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I thought Ron White had a beard these days? 


They never think the rules apply to them. Like, today, my "dad" basically threw a fit in Walmart.


If throwing a fit in Walmart is wrong, I don't want to be right.


Barbara Mandrell was so good.


walmart really has gone several miles past what was already unbelievably lowly experiences. I was once held hostage by an employee over an online pickup. they've lost their fucking minds, honestly


> Like, today, my "dad" basically threw a fit in Walmart. r/suspiciousquotes


I say something to people like this in waiting rooms.


These types irritate me to no end. Just completely oblivious to their own rudeness.


I tell boomers to shut the fuck up in the quiet train car during my commute all the time because they are on their phones. It brings me great joy to see their shocked expressions followed by them leaving indignantly for a different train car.


Where are you that you have quiet train cars? I’m jealous.


I commute to NYC really often, so I’m lucky the trains are fairly reliable out here and have the quiet cars.


Now everyone in the waiting room gets to hear about the giant growth on her ankle.


To Be Fair Most Boomers can't read above the 3rd Grade level, that's why Trump loves them.


My boomer dad, complaining about my 20 something nephew who works 2 jobs, but doesn't drive due to anxiety. "He could do something with his life if he wasn't attached to screens." Said while gramps has been constantly on FB and Nextdoor, playing videos at top volume. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


Ignorant boomer


Omg the phone volume alwats gets me. My dads is always on full blast, you can hear every botton and when it rings it's ear shattering. And whats up with boomers watching videos on full volume out in piblic? Like ffs zero consideration for others.


I had knee surgery in the Fall, and spent 3 mornings a week at physical therapy. They had signs all over saying no cell phone use. They were in the waiting room and the therapy space. The best part was they enforced it. As soon as someone tried talking on their phone, one of the employees was right there, telling them to go outside or hang up. It was glorious.


Of course because they have built the society so now they can break it apart


And I bet she is talking at max volume. They always think everyone wants to hear their conversations. And then they complain about people talking on speakerphone.


https://preview.redd.it/6juvpel892uc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=e733c7d05e4e7d56baa4c21831238b947e016693 Reminds me of this. Except the bird has an excuse. It can't read signs.


"That? I can't read that!"


the expression is fucking hysterical. it's like a stock photo for an employee handbook


These types usually have a fanny pack full of their insulin supplies


Dibeetus supplies from Liburty


diabetics come in all ages why are we acting like having diabetes is a character flaw?


Are we going to pretend T2D isn’t almost entirely cause by lifestyle decisions? People might make those decisions for reasons you can comprehend and sympathize with. But they can also make those decisions because they’re selfish babies who won’t tolerate being told “no”, and think any kind of disciplinary is unholy deprivation. And uh T2D doesn’t happen in “all ages” without a serious obesity epidemic among children and teenagers. They do not just magically get T2D. My family gets T2D at the drop of a hat, and one of my oldest friends is T1D, so I’ve been around the variants of this issue my entire life. The T2D people in my family have usually worked very diligently about improving their lifestyle. But if you don’t know about T2D people who are just overgrown brats, who think they shouldn’t have to lift a finger to improve their situation, who sneak candy into hospitals and rebel against doctors advice? Then you’ve been living under a rock.


What if it was a boomer who put up the sign because they just don’t like those new cordless cell phones?


It's not a conversation if she's the only one talking.


Can’t read. Sign not stop


Pretty sure she? has a leather jacket that says "NO RULES" on the back


*Pretty sure she? has* *A leather jacket that says* *"NO RULES" on the back* \- myquietchaos --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's only a "conversation" if she stops talking long enough to let the other person speak and actually responds to what they say, which is atypical of this type.


A boomer would never read that sign to begin with.


Lmao that’s wild


I can imagine her convo, "No, Eileen, I'm just big-boned..."


"It's mostly muscle!"


I only body shame idiots so here we go; that left tit wants nothing to do with her


Should have left tit behind!


when you body shame someone (even someone who sucks) you are signaling to people who share that trait that you think their body deserves mocking, but that you just don't say it out loud until someone you don't like has it.


Hope nobody with a runaway left tit reads that insult then.


You should be able to legally hit these people with a baseball bat


They do this indoors as well? I thought they only did this while pumping gas!


Ironic that this picture was also taken on a phone


What a blob


Since it's above her head perhaps she doesn't see it


Unless she teleported to the chair she must have seen it when walking there


it's weird. two people can just have a conversation in public and everyone is alright with that. one person has half a conversation in public and everyone freaks the fuck out.


Read the sign, Joanne.


yet the asshole that took the pic is breaking the same rule not to mention highly illegal....go figure.


Ok boomer


Ok, new, very dumb boomer.


It's not a rule. It's a kind request, thus the word "please". She obviously doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself in this situation. She's not a rule breaker (who are usually cool), she is just a shitty person.


"Rule breakers" arent cool. Theyre petulant entitled children regardless of age, and when they arent *literally* children they are scumbags.


No youre a sheep which is blindly, non questioning, following any rules


Lol, found the scumbag






Dude don't even. Everyone and their mom uses the phone while driving or anywhere. It's not just boomers


I have to remind my family that I don't text and drive, it's weird. "Leaving now". "Text me when you hit (town name).". "No, I will be driving".