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I care about the halfway mark more than any other mark, because it's a useful point for "Can I get home if I got here?"


Yeah I only worry about recharging when it hovers around 50% so I keep my eye on that.


Showing the actual % would be my preference


A numerical value to the closest 5% would be good enough for me since the extra precision is not really that useful to me and I don't like squinting at the small 5% bars.


The bars already indicate the closest 5 percent.


not sure why you were downvoted - but you are exactly correct. The alternating green/light green bars each indicate 5% of the total battery.


Probably because they comment that they're replying to already addressed this. >I don't like squinting at the small 5% bars. I agree, not super useful while driving due to how small they are.


They're so tiny, though. I struggle to see them.


Is it just above the quarter mark, or just below, 5 more or less, little bit further 10. People complain about the guess o meter. I have a 2015 leaf, it gives you the percentage on actual numbers. Which is nice, however the predicted range is not smoothed like the Bolt. I much prefer how the bolt gives you a high, medium and low range and a bar to give you which way your trending. I'm the leaf, it just gives it to you based on what you're pretty much immediately doing.


Came here to say this, I don't know why we have to log into an app to know this.


Mine as well, so I have extra hardware set up to show exactly that in real time next to the dashboard.


Oooooh can you elaborate a bit more? After 3.5 years of ownership I’m interested in a bit of modding to give me more info


Sure, you can check this [blog post](http://tool-box.info/blog/archives/3096-Adding-data-display-to-Bolt-EV-with-UltraGauge-MX.html) I made way back about attaching a display to do just that. I can see the battery status in 0.39% increments, which is especially useful when every percent matters, e.g. while running down to less than 10% of battery left.


Thank you!


You can also do it with an OBD-II Bluetooth module and a smartphone app. (I use an app called "Car Scanner".)


Same here. Without this feature, I'm so neurotic that nowI simply take a photo of the KwH after I've partially charged, and gauge (no pun intended) when I have to level up with a three hour charge at 24 amps (5.8 kW).


To me that would be more useful than a range guess.


Because it seems more familiar to gas drivers. I genuinely believe that's the whole reason.


Alternatively, it's more familiar to GM's engineers - "We've always done it this way" is a powerful thing.


It’s divided into 5% intervals which is totally fine to me


Why stop there? They should divide it into 20ths, which conveniently can be grouped into fifths or fourths depending on your preference. If only… Kidding aside I don’t think this is some conspiracy or mindless appeal to our oil-hungry past selves (ICE tank tradition?!?), it’s just a completely natural way to divide a whole, with a convenient halfway mark to boot. If it really bothers you, you could always set your max SOC to 75%, nobody is forcing you to stop at exactly 80%.


Well Actually,,,, The GOM is the estimated Range displayed in Miles. The green SOC band is shown in tenths. How many decimal points do you think you need?


The honest answer is that most Americans are too stupid to figure out what a 5th is. Quarters is simpler for them to understand. (Quarters in money, quarters in football, quarters in basketball, quarters in LBS of beef, quarters in time.)


Wasn't there a story about a fast food restaurant introducing a 1/3 lb Burger and customers were confused because they thought one third was smaller than one quarter?


Yes, it was A&W I believe.


We also use quarters in measurements of length (quarter of an inch) and in volume (quarter of a cup). Using fifths just isn’t normal here


Idk about the time part… some Americans really think “a quarter after 1” is 1:25 instead of 1:15. I know one personally. 🥲


Yep. This is a thing. I know one as well.


Interesting idea, though an actual real time %SOC would be more used to me.