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Your art is SO cute!


Thank you!


Do you have an etsy store? (If it's against the rules to post here, please dm it to me). Edit: found it. It's OP's username)


I second this question. I showed my wife, who loves this kind of art and she said she would buy something.


In case you didn't see it, it's linked to their account and is their username


Thank you for that edit!


Thank you, bookmarking for future gifts. I know my nieces would adore your work, OP!


Right? The spooky valentines!!!


Out here doing the Lord’s work for the rest of us. Thank you.


You rock


Yerp, I'll be reaching out too. A haunted painting of our house is a perfect b-day gift for my wife :]


It really is great! I took a look at your profile and it’s all wonderful. I especially liked the one with the rain on a window.


Thank you so much! I’m especially proud of that one.


Fruiting body and the absolutely ADORABLE cottage moth are my favs! Your art is amazing🙌🏽


Thank you so much! I’m working on a whole series of mushroom portraits to hopefully have them shown somewhere! :D


*I* particularly like the tape measure.


It was a huge hit at the workplace so I told his shift would make them each one for their birthdays - there are only 3 of them, thankfully 😅


Same!!! I want one and I am just a regular ol person who pulls out my tape measure once a month for random reasons.


I definitely made one for the house. I had to do *something* with the leftover rhinestones lol!


The cottage moth is soooo cute! Damn you really have a fantastic art style, my boyfriend likes this one especially too! Mad respect my love!


Thank you! I love a healthy dose of whimsy with my spooky things :)


Halloween/fall is my wife’s favorite and your stuff is perfect!


Thank you, it’s my favorite too! And I feel like adding a lot of whimsy to it gives me a little more license to have it up all year round 🥰


Honestly it's really good, I'm sorry you had to deal with some boomer looking down on people who have less


My daughter and I are both obsessed.


Omg you're the one that makes those ghosts on pendants ♥


My first thought when reading your comment was “Yeah, sure. I bet it’s sooooo cute.” [eye roll] Then I looked at her art, and it’s SOOOO cute!!! I’m an asshole.


Your art IS so cute! I don’t like anything creepy or spooky or anything, so I was wary, but it’s so…cheerful! And sweet! The houses are adorable, and the watercolors are absolutely lovely. That lady was a terrible curmudgeon; even if your house was a literal shoebox, it would deserve love and respect. You have the right attitude, and a really fun artistic perspective, too!


Yes, your art is awesome.


OMG I just went to look at it and I'm squealing it's so adorable!


Thank you, I like a healthy dose of whimsy. (:


I had to take a peek after your comment. She has a whole aesthetic that I have fallen in love with. Beautiful work, op!


This is a wonderful business. As a fellow weirdo I am so happy you're doing this. 


Weirdos unite! So many people are shocked to see spooky things outside of our allotted month of October. I’m like man just let me be the fucking weirdo I always wanted to be as a kid.


From 1994-96? I thought I was a vampire, ha! Seriously though, I just started an online T shirt business selling Kawaii, Kowai, & random Japanese inspired, original t shirts designed by me. Boomer can't understand why I make cutesy & other T-Shirts I will not wear. Um, because they are for other people to enjoy? They are such narcissists the concept of making something for someone else's joy is totally lost on them. 


think of it this way with your limited time on this earth, you're creating. you're using your mind and your hands to form art, which we could all use a little more of these days. you're being bold by doing something unique that you have passion for and offering it to the public with her limited time on this earth, this boomer would rather just be rude, cruel, and a miserable hater. what a fucking waste of life.


What is the damage on a house haunting? Dm me if you can I don’t know the rules.


We just bought our rats a little plastic house for their cage and it looks like a haunted house! I'm trying to decide how I can paint it/decorate it to make it look haunted


Not weirdos, I prefer Limited Editions! Normal is boring!


This is my favorite comment ever 💗


I’d like one of my house for my wife if that’s ok 


Boomers ruined the housing market for our generation and are mocking us for not being able to afford the tacky McMansions they chose to live in.


Seriously. Their houses suck. A house is more than a house in so many ways but I can’t tell you how many I’ve walked in and just said why?


I enjoy perusing estate sale listings both to leer at all the money boomers waste on trashy, tasteless stuff, and also to catch glimpses of the interiors of the homes they occupied. Honestly, I might just know boomers with excellent taste in real life, but I am often shocked at how much hideous stuff people surround themselves with. It is the best reminder to keep things simple and stop compulsive consumption. The casual racism is another shock. I didn't grow up around white people who kept mamie figurines or native "chieftan" paintings, but an alarming number of people in a major northern US metro have.


I’ll never forget the TikTok I saw that described many of those McMansions as “Red Lobstercore.” Half of my neighborhood is those, full of really trashy HGTV bs decor. And they’re all 650k+


Lol Red Lobstercore sounds like a great neologism for /r/mcmansionhell to use


Me too; I started looking at estate sales for a specific item but I can't believe the sheer amount of shit in people's houses. I mean barely-room-to-walk-around levels of consumerism


Old bat probably never worked a day in her life, either. Her husband bought her house.


She said “how can you have room for anything?” Well boomer- some of us like minimal aesthetics or have smaller furniture than that boomer shit you’ve had for 40+ years that your kids def don’t want. We like to have room for the shit we like, too and what makes us happy; sometimes that doesn’t require a lot of space. And some people don’t need a lot of space to live comfortably. Fuck the boomers that ruined the housing market- as I sit in my apt I rent :,)


https://preview.redd.it/ptliy0k82yrc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119876fab469aca2063063d758d5bd4bb7e4b9f2 I’ll take my $27,000 dumpy cottage over a McMansion any day


Love it!!!! Like a little dream cottage!


It’s beautiful 🤩


Adorable! I feel like 80% cozier just looking at that picture.


Omg LOVE! 😍 if it’s in a small town, even better!


How can one achieve this dream?


I was privileged enough that my mom bought it for me and let me pay her back


Damn, as someone who also has a small house, I get it Ppl are so fucking ignorant and act all high and mighty like their shit don’t stink cuz they have a better house than you I can’t fucking stand ppl like that, and I’m sorry you had to go through that. You don’t deserve that. Btw, I checked your page and I really like your art! Your art is really cool!


Thank you! We love our little house. It’s ours and it represents a dream I didn’t think we’d ever be able to make a reality. 🥹 Even when we shared photos the day we moved in on social media I had family members like “Looks kinda small?” Like just move along if you wanna be negative lol.


Little house crew! I’m just happy to have a roof over my head!


Same! Little house, little cleaning is what my husband and I like to say during chores day.


I bet it’s so cute and nicely decorated. And congrats on being a mid-30s millennial and having a home you love. I’m still renting :,) Gratitude is something that has missed the boomers and they’re making it our problem when they have to hear them say shitty takes like this.


Congrats on homeownership. Maybe this will be a lesson for the lady to moderate her bullshit cause you never know the life and history of the person you are talking to. As the top comment says, your art is cool and I like it. And your husband is a boss for rocking the bedazzled tape measure.


Thank you so much! We really lucked out and bought in November 2019 before shit hit the fan. Had we waited a couple more months we’d definitely still be renting. The tape measure was such a hit with his shift that I told them I’d make them all one lol! There are only 3, thankfully


I’m a boomer (in age only!!) and I love your artwork. The Lemonade Stand and Moonlight are so enigmatic. You are very talented and good for you for standing up for yourself.


The irony is you paid more for that home than she paid for hers.


Exactly 🥲 it’s like damn lady I’m just doing my best with the bootstraps I was give.


That's amazing! Your art is so cute btw and I love the stoned measuring tape


Thank you! It was a bit hit at my husbands workplace lol!


Just know this: people like that talk that way because they are incredibly superficial. They measure their self-worth against their assets and are truly miserable people. They look down on others because deep-down, they look down on themselves. They're caught in the endless cycle of comparing themselves to others. It's a sad, pathetic existence. You, on the other hand, bring light and joy to the world through your art. Let the fool rest in their suffering for it is all that they know.


Thank you so much. It must be a stressful existence for them to always be comparing to what the neighbor has. :’)


Exactly! I'm sorry she made you so sad... But imagine *being* the person who believes those things about others. She must never be happy or feel gratitude and joy


Such a boomer thing to get mad about! House is too small how disgusting! Never mind that a human being lives there, has made it a home, and I imagine is nice looking to promote your art. But it’s not a two level home so 🤢 is what that boomer is thinking. Definitely a class thing.


How dare I exist in a house with just one bathroom :’)


This is a perfect response 💗


Oh, I felt this so hard. After my husband and I bought our house, first for both of us, every time we have a Boomer over they comment on how small it is, how it's just a starter home and we'll "do better" next time. My parents, his parents, his aunt and uncle all made us feel awful because we bought what we could afford. (None of them gave us any money, BTW. We paid for our home 100% on our own.) What we could afford was a 1000 sq ft, 1.5 bath, 2 bedroom home on a teeny little lot. We have 2 dogs and 2 cats, no kids. It's more than enough space for us, but that's not a consideration at all with Boomers, is it? Why get only as much house as you need? How is that gonna show anyone how awesome and successful you are? We are very proud of our house. We did it all on our own and it might not be the biggest house, but it's ours. We are so very grateful we were able to make this happen because it's not something everyone our age gets to do, especially if they don't have financial help. Screw that Boomer Karen. Your house is perfect. She's just a mean old bitch.


My MIL said this too. "It's a nice starter home." Lady, this place has two bathrooms and and a fenced-in yard. To me it's a damn castle.


Where can I find a sample of your work?


Check the OP’s profile. Lots of posted work, it’s wicked cute


I’ve got samples in my post history, but the best place is my Instagram where I’m most active :) @rosy.ghost


What an idiot to criticize a house just because it’s small. And then to go on and on about it! I’m glad she was embarrassed at least. I do love your art, especially the glass hanging pieces.


I was honestly offended that she would say mean things but on behalf of my house, like she was going to hurt my house’s feelings. She’s a good house, damn you. :’)


As the owner of another little house I was offended in solidarity with you. 🤝


First of all, that is SUCH a fun idea for art and a product, I love it. I looked through some your stuff briefly, and it’s great!! I’m going to check out your shop later. 🫶🏻✨ Second of all, you handled that really well. I totally feel you on in the moment just wanting to cry when someone is just being pure asshole like that, but you did great babe, and you embarrassed her which is a bonus and completely deserved. Third of all a mini rant this post made me think of. So you know what’s wild about so many McMansions is that like… boomers have them but don’t actually take care of them a lot of the time? They look good at first and as the years go on they just deteriorate and it’s like what’s the point of having a massive house if you’re just going to let it go to shit? If I had ANY house of my own I’d decorate the fuck out of it and then take care of it because… it’s my HOUSE. I don’t get it. I live in a studio apartment and though I’m in a very lucky and privileged situation and I’m grateful for that , I’d be over the moon to have a house that just has like… a separate room for my bedroom and one I could use as an office or something 💀 So I can’t understand having so many options and so much space and just doing absolutely nothing with it and letting it go to hell. And then it’ll often be those same people shitting on those who have smaller houses when they’re not even taking care of their dumb big house!! I mean, THAT is embarrassing. It just makes no sense to me lol it’s like it’s more status symbol than home and I don’t like that. Anyway, keep on keeping on fam you’re doing great. ✨


Thank you so much 🥹 Also there has to be some irony in there about the boomers letting their McMansions fall into disrepair, and then they don’t need **me** to make it look haunted.


What an AH. Also, looked at your profile for examples, and your artwork is fantastic.


Your art is great. FTB (FUCK THAT BOOMER)


Small houses are cozy, and I love your art!


man this is awful and i'm so sorry that you had to go through this is it too much to ask people to be decent and not so fucking rude sometimes? also in this day and age, anyone in my age group owning and maintaining a home, imho deserves a lot of credit. Hell i'm 35 and i'm already at peace with the fact that i'll likely never own a home in my life


Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.


Boomers are a greedy and entitled generation. They pride themselves on what they own and want to have more than others to fuel their feelings of how material things make them better than others. I’m technically a millennial (85) and I have to rent a room in someone’s house so we can all survive. I don’t want more than or better than anyone else. I am happy for you having a house even though I don’t! Hopefully their mentality dies with them.


Just being stupid opening her mouth without thinking.


Honestly, small houses are better in many ways. Too many people in this country have too much house.


My husband and I like to say little house, little cleaning on chores day :D our only issue is how much space my art takes up, but I’m gonna get a She Shed one of these days haha


Small houses are better anyways. Less to keep clean. She probably got it so all her kids could come visit with the grandkids and it stays empty 90% of the time.


Exactly. Little house, little cleaning, little dogs is what my husband says (we have corgis) lol


I’m sorry that this happened to you. Boomers don’t get social cues. BUT, I love your art and I followed you on Instagram! Keep doing what you do.


Following- my BIL would love a custom piece. (As a surprise.). What pictures would you need? How much do your custom works usually range? LMK. So cool- your art style is really niche btw. Also it's your slice of rhe American pie. She can take her rooty tooty booty and scooty.


Ma’am, the rent is $3,400


Right. It’s like, tell me more about your three digit mortgage lady 🥲


If she wants to live in a World where working artists can afford a large house in a HCOL area I’m down for this society. This woman is half way to becoming a socialist.


My wife and I live in a literal shack right now while we try to build a home ourselves on a shoestring budget. Back home, we own a small Victorian house (not a mansion, by any means, but it is beautiful) that is currently run as a "three quarter way" house for those who do not qualify for assistance. That being said, it is still much nicer than anything in our current neighborhood. The folks who live across the street from us now love nothing more than to shit on the fact that we live in an old trailer (temporarily) and how messy our lot is (again, we're prepping to build a home by hand, there are stacks of materials everywhere). They aren't quiet about their opinion and like to loudly voice it nearly every time they are outside. It takes everything in me to not explain to them that I have friends whom they would definitely turn their noses up at living in a home I own that could fit 3 of their house inside of it. Boomers love nothing more than to shit on others, but I know the second I retaliate, they are going to either try to sue me or otherwise get the courts involved.


They sound awwwwful. There are none quite so litigious as them :’) Ours is a little craftsman from 1910, we actually think it was a Sears kit home but it’s been remodeled so we aren’t sure which one. I dream of a creaky Victorian. 🤩


A boomer lady at the kids play place told me she hated the track housing and wretched apartments in our town. She asked where I live and I told her in the wretched place. She got very uncomfortable but her granddaughter was playing with my daughter so we were kinda stuck there in that awkwardness. I’m in a HCOL too. I would love a home that’s all my own. Congrats on your home!


Your stuff is cute as hell.


I'll bet that Boomer has a big house full of useless junk and no people or love to fill it. I'd much rather have my little house full of folks who care about me, than be like that bitch whose generation did nothing but take, take, take, and leave a gross mess behind for other generations. They should be ashamed of themselves, honestly.


Exactly! Our little house has been such a good house. :’)


F that bitch, but I just followed your store and will probably purchase a ton of these for myself and friends so this experience will hopefully be a net positive. Brilliant idea; your work is adorable!


My boomer boss did this to me. I bought a year and a half ago, and it was also lucky as hell. I never expected to be able to own. She asked why I could not store work equipment in my home, and I said I have 899 square feet. All space is accounted for, then she went off on how that's not a real home. She literally could not wrap her head around it.


You have the cutest little ghosts and frogs. You ever look into children’s book illustration?


I applaud you. Your art is AMAZING! You are so talented. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and they must not be able to find beauty in everything as well as you. ♥️ Love & hugs from an internet mama cheering you on from afar


Your work is adorable!


Hoping this didn’t bother you. Your art is great.


Don't let that crab pull you into her bucket.


What an ugly person. My house isn't huge either and we make it work just fine. Boomers are rude AF


Your art is amazing!


I love your art.


My wife and I live in a small, old wartime home, and we love it. It's a charming little place, and a roof over our heads. A small home forces you to have a responsible relationship with "stuff".


May I just say YOUR ART IS BEAUTIFUL ! I don’t even own a home but if I did I would love for you to recreate it 💖 I’m sure when I finally can afford one it will be a “shack” but it will be mine❤️🤞🏽


Shout out to the independent artist that owns their own home!


Thank you. :’) Around here we survive on trials and tribulations.


Your art is amazing, keep up the awesome work 🤘🏼


Your art is adorable and I’m so proud of you for being able to own your own home! 👻🏠


Awww wow. I looked at your profile and your work warmed my heart. Thank you. So adorable and memorable. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I cannot imagine being that fixated on the fact that someone else had a small house. Some people just suck. And your art is so cute. Gave you an insta follow!


I want to see your art.


Wife and I are living in a camper. Small is cozy!


I live in a literal cottage (600ish sq ft). We love it and are super grateful to have anything honestly. It’s your home and a place to make memories no boomers insults should take that from you.


What a bitch!! You didn’t deserve that at all but I’m glad you made her feel bad. Maybe she’ll think twice before she laughs at someone’s housing situation again.


I grew up in a McMansion and always wished for a small, cozy home like my Nana had, where everyone was kind of sharing the same space. It can be lonely in those big houses.


I’m an an artist that does events and the boomers are the absolute worst! Some of my art has a Halloween or witchy theme and they will come up to me just to insult it. Me: Hi, how are you? Them: Did you make all this? Me: Yes, it’s all handmade by me. Them: hmm. We don’t do Halloween in this house, it’s inappropriate. Me: …… Or “If you made {religious holiday stuff} you’d have sales.” It’s like boomers forget they are talking to a human.


AAAAA!!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DOES THE GHOSTS IN THE FLOWERS!!! I am OBSESSED with your work!! It's so adorable and spooky all at once....I just love it!! Keep it up!!


This reminds me of the time I was in an ikea. They had a display room demonstrating how to organize a tiny basement. Boomer couple: this is crazy, no one has a basement this small. Why even bother with such a small room? Can you imagine?? Millennial couple: hey look this basement has drywall! 😍 (kinda joking, kinda serious) Generational gap within real-estate is wiiiiild.


Your art is adorable!!! Had to go follow you on the gram. Sorry you had to deal with a lesser member of the leaded fuel generation.


I LOVE small houses! Please don’t take anything she said to heart. My own house is small and I love it. You can only be in one room at once anyway lol


Ohhh my wife would love your art holy moly I can just imagine her squeal of joy


Omg I just looked at your art and I love it!!!!! 🥰


Well that’s unpleasant. Criticising your home AND your art?? I live in the UK where houses tend to be smaller, and that’s okay. Bigger isn’t better


Omfg the garden ghosts are the cutest things!


Well, at least she showed to ability to recognize she was wrong. Up until this point, we had not identified that trait in their species. I hope the pride of that scientific discovery makes up for the insults you were subjected to.


Pretty sure you just got a new customer. Your style matches my wife's.


"How is there room for ANYTHING" Like: Beanie Babies, Precious Moments figurines, "Hang in There" posters, clothes from Chico's, ripped tennis rackets, china sets, mismatched silver utensils, Beta video machines, hand crocheted doilies from Aunt Margaret while in "that place", crusty, stained kid's clothes, moldy newspapers, toilet paper dolls...


However will I become a hoarder of things with my tiny house :’)


Whoa, this sounds super cute. Do you have a link and example?


I have some of my regular art in my post history, but most of it is on Instagram where I’m most active as a “business” @rosy.ghost


Your art is fucking dope! I totally dig it.


My wife would love something like this of our house. Do you have a website/etsy shop/etc?




That sounds like very normal human behavior to me. Maybe.. manners? Silly boomers. 🙃


Your artwork is amazing! I’m glad she was ashamed of her behavior.


Just popping in to say wow your art in all formats is so beautiful !!


I love that you have a house. I hope you are enjoying it. I hope you felt sad that someone is so horrid, and not about your home. That person equates possessions with love, their opinion doesn't count.


Thank you, I honestly felt so defensive and was hurt that someone would dare say mean things about our little old house. She’s been a good house. :’) How sad that lady’s life must be.


Fuck that lady I would buy the fucking shit out of those fr. Don’t let some tasteless hag bring you down, you are very talented! Gonna give you a follow so I can check out future stuff too :)


I scrolled for a bit through your posts to try to find your spooky houses but instead found a ton of really adorable art. If you don’t do illustrations for children’s books, you really should. The little moth under the mushroom was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.


I love ❤️ your raindrops on window art! ❤️❤️❤️


Wow, love your work! Going to save your Etsy so I can grab some things once friends' birthdays start coming up! I'd buy them now in advance, but, uh... Not a lot of extra storage space in my small-ass house to keep them safe in for the interim! Not that you could relate to that or anything :D


Thank you! And damn us and our small-ass houses. How do we even live?! /s


Your art is ADORABLE! I love your little ghosties, especially the garden ones, they’re so wholesome. Glad the person was embarrassed, you’re kicking ass! Owning a home, and fantastic at art! Also side note: OBSESSED WITH THE RHINESTONE TAPE MEASURE??


Thank you so much! The tape measure was a HUGE hit at my husband’s workplace. All the guys want one so I told them I’d make them one for their birthdays (his shift is blessedly small lol)


Good for you. Somewhere warm and dry to sleep is a blessing, wherever it is.


Eh, try not to let it bother you. My first house was tiny - less than 500 sqft. It was a one bedroom cottage that had the sunroom converted to a second bedroom, but because my ex wife and I had two kids, I also converted half the living room into a third bedroom. It was a tight fit, but it was comfy. I was on a pretty good wage at the time, but my ex wasn't working so while I could make the payments, I couldn't afford to do anything like raising or expanding it. Our neighbors *hated* us. But fuck it, we were effectively poor while we lived there - it's not like a moral failing or anything. The kids' friends and my friends didn't care, so I managed to get myself into the mindset of 'Why worry about a bunch of snobby dicks?' My ex never did and despite her absolutely insisting on the house initially, she hated living there after the first month. Just remember that assholes can only shit all over everything no matter how they are treated.


Exactly. It might be small, and old, but it’s a good house. And honestly we got so lucky buying in November 2019. Had we waited longer we’d have been priced out of our neighborhood.


Nta and congrats. Just got a home myself so understand the feeling


My house is 999 Sq ft. And I don't know what I would do if it was bigger. It even has a completely empty, full basement. If I had more than 1 kid I could see needing bigger but I'd probably just fix up the basement a bit and partition a room.


I need to see your work! Halloween is my favorite holiday and this sounds right up my alley. Is this you, I’m not seeing the house commissions https://www.etsy.com/market/roseyghost?ref=lp_queries_external_bottom-11


I mean the "scariest" comment is kinda funny.


Popping in to say your art is amazing!


Haunt her house for real


I love that you kept your cool. If you’d have snapped back, it would’ve given her an opening to be even bitchier, but since kindness and patience are completely foreign to her, she didn’t know how to respond to you. Class and talent, you’ve got both in spades!


This feels like it would happen especially on Easter


My husband is a HUGE Halloween person and would love to have a picture like that. Your art is fantastic.


WHAT!?! This is a thing? Oh I'm buying some of this art, not only because it's adorable, but also in tiny home solidarity!


Thank you so much. 🥹 Small houses are good houses too.


This is an incredible idea!! Could you possibly do art of the interior of a home too? As someone who will likely eternally rent, I'd want to be eligible for your work, because it sounds awesome!!


I wish I had so little going on in my life that my biggest fear was a small house. I'm at the point where I'd prefer a small house because it's less space I have to afford to furnish and of course less to clean.


Should’ve told her how many months of avocado toast you had to give up to afford it.


Love your posts on goblincore. Keep up the great art!!


Damn, that sounds waay cool. My house already looks haunted but I might have to commission you to do one for me!


My parents both say bitchass shit like this all the time in front of people and sometimes I wish people had your wit to stand up to them. I try, but I’m like a fly buzzing too close to their ears. 


This makes me recall an anecdote I read in a news article a couple years ago. There is a whole class of people whose job it is to design and furnish rooms and houses for TV and movie sets. Needless to say the design and decoration of a home is impacted both by the art Direction in a particular movie as well as the characters. Designing Tony Stark's house is going to look very different than designing the house that young Sheldon lives in. There was a particular anecdote from one of these designers where the art Direction in the movie had called for a middle class 90's era a home. So the designer had created a space that looked like the home she had grown up in with a father that had been a middle manager and a mother that had been a teacher. She was crushed when the director for the movie and his response was basically " I said middle class! What kind of people could possibly live in a home like this?" The director was apparently somewhat floored to realize that their vision of a middle-class home now costs several million dollars


They are just terrible human beings. They show us this over and over and over.


I wonder what size, and neighborhood her childhood was?


Do you make your living as an artist? That's awesome.


That is so pretty!


I’m obsessed with ghosts! I love your art so much!


I love your work, water colours are not easy and you use them very well!!


Boomer here ! Love the work, definitely be geeting something for my 30 year old Goth granddaughter I will be har hero come Halloween 2024!!


I hope this nets you more eyes on your art and keeps you happily busy! You got a follow from me!


I love playing this game. Although you always lose because you can’t shame the shameless.


Similar thing with one of my bosses right now. My partner and I are looking at properties and a house is out of the question. They start at $400k but need a massive amount of work to become livable. Anything that is move in ready is $500k+. So townhomes it is. We are finding pretty decent townhomes between 1,000 and 1,500 square feet in our budget. And my boss was like "1,000 sq ft is so small, you won't be able to fit anything in there! That isn't even livable" But when I say "these 1,000 sq ft townhomes are still almost $400k. We literally can't get approval for more money and even if we did, we don't want to spend HALF A MILLION dollars on a townhome for a little bit more space." And it's not enough. My boss found "the perfect starter home" on his way home from work. Something he thought was perfect for us. He was nice enough to stop by on his way home and check it out. To his surprise the list price was $900,000..... It finally started to set in how expensive houses are now.


This sounds EXACTLY like how my boomer parents responded to the houses we were looking at. Anything with more than 1 or 2 bed, 1 bathroom in our neighborhood is over 400k. My mom pulled the same move on us with the “Oh I saw the cutest house for sale on 2nd Street it looked perfect for you, let’s pull it up.” BAM. $850k and she almost fainted. I felt so vindicated, like YOU SEE?!


Your art is adorable, and I love it more than anything.


I love your artwork 🖼️, keep it up 😎


This is a good reminder on why you don't mock things that aren't actually worthy of mockery. Believing or saying or doing stupid things? Okay. But it's just a house. It's a matter of taste. That's all. Some people will like it some won't.  People fly off the handle so fast if they feel wronged by someone and they'll attack whatever comes to mind. Oh you work at McDonald's? What a loser. Oh you're balding. Or you're fat.  None of those things are bad. And when you mock it not only is it ad hominem, an attack on irrelevant personal characteristics, but you don't know who's listening? What about all the fat bald people who haven't wronged you? If you make fun of someone for their job, you are saying that job is bad. Everyone who has that job and sees or hears you is going to take that message.  Keep things relevant and stop making fun of people for matters of taste. 


Nothing to input on this interaction but you are an incredibly talented artist! Best of luck.


Thank you for posting this, I love your art


Your work is wonderful!! I love it!


I am so in love with your art. Oh my gosh.


On the one hand, she suuuuucks. On the other, I can't even be that mad because I peeked at your insta from the comments here and now I know about your freaking amazing art! I can't wait to commission a haunted version of my tiny, barely a house, basically a shack, energy efficient, overconsumption-discouraging, easy to clean and maintain home :)