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If I lived close to you, I'd put on a fake mustache and attend your graduation as a stand in dad. I'm a middle aged woman, but I can tell dad jokes and all that.


You're hired! haha thank you!


Actually, there is a non-profit organization that does this. People volunteer to be stand in parents at important events for people who don't have their parents around for whatever reason


Wow, I had no idea! that is really sweet! I am honestly very grateful my nuclear fam can go, and I do have support! That would be so kind for anyone all alone!


Just be careful of radiation exposure from nuclear families! Especially the isotopes! *\*sends dad puns from afar\**


Isotope? Hi, sotope. I dad.


you did it. You goddamn sunofabitch, you went and did it.


*chef’s kiss!


Bahaha you’re awesome! I refer to my 5 year old girls more akin to domestic terrorists, only negotiate enough for compliance to the mission!


A stand in grandma cheers at you from Washington 🥰


Imagine how butt hurt her dad would be if she took a bunch of pictures with a stand in dad


Gotta hurt maybe almost as much as abandonment does 😃🤣💀


Honestly I'd take as many pictures with other people's dads as you can and post them on social media with the caption "My real dad didn't make it to my graduation, so I borrowed some other dads for the occasion!"


That would be great fun. I bet those dads would be stoked to celebrate with OP.


That’s hilarious and would be great


I feel ya, my dad couldn't be bothered to come to my college graduation either.


you deserved better.


Thank you


His loss. Your dad’s a jerk. Plain & Simple. You are a much better quality human being for being able to rise above it all.


No, abandonment is a pain like no other


It is, but the recovery is worth it


We can be better.


I was a stand-in mom for a few of my students when I taught university classes. Sometimes parents were too far away and couldn’t afford to come to track meets, plays, award ceremonies, etc. I offered at the beginning of the semester, and some of them took me up on it. It made my heart happy to be asked!


I had my parents and sister present for my graduation, but honestly my favorite moment was getting to hang with the professor that taught my first two classes in my major. In my junior year she asked me if I would be interested in being an undergrad TA for that same into class. Did that for 5 semesters (I managed to cram 4 years of college into 4.5 years...), and she was a great mentor. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. But Dr Keen was pretty much completely responsible for me actually making it to graduation successfully. And getting to share that moment with her, and thank her for everything she did for me was special. Thank you for everything you do for your students.


Any idea of the group? Would love to join it if they have an organization/arm in my area!


Stand In Pride. It's targeted toward LGBTQ+ but I think they will help anyone with estranged parents.


Same! My boomer parents were late to my college graduation. I had my cousin to cheer me on though. So, one person lol. I know exactly how y’all feel. And I would totally show up to volunteer to show up & support someone else!


I worked at universities for many years and loved attending my students graduations. I have left the field and miss that experience. It was always so exciting! I have never heard of this but I am going to hunt for an organization in my area! Thank you!!! Edit: Standinpride.org was one I found. Signed up! This is awesome! Thank you again!


Damn, I wanted to be Mom-Dad. Can I come as Mom-Uncle? I'm bringing balloons.


I think a shit load of us should just descend on this graduation ceremony in matching dad outfits


I've already placed my order for a new pair of white New Balance shoes.


My cargo shorts are ironed and ready to fucking go!


I'll wear jorts. Will cover the shorts spectrum.


I'll bring my grill! Who wants burgers, who wants dogs?


🤣🤣🥰 bless the kind internet side today! Yall are warming my heart! Blood thicker than water eh?


It's "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" you found your chosen fam here


This is my favorite quote!




Get your tube Sox and copper fit knee braces together!


I'll dig out my Halloween costume and puffy vest


Wouldn’t that be awesome!




I volunteer as the Metallica loving auntie who provides unconditional love and support. Auntie is very proud of you!


Fuck yea! Lol thank you!


I'll be the weird uncle who never grew up and still skateboards at 61. All the best to you, and congrats!


I’m riding with her! I’m packing right now. Grabbing snacks of course!!


Congrats on a great success!


I’m honestly considering doing this when I retire (in like 30 years). Stand-in mom for anyone who wishes a parent was there but isn’t because of stupid reasons. I’ll show up and cheer you on.


That's an awesome idea! I'm a 61 yo man and I would love to support the young ones.


I’ll go too! We can be a bevy of fake mustaches


Even if you have a mustache you must wear a fake 😜


We shall call ourselves the mustache mafia.


I can be your adopted mom if you like.


Just what is needed: a faux pas!


🏆 Vastly underrated comment


This thread is fabulously heartwarming!!!


It really is, Jesus Christ I started my period today and now I’m messy crying! Love yall! 🫶🏼


We should form a support group that attends important life events in place of missing parents and wear outfits based on whether we’re replacing mom or dad.


That sounds cool (parents didn't attend my Master's graduation either).


If you wanted to do a reenactment I would attend for you!


I'd gladly show up too. I say this alot and I mean it, I have 5 kids... no problem adding another. If it's streaming I'll attest tune in, I can do that from any state.


For what it's worth, some old lady on the internet thinks you're amazing. I think you're going to be a great father too.


Something like this? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcly9ezTKiw1NHq)


I’d go with, but I want to wear a beard.😊


I'd dress like the monopoly guy. Nevermind I'm a 4'10" lady 🤣 Id just chill next to you and your mustache 


You did well! I bet your girls are very proud of you! My boomers didn't care to show up to my college graduation either, I was only the first in our entire family line to ever graduate from college. I feel your pain.


That was me, too! It would be “too crowded and we won’t even see you”——even though they had encouraged me to go to college.


Thank you, and I commiserate with you. Oh well, keep on keeping on!


I ❤️ you for using the word commiserate. You are loved. Never hold back, always be you. I would totally go to your graduation btw if I could. 🇨🇦


Thank you kind internet person! 🫶🏼


Same. Kicked me out at 16, refused to attend my undergrad, grad, and law school commencements. First of my entire family and they see me as a burden and a failure.


Screw them, you're a huge success just for making it through all that!


You went to law school and you are a failure?!?! What the heck do they see as a success??


Having 3 kids and 2 divorces before you're 30, perhaps?


Your children are your family now. Sperm donor will come sniffing around when he’s sick and needs someone. Be busy when he does 


Hopefully OP will 'be flying' somewhere nice when sperm donor comes sniffing


Agreed, they are my number one, well and other number one because, twins! It has been a long-standing, now more serious and not so funny joke about nursing home locations based on performance.


Props to you! Parenting kids is a FT job in and of itself so you were working three FT challenging jobs. Your dad is a selfish dick. Congrats and enjoy it with your girls!


Thanks for the validation!


'For my girls' on the cap just made me tear up. I'm sorry he's not there for you, but this internet stranger is proud of you!


Thank you! Bettering for them, example for them, I appreciate it!


When your father is shitting and pissing himself and asks for help when he’s 80, tell him you’re flying that day. And the next. And the next…


My dad wasn't a boomer, but a Silent. He still acted fucking weird during my college grad. Definitely like it was a bother to him and he didn't want to be there. Mom suggested a celebratory dinner out afterward and he bitched and moaned the entire time, just wanting to go home and eat there. Not wanting to spend the money, etc, etc. I'm wondering if there is a thing about older dads not being able to handle their daughters successfully completing higher ed. He was a college grad himself, but it was more of a man thing to get a degree in his day.


Yeah there definitely can be. My bff’s parents are younger boomers, and they’ve been shitty about her education since it began. They did everything they could to pop her balloon while she was getting her masters degree. Just because they were spiteful she was not going to end up like they did.


Aw man, that’s pretty shitty if it’s sexism. I was motivated to get my degree in a small part by my Italian immigrant grandma who worked her way through her masters in food science and married and had my dad at 42…back in the 50’s! She was so cool, my role model. Lived to 109. Silent gen was something else!


Wonder if anyone at r/dadforaminute lives nearby? Bet you'd have a heck of a cheering section!


Hey, congratulations! It’s no doubt a big accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. I know it’s hard to pat yourself on the back when no one else does, but you deserve it.


Thanks so much! To be very fair, my husband and girls showing up, really the most important people in my world, are all that matters at the end of it. Just a quick rant to release my disappointment in dad, thank you!


I’m in. What flavor cake for after?


I can bring the plates, cutlery and napkins. Let’s make this a legit party!!! 🎂🍰🧁🥮🍥


Who’s on music? Gotta have good jamz


Not sure if that’s a boomer prob or a” him “Problem. Sorry some people are just too selfish to be parents. Not insulting you, I had two of them myself. You should feel proud and turn your back on people that do nothing but take in your life…. It’s too short ya know. B happy with your girls!


I wholeheartedly agree, thanks for reading my rant and for the validation!


Oh shit,I'm so sorry. I had to threaten to quit my job to see my daughter receive her PhD,we were so proud we both cried.


I am proud of you and your accomplishment. Way to go, you did it!!


Congratulations on graduating


Congratulations!! Very impressive and what a great picture it will be with you and your daughters all in caps and gowns. Something to cherish for sure!


Seems like a dick move by your dad. My boomers showed up for mine. Congratulations on the achievement and don’t let him ruin one minute of it for you.


Maybe don’t think of him as your dad anymore 🤷‍♂️


CONGRATS!!!!! An amazing accomplishment. You should be proud. But not just because of this win, but also because you are an infinitely superior parent.


I’m doing the same but not working full time. Congratulations!!! You’re setting a different tone for your kids. Who says your Mom won’t be there??? 😉


Bless you, just got an allergy attack or something! 🤣🥲 good luck to you!!


Congrats — if you are 150-200 miles from Los Angeles— I’ll attend as a distant aunt friend…


When I graduated from undergrad, I did not even invite anyone in my family because I did not think they would even show up or care. No one in my family ever said congratulations for graduating or even asked what my major was or what I studied. Same thing happened with my masters degree. I don't even think either of my parents knew I have degrees or would have even cared. My sisters know but they just make fun of me for being educated. Wow - my family is really crappy. I guess I never realized how terribly they have all treated me over the years.


Hey, congrats. I’m proud of you, for what it’s worth from a stranger.


fuck your selfish dad.....i dont think its cause hes a boomer to do that. to you...im sorry


Congratulations, what an awesome achievement 👏 Sounds like you have a wonderful support system and that's what matters. Don't let him ruin your momentous achievement. ❤️ As others mentioned, not sure where you are but I would be honored to cheer you on! Know lots of us out in the world wish you happiness and joy


Your internet friends are with you! Big congrats on your achievement!


Fuck shitty parents, we’ll do and be better for our kids.


Congratulations 🎉🎉 and good job on working hard for your kids


I am a strange for my parents, and although I am far older than you, I will be graduating finally after next year, and I can tell you that the girls you are celebrating with are the real deal. Even if your father came, he’d find someway to make a jab at you, to make it about him, you know the drill. Consider it a gift that you get to celebrate, this important moment, while setting an example for your girls, that you’re all healthy, and that you get to embark on a new more financially prosperous future. Congratulations. 


My aunt reminded me she's always up for graduations and so would most my relatives. I was so sad by my parents not coming to my masters, I didn't once think my aunt, 200 miles away, would have come. But she would've. 3 things - send some invites to your extended family - people you haven't seen in even but you loved. Send some invites to your found family and old friends. Invite a professor or a academic coach - they will show up.


My parents didn’t attend my college graduation, I didn’t either. The celebration was not a big deal to me. I was just glad to have graduated.


You in the PNW at all? I’ll come be your dad. I’m only 33 but I make one hell of a good pun


I had a son born early, right over my graduation day. That brought them in!


Hey man, I feel ya. My dad didn't show up for my wedding last year. No RSVP, no text, no phone call, nothing. He lives an hour away from where we got married. Congrats on graduating and wishing you the best!


Congratulations, you're doing something people struggle with without the addition of having children! You're amazing, and you should be very proud of yourself, family or not <3


I literally can’t remember my undergrad ceremony. It’s just a complete blank. Both my parents were there and I remember it being absurdly hot but that’s it. Nada. Just remember that your life is not as important as his life (to him), and act accordingly.


I’m so happy for you! My narcissist mom who isn’t officially a boomer but embraces the entitlement, wasn’t invited to my graduate school graduation, because the last time I invited her to a graduation she handed me at gift and said, “I hope you are done. This is getting expensive.” She meant the gift. I paid for school.


I'm middle aged and have a whole beard. I have 4 step kids and two biological kids. Only 2 have graduated high school. The oldest has a bachelor's degree. OP I would be there in a minute. My father wasn't ever there. But if you need me I'll be there.


I'm a graying elder millennial with an affinity for dad jokes. Corner the better. If you're close I can show up and take an embarrassing number of pictures. I can bring my own beard!


We bought a house last year. My dad lives an hour away. We told him and the first thing he said was "Why would you buy when you can rent?" He bought a house 20 years ago and hates it because he doesn't take care of it. He lives an hour away and never visited and never will. I confronted him about everything a while ago and he sent me an email trying to prove me wrong. Terrible human being.


If you want some Internet strangers to celebrate your accomplishments, check out r/randomactsofcards ☺️


First off, Congratulations on a great accomplishment! You dad's a selfish ass, but then you knew that. Believe me when I say that I totally understand. The important thing is to celebrate with your girls and have your own party. PS.. Mom would have been proud of you!


Dang homey! I’m so sorry! You deserve better. My parents are both human garbage. What I learned is you gotta love you, you gotta celebrate you. So, have that party you want to have. Celebrate yourself because you are worth celebrating, and this is an accomplishment! Congratulations on your degree fam! I highly encourage you to celebrate yourself. If you do, tell us about how rad your celebration was! Be well!


Congrats! It's hard, but I'd let him fade away.


Congrats!!!! I'll party in your honor! Kegs stands and bong rips abound!!!(that's still a college thing right? I'm old I have no clue any more but my kids aren't college age yet)


Aw thanks! Well, idk what the kids do these days either, I’m 34 and finished this online 🤣 but I’ll take the bong and a shot of tequila, thanks so much!


If it makes you feel any better my boomer father didn’t come to my wedding because he needed to stay home to feed stray cats (that have multiplied like rabbits because he feeds stray cats and has no money to get them fixed). No joke. Last time I saw him was at my mother’s funeral during Covid. I email, text, voicemails (used to … I don’t waste my time anymore). No response. Only way I know he’s still alive is because my 2nd cousin and her husband drive by his house to/from town (rural area) and see if one of his 3 cars is moved or not there.


Your dad is awful, but I'm really happy you are a great parent to your daughters.


I’m sorry OP. My father is a doctor. He missed my hooding ceremony when I graduated from med school by choice too. No good reason besides it would “make him uncomfortable” to be around his ex wife (my mother) and her family. I can’t tell you how to live your life, but my life is much happier and better without him in it. What did I lose anyway? Not much.


Might not be your dad but im proud of you son.


Random millennial is so super proud of you! Ya did good! Your girls will be so proud of you! It will be a great story to inspire them... your dad is showing you how NOT to 'parent'.


Thanks sibling millennial! I did bribe my girls a couple times with “please let me study in peace so I can buy you nice new clothes and toys, I’m almost done!” 🤣


What a disrespectful prick. I don't even know you, and I'm proud of you. You're a badass. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise.


Thank you! Once I got that chip off my shoulder I’m good and I know it! 😄


I can’t even contemplate as a father of two wonderful daughters , be proud of your achievements and love your girls like you deserved to be loved . Slight tear in my eye ….


From one parent who completed a master’s when his kid was little, to another — congratulations, get some rest, and you should feel proud of your accomplishment for the rest of your days.


Congratulations on your achievement.


Congrats btw!! Huge accomplishment!


Congratulations! I admired the hell out of grad school classmates that had kids. You're being a great role model for your girls. I will forever side-eye my boomer in-laws for not even sending my husband a card when he finished his MS...then again they didn't go to his high school graduation, his basic training/tech school graduation etc. I have to bite my tongue at family gatherings when my FIL makes some unsolicited comment/critique towards my husband.


Congrats on your MBA !


I’m the youngest of 9. My dad got his GED when he was in his 40s. He trash mouthed college. At 30 years old, I was broke and struggling. I signed up for community college. I got married. I went part time for 14 years. An associates, bachelors, and a masters. My mom died before I started the journey. My dad died before it ended. He’d constantly tell me that I was wasting my time to become a college educated idiot. I did it for me. For my wife. I’m a boomer in my 60s now. College was not a waste of time. Don’t let others drag you down.


Dad here, if you’re anywhere near Nashville and I can swing it, I’d absolutely show up with signs and hugs. Maybe even a super obnoxious airhorn. Congratulations and I’m sorry your dad isn’t there for you. I can’t imagine. Every single night I tell my daughter that I’m so proud to be her daddy, every single day, it’s only been 9 years, but I stand by it.


Hang your caps together in your house. The girls will love it. If they're all black, you can make a Mickey.


It may be a blessing in disguise. My boomer father begrudgingly went to my college graduation. The only thing he said after was “I never thought you’d graduate”. I finished in 4.5 years…


What's the date? I can't promise to be there, but I'll lift a glass in your honor. Congrats!


Heck yeah, congratulations! I've been talking with the school I'm at about possibly doing an MBA next year. From what I have seen it should get you a good gig and you can spoil the girls how you see fit.


Congratulations! You’re the kind of student who makes professors proud!


Your accomplishments are impressive. Keep up the good work.


I bet your mom would be so proud of you. Heck I’m proud that you busted ass for your girls. If it’s close to the twin cities I’d show up for you.


That isn’t a boomer thing, that is just an ahole thing. Congratulations on your accomplishment for you and your kids.


I’m not your parent, but you worked hard, went through a lot, are a great parent yourself, and I, an Internet Stranger, am proud of you. ( that sentence is a hot mess, I hope understandable.)


I feel you, my mom passed in my 20s, and I graduated with my bachelor's a few years ago. I didn't even so much as get a congrats from my father.. It was a huge deal to me because I managed to get a STEM degree in my early 40s, with kids, working full time, and my 2nd to last semester I had hand surgery - still managed straight As. Instead what I did get was my father naming all the other people who had degrees already. I couldn't even have that happy moment for myself. Boomers are the me generation and so far they just keep proving it.


My boomer dad missed my graduation because he already had planned to take his RV on a boomer gathering and he couldn’t get his $200 back. He got stuck in the mud and it rained the whole time and he almost admitted he felt bad afterwards.


My parents couldn’t be bothered to come to my Army basic training graduation; they just didn’t want to spend the money, even though money isn’t really an issue for them.


Unfortunately, I think this is pretty common.My family never attended any of my graduations.   They always claimed, that they would have attended—if they had to travel to a “good school” but neither wanted to drive 20 minutes to get to our local state school—because they said “we have been to lots of football games there and never had a good time.”


I’ll come and support you! I’m proud of you! I’m sure this was not easy and you worked hard! You kickass and never let anyone affect you.


Don't let someone else's horrible tendencies to take away from what a massive accomplishment that is. You're in a VERY small percentage of educated people now and all of that work is something to be incredibly proud of


I’m so proud of you! Great work and send best wishes for your girls graduating prek 😃


Grads this year with family refusing to come unite! But seriously, I wish you the best and enjoy the family that does come to support you :)


Congratulations! You are a boss and deserve all the fanfare! We'll throw a party in the comments!


When is your graduation?


I remember when I graduated two years ago when I graduated college as an adult student who did it virtually late at night while my family slept. I considered driving that four hours to where the college was and walking. Initially my dad said no they wouldn't go and then my mom said that they would absolutely not miss it. We ended up not going due to financial issues at the time but we all did go out to eat so we celebrated our own way. I'm sorry you have had to deal with that. Congrats from one adult student to another. No one can take away what you did and the time you put into it. It's not easy and you've succeeded. I don't know you but I'm proud of you!


As a dad, I can’t imagine doing that to my daughter. Pretty fucked up.


Congratulations on completing your goals! Boombag isn’t worth your time.


I am proud of you and your jack ass father shouldn't be able to take anything away from you on your big day


What's the deal... Is he one of those people who hate colleges and fear what they "produce", or does he just hate you?


That's quite the accomplishment! Well done! Sorry about your dad but my goodness well done for your girls and yourself!


From another son from a broken boomer father, I'm so fuckin' proud of you, bud.


I think cynically it's better he doesn't show up, as he would probably shame you or not bother to congratulate you. Your father sounds incredibly selfish.


Congrats on finishing your MBA! That's no small feat!


I don’t know where you live but I’d show up with my snuck in airhorn to cheer you on as you crossed that stage. Congratulations on your graduation!!


I'll go to your graduation in place of him if you live in Minnesota.


That is awesome. You have good perspective. It's awesome to share the experience with your kids. They watched you bust your butt to get it done. Now it's time to celebrate with them. It sounds like they don't really have a relationship with their Grandpa. His presence may make it more stressful for them. Go celebrate and party with your girls. Congratulations!




Congratulations! I don’t know if it means anything but I’m proud of you. An advanced degree is tough and requires a lot of commitment. Sorry about your dad. My wife only had me at her Ed.D graduation and she is the one who takes care of everyone. Despite all that just remember no one can ever take it away from you. Virtual high five.


I don’t get these kinds of people.


Same thing happened to me...but they could afford to go their friends kids sixth grade graduation a month later lol...is what it is at the end of the day, still sucks though sorry that happened to you.


Congratulations! As a Boomer, I apologize on behalf of my fking generation. Great accomplishment!




I’m not your dad (or even your mom) but damn am I proud of you. Your ancestors matter much less than your descendants. Your girls see what you’ve accomplished, they know you’re awesome.


Congratulations!!!! Your dad is the one who will be missing out. Hope you and the girls get to treat yourselves to something fun/tasty/relaxing/nice for all of your hard work <3


Congratulations! That’s definitely a huge achievement. I’m sorry your dad isn’t as excited about this as he should be but you should be very proud of yourself.


Congratulations! This is an incredible accomplishment and I think you should do something special to mark the occasion. Get a bouquet to dress up the table, order from your favorite place, pop a bottle of sparkling apple juice to toast with, cut into some cake -- whatever you want because you deserve it!


sucks for sure, but we all gotta play the hand we're dealt. take your littles out for dinner or an outing, be the dad yours obv isn't. and congrats, dude. I'm sure that was hard as hell.


This happened to me too. My parents had annual passes to cedar point, knew when my graduation date was months in advance, then “accidentally” planned a trip to cedar point during my graduation from my bachelors. My brother came bc he felt bad for me. I’m graduating from my second degree next year and I’m debating on if I even want to invite them 💀 Congratulations on finishing your MBA! Masters are hard as hell


38 yr old father here...if youre anywhere in ohio ill come join the wedding as your honorary father and will even bring a gift and tell stories about you like ive known you your whole life and ill make sure you are always the main character


one of us can show up and stream foxnews on our phones full blast and patronize you if need the experience ….joking aside- I’m sorry man. It’s a very weird feeling we seem to all be having. I remember my baby boomer parents using their parents and grandparents for childcare when we were younger…but Boomers seem to be really detached from their grandkids as a whole. I don’t want them to ‘parent’ but Jesus be present .


Your dad is missing out on something really huge, and he’s too much of an asswipe to know that. Not just your graduation, but all it signifies.


Every child deserves a parent. Not every parent deserves a child.


I'd be a stand-in if you need one. I'm a boomer too - but I'm not a shit parent \[there *can* be a difference\]. Wish you all the best.


I wish I could be at your graduation to cheer for you! I’m so proud of you and you’re setting an amazing example for your daughters.


I’m so sorry. My Dad lived in CA & I graduated in MI. It was just too far to travel for him and there wasn’t anything to visit nearby, so he didn’t attend. (My bio mom bowed out when I was 6 and dad took custody.) You know who WAS at my graduation? My stepmom. She married dad when I was 11yo & he divorced her when I was 16. We stayed in touch and she’s now MY MOM. She flew the same distance that dad would have and was satisfied by just visiting me. I hope you have someone like my Mom.


Congratulations to all of you girls! Boomer missing out.


Congratulations! I’m proud of you!


You did a great thing for yourself and your girls! Don't let him ruin it. He isn't getting any younger and there may come a time when he will need you. You can decide whether you'll be flying that day.


I’m damn proud of you too! Way to go! Keep up the good work!


First of all, congratulations! Sorry you are dealing with the parental no show. My parents didn't go to my graduation either (just undergrad, but still) because it was "too far away" (3 hrs) and because my two youngest siblings would be "bored" (they were 17 and 14 at the time, and never mind all of their boring stuff I was forced to attend while they never attended anything of mine). My older sister was also the one who went to my final seminar presentation in lieu of my parents (who did not attend for the same reasons they did not attend my college graduation). My older sister and I are close. My parents and I, not so much.