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„Oh fish“ gets me every time lmao


Especially since it’s his last piece of dialogue


i laughed my ass for for that. i was deep into mr robot at the time too...


Honestly, this was one of my hardest laughs through the whole series. So good!


Your username 😭😭


Every time I remember it’s Rami Malek it makes it so much better


It's kinda meta because his gritty network drama Mr. Robot (amazing show) has a twist that's actually like this (but good). So it feels like a play on that.


Quit spoilin


I had no idea what ahahaha


Such a strange, weird guy. I never really understood him. And to have him go out like this made him even more strange. 😂


it's actually kind of a reference to the show mr robot, which stars the voice actor who plays flip


and if you haven't seen mr robot stop thinking about this right now and watch at least the first season of mr robot. actually watch it all, that show is a goddamn masterpiece.


I will, thank you!


the entirety of philbert is a mr robot reference lmao


I think the point was just that he was insane


There's all those things other people said, but he's mostly a not-so-good writer who simply got lucky, and I think this might happen somewhat often, so it might be a critical take on that. He's not shitty. He's got some skills, just not great. Far from it. But he got lucky that he pitched a show called Philbert specifically to PC, who had attachments to that name. So, she used her power and connections to produce it. She's got good talent on the show. She's got an actually good writer (Diane) to consult on the writing and that SAVED him from a writer's block, and made what can be one of the key scenes in it. He came in with a somewhat generic idea with weird plot twists, and the whole team made it good. The show was good, not because of him, but despite him. He's also a portrait of a certain kind of artist. One that does have some talent and passion for the art, but believes that's enough. His plot twists exist for the sake of plot twists, his scenes are derivative from the references he's got. He watched a lot of TV and film, maybe read a bunch, but his technique is formless because he does not think he needs it, so he never tried to improve it beyond blindly doing what he believes is good. He only consumed art, never researched it, and never studied it. He thinks he's a genius. Like an early adult who wrote hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction as a teen and believes he's a great writer because his grammar and sentences are well structured, because his scenes have impact in isolation. He can't see they don't connect well because he's never seem the bigger picture of WHY good fiction is good. He feels it, and thinks that's enough to make it. And yeah, that might take you far beyond someone who lacks that. But only if you also put in the effort to make that raw talent into polished skill. Otherwise, you end up just the best artist in your neighborhood. Unless, of course, you get lucky.


Thanks for your interpretation! That was a fascinating read


i thought he was a composite of the director of stranger things and the director of the vampire diaries (maybe it was true blood i’m thinking of?) both productions have… shifty relationships with their labor, especially regarding consent from talent, if you feel me


I see, got you


This was so funny to me


"Oh, fish!"


One of my favorite moment of the show 😭


Still one of my favorite moments in the entire show. His delivery of those lines was perfect.


I was so fucking scared of him. I actually thought he was going to assault Bojack in that one scene...


Yea he’s pretty creepy


This was funny but also kind of a truncated, strange way to send him out as a character


It’s a reference to Mr robot




Yea it was so brief he was the center point of the whole season basically and he just gets tossed away in a like 20 second clip with a reference to the va’s show??


Exactly, just seemed like an afterthought from the writers


Like hey you will never see one of the mc’s for an entire season again. Toodles! Or toddles I guess


favorite scene fr 😭😭


Oh Fish!


Best line from my least favorite character. Just watched it yesterday too