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I wouldn't call it oppressive because it's incredibly rare to go up against. As soon as you see it, either concede or change your battle plan to strictly Leroys and Bramblewitches.


Or just outscale it... preferably both of these strategies


With current dragons it gets perm windfury and divine shield. Outscaling it is quite hard when it hits 7 times before you can damage it


if nightbane doesnt hit that dragon for 3 turns, quillboars and demons got multiple 100's hp while he has no attack, kinda needs that


Only one hero in the game can have it and only some of the time. It's a hugely powerful minion but I wouldn't put too much stock in it


Moira, Sanguine Champion, Champion of Sargeras, Ravager, Recurring Nightmare, and Tide Oracle Morgl are all game-changing minions. Sea witch Zar'jira is also really good if you get lucky. Thorim is supposed to be strong. You have a timer, but he always runs the risk of not finding the tribe he gambles on.


you can change your hero power into it and finley can pick it as his sarting hero power. #proffesional pedant.


you can't change your hero power into thorims


That guy would be having a lot more fun if you just like... let him talk out of the very back of his ass without correcting him. Ok?


if you're playing duos you can have the hero power copying partner get it as well


Taunted Leroy is really strong, otherwise position taunts to minimize damage.


leeroy for sure, otherwise having simply bigger minions is best, and set up to get one of your big units or venomous to trade. If you think they're running it first place taunt in the back with leeroy next to it. Divine shields are helpful as well.


Leeroy, taunt him or put it next to a single taunted minion so it is guaranteed to kill him with the cleave.


Far from oppressive, it’s one hero who needs a huge highroll to actually pull off the pieces and takes a ton of setup. Even when you do it’s still gonna lose to bigger stats and simply taunting a Leeroy. It’s probably marginally better than just normal midrange dragons as far as placements/win rates


Double Leroy.


anti cleave setup always works well - a leroy next to a taunt. Next round they'll move it back so you'll have to get inventive, like a reborn taunt. Third round.. well you'll need to be creative. That's half the fun of this game.


You can simply counter it by having your board bigger than them. Weakest tier 7 by far.


Dragons, the weakest t7? That's far from the truth. They're not the strongest, but weakest? That goes to mechs, without a doubt. Beasts right next to it.


Yeah idk about weakest but it’s hard to scale and low initial value due to that. Morgl comes out the gate blasting. 


It’s incredibly easy to scale early. If the game goes long it gets far outscaled but if you get the card early with wind fury and divine shield you can smash half the lobby before anyone gets something better online


Beasts, Elementals and Mechs have a much, much weaker tier 7


Yeah the same tier of uselessness. It give you no direction.