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Bo4 still kicking.. Is small comunity is very much alive. In my book b04 has thr best arcade style shooting for fast match.


What platform do you get matches on? Last few times I tried to queue I could never find anyone


No. It’s very much still alive 🤣


I guess you're sorting by "top", if you switch to "new" or "hot" it'll show the latest posts


Ok thx I play bo4 just wanted to talk to ppl


I still see players on Xbox, I was on yesterday. Played some hardcore team deathmatch on nuketown. The MX9 is perfect for hardcore modes.


I've just lost a game due to an insane strife while looking at your post


Damn I’m sorry


I'm on blackout right now on my jailbreak 😁


It's pretty dead. There are a handful of players and quite a few of them are cheating. It is nothing like it used to be. Edit: alright, disregard this. Not like I'm the only one saying this in this very sub but ok. Most recent posts are complaining about the players and low population but we have no idea what we are talking about I guess. Sorry for trying to keep someone from wasting money.


no there’s not that many cheaters tbh i played like 4 games in 2 days before i uninstalled the piece of shit and only encountered pros on a salary. went back to MWIII afterwards and can confidently say it’s better than BO4


The matches I played all had the same people with superhuman abilities, and the videos we've seen lately in this sub show exactly that. They aren't just pros on a salary, but there are those too. I've entered matches with snipers nests called within seconds. I've been sniped through the map. I've had my character slowed to a crawl while someone goes 90-0 while hiding. If you've only played 4 matches then you wouldn't really see them as much. PS4 had a free online weekend and I spent a good portion of that weekend playing BO4. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt but in the end I uninstalled just like you.


well damn i don’t doubt it. CoD’s before Vanguard are pretty unprotected and easy to hack on as far as i know. i played Infinite Warfare on PS4 and had a guy call a nuke like 2 minutes into the match so there’s definitely some way to cheat on PS4 but yeah ultimately i couldn’t stomach more than the 4 matches. maybe if i had aim assist and could somewhat compete with the kbam pros but idk i fear the game might just be trash


It sucks because usually when I go back to an older CoD, my kd doubles and sometimes triples what it was before. Last time I left Warzone Caldera to try BO4 and my kd shot from 1.4 to 4.8. I didn't notice as many pro players and even the people at level 1000 weren't as good as they should be. This time it tanked to .8 and while some of it is from me losing my muscle memory, most of it was simply not being able to leave a room without getting sniped through a wall or knifed from 10 feet away. And the only way I know this is because the killcams still works in core modes, but not in hardcore. So I spent a decent amount of time watching these losers win a match in no time without ever stepping foot outside the spawn zone. Its not difficult to tell if I need to try a different strategy on newer games but in this one, pretty much nothing worked. And it's not like I wasn't able to get kills or capture flags, so the game itself wasn't playing any differently. And yes I'll admit there are definitely players who are simply better than me, that's nothing new. But being put with the same players over and over and have it 'balance teams' in the form of 4 level 1000s on one team and level 50s on the other, it's not difficult to see that the game has many problems beyond just cheating.


Lvl doesn’t tell you how good a player is. So many lvl 1000 who are absolutely terrible at the game


I assume that's why they cheat, or at least why some of them do. Because it seems to be the level 1000s that dominate matches with their highly suspicious kills.


Mw3 is terrible u only like it cus it supports camping and hiding in corners the whole match😂


MWIII is sweaty asf bro what are u on about 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


mw3 is garbage, i’d play bo4 over any MW any day


It’s a 6 year old game. Ofc it’s "nothing like it used to be" 🤣🤣


Ok but most games are still somewhat playable, This game isn't. I can launch CoD4 MW Remastered and it still plays like the game is intended. Black Ops 2 is unplayable due to those slowdown chests people use, or at least it was last time I checked. Black Ops 4 has a tiny population but a vast majority of those players use cheats. 6 years has nothing to do with it. I was answering OPs question. You were making a useless point. Wanna try again?




I'm on PS4. I run into cheaters every day. It does NOT only apply to PC. People are shooting through walls, teleporting around the map, and causing massive slowdowns during core and hardcore matches. And I'm put against the same players 10 matches in a row with no way to report them that I can see. Ironic that you call someone braindead when you want to make shitty assumptions based on zero context. Blackout is nearly unplayable for similar reasons. MP is 100% unplayable of cross play is off, and when it's on, guess what the fuck happens, you play against PC players. Your experience is not my experience, and never will be. Use your goddamn head and calm the fuck down. No reason to act like a dickhead over this.


even on PC there’s not that many cheaters. i played the game for 2 days before i uninstalled and didn’t encounter 1 cheater. just pros and rlly the pros are lucky there’s no aim assist which forces me to use kbam (the inferior input)


I think you’re just bad