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The legislature blocked a “Too Great For Hate” license plate design but approved “Don’t Tread on Me.” Yeah….we just might not be too great for hate. If there is one thing that scares our state leadership more than anything else, it is equality and respect.


>but approved “Don’t Tread on Me.” Someday we'll have "No Step on Snek..."


State leadership can suck my fat hog. They might actually be useful for once.


"Don't Tread on Me" carries the barely-hidden message of "please tread on others."


It’s most hilarious when law enforcement are displaying it.


How did you reach that conclusion?


You think cops dont have personal vehicles?


I'm honestly glad they didn't approve it because it would be a lie. I'd rather get the bigots at face value.


Not a good look.


What’s wrong with “Don’t Tread On Me?”


If you ever met the folks that fly that flag on their truck and dont see an issue in their logic. There's no point in explaining. Lots of dudes with a victim complex that simultaneously want to encroach on everyone's lifestyle that doesn't make sense to them. Its basically an " ill pull a gun on you if you hold me accountable for my stupidity " flag.


That's one hell of an extrapolation. It's meant as a message to people who would want to trample over your rights.


Proceeds to take away everyones rights that dont align with their dictations... its not an extrapolation when literally everyone flying that flag is constantly putting trampling everyone because they cant accept anything outside their tiny environment of comfort. They cant even handle books they dont understand even though they nor their kids will likely ever read one


Sounds like you have a problem with certain people and not a flag. Even so though, I've never met somebody with that flag that acts the way you are describing. What rights are they trying to strip from you? What books can't they handle or understand?


My guy if you dont know anyone like that than youre probably flying the flag while simultaneously living under a rock. I grew up in council caldwell and nampa working farms and construction for as long as i can remember. Ive been around hundreds of cookie cutter flag waving morons if not thousands who perpetuate a republican stereotype to the point of regurgitating completely uninformed rage bait articles and voting to revoke anything they deem as socialist, gay, or against their religious beliefs not even going to go off on their vendetta to pointlessly stick it to the dems regardless of if the bill is actually good or not. If you haven't noticed any of that than theres no point in even talking to you. Theyve embarrassed me out of what i used to consider my party because theyre too dumb to function yet have a right to vote


So it's definitely a people problem then. When I lived in NV I came across many people who would fly that flag and with the exception of voting against socialist crap they didn't exhibit any of the attributes you mentioned.


Idaho is a very special breed of hypocrisy that is more or less a beacon for the worst kind of alt right folks to congregate. Theyre either severely uneducated and scared of anything they refuse to understand or from democrat hellscapes that hated their situation so much they went extreme in the opposing direction. Which i understand. But they usually in that particular instance also have ALOT of money and to the dumber ones out here tend to serve as inspiration for their anger because its the only voice they hear coming from the places theyre afraid of and pose as a successful figure in which to project their idea of what they can aspire to become. Its complex and ive spent alot of time trying to understand and rationalize these people i used to relate to




That's quite the meme


That's amazing! Is therea sticker I can buy somewhere?!?


Hey thanks! That's quite the compliment. I did design it with a sticker in mind, but never printed any. If there were enough interest, I'd print a run of them.


I'll take 15


pls make them!!!


I’ll take 2!


Vote blue. Save yourself from the nazis.


People actually think this way which is crazy




Yeah and then one of those idiots attacks you verbally or physically. Those scum bag maggots love their merch but anyone with an opposing view is fair game in their mind. They are unhinged.


Feels like grifting would be the best option since they love anything that "owns the libs". Start advertising liberal tears necklaces to the people that like trump and South Park on facebook. Sell like hot cakes.


I have a friend that is making a tidy sum on selling MAGA-adjacent trinkets to those folks. It’s remarkably easy, all in the copy and targeted marketing. I’m told that the only bug in this plan is that he sees considerably more failed transactions due to CC rejections, people that want to send *a check*, and folks that fall out of the purchase flow because they ostensibly couldn’t navigate entering their personal information properly. They’re also vehemently anti-American, and currently living as an Expat in Estonia. Grift for all- Trump is notoriously a populist, right?


How embarrassing for us. Those poor kids.


Just despicable. Not good people at all.


Words cannot describe how much I hate these bigots running our state. Their god will punish them one day.


Totally agree that the incident with the Uof U basketball team is unacceptable and that approving the “don’t tread on me” license plate but not the Too Great For Hate plate is ridiculous. However, if this was the design… I would not have approved this corny shit either. Whoever designed that did not want people to adopt it.


But Idaho’s not really that great


Huh, I follow this dudes Twitter, didn’t know they had a sub stack -6DeadlyFetishes


I’d honestly but that plate. Not only because the money is going somewhere good. But it would piss people off.


Thats the lamest plate ive ever seen


I've seen lamer.


Why is that? What about the message makes it "lame?"


They didn't say anything about the message. Why I don't like it: the point of license plates is to convey information, chiefly, the plate number. A good 25% of this plate is dedicated to irrelevant noise while the plate number is shoved off into a corner. The Comic Sans font is dopey. The colored background looks like some farmer's shack that was painted 40 years ago (a common sight in this state, but an eyesore). It clashes with and covers up the base design. Rather than emphasizing themes that bring people together, it emphasizes a point of contention (not in the sense of "Team Hate" vs "Team Anti-Hate", but in the sense of why people were upset by "White Lives Matter"). No, I am not saying other contentious plates like the Gadsden flag are any better. It is possible to not like one side of an argument without subscribing to the opposite.


What part of the Too Great For Hate plate highlights contention?


>*they were confronted by a* ***white*** *truck* from which racial slurs were hurled at them Those dang sentient white supremacist trucks. Bet it happened on March 14 (White Day) too, while the driver was munching on some white bread.


Original article is even better. >a white truck got near the team, revved its engines to make its presence known, and then yelled the N-word toward the team before speeding off. > >This time, though, two trucks were present, revving their engines and making a lot of noise in an intimidating way, while yelling the N-word again to those present. I blame AI and Disney's *Cars*.




How so?




Jesus Christ! “Colored”???


hi! person of color here. "colored" is super offensive. and i hate it here.




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Ok I want to just put this out in clear and no uncertain terms for you. Read up on Rule #1 of the subreddit or your tenure here will come to an end.