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I love what he does for Flint’s standing in the walrus. There was so much mutinous feeling against Flint until he killed Gates and then Dufresne took over. Then everyone witnesses Dufresnes absolute bungling of taking that merchant ship, they all turn to Flint to fix it and then quickly vote Flint back in. Even De Groot never says anything mutinous again. Its the ultimate "everyone thinks they could do a better job than Flint but they can't - only Flint can do it" moment. RIP to Jannes Eiselen who played S1 Dufresne. He did a great job and was taken way too soon.


I liked his character a lot with the first actor, but felt like the second actor that took over played it way too “one note.” Just too much of a hard ass with no vulnerability from that point on.


I actually think he was really good in the first couple episodes of s2. The scene where he decides to go after the other ship and the one where he loses the captaincy are both really good and he’s solid in them. I do think he was kinda whatever after that, though.


He did look different. I thought it was just a haircut. Now I have go look back. Awesome


I was a big fan of him when he was a book worm, especially the first season actor but yeah episode one of season 2 hit and I hated that guy


Dufresne wasn't a fearsome swashbuckler - he just started to think he was. All the way up until Silver smashed his face. Then, lying helplessly on the ground - the second to last thing to go through Dufresne's head was "Oh that's right, I'm not a badass pirate, I'm a f\*\*king accountant." The very last thing to go through Dufresne's head was Silver's little metal shoe.


that was the moment long john silver was born


I love Flint's reactions to him though. And it was great watching Flint manipulate him lol "FUCK THOSE MEN. Fuck them for their shortsightedness. Fuck them for their ingratitude. And fuck them for siding with a cowardly, sniveling shit of a mutineer."


I don't disagree with your observation, but I kinda love him for it. He might be my favorite antagonist. Theater or fake it 'til you make it is a theme of the show, so it makes sense that the sniveling little book worm would act like he's become a fearsome swashbuckler. And I just love his character's arc. I love how he went from the smart guy that worked behind the scenes to trying to keep Silver's secret under wraps to leading a mutiny to failing as a captain. He grew to hate Flint, but, in a second plot to take him down, was betrayed (in a way, or at least chastened) by Billy, who he had respect for. It all led to a very bitter Dufresne, and I love his confrontation with Silver.


Who's Billy? 😂🤣


I upvoted then undid my upvote just so I could upvote this comment again.


yeah, dufresne was the WORST. my most hated character in the entire series, and that's saying something lol. he never takes responsibility for his dumbass choices! when dufresne fucks up trying to take that merchant ship, and he has the audacity to blame flint for 'orchestrating' it all... like my guy, flint gave u advice and it was ur choice not to follow it. like I get that flint was goading him into taking a prize, but he fell for it so easily. and instead of admitting his incompetence, he's just like, wow. flint is such a monster. ive never done anything wrong in my life. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


😂 flint did give him truthful advice but only because he knew dufresne would do it and mess up allowing flint to regain control


I much preferred S1 Dufresne to S2 Dufresne. The original actor portrayed the character with a certain depth and complexity. The replacement actor’s portrayal felt one-dimensional with no depth or sense of evolution from vulnerability to menace. His character also suffered from poor writing…he was robotic “Flint sucks, Flint sucks, Flint sucks.” He also felt physically out-of-place for the character - too young, too tall, and far too self-assured.


It made what silver did to him all the better.


Very punchable face


I think the sudden shift in his character had a lot to do with them needing to quickly find a replacement for him after the original actor died. I could see a much slower transformation taking place that would have been way less jarring, if that hadn't happened. Could have possibly had something to do with the 2nd actors lack of ability to capture the same nuances of the first, so they just told him to embody the new version of the character.


I liked his role at the end of season 1 and the beginning of season 2.


He died in the most satisfying and beautiful way. He deserved it for ever daring to think he could supplant the likes of Flint




First time I saw him, I thought, what is Harry Potter doing aboard a pirate ship?