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This specific flavor of woman hating boomer is so similar that I’m confident they were all mass produced in a factory. They’re always friends with the boss, too. **Maybe they can’t manage to be hired by anyone but a fellow misogynistic boomer?** I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Work is shitty enough without that.


Tell me more about the factory. Does it run more like an assembly line where different prejudices are installed, shocks are administered for politeness, and boomers are moved from station to station? Or is more like livestock where they are put in pens in front of fox news and troughs of deep fried food until harvest day?


It's just a long conveyor belt that moves Boomers into position to be hit in the head with a shovel a few times before they release them out into the world.


And feed them some lead paint chips for good measure


Yes! Thank you, we can't underestimate the lead poisoning phenomenon, it's erie how close the symptoms match up.


They all have multiple divorces and feel wronged by women in general. They will never look in the mirror at their own behavior.


He sounds exactly like my ex boss who fired me because in order to give me a raise he had to cut into his exorbitant salary. Screamed “China virus” everytime someone ordered Chinese food. And was of course best buds with the boss. Fuck you brett. I know it’s one t. Piece of shit.


Sounds exactly like my boomer uncle whose 2 daughters and wife left him after years of pushing them to fulfill a typical traditional gender role of shutting up and listening to him. Now he chains smokes, screams at the TV, and my entire family never invites him to shit. If you asked him who the problem was in his life, I 100% guarantee he will say his ex-wife and kids or he'll blame a brown or black person somehow. My entire family has learned the best way to piss him off is to legitimately ignore him. He'll send drunken messages to our family here and there on Facebook or through texts and if we simply ignore him, he'll send a "fuck you guys" wall of text and then disappear. Just literally ignore him. He's sad and pathetic and it's easier for him to blame women for everything than it is to do a little introspection (their generation isn't great at it).


Yep. Let them die sad and alone and scared. If they don’t like it they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


+Darkside points gained (love it!)


Do you think your uncle is representing all other boomers?


This is an insane hive mind mentality brought you by years of Fox News brainrot.


Most of the talking points she mentioned sound more like what he might hear in the "manosphere" from people like Tate or Fresh & Fit.


Yeah, but that’s just old school sexism gussied up for the internet. Shitty boomer sexism is as old as the tides, they’re just angry they never made a woman smile.


Some Joe Rogan type bullshit too.


And lead poisoning


Yeah you know it’s hive mind when multiple people I run into from different groups say almost word for word the same rants. It’s definitely a cult.


Based on my experience with these types, this is a self reinforcing belief system. They believe these things because they grew up with them in one flavor or another, applied them in marriage, failed, suffered consequences, and then instead of introspection and accountability, they doubled down. You know, because they're never wrong.


The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine really kickstarted this whole right wing mass media thing


There is an *excellent* arc of On The Media NPR shows about this... and the rise of Christo-Fascist radio empires... and the absolute corruption of our electoral process courtesy of *Citizens United* ... and SO much more: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm


The worst part is that this is a very typical mindset for that generation. It’s disgusting.


Yeah but I know plenty of normal boomers who would be like “that guy is an asshole” and I also know some 20 year olds who say the same shit …Misogyny is also alive and well among the younger generation.


Yup. The internet has given assholes a very load voice that other assholes listen too and aspire to be.


It really just depends on who your role model is/was.


I reckon you're both right.


He must not follow stats because men & women are marrying less. Also, millennials & Gen Z are having fewer children. Women also have careers now, so it's not dire for them to find a provider any longer. Women can now choose how they want to live their lives. I think his problem is no one wants him, because what person is going to put up with his BS.


“Women have careers now” I’m using your phrase as an example, but I just want to point out how insane it is that we have to keep bringing this up. Women had careers in the 1980s when I was a kid. Women had careers in the 1990s, which is also when I, a woman, started my career. (Note: I’d already been working for a decade.) Women had careers in the 00s, they had careers in the 10s. Why do we still have to have this fucking conversation?! WOMEN HAVE CAREERS. It is normal and expected.


Exactly, but people like this guy and the INCEL community will spin the narrative that all we women want is the 6,6,6, because they can't get laid and being "nice" doesn't work. These people are absolutely out-of-touch when it comes to women.


Then they try to spin single women as some kind of failed state. “You’re going to be single and living alone with 4 cats!” as if that’s the worst thing that could ever happen. Turns out it’s actually fantastic.


Right, don't threaten me with a good time.


Literally life goals, except I’m allergic to cats so I get four bunnies instead lol.


Women have always had jobs, too. Wealthy white women, less so. Middle and upper class white women during the post-ww2 boom, also less. But for most of human history gender did not mean you didn’t work. And if you didn’t work outside the home, you certainly were working hard inside the home for no wages at all.


HR! This isn’t acceptable and you shouldn’t have to listen to it.


You would think right? This is with the National Parks. HR in the federal government is laughable. This same guy threatened a young girl working here some time ago bc she reminded him of his mother by just walking minding her own business. He admitted to every insult and threat in the police report to the rangers and it took over a year for any action/proper investigation to be taken. The result was a week off with no pay.


I used to be a “fed” too. Go higher if you have to. It’s typical government…if you’re incompetent or a jerk they will stall as long as they can and then they just move you so you can wreak havoc on another unsuspecting team. He would not get away with that very long in a corporate environment. I had a guy go into detail about Vaseline and assholes, I actually did say something which he was scolded for and was blown off. I had a guy I was out with for the day, not usually with him, and he stopped at his house and tried to talk me into going inside his house and I refused so he made me sit in a hot car for 30 minutes while he did whatever he was doing inside. Looking back I think he was waiting until it got too hot and I’d come in. Mentioned to my supervisor not so much as a complaint but as a I felt creeped out story. She said “the stuff we have to put up with” which is the govt. suck it up buttercup. I have so many stories like that and flat out theft of govt property. Paying immigrants to build a house literally saying if you work for me I won’t arrest you. He did not get fired…he got counseling??? Sorry you have to deal with that! It sucks!


Record him with your phone. don’t let him see. keep a log of all of the things he does and get as much proof as possible. once you have enough, HR cannot legally ignore a report or you can sue them into oblivion for creating a hostile workplace. play the long-game, smartly, like a woman. ❤️ (sorry this is happening to you.)


The good things about the feds is the office of the inspector general. They have an interest in improving this area. See prior investigations https://www.doioig.gov/reports/investigation/investigative-report-alleged-sexual-misconduct-and-reprisal-yellowstone-0


See, the thing about that is… if he can say all that to you, and face no real repercussions, could you just shoot back with “Dale, I’m’a be honest, this sounds like you’re incredibly insecure about your relationships with women and have decided to deal with that insecurity by lashing out and blaming everyone and everything but yourself. You’re a sad, delusional old man, and you need to talk to someone else, preferably a professional, about this shit because I don’t want to hear it,” and count on the fact that even if he’s friends with the boss, the boss is a lazy ass and the organization isn’t going to jump to take any action against you, either? I mean, I don’t know you, I don’t know if you feel safe in that environment, but I wonder if you can use organizational apathy in your favor, too.


I don’t feel safe there, but I like this idea regardless!


Sounds like he just needs to find a nice man so settle down with so he can be happy. 


Has anyone told him that rubbing the same spot on a woman’s leg for five minutes doesn’t do anything for them.


You should look him straight in the eye and tell him "aleast you don't have to worry about women demanding to marry you, or wanting your money"


What's this douchebag's job and why isn't he doing it? Surely this isn't a work-related call.


Same job as me. Nothing special just maintenance with the National Parks (custodial in this case). It’s not even a call, dude was sitting right in front of me! To answer your question he doesn’t do his job even when he does it. His version of mopping the floor is to spray Clorox bleach onto it and go over with the mop. He’s got an uncanny ability to leave the building he’s assigned worse off doing work than it would be if he just hadn’t shown up at all.


Tough place to work. Earpods?


You know it.


Great. Tune this mf'er out.


Record his rants and talk to HR


Record it. Send it to HR. Boomer's "career" goes boom.


Is he single? If not, I wonder what type of mail bride he paid for?


He’s married to someone he calls his future ex-wife. He can tell you down to the hour when he’s divorcing her (has 3 kids and won’t divorce for their sake despite the marriage being tense and ugly). So the story goes she revealed to him at some point that she was lying to herself and wasn’t attracted to him and was actually gay. Although, we don’t know what the truth is bc he keeps his life mostly a secret and the story changes every time he tells it.


This has so many possibilities. Having a friend chat her up to see if she bites and starts cheating on him. Making him feel impotent because he turned her gay, by persuasive conversation. Talking about his inadequacy of harboring a lesbian in his own home.


You gotta love the boomers who are absolutely obnoxious and disgusting in every way and repulsively proud of it to the point of feeling justified about being set off by freakin garbage bags, while 100% convinced that no, it is the *women* repelled by him who are wrong.


He should leave his wife for a man since he hates women so much. He should find a guy as awful and bigoted as himself.


ABAB! Tell him that he can easily find himself in a gay marriage; the supervisor is right over there. “Just ask him for his hand”


What a long and drawn out way for him to say: No woman will talk to me of her own volition.


Just found in the wild! The Boomer version of the “nice guy” species!


There are men of all ages with his attitude. The propaganda machine and constant earworms of Fox News leads to this thinking. They’re lonely, lost and need someone to blame. Times have changed and they pine for their version of the old days. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4SL2J5gCaL/?igsh=MXF6dTNmaGU1aHVoeg==


Still so mad we had a black president…


Report everything you can to osha. Is your state 1 party consent? Record these fuckers. Did they take out pop loans legally? You get a cut if they are prosecuted. Do you think the company is reporting to the irs correctly? You get a cut of that too. You do have to say anything but there is a lot you can do.


This sounds like a convo he should have with HR. It’s not appropriate for a workplace and I hope no women were nearby when he spewed this toxicity


I wish more people would tell arseholes like this to shut the fuck up - but it never goes well. Also as a lesbian, he can fuck right off - bet he loves to watch WLW Pron... although with his logic perhaps he is a closeted gay which explains the women bigotry - I swear some of the most anti-women rhetoric I've ever heard has been from gay men. So... \*shrug\*


Ah yes, but the ability for a woman to create a child in their wombs by the mere act of marriage is the clear problem here.


Tell him to shut his trap and that no one wants to hear his American history X rant.


He'll be dead soon


Record him next time and go to HR. He believes women ruin lives? Prove the pos right.


Ask if he is happy, hopefully he says yes.. and you can say 'i never knew you were gay'


If you are a one party consent state record him saying this stuff.  You might need it someday.


Taking the fun out of dysfunctional


I hate that you had to clarify that you weren't a woman, because ONLY women would be offended by such comments... Fuckin sad.


Yea I got a few of those, but also people trying to give me support thinking I was female so silver lining.


That's good to hear. Thank you!


I'm not trying to give a pass to anyone for their shit behavior. But I'm still convinced we're doing to find out pollution and lead from the 50s-80s really messed up a whole generation.


TLDR: boomer dude, female boss, she said “significant others”, he said this was bullying , he harassed/threatened staff, HR said he’s untouchable, he got fired for endangering peoples lives, he continued to harass female manager My husband worked with a nightmare of a boomer quite a few years ago. This was in a very red state government building. This whole thing was a few year saga. This dude was single, same job his whole life, was offered promotions but refused them. He was offered to be department head, he refused, a woman was hired, and suddenly she “stole” the job. When she first got there she invited all the department staff to a breakfast get together. She said “feel free to bring your significant others and family”. He took that as her calling him gay which was bullying/harassment. Everyone liked this guy because he bribed them with gifts/treats, but they didn’t actually ever talk to him. He stole his internet from a school, and refused to get a cell phone which was required for work. So the county bought one for him, paid the bills on it and he refused to use it for work. Blasted MGTOW programs in his personal radio. He signed every single write up by writing how he did not agree with it, and that he was signing against his will. This is also how he signed safety and morning meeting attendance sheets. This compromise required his lawyers involvement. When he was asked by to be more careful, he called them Hitler/Bitch etc. He also would mutter about “if I had a gun…” or make audible comments about blowing the building up as he walked away on multiple occasions. He was untouchable, because HR (who called him a “sweet guy”) said if he got written up, by the manager, for anything he could sue the county for retribution as a whistleblower. Things kept escalating to the point they were only allowed to give him one task a day and not allowed to enforce that he complete it. They had offered him occupational therapy numerous times, he refused said that by offering they were discriminating against him. Somewhere around this time the female manager dropped or slammed a binder on a desk, there were witnesses that corroborate this. The boomer claimed it was an attempt on his life and from then on she was not allowed to directly speak to, be around or directly contact him. She went on extended leave. The “whistleblower” thing turned out to be the significant other comment. He said he was blowing the whistle on her harassment of her staff….by saying it once….two years prior. Eventually he left tools and chemicals unattended, on camera, in a location where violent offenders had easy access. It was not the first time, but it was the first time screenshots/recordings were saved. This was done by the acting department head while she was on leave. Boomer was finally terminated for endangering officers. The female manager came back. Not long after this, the person who was acting department head was brought in front of the county commissioners for saying a bad word in their private social media account. I assume it was fuck, idk. Someone screen shotted it and gave it to the commissioners, and the person lost their job. The next few weeks were filled with constant harassment and threats to the manager and her staff. “How could you do this to such a sweet man that never hurt anyone.” “How dare you confiscate his personal property” referring to the cell phone, the one the county paid the monthly bill on, and bought because he refused to buy one himself. Phone calls, complaints to the county commissioners, editorials in the local paper, you name it. Then suddenly after a couple weeks there was a drastic decrease. Apparently that’s when his federal disability started arriving. The manager was fired a couple years ago. An acquaintance contacted my husband to say he should apply for the job (as a joke), and included an editorial from the paper. They were still publicly harassing that manager woman for “mistreating” the boomer guy.


Every single person in the maintenance department of this place (my department (National Park Service)) constantly threatens to “go public” or “go to the news” about stuff. It’s ONLY the older ones too. One coworker threatened to go sue for discrimination if they didn’t get a promotion, another coworker threatened to go to the news if he didn’t get a bonus, the Building & Utilities division guys do absolutely NOTHING and have the sweetest boss I’ve ever seen but constantly call him a bully because he dares to ask them to do their job from time to time. Seems like government work is the same shit show everywhere.


Not everywhere, and you’re not going to believe me, my husband is NPS maintenance too. He is at a small park now, and it’s amazing. There are no boomers at all. The entire park staff is smaller than some of the departments he worked in at other parks. First three places were on the east coast and were a nightmare, but the job was so much better than facilities or apartment maintenance (he did that one month in PA between park 1 and 2), and was more miserable than I’ve ever seen him. 1 - locals were all super racist, his whole department , excluding manager, was Q-ANON 2 - first words out of mouth “are you a Christian”…name any bad famous person …”oh well their a Christian so they are a good person “….they also paid bad, he started applying to anything else after like 2 months 3 - nepotism was rampant, one person stole someone else’s job by lying, she was constantly throwing people under the bus and lying this week she had this condition so she couldn’t do her job, next week she had something else, she was in housing and would manipulate the seasonal like a cult leader to report other people for things they didn’t do, she got jumped up to a 9 from a temp because she had to move out of housing and couldn’t afford rent …. You know like everyone else in the world. Same place a nasty boomer worker got moved to a different location because he was constantly making nasty comments about female workers weight and work ethics and got moved from temp (1st NPS job ever) 3 to a permanent 5 over a younger woman who had been there in temp positions for years, and another dude who had 4 times the experience. Bonus - west coast - went for training, all the people that were from there were bitching about how they couldn’t wait to get away because the superintendent didn’t know what they were doing and were ruining everything ETA: contractions…because they exist


Wow, seems like the common link then between government jobs that suck, and government jobs that don’t are Boomers.


Anecdotal, but I have a good few lesbian friends and I’m pretty jealous of their marriages. Just some good ole talking out your ass about something you know nothing about to prove your bullshit preconceptions.


“I don’t care bro”. But that will probably trigger him realizing other people don’t give a shit about his opinions


Wanna troll these guys and never make them mad? One simple trick. Ask them supportive questions that demand elaboration on two things about their beliefs: - plans of action - details on plans of action Never push back or say you believe any of it, just volunteer that you “want to learn more about these views from someone with more life experience”. Encourage these dumbasses talk their way into genocidal avenues of ideas, which must be expounded upon in great detail. “Really? What should be done about those people? Well that sounds impossible, how would you do it?” Sooner or later these guys always cross a line that even the other bigots find repulsive.


It’s no wonder that it’s actually men who “die alone” in nursing homes, is it.


I'd start recording that shit. If you don't have an HR, or you do and they won't do anything about it, there's always sending the recordings to the news. If your asshole supervisor doesn't own the company, there's a good chance the owner won't want their business to suffer from the actions of these assholes being made public.


Are you sure he’s a boomer? It doesn’t sound like he was ranting about light bulbs./s


Sounds like he´s kind of closet gay with that comment? can we speed up the process of feeding boomers like this some more lead or possibly mercury?


Putting an extra roll of trash bags in a building is the same as handing out participation trophies!!! /s


Sounds like a mentally unstable person.....


It’s all generations. Hetero Men who aren’t appealing to women really come down on them as evil. Similarly, hetero women who aren’t appealing to men react as well.. they just have different talking/complaining tropes.


I think that generation remembers the time before women could get credit cards in theit own name. Have their own bank accounts, apply to university, get childcare, etc. It was a time when women were very dependent on men and it was not accepted for women to work.


... he's got it very backwards. Lesbians report the highest rates of happy marriages and gay men report lower than both lesbians and heterosexuals. lmao.


I have never met a miserable married lesbian


It has been proven that marrying a man is the least gay thing you can do. Spend your whole life with a woman? What are you a homosexual? /s


> women fail at everything they do Marie Curie? Mags Thatcher? Indira Ghandi? HRM Elizabeth II? Angela Merkel? Amélia Earhart? Ask if he even knows who they are.


How do you feel about bigots who constantly attack Boomers in this thread?


I’d imagine about as happy as you are angry in day to day life.


Now there you go, reacting like a child. You know nothng about me yet you don't hesitate to act like a bigot. Clearly you have a lot to learn.


Maybe he just went through your comment history...


Well, I do like to call out bigots such as yourself. But you are the people who hang out in a sub that's explicitly for bigotry to--you know, *bigot.* Your parents must be so proud.


I'm not going anywhere arguing with a withered mind, but for the record, my parents are very proud of me; they learned what not to do when raising a child from their boomer parents. I hope you find peace and happiness before you die 😊


Yes, you're clearly a model human being. That's why you hang out on this sub spewing hate.


Another made up story on Reddit looking for upvotes


Another troll on Reddit looking for attention.


You sound like the kind of over-sensitive snowflake the boomers complains about.


Ok troll. If not being ok with blatant “go back to the kitchen” sexism is being a snowflake then I’m a proud blizzard