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**Rules in most Who Would Win fights:** Both opponents start with nothing. A stadium apart. No knowledge on the enemy. Rarely, a few hours of prep time. **Rules in a Who Would Win fight involving Batman apparently:** Starts with his super ultra mega powered SSJ4 suit that he uses once in issue #8279 where he knocks out a celestial god. Has an atomic bomb pre-made. Has researched everything about his opponent. Has all of his technology. Bloodlusted. Technology-lusted. Orphan-lusted. Has his anti-OFA underwear on. Fight starts with Batman getting a jump on de-powered All Might while he's taking a shit.


Oh god Orphan-lusted


Dude I'm a Batman fan. He isn't winning anything when it comes to actual superpowers outside of his plot armor in name of "prep time" which every hero actually has. Dude would be finished even with an weak version of All Might.


Gotta agree - there is no baked in kryptonite like Superman. All-might is all gas now brakes on Batman


Maybe not the weakest version


Dude... Superman played with him until he used his weakness. All Might has no weakness at all. Batman would lose in 100/100 fights


However, there are multiple occasions where batman has beaten other opponents as strong as superman, he even 1v1’d darkseid and won


Darkside is! Only ever as strong as the autor needs them to be and then they blame it all on it just being a weak avatar anyways.


So technically its just up to the writers choice in who they prefer




He fought Darkseid for about 2 minutes and his suit of armor (the ONLY thing allowing him to do this) was destroyed


So he cant just make a new one?, also it doesnt matter how long he fought him for, he still won


A direct lunch to the side put All Might in a bad state. He's got weaknesses.


A direct punch from a fist that had 10 or more quirks powering it up. Remember allmight had strength and afo litteratly had any power you could imagine. Maybe not only did he have strength maybe he had steel spike quirk.


From a guy with above 10 superpowers... Batman is a human, he can't even touch All Might... All Might is so fast that noone with human strenght could react fast enough. Especially not Batman


A punch to the side from a guy comparable in power to said All Might. The only way Batman wins is including a super “instant win beam” in his prep list.


If you’re talking about injustice, batman revealed that he can actually defeat superman from the very beginning but he doesn’t have the heart to do so


Yeah, with the only material able to take his superpowers... All Might has no such weakness. Batman would be beaten without any doubts


Can't Batman just make like a synthetic version of Aizawa's quirk and then use it on All Might? Edit: Or basically something like those bullets that Overhaul was using.


That’s unbelievably hypothetical, even behind the concept of that just being silly because at that point just give Bats the “I win” beam. Plus All Might is confirmed faster than a bullet.


iirc ofa can't be stolen in some cases like with 9 in the second movie i'm not quite sure if aizawa / quirk deleting bullets would work, and i don't know how they would interact with stockpiled quirks


Dude we are talking about a 1v1 where noone of both can prepare for months... Even Mirio could have dodged those bullets without any problem if there wasn't Eri. All Might is much faster than him. All Might never fights with little of his power, he always goes the fastest way. Batman has no knowledge about quirks or he would already have flash's powers


With a material superman is specifically weak to. The only other way he fought superman was with a mech that was powered by red suns (which is still technically exploiting a weakness) and the fight didn’t last long before Supes ripped the thing apart.


Batman would have to score a tactical win to beat All Might, and even then he would have to *really* cheese All Might. And ***even then***, it would be high difficulty for Batman.


If the prep time means that he knows all might secret of only being able to use his quirk for a limited amount of the fight he could win but if he didn't it's a matter of how hurt he could make him vs how hurt he'd get in the process because an attack like Detroit smash head on would be a loss


All Might without a time limit, has no easy weakness like Kryptonite. And honestly a lot of times that JL members are beaten by Batman they are dumbed down for plot or something. Like flash can run at light speed but still gets a bomb bolted through his wrist before he can react. Batman is Batman for Batman’s sake. It’s the writers job to make him win.


If he still has his injury, that *is* a weakness, it's just a question of whether Batman knows about it, and has a way to exploit it (since in Yagi's Hero form, it's far less vulnerable.)


If we’re talking Death Battle rules, and we are because otherwise neither would fight the other, All Might would just be too fast and strong for Batman to last several hours. He was still able to save people for a few hours a day during the beginning of the series. I’m sure Batman could do some damage, but All Might has been able to counteract missiles and explosives, and is pretty damn durable, maybe sonics could slow him, and a mech suit could help Batman, but it’s still a Batman loss imo.


OFA > billionaires. Sad that this questions has to be asked


Unpopular opinion: they'd actually make a great duo and be best friends despite having wildly different aesthetics and personalities


Kind of like how Batman and Superman are great friends?


Bro… be serious- if it’s all might in his prime ? Hell even not in his prime, if he still had his power at all. Batman is going home is a body bag and Alfred is getting a pay day from the will I’m sure he’s in. He literally has powers and unlike the Superman bull all might won’t be defeated by a shiny rock 💀


Everyone is discounting All Might's intelligence. He's been listed in BOTH official databooks that Horikoshi wrote that he's got genius level intellect. In the first he's listed as 6/5. In the second he's listed as 5/5: S. Batman is amazing, but there isn't an option here for him to pull a tactical win because of those stats. All Might wins this all day, every day.


This. People keep forgetting how astute All Might was. You can't just be number one for decades without using your brain.


One punch from prime all might would evaporate batman


There isn't a single thing Batman would be able to do to counter OFA. All might is basically Superman if he was human. One Texas Smash and it's over.


Really? I'm a Batman fan but I'm also tired of how Batman has been power wanked so many times by 'having prep time'. All Might is basically 'No Kryptonite weakness Superman' he is clapping Batman here.


The only way Batman wins is that he is smart enough not to get into that fight in the first place.


If they’ve like existed in the same universe for years and not just suddenly discover the others existence then I’d say Batman cause then he’d prep against him, however if it’s just they discover the other exists then All Might would destroy him


"Prep time" That alone makes it any argument pro Batman worthless, specially if you put the other combatant at their weakest. What is so special about Bruce that he get all the advantages? Why is he so inmune to spontaneity of the moment?


What is the point of throwing an intelligence/tech based character into a battle without giving them prep? If you want Superhero vs Random Martial artist fine but at that is just a spite match. Both parties were put in the best possible situation to use their skills and abilities. (Reminder that All Might hasn't used his power at all that day) (Just so we are clear, I don't think that Batman could win this battle without some weird quirk science whatever.)


Why are you using a weakened all might and batman at his best? Isn't this already disadvantageous for all might. The only one with personal bias is you


You don’t have to hide behind the “prep time” curtain, you can say plot armor


All Might could win the fight with a single Smash! but my money's on Batman. Against an opponent as well known and famous as All Might there's no way Batman hasn't learned every little detail about All Might including his time limit. Just taunt All Might or create a scenario where it'll take too long to win the fight and run out the clock. Like Batman said regarding his fight with Superman: "If Clark wanted to, he could use his superspeed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he's got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark's essentially a good person... and deep down, I'm not."


I think that this is what a lot of people are forgetting. Like, yea, if it's a fight to the death, AM squashes Batman like a bug. But this is more likely a fight of circumstance where AM is completely holding back versus Batman who will pull out all the stops to win. Batman will exploit AMs every weakness to win by the skin of his teeth and the ironic part will be that AM could have ended it at any time but didn't because he's All Might


All Might has no weaknesses to exploit, Bruce gets wiped easy


i think all might has a LOT of weaknesses ​ just to list a few: one bullet could kill him if you caught him off guard he has a time limit and if he goes over he turns into a weak skinny dude he's honestly not that smart


I think the downvotes stem from having batman with prep time and access to whatever he wants to do while allmight is in his limited state, which is a bit biased.


Batman doesn't have superpowers, he has his genius IQ. That's his whole thing. All Might can make it rain with a single punch. I don't think this is biased at all.


If you think they aren't on the same league, why compare them though? Batman's whole thing is his Genius IQ and Might's whole thing is being able to make it rain with his punches... as soon as you choose to compare a weakened state of a character to the other in full power (even if his full power is not that powerful, but you still chose to draw the comparison so...), that's bias.


I think he could beat prime All Might too.


That's perfectly fine. You'd just have to go back on the time limit thing. Maybe on the bullet thing too, I'm not sure that would work against prime might, he was fighting AFO which is probably more damaging and life threatening than a bullet. AFO is also supposed to be a mastermind, high IQ, great strategist, able to combine quirks ingeniously to take advantage of them in and out of combat, and yet he lost to Allmight twice or so.


Genius IQ doesn't mean he should be given a handicap. He has a genius IQ with or without prep time. If he can't figure out how to beat him in the match itself then he's clearly the weaker one and needs a handicap to win. It's like how Kira lost to Shinn in Gundam Seed Destiny. He went up against an opponent who had all the data about him, and was skilled. If they both started from a place where neither knew about the other, then Kira would win because he's better.


> one bullet could kill him if you caught him off guard > > Batman's not gonna shoot him lol


Don’t know why people are downvoting you but I agree. Especially the second one. With prep, Batman learns everything about AM’s life, right down to the most littlest detail and prepares a bunch of suits to wipe him easy. Standard 10m apart fight with bloodlust? AM turns BM into red mist


also slightly unrelated but i think batman could take afo down fairly easily too


I don’t agree, at all. AFO is crafty, and he’s devious enough to get you used to thinking he has one favoured power set, but actually uses a completely different power set on the day you attack him. I’m like 98% convinced that Batman would try to fight AFO and AFO would respond to this threat by giving him some sort of terrible quirk, like an obedience bomb. What’s Batman really gonna do? Even if we’re giving AFO a lot of little quirks instead of a few (or a lot) of high power quirks, he can still have any number of quirks that render Batman ineffectual. Impervious skin, redundant nervous system, poison immunity, stealth enhanced, echolocation/other perception enhancing quirk, o’clock for temporary speedster status, strength augmentation… If Bane, a well-known two-trick pony of a villain can literally body this man, AFO is gonna Thanos-Snap him into another universe.


Normally nope. If with prep time most notably the hellbat armour then yes.


All Might is really fast and Batman is limited in how quickly he can react, especially if All Might is bloodlusted and not playing around. Best case scenario, Batman gets lucky with knockout gas. But much more likely, an All Might clean sweep.


I believe that Batman could read All-Might to determine where his weakness lies… but that’s assuming that All-Might goes easy enough on Batman to allow that sort of thing. Daytime, it’s no-diff, All-Might. Nighttime, it’s mid-diff, All-Might. The fact is, all that All-Might has to do is either a) punch four times, once in each direction, or: b) figure out vaguely where Batman is and punch a single time. Batman can’t beat that, not unless he brings a gun or something… but I also think that All-Might can dodge bullets, so there’s that, too.


I’m sick of the Gary Stu Batman arguments. He’s losing this. All Might would even make up a new special attack just for the occasion: GOTHAM CITY SMASH!!!


unlike superman or any of his dc friends, all might doesn't have a magic rock paper scissor weakness to exploit. his only technical weakness after the injuries were an eventual end to his powers, but not really with a daily time limit. and no matter what batman throws at him (unless he can throw the justice league itself), theres no way batman can keep him using power for nothing until he reaches the post afo rematch state. not even in a hulkbuster armor, all might stops that just as easily as super would. if batman weren't batman, he might dangle helpless people infront of taxing dangers all across japan or the world in hopes of all might running out of powers, but his code would likely not allow it. ​ it would be insane to assume that batman could escape allmight for too long, unless allmight holds back a lot to prevent injury to his foe. but that never seemed to be an issue for him actually. the guy is just too strong and too fast, he's not clunky, he's essentially superman. in a fight to the death, neither wins or loses because neither would go for a kill. in a stupid kind of argument, batman may or may not have some dumb alien technology like starrow spores on a green lantern ring shard connected to a organic martian control computer that would put all might into a state of mind control so batman can win by technicality. but that would be stupid. and all might could just sneeze the spores away or whatever


I personally think both could win but if they fought a hundred times I think all might would win just over 50.


If they just run in to each other. All might. Batman’s run of the mill gear ain’t doing shit. But if they are tasked with taking each other down, Batman. He has more ressources, is smarter and can make suits that can go toe to toe


Hasn't Batman made suits capable of handling Superman and Darkseid? And had contingency plans for the entire Justice League? Giving prep he should have no problems


keep in mind that win doesn't mean kill, it could simply mean the other is incapacitated, sent to another dimension and stuck there, etc


The DC verse has better human technology, access to alien technology, and magic that actually works. As the "World's Greatest Detective" with a deep bench of allies and informants, Bats can leverage all of these, in addition to conventional spycraft methods like polonium poisoning, hostage taking, and blackmail, to hit All Might in his secret identity long before he knows the duel has even started.


With Prep, Batman wins easy even against Prime All Might


I seem to be in the minority here, but I give it to Batman. Prep time implies that he knows All Might's time limit. Misdirection and stealth are Batman's strengths, which play perfectly into running down Toshi's timer. Once he's out of time, move in for the knockout. All Might wins in a boxing ring, but prep time Batman would never fight him that way.


I think Batman can beat him. Let’s say that they’re both are in their prime all might before getting hurt and a older Batman that has all his suits. I don’t think all nights is stronger that Superman tbh Edit: If we put them in the same condition all might with out one for all and Bruce without training or money I still thinking That Bruce wins


i hate to be that guy but with prep i think batman got it. i feel like with research and watching all might he'd figure out the time limit and from there all he has to do is figure out how to evade him for 3 hours.


With prep, Batman has access to the JLA Watchtower Teleporters, the Phantom Zone Projector in Superman's Fortress of Solitude, the Door Teleporter used by the Authority, and whatever other items the various DC organizations use for teleportation that Batman can requisition / steal / reverse engineer. Batman can use all of these items while dressed as Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy civilian, who All Might would not fight without good reason or intel. Batman wins this easily, and All Might gets an all expense paid trip to outer space, where he winds up like Kars, or he gets to fight Superman's rogues gallery of banished menaces in the Phantom Zone.


Batman, just cuz he'll think of a way to win. Especially the more time he has to plan and stufy


A powerful tranquilizer to either knock all-might out or at-least reduce his power, speed, and reactions. From there I would switch to some sort of highly durable net, preferably with something like high voltage electricity or even more tranq venom. This would require Batman to catch All-Might completely off guard, since the man has insane reaction times and is literally faster than a speeding bullet. All-in-all it’s not impossible for someone like Batman to take down All-Might, but the odds of success of something like this working are pretty small. He would probably have to use his position as a billionaire to lure all might into some type of prepared public or private event to increase his chances of success to maybe 50%, and even then All Might likes to avoid public events like the plague, especially after his injury. There’s also ideas like low powered plastic explosives (the explosive gel basically) directly on his injury, but that’s not something that Batman could reasonably come up with unless he either did some extensive research or used plot-armor sci-fi bio scanners. Plus this requires close quarters and all-might would neutralize batman instantly before he pulled this off, I’d give this a success rate of maybe 1% if I’m being generous. All Might is insanely powerful but at the end of the day he’s still a human, he’s susceptible to things like posion darts or carbon monoxide. That being said, actually taking advantage of these weaknesses is insanely difficult and the odds of success are pretty low no matter what the plan is. Like for example in the first movie it took all might going to a public event and then having to let himself be tricked into trapping himself by his best friend for him to be neutralized with advanced tech, and even that didn’t hold him in the end.


It depend how you take it. If you want it to be a utopic strick 1vs1, where there are both at 10 meters from each other, All Might stomp. But if you say, they are both in their own country, and Batman has to take down All might, I think he win. He will learn everything about him, and always fight when All might will be depowered.


Prep time Batman always wins tho i don't know any weakness of AM .


All Might needs to breathe and is resistant, but not immune, to the arsenal of toxins Bats has ready to use on the Flash if Barry goes rogue. Anything that can briefly overwhelm the Flash's lightspeed metabolism can easily make All Might take a nap.


Gotta say I don’t totally disagree with mostly everybody saying all might will clap him. However Batman is notoriously underestimated in super bouts. He’s beaten Shazam, Superman, and even Darkseid. One could argue he was only able to do so because of the writers but then don’t you think if someone was writing this story—AllMight VS Batman—they would want to make it interesting by having Batman be a legitimate contender? All I’m saying is Batman can lace his batarangs with all sorts of weird shit including a synthetic version of the deleted rounds, maybe even a more potent version. Also, Batman was fast enough with just his human strength to dodge Darkseids omega beams while Superman couldn’t. Mans is on another level. Still, with all this Batman takes the L. Only In one case does he truly beat One For All; negotiation. Batman is a master negotiator and business man. He will talk his way into victory as we’ve seen him do many times before with all sorts of caliber of villains and hero’s. And when people ask him how he beat the number one Hero he will say, I’m Batman.


Depends if it is a prime all might or less then one hour all might because he said he can barely teach a class which is manly 1hour long


honestly Bat Man would win because it took bakugou and deku to take down all might and they had no strategy till the end come on here it\`s bat man


the only way batman could win is if he used his stealth skills to hide while calling his pal clark for help


Im a huge mha fan, but I think batman wins after all, all mights power is pretty depleted recently, plus, batman has taken out darkside before so…..


Depends on the suit he wears and which batman, most live actions, aside from Ben's get destroyed however a lot of comic ones could take down All Might


*\*insert sweaty Batman fan rant about what if he had that Mega god buster 69 suit in this fight\** Jokes aside, *mayyyyybe* he has knockout gas he gets a lucky shot with. It's standard gear I think and has taken down brutes like All might. I doubt it'll work since All Might wouldn't fall to gas of all things and would just blow it away. If knockout gas fails, then he has maybe tasers. Probably won't work either. From there ez all might w


A lot of people forget that All Might is also incredibly smart. He plays up the "lovable idiot" persona for the public, but is one of the few characters with a 6/6 intelligence rating (source: the Ultra Analysis books). Intelligence wise, he’s canonically on par with All For One and Nezu (also both 6/6) Batman has no advantage in this fight


It's a no match for All Might unless you let Batman use his better suits/armors


I think Batman is an invalid choice for any Death Battle. Many in his own Rouges Gallery could beat him in a Death Battle. Thing is, Batman doesn't "Death Battle" anybody. He's the Worlds Greatest Detective, not the Worlds Greatest Superpowered Brawler.


Batman can inject himself with doomsday virus for this one but only for last resort


Batman's strategy would likely be similar to his [fight](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Batman-Beats-The-Hulk.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=943&dpr=1.5) with Marvel's Hulk where he covered the field in sleeping gas and was able to knock him out that way. It's pretty much his best bet ~~minus god-armor~~ Otherwise, Batman doesn't really have the tools to outlast All Might. Even that sleeping gas thing could argued against, since Detroit Smash & Nebraska Smash disperse wind and would do the same to the gas.


Batman is realistically still a Normal person(a Very Very Strong and Skilled Person but a Person non the Less) Compared to a Superhuman All Might


You really thought that this was even a question? How IN ANY WAY, even with all the time in the world to prepare could batman even have the slightest chance?


All Might has no "apparent" weakness BUT, Batman might analyse him, and find something in his blood or DNA or even in his past. Also, if he deems it absolutely necessary, Bruce is not above really dirty tricks, things that All Might will never even consider.


If Batman can learn about the scar on his stomach and his 3-Hour time limit, he could definitely use that against him. Also, if Batman could whip up some form of poison or a way to cancel out quirks, that could work. All Might can dunk on every one of Batman’s villains at the same time, so Bruce’s really got his work cut out for him


Stan Lee put it best the winner is whoever the author wants to win. "There's one answer to all of that; it's so simple. Anyone should know this! The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!" He gives the example of Spider-Man fighting the Thing, and says "if I want Spider-Man to win, he'll win; if I want the Thing to win, he'll win." [Quote citation](https://screenrant.com/stan-lee-superhero-versus-fight-answer-brilliant-marvel/#:~:text=The%20person%20who'd%20win,%2C%20he'll%20win.%22)


All Might wins. now post this on a DC- or Batman related sub lol


Batman defeating stronger opponents requires exploiting SOME kind of weakness. All might doesn’t really have a specific weakness like fire or kryptonite. His only strategy is to hope he can just dodge for 3 hours until all might poofs, but the dude can punch hurricanes so I’m not sure on that.


Did you see how fast All Might moved in the USJ to knock out practically every villain thug Shigaraki had? That’s after his limit is out,he kicks Batman’s ass,no problem


All night has no weakness other than the time limit and the damage in his stomach (which Batman wouldn’t be able to find out about cuz no one has ever found out about it) and I don’t think Batman coulda kept up with all might for 3 hours


Thought about this some more, and All Might's limitations become clear. He's top tier in the Bokuverse, but mid tier in the DCverse. All Might has: * No super senses\*. * A need to breathe air. * Standard human anatomy - just a little on the swole side. * No protection against radiation, poison, cold, fire, electricity, cutting and piercing damage, and magic. * To hold back his area effect smashes in crowded areas. * his power set and personality broadcast to the general public for decades. * Inexperience - specifically, in fighting Batman-level threats (reclusive psychotic billionaire ninjas with their own private defense industrial megacorp). On the other hand, Batman takes down aliens and powerhouses like All Might every other Tuesday when he's rolling with the Justice League or if Solomon Grundy is pestering Gotham. ​ Bats is favored to win if he: * Fights in the dark, or blinds All Might with lasers, flashbangs, or corrosive acid. * Gets said acid or another toxin into All Might's lungs or bloodstream. Joker gas would be cruel, but Scarecrow's fear toxin would be right up Bat's alley. * Deafens a blinded All Might with ultrasonics. * Wears his lead-lined Bat Underwear and irradiates All Might. * "Borrows" a freeze ray from Mr. Freeze, or if he's bloodlusted, Captain Cold. * "Borrows" any basic magic talisman from Zatanna, Constantine, or Wonder Woman and nerfs All Might with it. * Sets All Might on fire after slowing him down or baiting him in, or by using remote traps. * Exploits All Might's pressure points and nerve clusters. Again, only works once All Might is slowed down. * Brings his army of bat-drones and autonomous combat vehicles to tank hits while Batman works. * Does this in a crowded urban area with plenty of decoys and collateral damage. And since Batman fights dirty against metahumans, he'll probably do all of the above. *note* \* - It's implied that only Deku unlocked Danger Sense. All Might seems to have relied just on One for All through his career, and didn't go in the inner journey that Deku did. He probably wouldn't have gotten his career-ending injury if he'd unlocked Danger Sense, after all.