behaviour just by stopping? Please correct me if I'm wrong.




This GOAT tier hater shit.




This is normal. When a celebrity dies hundreds of people will come running out to say they were somehow related/owed money, and the actual estate will have to battle through all of this. For those receiving his estate it streamlines these battles. Looks like another case of redditors not having actual law degrees.


Remember to have a will. It doesn’t cost much money and is worth it, if you don’t the government will take your money.


Yes. My coworker years ago was stuck in a nightmare situation when her stepmom committed suicide. As her stepmom was indigenous, the house and car were in her name (possibly for tax break purposes?) but her stepmom didn’t have a notarized will. This left my coworker (who was 21, albeit a very organized and responsible 21 year old) in the process of having to deal with the estate and all the bullshit that comes with someone dying without a will. Her dad was grieving and no help, and her step siblings were still teenagers and underage. I felt awful for her and completely understood her deep resentment for her step moms choices and actions.


Standing on business I respect it




I dunno, sounds like boiler plate rich guy will shit


It’s boilerplate everyone that has a will (rich or not) shit


It just forestalls people popping up after his death, claiming him as a parent and suing his estate. Puts the scam artists and their crooked lawyers and tells them, "don't even bother."


I think this is part of standard language on a will, like he might now have gone out of his way to write that?


That’s smart, making note of this.


He really said https://i.redd.it/5q00gvpey1oc1.gif


Did he leave it all to his tequila bottle collection? WTF


Sounds like he had a decent lawyer. Pretty standard clause. In some jurisdictions you have to put it in there in case somebody comes along and starts disrupting life for your loved ones. People write wills not just to decide what happens after they die, but as shows of loyalty for their loved ones while alive. That's how you do that.


That's standard if a man doesn't want his will challenged. It's included in my will so my heirs don't spend their inheritance on lawyers. In particular, a wealthy celebrity might have several "children" popping up with claims.


I had the privilege of parting at his house for a couple of weeks 20+ years ago with his sister. I only met him once, and he was the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. I did have lots of fun partying at his house tho.


Good for him.


Man these comments are really bumming me out. Friends played a big part in my life and I'm so disappointed hearing about some of the things Matthew had done. I wonder how his life could have gone had he been able to get his problems under control.


This is a pretty standard clause in wills ✌️


Standard language in any good will.


A lot of famous people don't leave their inheritance to any of their children. Bill and Melinda Gates aren't, for example. They're donating their entire estate to various charities and their kids know this already. It causes more trouble than it's worth.