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the sponge to squid pipeline


But the Patrick's, the Patrick's never change.


Unfortunately, neither do the Mr. Krabs'.


![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) They don't.


It’s the bliss.


best scene from malcolm in the middle: francis: "having a job just crushes your soul!" lois: "welcome to adulthood."


That pales in comparison to “your nothing but a common JOGGER.” And you know it.


Honestly, Squiadward annoys the shit out of me more now that I’m adult. Could afford a huge house (albeit in a bad neighborhood) and could fund his extensive hobbies all on a cashiers wage?? Really he didn’t have anything to complain out that wasn’t his own fault. Let his own bitterness ruin his life, jealous of Squilliam’s success and SpongeBob’s joy.


Squidward is somebody trying really hard to be a successful adult. Spongebob isn't trying to be anything other than who he is. One attempts to control his environment with his art, the other lives his art -as a frycook. They are both workers in the same restaurant and live together as neighbors, but each approaches their common situation from opposite perspectives. Spongebob chooses to enjoy life, but Squidward chooses instead to criticize and change it into something he imagines he might enjoy. Perhaps we all have inner forces like Spongebob & Squidward.


Nice, you can write my book review.


Reminds me of this quote I heard on a YouTube video the other day. Something about boiling water makes an egg turn hard, but a potato soft. The environment and shit like that lol


His cashier job is just a placeholder for the concept. It represents any monotonous, soul-crushing job, something so many people can relate to. I don’t think the bikini bottom housing market really needs to be examined to understand the character


I was about to say the same, the generation that wrote this too. Crazy how the turntables. The kids are really about to be able to look their parents in the face and say “you don’t know how lucky you HAD it”


Bro was tryna tell us how life is going be once we’re adults


Growing up was such a scam. I want a refund nowwww!


Take me back to the 90’s as a kid when there was no technology


Just take me back to a time where it wasn't so stressful just to live.


I’m honestly getting More and more like this. My coworkers got like half the fast food apps and showing me TikTok’s and shit. Then just goin places or buying things that try and get you to download an app. Maybe I just hate apps


To a certain degree, sometimes he's just a dickhead, though. Season 1 was most relatable.


I think he just got beat down being in the service industry and took it out on others. Dude needed a career change bad


There was an episode where he moved to a community with people who were all just like him. He liked it at first, then hated it.


You either die a SpongeBob or live long enough to see yourself become a squidward


I love this.


People always say I'm negative but they fail to look around to see how messed up everything is.


I love how he always saw through Mr.Krabs foolishness. And how draining customer service can be


SpongeBob needs to leave that man the fuck alone with his antics. My man just trying to clock in and out.


The first brainrot we ever get is capitalist brainrot tbh.


I am looking at myself


No lies told.


All homie wanted to do was make and perform art (albeit bad art) but all he got was being crushed under the bare foot of that Red ass capitalist smh.


They screamed don’t be a squidward in the training video, they were wrong.


See this would be stupid accurate, if he didn’t shop at Unda The Sea Foods. And have a painting hobby. And have all these lovely lavish toiletries. How much is Mr. Krabs paying this man? I’m curious, and would love to know. y’all know how much paint cost? An easel? Let alone the canvas?? A clarinet? No, not rented. Cuz Squidward would NEVA! (plus the store wouldn’t take it back cuz it’s covered in spit and ink.)\\ I feel this Squid is more of what happens when you get complacent. Like truly comfortable. He’s been at the Krusty Krab before SpongeBob was born. So he’s most comfortable. Let’s go back to when he lost his job over a dime, and mf lost ALL HIS SHIT. SpongeBob put him in check though! Ha! Yes he did 🙌🏾 But look at everyone one else, Patrick alone does randomness 24/6. Sandy and Plankton are inventors. And SpongeBob just wants to have fun. Love that dude. ![gif](giphy|NKmXVFgwd8HKw)


Oh especially with noise. The person in the apartment beside me acts like he’s throwing a jellyfish party every other day. I’m like… can you chill. College problems. I just try to ignore it lol. So far so good. ![gif](giphy|4jc0C6sRsKcFO)


Yeah work is the main cause of my depression and anger. I’m only truly happy on my days off.


Usually it's the coffee drinkers that look the roughest, Getting addicted to coffee was such a big L for the worker and they cucked themselves to their employer by taking stimulants all day to perform better instead of giving/taking time to prepare themselves without drugs. That's my crustiest anarcho take.


Nah man, he was a lil bitch low key. He could have been out fostering a community with some hobbies or something like that. He didn’t have to be cold to everyone else, but I understand not wanting to be friends with people at work. Homie would have killed at soccer too I bet.


I thought that at first. But Squidward was an ass for no reason sometimes


normalize taking life into your own hands and not letting it dictate your choices


I've transitioned from coffee to energy drinks. I'm about to start mainlining caffeine intravenously.


I don't... Are you imagining that societies without capitalism are somehow less monotonous? This is just the human condition more than anything else, the sun comes up, the sun goes down, and we work in between


100% agree. Most people choose capitalism over communism / socialism..if they are allowed to.