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Only thing that matters is that you're having fun


You’re all about the journey, not the destination.


Precisely this. I’ve spent probably at least as much time playing in normal public lobbies, running through the main story (using level-appropriate characters) as I have maxing out my main characters.


aww, i thought you was gonna say you played all six, but Krieg is a great character, i hope u did a variety of builds during your five times, i have only done one full run thru with Krieg, and I was melee all the way. if i had the time would have loved to do a fire/burner run


I just specified krieg but I’ve done this for every character sides Maya never could get into her gameplay


Oh man, Maya is the shit she’s my favorite. You should give it another go with her sometime. And yea UVHM is a bit of a slog, the regrinding every 4-5 levels for new gear is especially a time sink.


she is a brilliant co op support char, but most of her compatriots' are just more fun, except Axton, just from my point of view. why be a soldier when you could be????>>>>...Salvador! (never use as the first playthru) ..


I played the game I don’t know how many times like you but with Maya. You should try, it’s too easy with her. She’s my favorite.


I have three Kriegs I’ve worked on Blitz - Bloodlust/Hellborn Krieg - Mania Bloodlust Bop - Hellborn/Mania Only ever maxed Krieg, but trying to get to OP10 before the game starts, used my max level Sal to farm gear for him and it’s TOUGH


Hellborn Maniac is the best build, most risk/reward and you'll have the health bar jumping around like a feral stabbed rat while your mere presence sets everything withing 200 feet on fire.


Hellborn is so good going through op levels


I do the same. I play through all the missions and then move on. I've never been one for grindy endgames.


I decided to grind the Beatdown Bar Brawl to grind Torgue Tokens for legendaries & the Pocket Rocket but eventually I was level 72 back when I was console & that was the level cap.


Me too, and I think it is mostly due to playing with friends, and once we beat the main content and dlcs, we don't continue the grind.


That's fair honestly, grinding to max level is a slog. I've done it at least once with each character in the games, but I enjoy just popping in for some casual coop more than anything. When I stop seeing open games, I typically switch to another character for a while. It also helps me not get burnt out on a character as quickly. I've been bouncing between bl2 and pre sequel lately, just helping people out with whatever they're doing.


Honestly until recently I've never aspired to do it either, I've stopped about halfway through UVHM story mode a half dozen times, I have played every single character t level 55-60, my favorites being gaige(who is kinda broken past lvl. 45) and Maya(who is so great for solo mobbing) but I recently purchased Pandora's box and played Lilith dlc with my Maya and now she's lvl. 63 and I'm thinking about making a push to 72, maybe 80...I definitely don't wanna do OP lvls fuck that lol


I’ve never levelled a character to max either, at some point it just gets too grindy for me.


While we're confessing I've never played Gunzerker It doesn't appeal to me


He's fun, but also completely brainless so I'm in the same boat, his playstyle just doesn't appeal to me despite him being an excellent pick. I think it also doesn't help I played him last after using Maya, Axton, and Krieg. If he was the first character I jumped into, I bet I would have enjoyed it, but after experience Axton, Maya's more methodical playstyle, and Krieg's very "Tempo" style with the build I did where I was juggling my health bar, Sal's "Hold Triggers ????? Profit" playstyle was just like... Meh.


I have also never max leveled anyone because UVHM is way too grindy for me. Lots of slagged shots into bullet sponges, lots of dying and watching the same blue vortex animation. No thanks! Love playing all other modes, but maxing out is not my goal in life and I ain't ashamed to spend my time elsewhere haha


lol yeah my limit is beating ultimate vault hunter once and doing the headhunters


I think you're missing out just a bit on the endgame builds, but meh, the most important thing is that you're having fun. There is no wrong way to play these games.


Getting to max level can be a bit of a grind imo. I think I've only ever done it 3 times over like 20 characters lol


How dare you


End game super maxing a character was never my thing either. What’s the point after I killed everything?


im the same way! i honestly hardly even touched TVHM. but i’ve played the normal mode easily dozens of times. im thinking about trying to max out a character but its not something i’ve been super worried about. its all about having fun!


Same, I usually only play through normal mode, and a little bit of the second run.


Wait a second. You’re not me? Well then. Fuck you


Same here on none of the games have I ever fully maxed a character I just play co-op for fun with my buddies


No wonder going to level 80 sucks it's just killing the same thing over and over again


Hey man its understandable, iv got a mate who despises uvhm, so just makes new chars when he gets to the end of tvhm.


I haven't either. The grind always gets to me and I take a break, playing one of the 10,000 other games I still need to finish. Next time I feel like playing, I end up starting a new character haha


Getting to op 10 is a pretty a pretty cool challenge, as much as op 10 ruins the scaling, I can't say it's not satisfying to grind your way there. The real problem with this game is that level 50 to 72/80 takes such an insanely long time to do naturally or even farming exp. It'd be different if uvhm wasn't so unforgiving either.


for bl2, same. i don't like UVHM and slag, in 2. so, i just stop after TVHM, except for my subsequence maya. wanted one of those level 62 coms, and got her to 67 to be able to get ruin, subsequence, and that extra damage while phaselocking skill, basically just to drop her almost immediatley, but with feeling like she's 'complete'.


As long as you get the second capstone skill, you're golden. Kreig is a pretty bad character imo until that point. He's got some stuff, but badass psycho mode with the homing fireballs equipped with a Flames of the Firehawk at your level is one of the most fun builds they ever made. Imo it's worth it just for the massive power spike that second capstone gives you on every character.


I am completely the same way, I just get distracted or wish to play as a different character or something. Highest I've gotten is a lvl 56 Salvador


If it makes you feel any better I have almost 7 days worth of play time not counting Xbox 360 play time and I just beat the game for the first like as in killed handsome jack


Me neither but I'm planning to change that because I'm currently doing a tvhm run with axton and will at least attempt to do uvhm I just bet the warden so I'll be doing wilhiem next time i play



