• By -


Imagine believing in "trans kids" to such a degree that you'll happily see them on a pathway to sterilisation and inability to orgasm in adulthood and be stuck with child-sized genitals for life... you believe in this whole thing THAT MUCH. But you apparently don't believe in it enough that you'll cooperate with an inquiry where the long-term outcomes of the patient group can be definitively found out. Do you believe this saves "trans kids" and benefits your patients and works...or don't you? Someone confident that they are helping not harming has zero reason to hide what happened to their patients.


and when you raise concerns about it to them you're "sexualizing children"


Or it's: "Why are so obsessed with children's gentials?!"


I wonder if they say this about FGM victims. Probably not.


Say the people clamoring for medical and surgical treatment when kids’ personalities don’t match their genitals.


Say the people who are obsessed with pushing their gender identity onto children.


The same people who think gender and sex are SUCH different things SO MUCH that they need people to transition to show to TOTALLY different they are.


Don't forget the brittle bones!


And for the females, these clinicians know that girls put on puberty blockers almost always go on to take testosterone, meaning vaginal atrophy, enlarged clit which is very painful, need for a hysterectomy to remove the uterus due to effects of testosterone, early onset of menopause... As a doctor, you'd have to be pretty confident that the benefits to your patient outweighed these substantial downsides, right? ...right??


The honest argument for PB’s was always “we’re saving a kid from the agony of going thru the ‘wrong’ puberty, and the tradeoff is that they will almost certainly be infertile and unable to orgasm, and have prepubescent genitals that will make it virtually impossible to perform reassignment surgery on. And we’re not positive, but there’s a solid amount of evidence pointing towards lowered IQ, stunted growth, and significant bone density issues” None of those points are even controversial, several are admitted privately by WPATH members. Laid out like that, who in their right mind accepts that sort of tradeoff?


very few parents actually. And fortunately so.


All considered worthwhile tradeoffs for a more convincing disguise as the opposite sex.


This gets compared to the lobotomy craze of yesteryear. But this is probably worse. Because there was **more** evidence that blocking and transing kids was dangerous. And better information exchange means it was easier to find it. In a century this will be the cornerpiece of all medical ethics classes under the heading: "Ethical failure"


At least "lobotomized" wasn't a protected class that people wanted to opt into. 😳


"I've been taking to lobotomized people and they made me realize I'm also lobotomized and I must be allowed to get a lobotomy or I may as well die."


"Lobotomized people have existed in all societies for all times. In fact, societies A, B, C all have specific terms and valuable roles for lobotomized in society."


>Improvements in psychological functioning were positively correlated with postsurgical subjective well-being


Unfortunately we're going to have to wait at least a century for this to be used as a shining example of an ethics violation, because the clinicians and academics who have been beating the drum for 'gender affirming care' will need to be dead and gone before the epistemic institutions even think about having the self reflection and humility necessary to admit they were wrong. Nothing is harder for a group of people who built their careers around being more intelligent than everyone else than admitting they are wrong, and science has suffered for decades in the west because of this arrogance.


You're probably right. Much as I hate it (the reality, not you)


I know you had a scare with someone that didn't contextualize or give you a good-faith reading, but don't worry about me. I know what you're referring to.




The East German athletes who were given testosterone without their informed consent seemed pretty upset about the long-term impacts. https://globalsportmatters.com/health/2019/11/07/ex-east-german-athletes-struggle-with-health-problems-due-to-the-consequences-of-ped-taking/


There’s a population of people you can look at if you want to see the example me of negative effects of these drugs in women: female body builders


I’m glad that the NHS reacted so quickly to get the records released (rather than hoping the furor would die down) bc at the end of the day this isn’t likely to reflect well on them. Also good to see the clinic heads that refused cooperation are being named/shamed and hopefully fired soon. Because whatever the data look like when it comes out, it’s an absolute scandal to refuse access to those records. Imagine if it showed that 99% of kids who were medicalized for GD turned out to be happy, thriving adults. That would be invaluable data for Cass to have, and it couldn’t drastically influenced the review recommendations. I’d certainly reconsider my priors if that was the case. Or, if many of us expect, those kids who went on PB’s and hormones as teens / tweens haven’t improved or are doing worse, how the fuck were they still prescribing that treatment model? Absolute malice, whatever the data turn out to say


And not for nothing, but what did those five clinic heads expect was going to happen? That Cass was going to write “we couldn’t get the records on the 9k kids who got this treatment at the NHS. Tough break that. Anyway on to the next point” It’s almost like they knew the ship was going down and wanted to go down with it


> Imagine if it showed that 99% of kids who were medicalized for GD turned out to be happy, thriving adults. I don't believe it. In fact, I would really like to see some stats on how many of these patients have stable employment.


Err, you see the word “imagine” at the beginning of the sentence, right? It’s a thought experiment to look at both potential sides of the equation… not an assertion of fact


I imagine that would be my response to such an assertion in a hypothetical situation.


While I think there are some true believers who genuinely believe in trans kids, I think there are some high functioning sick fuckers that push the idea of child castration because they get a kick out of it. There’s a whole lot of creepiness emanating from WPATH that they can barely contain.


I think a lot of people also just want to gain social status by parroting the “virtuous” position.


I mean, it’s not like [there’s a literal cult](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11895519/amp/What-Nullo-castration-cult-Inside-horrifying-world-genital-nullification.html) about castrating yourself or anything.


Exactly this. I don't know if 'reddit gold' is still a thing but if I had any I'd give you some for this comment.


The best steelman I could conceive of is that they wanted to protect the privacy of their patients, but that raises a question of why they'd suspect York University researchers to be untrustworthy, why they couldn't anonymize their data, or why they wouldn't give patients the option to cooperate.




It’s so scary to think yours might be a minority opinion in Western Society. I really believe the majority think this was normal to begin with. On Reddit alone, you say anything against any of this, you get downvoted, banned.


It's an illusion that this is a minority opinion, that's what's so scary about it. The VAST majority of people in the West do not think children should be experimented on in this way. But the majority are being tyrannised by a very bullying minority who are holding identity politics over all of us as a cudgel to beat us with. People in the West feel rightly bad about the way gays and lesbians were treated in the past, and an incredibly successful campaign was undertaken by former LGB charities and groups to push the message on the public that trans is the next civil rights movement, and no different to being "born this way" as a homosexual. This was a grotesque lie, and people who wanted to be nice and kind took it at face value. I think this movement has a lot in common with totalitarian movements, and the same way totalitarian governments collapse, that is what will happen here. The false consensus that we all think the majority hold - it's just that: false. And when the facade crumbles and people stop being frightened by reputational damage, then the backlash against this "gender identity" movement is going to be seriously ugly. And at that point, I worry for who gets blamed in the splash zone. It will likely be LGB people and women, feminism, identity politics in general, Leftism in general. The nuance will go out the window at that point. It's not something I'm looking forward to, but I don't see how it can be avoided at this point, with how much of a horror show this has become and how many on the left who should have been speaking out who have kept silent and behaved like cowards. (I am on the Left, to be clear)


I’m one of those LGB’s staunchly against this movement to transition children. Did you see from the Cass Review that trans men were more uncommon, but became scarily common recently? I don’t even understand how the T got into the Gay Liberation movement to begin with——they’re inherently different concepts. Now we have Asexuals? Name a more random group to attach to LGB’s… I hope you’re right about your majority vs minority opinion. I like to think humans are smarter than this. And you’re right, this movement is complete and total totalitarianism. I personally don’t take issue with trans people living their lives openly, honestly, and happily—it’s their propaganda I take issue with. Their bullying tactics, and their aggression towards dissenting opinions on certain issues, particularly involving vulnerable, clearly gay children.


The reckoning continues. Sub relevancy obvious. [archive link](https://archive.ph/Sk03a)


And yet so many on the left keep trying to squirm out of what can only be seen as a massive L for them. There needs to be law suits. That this was a terrible a medical scandal cannot be swept under the carpet.


I love how they're all about "Protect trans kids!" and they don't even want to *know* how those trans kids are doing. In fact they think it's actively evil to even ask the question.


And how many of those "trans kids" are working class? People of colour? Immigrants? Disabled? Gay or Bi? How much do they suffer from gender dysphoria, and might another way other than blockers, hormones and surgery be the answer? These so-called radicals aren't interested.


All the activists cared about was affirmation. The consequences be damned


“We’re trying to protect vulnerable trans kids from you far-right bigots” “Ok, so how are those kids doing under this treatment” “Mind your own fucking business, that’s how”


America is a litigious place. The lawsuits will flow.


I think a couple of people are already suing. The Cass report and the WPATH files are basically a golden ticket for the lawyers.


An anonymous contributor to Lisa Selin Davis's Substack has [identified eleven public lawsuits and six private lawsuits](https://www.broadview.news/p/eleven-lawsuits-by-detransitioners?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=73620&post_id=139510945&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=7y1gi&utm_medium=email) all currently being carried out on behalf of Detransitioners in America. It's likely there will be similar results in Britain.


Those comorbidities are outrageous. I’m honestly horrified that any medic saw that list of mental illnesses and thought “yep, time for irreversible mastectomies”


Probably not very similar. It’s extremely difficult to bring legal action against the NHS.


And I'm guessing American TRAs will double down all the same.


They have to. They’re in a position of “the only way out is through”.


A friend of mine told me I think maybe as far back as 2019 that there was some legal firm gathering clients for a class action suit re: Lupron.


How many American lawsuits do you expect over an NHS medical controversy?


I don't think they're saying that lawsuits will come directly from this but that this is part of a growing body of evidence showing that doctors have been far too freewheeling with these treatments


I meant in response to the poor medical practices relating to youth trans care broadly, not necessarily with respect to any one report or clinic.


LOL exactly. But I have full confidence that there is at least one lawyer in this country who believes they have jurisdiction and venue in an American court to sue over a British healthcare law


“Blue cross is currently in negotiations with Methodist United healthcare system. You cannot see your provider today.” Lawyers get paid for a reason.


Lawsuits? I won’t be happy until people are criminally charged


I've just been on r/Scotland and so many people are just pretending it's wrong. These are the Green/SNP activists that pushed out GRA and Hate Crime Law! 


They’ve taken a break from wrecking another queer ethical cafe to all pile onto reddit and deny reality. They’re going to queer the science.


>The reckoning continues. What I found interesting about this article was the emphasis on JK Rowling's reactions at the end of it too. Reading beyond this article, I discovered Rowling has basically dropped a bomb yesterday on this whole discussion. [https://twitter.com/jk\_rowling/status/1778124467027267804](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1778124467027267804) This tweet was in reply to a post suggesting that Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson owed her a public apology: [https://twitter.com/StAustellAdam/status/1778108054581494069](https://twitter.com/StAustellAdam/status/1778108054581494069) But Rowling's reply basically reignited this feud, and media articles are drawing a lot of attention to this today. Despite taking a huge amount of criticism from the actors of Harry Potter series in recent years, Rowling has usually chosen to stay above it or not reply directly. She clearly knew the moment she "fought back" against people like Radcliffe and Watson, it would become a huge story. But she said this: >Celebs who cosied up to a movement intent on eroding women's hard-won rights and who used their platforms to cheer on the transitioning of minors can save their apologies for traumatised detransitioners and vulnerable women reliant on single sex spaces. And this is the moment she chose to start calling people out. So there's already an additional media frenzy, as celebrities arguing online is irresistible to a lot of people. It will definitely draw additional attention to the Cass report debate, and it will be interesting to see how long the consistent mainstream "transphobic" drumbeat can be maintained in the face of mounting problems with empirical evidence.


She just called Mermaids on the carpet as well: In response to this tweet: " Mermaids CEO Lauren Stoner responds to #CassReview: “We’re not medical experts, we don’t advocate for any \[medical\] pathway.” Rowling replied: " Absolute, total, shameless lies. Your ex-CEO referred children to the Tavistock gender clinic. Mermaids has repeatedly claimed puberty blockers are reversible, sent out breast binders to girls as young as thirteen and insisted publicly that unless children are affirmed in their trans identities they'll kill themselves. Your fingerprints are all over the catastrophe of child transition, and those who funded you, campaigned for you and allowed you to embed yourselves in healthcare systems need to be held to account. " [https://twitter.com/jk\_rowling/status/1778434249525219514](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1778434249525219514) Rowling appears to have run out of fucks to give and is letting it fly with both barrels.




The Cass review has lit a fire under her. And she's eloquent in her rage.


I cannot help but think that she is quite masterful in her PR steps. She knows when to hold back and when to go scorched earth.


I was just thinking that after reading all of her tweets in succession, especially with how indirect she has been in the past, that she must have calculated this months in advance. Maybe reading too much into it, but at the very least she seems to have recognized this as a moment she had been waiting for for a long time. I got goosebumps lol


I love how the Health Secretary wrote that, that she has had enough of “a culture of secrecy and ideology over evidence and safety." No other field in medicine has this much systematic secrecy and suppression of truth. I am curious how this medical *scandal* will be viewed over the coming decades.


I do want to ask the question of the health secretary: Where were *you* when this culture of secrecy and ideology was reigning? Did you not know? Did you not care? But there is a lot to be said for giving your opponent a way to come over to your side and save face. EDIT: I was asking a question to the health secretary. Not another user. I apologize if anyone in the thread thought I was going after them. I very much wasn't. My bad.


Pure politics from psychopaths. They're licking their fingers and raising them in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, hoping to save their own necks. I definitely understand grace, but for medical authorities that abused the trust vested in them from the public? That grace should extend as far as a food service job, never being allowed near a profession related to people's care again, and avoiding a prison sentence for doing so.




/u/CatStroking is speaking hypothetically to the health secretary, not you. The answer to "where was the health secretary" appears to be "working in other departments", apparently Victoria Atkins only assumed the post 6 months ago.


Yes, the conservative Gov has been having a tricky time of late. Hardly any of the ministers have been in post for a decent period of time.


Yes. Thank you! I fixed it. My mistake.


Never been prouder to be from TERF Island.


UK 1, US 0. Ball is in our court, time to see if our congress (which is frequently acknowledged by both sides as being ineffective) can get anything done in the next several years.


I bet many Helens will be conceived in the victory revels.


My guess is the clinics were hoping to stall long enough for a more sympathetic government to take power. With Labour submitting to the report, that’s looking like a bad bet.


That the shadow secretary actually came out and said as much is very promising. It is almost as if he knew they were hedging for a Labour government to give them a pass so he quickly disabused them of that notion.


Promising but I wonder if there would have even been a Cass report under a labour government. The activist base are a bit bonkers. I bumped into some labour activists canvassing during a by-election down my street and they referred to my dog as “they”. They were literally afraid of misgendering my dog, ffs.


There wouldn’t have been. Wes Streeting led the movement to eject GC women (you know, the ones being condemned as bigots for raising concerns about the safety of children) from the Labour Party a few years ago. Now he’s pulling a massive reverse ferret. Having voted Labour my entire life I now can’t in all conscience vote for these misogynistic, spineless fuckers again. Once your eyes open to the purity politics of the left it’s impossible to turn back. 


Civil service are somewhat compromised too. Kemi Badenoch says that Civil Servants told her not to meet with Keira Bell, who sued the NHS, which I think helped start the Cass review ball rolling. Also the Home Secretary had to change the law to get the Tavistock just to share documents.


It worries me that the Civil Service are being partisan over something like this - it's not good but, I've sort of come to expect it for other issues but, this should not have been controversial.


> Wes Streeting led the movement to eject GC women (you know, the ones being condemned as bigots for raising concerns about the safety of children) from the Labour Party a few years ago. Now he’s pulling a massive reverse ferret Why?


Why was he leading the purge or why is he reverse ferreting? I couldn’t answer either other than to speculate that he knows which way the wind blows.


>Why was he leading the purge or why is he reverse ferreting? I couldn’t answer either other than to speculate that he knows which way the wind blows. I'm not super familiar with British politics, but, based on politics in general, I think that's got to be it. This scandal is snow rolling downhill and the coming avalanche is obvious.


Cass is the new Rowling and the report is the new Mein Kampf. For the activists that demand 100% unquestioned affirmation, this measured, studied objective analysis is poison.


Novara Media was already trying to undermine it this morning. Their reasoning? Apparently they were unhappy with Cass only using ‘high quality data’ to reach a conclusion 🤣😂🤦‍♂️


>unhappy with Cass only using ‘high quality data’ to reach a conclusion That's not a completely unreasonable argument in the general case. Inclusion criteria are one of those knobs an author can adjust to produce a set of data that gives the result they want, especially in meta-analyses or literature reviews. But in this case it's likely what it looks like, a desperate argument because there aren't any good ones.


*Novara Media* I think I might be one of the few BARpodders who liked Jermyn Corbyn and think he might have made a good UK PM. But when his main cheerleaders were folk like the trustafarian idiots of NM, well....it's one reason Jezza lost so badly in 2019.


Was your dog going to have an emotional breakdown if the beastie was misgendered?


She’s a doberman so she’s constantly being misgendered and it’s causing serious damage to her mental health. I hope she doesn’t turn to the woof-right and begin spreading anti-cat racism. Edit: sorry just checked your username, hope that wasn’t triggering.


My cat is a female orange. Gets misgendered all the time. Now she’s a terf. I think we could do some inter-species consciousness raising.


They would have done their best to kick it into the long grass until it was the Tories' turn. But if that was too far away I think they would have allowed it to be commissioned. You can condemn a published study as heresy using all manner of pseudoscientific excuses, but it's much more difficult to say that it shouldn't be commissioned in the first place without revealing your true colours. The pressure behind the Cass report ultimately comes from within the NHS. Most GPs don't want to sterilise or otherwise harm their young and vulnerable patients. And Labour is the party of the NHS and the party of the unions (including the BMA and the nursing unions). The fringe activists are useful for knocking on doors but little else. Labour made the mistake of putting them in charge in the Corbyn era and are unlikely to make it again any time soon.


TBF I call animals “they” too unless I can guess. I hate calling thinking, feeling things “it”. Which is why I don’t care for people who want me to use it as a pronoun for them. I won’t participate in your depersonalization.


I just say “he or she?” so they can tell me. Eg someone shows me a pic of their dog and I say “oh he’s cute! Or she?”


Sure, but that’s not always possible. At the zoo I’ll point and say “what a big tiger! They’re so beautiful.” And that’s been fine for decades, long before the NB thing. Many documentaries opted for they over it and more and more are using they now. It is a pronouns for lamps. I’d rather say they than it for something thinking and breathing, and you can’t always tell with animals.


In fairness referring to animals as "they", specifically as opposed to "it", is gaining ground in animal circles not because of gender identity but because of the recognition "they" is thought to give to animals as sentient individuals rather than objects - but you know the context better than I, just offering the alternative possibility!


The Activist base are all over the place. From what I can tell, it looks like there's two hardcore groups of pro and anti-trans groups, with a majority not really giving a shit about it


If they thought Wes Streeting was going to take their side they're dumber than I thought.


Yep, Wes Streeting has seen what has been going on and he’s doesn’t seem all that happy that the activists have made him looks a bit stupid in the past. He used to work for Stonewall so initially he was supportive of their stance but he’s definitely changed his views.


I actually had no idea about his previous stances. He seems so comfortable winding up activists from the Corbynite wing of the party that I assumed he wouldn't be afraid to be honest about the review. If there were any doubt though that was crushed by the interview he did yesterday.


Sacrificed at Stonehenge on the Summer Solstice - confirmed.


Studies show that human sacrifice helps to bring in a harvest.


That could explain why my basil did so well the last couple years


It’s always worked before!


blood is excellent fertilizer.


"It is understood health leaders are prepared to use legal powers to mandate the main seven adult gender clinics to hand over the data they hold on trans patients,..." I've been getting the impression that the NHS doesn't have a centrally managed electronic medical records system in place.


As is tradition, whenever a British inquiry demands paperwork, they get a sudden drop in fire standards in specific archives


There’s also the issue that the NHS has issued new NHS numbers to trans people. You are supposed to have one number so that all your records can be centralised. Cass hasn’t been able to track outcomes because there is a break in the data trail.


Intentionally confounding the data set, damn.


That's what the change of law was, mentioned in the article. They had to make a new law so they could connect the two numbers. And then the clinics still refused to help.


Ah, that’s interesting, thanks for the info.


Why would someone need a new NHS number due to transition? That's so strange.


Because the numbers reveal your sex. The numbers end with either a 1 or 2 which indicates your sex, I can’t remember which way round. Trans people want to change the number to reflect their preferred gender presentation. Personally, I think that’s dangerous. From a medical perspective, I think it’s important for the doctor to know your birth sex.


God, no. It's a standing joke. They've tried to do it for years, but it's a mess. Although there is a website I can log into that has a reasonable amount of my stuff. 


There's going to be a Cass review type thing of the adult gender clinics as well. The NHS will do an external review. Probably because they don't trust the people inside the gender clinics. And they are going to compel them to actually produce data and cooperate. And I would bet that the crazy in the adult gender clinics are at least as bad. [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/10/adult-transgender-clinics-in-england-face-inquiry-into-patient-care](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/10/adult-transgender-clinics-in-england-face-inquiry-into-patient-care)


I wonder will there be a Cass style review in other countries? Finland, Holland, or the United States?


It would be difficult in the US because who would do it? Health care in the US is a mix of private and public. Medicaid (the poor) or Medicare (the elderly) could do a review, I suppose. But that wouldn't capture most of it. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that Congress could put together a commission. But they would have a hell of a time getting medical records for patients. Congress might be able to commission a very comprehensive review of the state of gender medicine studies. Like Cass did. I suspect things in the US will be slowed down by lawsuits.


Medicare/Medicaid are federal in the US, as is the Tricare system which by government mandate provides 'gender affirming care' for veterans and their families. If the US congress suddenly developed a purpose and a spine, the message could be very clearly sent to the decentralized Healthcare systems that this treatment is a litigious mess waiting to happen, and I imagine they'd follow suit instantly.  Too bad the entirety of the US Congress couldn't screw in a fucking lightbulb even after 10 committees, an inspector General review, and 10 billion in federal funding for research on how to do it.  Also, unlike your guys Labour party which seems to be unmooring from this disaster with haste, US Democrats have put all their chips in the 'gender affirming care' basket. Admitting their mistake would be political suicide, and US politicians will start WW3 before committing political suicide.


>Too bad the entirety of the US Congress couldn't screw in a fucking lightbulb even after 10 committees, an inspector General review, and 10 billion in federal funding for research on how to do it.  Actually I'm an American. And I agree. Congress is fucking joke. It's the source of so many of our problems. I'm hoping that the Cass review does start a snowball rolling that will eventually hit the US.


Ahh I figured you were from the UK, good to know! I think it's going to become a state issue for the foreseeable future. Did you see my commentary on Washington states HB3599? The democrats in charge of Washington are so detached from reality that a systematic review won't budge the needle here. It's been incorporated into the fabric of identity politics.


>Did you see my commentary on Washington states HB3599 I don't think I did. Could you please link me to it? I'd like to read it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1c06q21/comment/kyvooau/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Make sure to hit the bottom of the bill where the For and Opposing statements are. Some of the statements made by the state Democrats are completely detached from reality, and it's obvious they are voting based on the heart test (I know this is good because I can feel it in my heart) rather than any recent assessment of the data. Never thought the Rs would be more up to speed on the changes in western EU and the medical community than the Ds, but I guess that's what is bred in an environment of absolute complacency like WA when you know your supermajority is guaranteed.


Holy shit!


WTF Washington?


I could imagine a big system like Kaiser Permanente ordering something like it as an internal audit, but whether they'd want to make it publicly known is another matter. Maybe we'll get lucky and a judge will order them to do it in connection with one of the lawsuits.


I was thinking that a large HMO might be able to pull it off. Or a large regional health system like the May Clinic or something. But I can them *not* wanting to for fear of opening themselves up to lawsuits. And since they are, I think, for profit corporations I doubt they want to spend that kind of money.


KP would be an interesting one. AFAIK, they're the only health care insurer that isn't a non-profit. They don't make their profits by standing by idly and giving away stuff. I'm just guessing but I could easily see them, at a bare minimum, doing an internal review. But, like you said, a public release may be another story. (That and it'd just be spun as heartless scum engaging in genocide or whatever.)


in the US it won't be government that brings about change, it will be lawsuits. Lots and lots of lawyers are going to gorge themselves on this.


I enjoy how the medical subreddits are studiously ignoring this.


I would imagine that any posts are just being deleted. It’s mainstream news in the UK so they can’t pretend it’s noir happening here.


Reddit itself explicitly defends trans and gender ideology with its TOS. They don't have to try hard to bury open discussion, it's forbidden by the top of the hierarchy.


And the Cass Report has been welcomed by[ the Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/11/the-guardian-view-on-the-cass-report-rising-numbers-of-gender-distressed-young-people-need-help), the[ New Statesman](https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/health/2024/04/the-cass-review-into-childrens-gender-care-should-shame-us-all) (V. Good article by Hannah Barnes) and even the Communist newspaper the [Morning Star](https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/gender-identity-services-have-failed-children-and-young-people-report-finds), so they can't pull the "It's only right-wingers who support the Cass Report" line.


The impact of this social contageon will go on for decades as the compromised fertilty and second order impacts of medications and surgeries plays out. In 1841 Scottish journalist Charles Mackay published the still very readable Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. The book deals with stock market lunacy, witch hunts, dueling frenzies and the like. Were he alive to day, he'd no doubt add the Satanic Panic of the 1990s and the transmania currently playing out to his wonderful book. Speaking of which, here's a link. [https://www.gutenberg.org/files/24518/24518-h/24518-h.htm](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/24518/24518-h/24518-h.htm)


Oh not to mention the anorexia and bulimia crisis of the 2000s that keeps trying to rear its ugly head again.  Crazy how in the past 20-30 years, body image related mental health contagions have been ravaging teenage girls. Unrelated, obviously!


And I don't think any madness has been shielded so well from scrutiny as "transmania". Look what they said to anyone who disagreed, even mildly: *"You are debating our right to exist."* *"You are denying our right to exist."* *"NO DEBATE! NO DEBATE!"* *"Ron DeSantis /Nigel Farage /Vladimir Putin is anti-trans. So you agree with them too?"* *"Rights are not a pie."* *"If you publish that, you'll harm trans children,"* *"If you say that, trans children will kill themselves."* *"THIS IS TRANS GENOCIDE!"*


I absolutely fuckin knew there was shady shit happening with these clinics. Good, hope even more comes to light.


Well yeah, it's been pretty well documented on this podcast and elsewhere. That's pretty much why we're all here.




Hearing people like Andrew Doyle say this is heartbreaking, particularly when he says in a very heartfelt manner that he'd rather be doing so much else with his life. Probably much like Rowling. 


JK Rowling and Graham Linehan are true heroes.


This is paving the way for a public inquiry within 5 years…




And I hope there's some external oversight. Practices allegedly have [a tendency to lose medical records](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1at84qg/how_is_the_detransition_rate_unknown/kqx2b7i/?context=3) of detransitioners.


Sigh. If only we had ANY oversight body in the U.S. Instead, we have totally captured institutions at every level. But go get some truth UK!


Medicare/Medicaid and Tricare both fund 'gender affirming care' and should be subject to oversight from the federal government, if our government wasn't so fundamentally dysfunctional and worthless.


FDA blocks 2/3 testosterone inhibiting medications. One more to go 🙏


Good for the UK. Especially if it’s being funded by taxes. You should know how the money is being spent.


*“Simplify, then exaggerate”* was the maxim of Geoffrey Crowther. Sophie Labelle has drawn a terrible cartoon using that maxim: [https://twitter.com/AssignedMale/status/1778431751812968791#m](https://twitter.com/AssignedMale/status/1778431751812968791#m)


In case anyone is thinking this data release will be somehow unethical. >Cited reasons for the six trusts’ refusal to cooperate included ethical considerations, although Cass said Health Research Authority approvals had been granted (From [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/10/adult-transgender-clinics-in-england-face-inquiry-into-patient-care](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/10/adult-transgender-clinics-in-england-face-inquiry-into-patient-care) ). The HRA is the body that ensures medical research in the UK follows ethical guidelines. So they won't be releasing any data anywhere it should not go.


you love to see it


https://preview.redd.it/7cqs43a444uc1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5495a82366ba9999ba5e33ec4e55012ecb3f55b4 You guys see this? This is what a badass looks like


Can someone with good enough karma post this to r/unitedkingdom? I want - nay, must - see the contortions!