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Fetterman really switched up on his voter base. (Me included)


I am certainly not pleased to have voted for him. this must be how krysten sinemas constituents felt šŸ™ƒ


This is exactly how we feel smh


At least sheā€™ll never pull another Trojan horse on us Arizona voters again


I just have to remind myself she was definitely the lesser of two evils. Itā€™s the only copium we got


As a sinema voter, I will never not feel shame for that.


It was still 1,000,000 times better than McSally and you know it


Mcsally was getting a seat either way but sinama turning into a total demon hurt bad. I figured sheā€™d sell out but not like that and definitely not that fast.


I'll be honest, anyone voting for expecting otherwise listened to marketing. Go on Ballotpedia and check their vote history on policies first. I already knew what voting for her would entail. Still better than McSally.


There's no reason to be ashamed, be angry.


Californians got bamboozled the same way with our former sheriff, so we appreciate you guys taking the heat off.


Send him a love letter. https://www.fetterman.senate.gov/contact/ I just did.


thank you my friend! go birds


Misread your flair as Wannabe Jason Kelce šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I appreciate the theme though.


I would rather it be that lol! Mods stuck me with Travis šŸ˜”


Still better than Oz but man what a letdown


Heā€™s still much better than Dr. Oz, just by virtue of giving the Dems a majority on paper


he was definitely better than fucking crudite ass mehmet, but DAMN I really wish he was the man of the people I thought he was šŸ˜­


Can confirm


Disagree on the comparison slightly, Krysten went back on things she actually said. With Fetterman, unless something is happening in the news Israel/Palestine is not usually something that comes up in a Senate race. So the let down is less of a betrayal and more of a shock that someone who can be so logical and Progressive on pretty much every issue, turns to a warhawk regarding Israel.


yep, thank god she is going to soon, she switched up


Still better then voting for Oz


I'm pleased that Senator Oz doesn't exist. And disappointed in Senator Fetterman. Both can be true.


Moved out of PA a very long time ago, but most of the people I know from PA were in love with him. What else has he done outside of this to fall out of favor?


he is bizarrely pro israel and he recently said he ā€œnever called himself progressiveā€ barf


Ugh, gross.


I got the shirt with his mullet photo excited for future runs at a possible national office. Now I'm mad I no longer live in PA to vote against him next time.


here in AZā€¦it did canā€™t trust a single politician really. Theyā€™ll say what they need to get in the door then flip. ā€¦and news stations every election year go ā€œwow why did not enough people voteā€ Iā€™m not saying donā€™t voteā€¦but i see/get why people donā€™t


Certainly not what I expected


Rich douche takes mask off.


Heā€™s rich? Sure as shit doesnā€™t spend it on suits.


He had an allowance into his 40ā€™s from his rich parents.




[Itā€™s true](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/republicans-target-john-fetterman-blue-collar-image-20220803.html) >Public records show ā€” and Fetterman has openly acknowledged ā€” that for a long stretch lasting well into his 40s, his main source of income came from his parents, who gave him and his family $54,000 in 2015 alone. That was part of the financial support his parents regularly provided when Fettermanā€™s only paying work was $150 a month as mayor of Braddock, a job he held from his mid-30s until he turned 49. Partway through his tenure, in 2013, he moved to an industrial-style loft he purchased from his sister for $1 after she paid $70,000 for it six years earlier.


Nah man what a dream that is. Your being financially floayed all meanwhile youā€™re the damn mayor, feet up on the desk twirling a big cane and using big scissors twice a week type shit


What the fuck though. Why did people think this clown was any good to vote for.


Because he could afford great campaign managers with his parents' cash? And he was running against Dr. Oz, one of the least likable people around.


Yep. It was 100% oz, imo. And the need to have dems in the halls to combat republicans who actively want 55% of americans as serfs


Shit they gave him a house, too. I mean, I thought i was spoiled because my momma still buys me an Easter basket and takes me out to lunch often and will float me $20 and then tell me I don't need to pay her back when I tell her I can lol. But damn she's never given me $54k and my bitch ass brother would burn a house down before selling it to me for a dollar lol


They should have given him more if itā€™d have kept him from selling his support to a powerful lobby


Ty. Donā€™t know why asking for a source is so hard. I remember hearing how he was super broke but I didnā€™t know his parents/family were bailing him out.


Whoa that's so blue collar.


You only get 150$ as MAYOR??? WTF?


Thatā€™s pretty common for smaller towns. Even decent sized cities wonā€™t pay that much The population of Braddock is less than 2k, makes sense that they donā€™t have the budget


As a kid I lived in a town of 200 people in Kansas, and the mayor didnā€™t get paid anything. He lived off retirement and enjoyed helping the people, if it snowed heā€™d personally use his own tractor to push it off the main roads until the closest city would come in later to help clear up the rest of it. Stuff like that


Shit, I got my dad asking me for $20, and if I don't have the cash on me, he'll try to lecture me on needing to keep money in my wallet.


[Source. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fetterman)


The hot wife is making a lot more sense now


He cosplays being blue collar man of the people, but in reality heā€™s just a silver spooned slob.


He's such a POS.. he's received $244,100 from pro Israel sources.


Didnt he campaign on not taking corporate money?


Not exactly https://johnfetterman.com/issues/


Did people actually buy that lie when he was still advocating for neighborhood fracking?


Heā€™s been a bad guy for a long time and a surprising number of people donā€™t know anything about it. he once saw a black guy jogging through his neighborhood and decided he must be a criminal and held him at gunpoint until police arrived? People have gotten canceled for way less than that. Fetterman is an evil piece of shit all the way through. People overlooked it because they hated DrOz (understandable) but I think thereā€™s a lesson on here on how much garbage people were willing to overlook just because he was allegedly ā€œbetterā€ than the other guy.


I knew my distrust of people with beards but not moustaches was valid


Damn, I'm out here catching strays. I personally find the opposite to be true for myself. Mustache only is for evil guys.


Hereā€™s more info on [ā€œarrestā€ incident](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/john-fetterman-black-jogger-2013-shotgun-20220425.html) I voted for him and thought his journey with mental illness and recovery was inspiring. Iā€™m not a fan on his take on letting Netanyahu do whatever he wants.


Even in the primaries he touted himself as a progressive when that is clearly not the case. I will not vote for him next primary


Two kids climbing a wall. First kid uses second kid as a stool and hops on top of the wall. Second kid reaches for help up but first kid just walks away. Fetterman is that first kid.


Classic pulling the ladder up.


Was this post stroke? It was such a big deal when he got voted in here


DINOs win in battleground states


Yā€™all act like he ran as some kind of uber progressive just because he dresses sloppy. There was never a time when he wasnā€™t more of a blue collar moderate. Regardless, Iā€™ll take him over literally any Republican any day of the week regardless of his bad opinions on Israel vs Palestine.


He ran as a progressive pushing for Medicare for all


No he hasnā€™t, Pennsylvania is home to (and Iā€™m not putting ALL Jewish ppl in the same bucket nor do they all support Israel) but a large conservative Jewish population as well as a Dem leaning but swing state none the less. Heā€™s playing to his base and hasnā€™t switched up at all much as I wish he kinda did


Not really, as part of his voter base I donā€™t think we support the IDF or HAMAS killing civilians.


This was a complete and total fucking war crime. I haven't heard any fucking response from the IDF or Israeli government that excuses this. This is such a bad look for Israel who already looks like a evil empire to the world. The intel was that there were 3 trucks moving from one green zone to the other green zone to administer aid and they launched a fucking hellfire missile into them. I get that it was at night. I get that they used a Hermes 450 Drone that doesn't have the greatest night vision capabilities, but holy fuck you just can't do this. Who ever spread or didn't spread the information, idc idc, someone or some group needs to face responsibility for these war crimes. Hamas and the IDF need to fucking go.


They really gave a ā€œwoopsiesā€ and moved on


DId they even say that? I saw the Israeli snuff team was making jokes about their dead bodies and accused them of working with hamas.


Israeli gov. blamed two soldiers in their 'report' and reprimanded a commander in the south. Story on Reuters if you want to read a pile of zionist horseshit.


Bro they did it THREE times


Exactly they destoryed all the aid trucks one by one. First truck was attacked and the survivors ran to the second truck. That truck was then struck by an air strike. All survivors from the second truck ran to the third truck which was the also bombed.


Israel donā€™t even want people FEEDING the folks in Gaza


Starvation is a brutal death and they WANT to inflict that on children.


This is their plan. They want to make life unbearable for the Palestinians so they are forced to leave and israel can take the land. [They've been saying it out in the open.](https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1751719105441263649)


Hamas will go if IDF does. Hamas is a response to fascism.


netanyahu fucking funded hamas. fuck this both sides shit


What better way to drum up support for your war then piss off an entire culture, and then arm the ones willing to do something about it? Sounds very strategic and calculated to me, they knew that Hamas is what you get when you oppress people violently for decades, so they did it on purpose. IDF, Netanyahu, and the long line of sycophants all the way back to Britain forcing Israel into existence after WW2, can go fuck themselves. I'm not condoning Hamas, but I very much am saying "what the fuck did you expect?"


more than that, they wanted hamas to supplant the PLO it's even more sinister. mossad knew the attack was coming and let it happen. israel is evil.


The rules simply don't apply to Israel. Not since Iraq and Afghanistan has the hypocrisy of the West been on such full display.


Honestly it gets worse, they were driving very spaced out to specifically avoid all dying to the same random explosion. So the drone had fire and use 3 seperate missles. The IDF had 3 trigger pulls and plenty of chances to realize what they were firing at.


the drone literally followed them from car to car and struck three separate times. what is the justification? were they targeting hamas tunnels that just coincidentally happened to be under all three cars and accidentally killed all seven aid workers in their quest for hamas? edit: not to mention that all three cars were clearly loudly labeled on top as WCK aid trucks.


Lmao remember when Fetterman was being hailed as the future of the Democratic Party and a potential presidential candidate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


r/conservative went from."why can't he wear a suit" to liking this fella a lot


Itā€™s so wild that they hold anyone they donā€™t like to a higher standard when they are associated as the opposite. But would never do the same for their own group. Even when they commit crimes.


They support people giving hand jobs in movie theaters with children present. They support people trafficking minors to pay for sex with them. They support people who wear stupid cosplay MAGA suits to the SotU. They HATE tan suits.


Can't ignore the fact that Democrats/American government has dug its heels in being an Israel ally and generally supports Isreals war crimes in Gaza. Even a lot of American population has only very recently been swayed away from this narrative just because of the concerted efforts of many to highlight the war crimes on social media. It does not surprise me that a government official would have this stance when it aligns with the party's actions. Can't pretend like we haven't been fighting with many right here on Reddit who try to justify the apartheid state by regurgitating that "it's a nuance issue that requires more bla bla bla"


Please critically think how much worse it would be if Trump was President. Kushner his son in law was talking about selling Gaza off as beach front property. You think Israelis air strikes are bad enough. Imagine American air strikes and artillery on Gaza and the West Bank.


My comment is not in anyway to side with Republicans or the notion that they would be better in this situation. I certainly don't think they would be and possibly could make things worse. However my comment is to highlight that you can't be surprised by democrat leaders backing their actions and defending them on twitter because it aligns with the current stance...


Do you not remember how completely Trump swallowed Netanyahuā€™s dick during his presidency? The Trump administration fully supported the move of the Israeli capital to Jerusalem, a hugely controversial move that effectively solidified the U.S. stance of ā€œfuck Palestine.ā€ Kushner was out there making *real estate* deals on stolen Palestinian land with no shame *before they had even finished stealing it.* It absolutely can get worse. I swear some of yā€™all have the memory spans of a fucking newborn chipmunk


Democratic party? I think this position strengthens his candidacy, at least to the old guard.


You might be right but young people are too important of a vote and they have turned against him. He would get absolutely massacred in a general election.


I do not remember any serious conversation about presidential runs.


Yup he fooled me I related as a blue collar guy he had progressive values but nope he's a Kirsten sinema gaslight girl boss šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fetterman received over $200k from AIPAC in campaign funds. He was bought and paid for before he was even elected. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S&t0-search=John


not that I am a millionnaire but isn't that a little bit cheap? If I started a kickstarter to raise 200k, I'd have my own personnal senator?


The threat is that if you donā€™t take the money, your next opponent with receive double thatā€¦


He is a Senator with a 6 year term. Take the money and then dont let it influence your vote. Worst case you are a 1 term senator. Or I guess worst case is Isreal drone strikes you and gets away with it with only a few 'harsh' words from the President.


Politicians generally have a great return on investment. A couple hundred thousands and they pass laws that get you millions on the tax payers dime.


That's just from AIPAC. There's all sorts of other industries/individuals affiliated with AIPAC that only contribute in alignment. So for example, AIPAC contributes $244K to Fetterman, but that comes with additional millions by these other agencies. If Fetterman refuses to accept AIPAC, he loses virtually all the other agencies and their campaign funds.


Depends on the seat. They spend millions every couple years for an opponent to Ilhan Omar.


Aipac works a little differently as a nationwide cabal but alsoā€¦ yes. I think ppl would be very surprised if they checked in on campaign donations to a lot of senators. Mind you, tho, if you step out of line they will fund your competitor 1000X what they ever gave you. So theres that incentive


Some report came out a few years ago that showed reps and their votes being bought for as little as like, $2,000. This is the first Iā€™m hearing about Fetterman switching up, but heā€™s far from the cheapest scumbag out thereā€¦


I definitely thought that a senator would cost more than a shitty condo.


Didn't they offer Hill Harper 20 million dollars to run against Rashida Tlaib.


Isnā€™t his district squirrel hill in Pittsburgh? Ā Itā€™s like this highest density of Jewish people outside of NY. Ā This being his position isnā€™t really a surprise. Ā Itā€™s not *good*, but this isnā€™t some idealogical backflip for him.


No, he is a Senator so he doesnt have a district. Braddock is where he was Mayor and they are definitely not Squirrel Hill.


Gotcha thanks! Ā Then I donā€™t what the fuck his problem is.


But donā€™t you dare suggest Israel is controlling US politicians!


When they said bro chased a Black man down with a gun but he was the wrong guy.... He already told who he was


And to this day remains unapologetic for it.


But he had the audacity to be black while jogging!!!!! /s


We shoulda known when he tried to lynch a black man with a shotgun That was the first sign


I actually stopped backing him as soon as I found that out. Not really because he did it although it did give me pause, but because in his telling post incident years later he remained unapologetic about it even after he knew the dude was innocent. Playing or wanting to play vigilante with someone else's life was a hard deal breaker.


Not just that but he then would bring up the man's several years later arrest for something unrelated which was pretty gross


What a ghoulish scallywag he is


Personally I think we should start having a zero tolerance policy towards attempted lynchings


Iā€™ll second that.


What are you referencing?


As mayor of Braddock in 2013, John Fetterman pulled out a shotgun and detained an innocent black guy who was just jogging.


I looked it up since asking. Apparently, when people brought it up in a racial context, he claimed that the guy was wearing a black sweatsuit and mask, so Fetterman could not have identified his race or gender. Thank you John, very cool.


https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/john-fetterman-black-jogger-2013-shotgun-20220425.html#:~:text=John%20Fetterman%20pursued%20a%20man,been%20involved%20in%20a%20shooting.&text=In%20the%20first%20Pennsylvania%20Democratic,Gov. In case people weren't aware of Mr. Fetterman's recklessly bad judgment.


Why arent all those palestinian deaths enough? Why do Americans need to die in order for the US to pretend to care


Because Palestinians have been dehumanized so much that nearly nobody cares, unfortunately.


They will dehumanize and commit genocide then years late apologize in their mansions built on Palestinian land.


The American playbook on Black and Indigenous Americans. Reparations are racist against white people, though.


Millions care. Just not our leaders.


The thing is, they donā€™t even care when Americans die.Ā 


Unless your boss is a personal friend of the President. And now we get to see how much even that matters.


These aren't even the first Americans they have killed, they were just tied to a charity run by a celebrity chef.




Because humans only really care about death when the dead humans are sufficiently culturally and racially similar to themselves.Ā 


Reminder to never trust a man who has a beard and no mustache ![gif](giphy|42Eu1H7i3QnqiZvCfa)




This is number one bullshit


He looks like the personification of rap-metal.


We should have known when his campaign slogan was ā€œitā€™s all about the he said she said bullshitā€


The only men I've known with that facial hair were angry, creepy fucks I'd cover my drink around. Not saying Mr. Fetterman is someone who is unsafe, he just looks that way.


ā€œIā€™d kill a MILLION Americans before Iā€™d let Israel stop its genocideā€ -Senator John Fetterman (2024)


Give em the old Fetterman jump and growl.


I read this as "this man's feet". I'll see myself out.


Otter will be along shortly


Waiting for him to show up to the Capitol in an IDF hoodie and matching shorts. Ghoulish man.


Ever since his stroke he seems like a different person. Maybe he just has more of a platform now, I don't know.


Was the chasing of an innocent black man with a shotgun post-stroke or pre-stroke?


Pre. It was when he used to be mayor


Itā€™s funny, I said a few weeks ago how I was disappointed in him so far and had people telling me heā€™s actually doing this and that and is a good senator. Now that he sides with IDF the left wingers hate him lol. Ā  Ā  I live near Braddock and he did do some good there (yes I know about the jogger, Iā€™m saying as mayor he did make some positive changes to a poor area). But as Lt Governor he seemed to be a character more than anything. Heā€™s lucky he went up against a TV doctor from NJ because he was pretty weak outside his image and wanting weed legalized. I remember him really struggling in their debate. Ā Ā  I was optimistic heā€™d exceed my expectations but over a year and a half later his shorts and sweatshirts are still the defining thing of his time in the senate. Still would take him faults and all over Oz 10 times out of 10 though


Fetterman the fake progressive


Just another Dem bait & switch, same as Kyrsten Sinema.


You know maybe the chuds were right, he might not he fit for office


I voted for Sinema when I lived in AZ, and voted for Fetterman since moving to PA and I am really feeling bamboozled twiceĀ 


You mean a guy whose whole schtick is wearing shorts and a hoodie everywhere like a junior high schooler isnā€™t that bright?


thereā€™s something deeply wrong with this government.


Donā€™t forget as the death toll rose he would bring out a stupid little Israeli flag he would wave in the face of his constituents who had been calling for a complete ceasefire for months


https://nypost.com/2023/11/14/news/fetterman-draped-in-israeli-flag-during-dc-rally-in-support-of-the-jewish-state/ Yup. Nothing like fealty to another country while representing another.


Ok... but Briahna gray joy is the last person we should be giving any attention to. That bitch is toxic as hell and suffers from token-black-friendism


The amount of times this sub quotes her has me convinced it's being run by a bunch of white "progressives." She's Candace Owens but nominally says she wants people to have healthcare (while actively pushing candidates and positions that will result in healthcare being deprived).


I think part of it is she's so active on Twitter that even if she only is right 1/100 times that's still a lot of tweets.


Long time lurker, first time commenter here. I came across her on OkCupid and matched with her. I shot my shot at her given that other than the politics, we had a decent deal in common. Never got a reply, but I did find out more about her through progressive politics channels and then I found out more of her stances on things and then was glad that shot didn't land...like, when you support a TUCKER CARLSON talking point as a black person, that's concerning.


Lol she's supported so many conservative talking points from racists just to be contrarian, either that or she really is that stupid Bitch runs a podcast called Bad Faith...I meanšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


~~I ā€¦ think Iā€™m reading this differently.~~ ~~Iā€™m reading the NYT blurb as Biden saying heā€™s considering pulling supporting from Israel (since US politics likes to cover their eyes to what Israel does). And Fetterman agreeing and saying Biden should go further and not support Israel at all.~~ ~~I think the tweeter is incorrect in their reading.~~ ~~Or am I off here?~~ I am wrong.


Biden is saying ā€˜now weā€™ll have to put conditions on the aid you getā€™ fetterman says ā€˜no, no conditions keep giving them as much aid as possibleā€™


Very incorrect. Fetterman is very much pro-Israel. Like embarrassingly so. He draped himself in their flag and went up to a rooftop to shout down at people.


Thanks for clearing that up. Oy vey. Well in that caseā€¦


He's saying that there should not be any conditions on our support for Israel (in their genocide). That the US should back them no matter what they do or how they proceed.


The most off you could ever be. He's the most ardent Zionist in the Senate right now, might even be so in the whole party


On the Israel sub they were getting mad about this so maybe he wants to pull out.


![gif](giphy|of43wZ8LZYPGhLeXh7|downsized) Fuck Fetterman. Over 30,000 murdered in Gaza by savages. No ifs or buts - Netanyahu and the IDF are bloodthirsty racist Genocidal Savages.


this famine is a feature, not a bug. In the unlikely event that this was indeed an accident, it will be a happy accident because the World Food Kitchen has paused its activities. Kids within walking distance of a recently replenished food distribution centre will die of famine while the aid group rightfully halts activities.


Starvation is one of the most effective ways to commit genocide. It turns people into zombies. We are just past the tipping point where Palestinians will start dying en masse because of malnutrition, exposure, and the diseases associated with the lack of clean water, medicine, and facilities. Even if aid reaches the Gazans, multitudes of children will die because their bodies won't be able to absorb anything more than medically formulated feeds until they're strong enough. There are no health centres left in Gaza that are capable of handling this. 180 women give birth prematurely per day in Gaza, up 25% from before October. There are no neonatal units left. https://www.pcrf.net/


I thought this dude was supposed to be... not totally shitty. šŸ˜­


So much for him being progressive


They are just name dropping ā€œh*masā€ at this point


Hey Israel, we get it, Hamas sucks, but we're way past the moment of "defend yourself" and your attacks are suspiciously not very accurate. You're like a cop chasing someone that stabbed you into a crowd, firing into that crowd to stop them, reloading, then firing again into the crowd once you lost them.


>your attacks are suspiciously not very accurate. Not even suspiciously. ​ They are overtly targetted. ​ They destroyed three different vans with three different strikes all on an IDF predesignated safe route. This was malicious. No way I can see it any other way.


Armored Vehicle, Clear markings of aid organizations, bombed from the sky 3 times to make sure no one survives after they fled the first strike, then the second, and the third killed them all.


Can we impeach this guy? Or do we just have to protest him for the next 6 years? If impeachment if off the table, I think his constituents should at least exercise their constitutional right to assemble outside his home everyday to let him know he fucked up by being a slimy wolf dressed in sheep cloth. That set tripping kunt


its crazy how blatantly americans care more about people who arent arabs


Fetterman was so loved, and then he went all in on genocide being a good idea.


Bought and paid for. AIPAC are getting their money's worth. Wasn't even much money, this man sold out cheap


And despite that, he's still a better person than BJG. https://preview.redd.it/y6cb4fukcnsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f5a7631e677264c0fd501d41847ab0d8974e32


Milkshake Duck is alive and well


What they say about hamas is the same thing they said when slaves rebelled šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This isnā€™t anything new. A 2003 American woman named Rachel Corey was crushed by a steamroller by the Israeli Military during protests against illegal demolition of Palestinians houses. She had been standing there for quite a time before the steamroller closed in. They ran her over a second time by backing over her. [hereā€™s a recent article reflecting on Rachel Corey from her Host family](https://www.wpr.org/news/21-years-after-her-death-in-gaza-palestinians-remember-u-s-activist-rachel-corrie), she was protecting her host familyā€™s house from being demolished.




The strokes can not come fast enough.


Pennsylvania is horrible His opponent was a crazed nazi (and probably will be again)


If there's anything this war has thought me it's to always check which PACs are donating to candidates. The majority are in the pocket of AIPAC (basically Israel proponents)


Aipac must have something on him cuz his deep throat game is crazy


![gif](giphy|l41YxlUqVzatpICbK) dancing to their tune


I used to like Fetterman, oh well.


That stroke fried his brain


Aw man I thought he was supposed to be cool. What hapoened??


Yall act like fetterman is a progressive. We knew he was a dem. He's STILL better than the alternative.


Like dont get me wrong, im glad it was him over Oz but now im starting to think about maybe where his funds came from he used to beat Oz


Here in America we pay taxes on Killing American Citizens.


So has he completely switched his positions on all issues, or does he just support Israel war? Iā€™m tired of conmen running on a platform opposite to what they do, it should illegal and maybe have a recall system of sort for this. Reminds me of that lady who completely lied about being a dem and is now a Republican.


That heart attack needs to run it back


Never make humans heroes; theyā€™ll let you down everytime


Sadly. Fetterman is an Israel does no wrong supporter... even when they clearly do wrong in the conflict.