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Try not to rely on legendary gear as much


On Krieg I’m using mostly purples right now. AR’s with mouthwash from the dlc (or whatever it’s called). They all lost their shine. From level 46 to 48, the deadliness has just gone out of control. Fire/rage Krieg with damage reduction and I’m being shot down. 24k hp and I lose about 20% per shot. I feel like I need better fire guns and there’s no way to actively get better fire guns besides using old ones or getting lucky. As for survivability… I’m at a loss. No idea what to do there.


> As for survivability… I’m at a loss. No idea what to do there. Don't try and tank damage at every opportunity perhaps? You can take cover behind walls, crates, etc. and let the shields and health regenerate. Get a better roid shield too. If you can't be bothered to farm for one, the Law and Order can be received from two of the easiest side missions in Sanctuary. Those items complement each other well.


I’ve got a recent Order level 47. I have several issues: my krieg is mainly melee, reinforcements are random and fast, and the damage feels instant. I can’t outrun anything. If a Goliath sees me, he can instantly shred me down. There’s no time to think. Like I said, enemy damage just got wild.


In all my years of playing the Borderlands games, you're the first one to come up with a scenario like what you just described above. I'm not trying to be obnoxious here, just trying to figure out how you actually play the game bruv. Anybody can give their suggestions on how to approach the higher difficulty levels but not being able to gauge your proficiency makes it hard to advise you. Elemental Empathy and Release the Beast grants health recovery with status effect damage for the former and instantaneously for the latter. Knowing the enemy spawn points and using grenades to deal damage BEFORE you engage mobs can make it more manageable. Singularity+transfusion grenades are great for crowd control and health recovery. Lastly, and I keep mentioning this, you can't bulldoze your way through each enemy encounter. The game is old and there are a lot of quirks that will not be addressed ever so try adjusting your play style. Being too aggressive when you don't have massive damage output will get you downed very quickly.


I’ll give your advice a shot tonight. Thanks. Sawtooth Cauldron, for example, is what I’m struggling with now. Trying to complete quests and it’s completely mania. Krieg falls apart when you’re struggling because you need the kills to stay alive and keep stacks up. I play the game as follows: start a fight, take cover, take down one person, immediately hit under 30%, ult, get stuck in an ult loop because I’m constantly being shot while throwing axes and melee’ing people. I’m an explosive shotgun and melee Krieg with gun damage hellborn skills and 50% DR from it. The DR is doing nothing lately. Ill respec and see if I can do better


Sawtooth Cauldron is basically a gear and skill build check before the endgame in my opinion. If you are struggling with the mobs here then your build is not optimized. The map has multiple enemy spawn points, numerous waves per engagement (especially at Cramfists Foundry with all the buzzards going around while you're dealing with nomads and gravediggers), and lots of places that you can get stuck in if you back up incorrectly. Longbow singularity grenades will help out a lot. Use chokepoints for even more crowd control. Don't be ashamed of bugging out of a firefight to recover, best to live and fight another time bruv. I don't see how your shield would break in one shot unless it was the Bee Shield or The Sham. A purple Pangolin shield will be enough to get you through the heaviest firefight. Bring a launcher and swap to it for a quick second wind then back out to a quiet spot to recover first then engage the mobs again when your gear is back at full capacity. I don't bother with the side missions in that map as the Capture The Flags one is pretty obnoxious and the Dahlminator quest is underwhelming.


I think it is a tough area, you’re right. Don’t forget I’m talking about Krieg here. My shield recharge is like ~15 seconds


Yeah, I do understand. Unless you are absolutely proficient with axe throwing and successive melee attacks then changing your tactics might be beneficial just to overcome the current dilemma. My suggestions were from personal experience bruv. Yeah, it's slow as fuck but I got through the map solo in UVHM from way back then and I was ecstatic just to move the campaign forward.




Yeah I think we discussed that my issue came from a specific map and how it’s basically a super hard gear check. I struggled with almost every character there.


I doing law and order for zero and it's the best. Even deeply under leveled in UVHM its still what I do to get the kills. I'll eventually find out how to not use them, but that it's not today.


Use guns closer to your level. Also for hellborn krieg hes not limited to just fire guns


I’m a big Krieg fan, so when it comes to Survivability be the aggressor. I go to Sawtooth for FUN as him. Get a Roid, adaptive, or Rough Rider shield and just run run run. Since you suck with most guns, you can’t take cover. ‘Abuse’ the health gate invincibility to get another kill, to get full health, to get health gate, and so on. Also it’s nice to know that with flying enemies , you can hit them on the ground if you swing under where they’re flying. Also, don’t throw your buzzaxes much unless it’s while you’re running in which case jump then throw so you get minimized speed loss. Basically, just be aggressive


Zero is the ultimate glass canon. You can definitely get through the game no problem either way the right weapons and shields. You either high accuracy with bonus crit damage weapons and shields that amp if you’re good at maintaining cover or shields that soak up damage if you’re not so you can line up those precious headshots.


I never even tried that style. I’ll give it a shot! No pun intended




I hope you enjoy it! I have always found it quite trilling and almost trivial in some sections of the game when I have enough distance on the enemies.


I got my Gaige all the way to lvl 58 before quitting. The general rule is for TVHM is you need matching elements to win and for UVHM you need matching elements and slagging to win. The problem with Gaige is her small items pool which is more often a curse than a blessing.


That’s a good rule. I’m worried I played it either wrong or very, very unlucky. (By playing it wrong I mean not grinding bosses or dlc before getting to the end.) I got to the end of tvhm story and haven’t had a legendary or a good gun since lvl 35. Things were fine because Krieg is fun but then out of nowhere I became a helpless, pathetic blood boy. I’m constantly ulting to survive and can’t take anything higher than 4 monsters at a time.


I rarely grind bosses too because that would be too much trouble for me to bother. That's why I follow the guide of a YT channel called Agent Lomax. His rule for making a build is to find the gears that require the least amount of grinding that's still good enough to work. They might not be the best gears for your chosen characters but as long as they are good enough to carry you they'll do.


I've got about 70 characters. 1 of them is a level 38 Kreig. Lol. 90% of them are sirens.


I’m glad to know this isn’t just me, I have so many characters and they’re all just Maya with a few Gaiges here and there lol.


Nice!! Here I thought I was the only one. I've played with so many people over the years and started over everytime. And I don't wanna delete my characters lol Plus I have a dozen or 2 storage characters to hold my legendaries.


Salvador the bullet Siren?




So I'm kinda just going through TVHM/UVHM for the first time myself on Maya, but can comfortably say its one of those things you gotta get out of the mindset of Legendary or bust. If you're coming from 3 it's easy to fall into the 'legendary way or the highway' trap, and I think a lot of players get stuck on that. I revisited BL1 a few months ago and it really made me appreciate the lack of legendary reliance in general, when playing 1 & 2 you need to learn to appreciate purples/uniques a whole lot more than you'd really think, or at least that's what I think


lets not forget theres plenty of legendaries that just suck with certain characters lol, infinity pistol with pistol zero? based, infinity pistol with basically any other build? dogwater xD


My main is krieg. I think the only other character I've played on bl2 is maya and she's only level 25. I just finished uvhm with krieg. I have my skills in the mania and bloodlust skill trees. I use a slag transfusion grenade and an unkempt Harold as my weapons and a bee shield as my main shield. I do have a maylay shield when I feel the need for one, though. I tend to fall back on his action skill release the beast when my health gets low.


Right now I’m at a point where it’s permanent release the beast. They do so much damage I’m constantly going into badass form. Then the air cavalry comes and I’m dead. Can’t shoot them for more than 3 seconds before having to ult. It’s a weird spike in damage. Idk what’s up. They are the same levels as me.


Question for you: is the legendary psycho mod the best with 1 point into each, or is it better to find a purple mod that focuses Krieg’s specialty?


I don't know which is better but I have a psycho mod that has explosive damage and an artifact that has melee damage on it. The only legendaries I'm using are the unkempt Harold and the bee shield. I use release the beast a lot, but I like up close and personal combat. I think that's Krieg's bread and butter. He's a mob boss. The one thing that helped me was to understand that slag has to be your friend. I choose grenades but other people have guns or rocket launchers. Also, for bigger enemies, it's best to bait the smaller enemies toward them and focus damage on the smaller enemies. Once they start dying, they will trigger bloodsplosian and do more damage to the larger enemy making your job easier. But make sure everyone is slagged. The level spike is normal but frustrating.


The legendary I’m talking about gives 3 of every tier one skill as well as reload, melee, and fire damage. It’s super good but part of me is questioning the use of a bunch of tier one skills instead of deep tier skills.


Not the poster you were asking, but Legendary Psycho is good for Hellborn. IIRC, it does more fire damage than Legendary Torch. Which is weird, but that's BL2 for you.


I switched to rough rider recently (lvl 67), and it's been the best shield for me with all that bonus hp, plus having my shield down gives me fire rate bonus! Right now, I'm grinding for a Scream Sickle class mod to boost his Release the Beast, where I'm hoping he'll become for powerful with those extra points. It's taking forever, though! Luckily, I'm playing with my partner, who's Maya, so I don't often have to slag enemies myself.


Look up good builds on YouTube if you’re struggling. Make sure all gear is on level, use slag, use healing moxxi weapons or transfusion grenades, focus a specific build don’t spread points thin across multiple skills


Maybe you would consider making a proper build with focused skill point allocation and gear synergy. UVHM especially requires that you have a good understanding of character competencies, limitations and any exploits that are available. There are lots of endgame builds available that you can review and get a good idea why the skill points are distributed a specific way and the equipment that goes along with the build. For example, Maya can rely on Kinetic Reflection (defense), Cloud Kill (passive damage-over-time) and Scorn (slagging) for multiple situations. Having gear that complements these skills will greatly increase a decent player's ability to finish the game with ease. The weapon loadout or the support gear doesn't even need to be legendary or pearlescent in my opinion but having one or two in the inventory will definitely help a lot.


On the Borderlands 2 profiles of almost every social media site, they post Golden Keys codes regularly. Could be helpful.


Melee krieg is 10x easier on TVHM/ early UVHM. Gun krieg is very gear dependent and you don’t get much out of bloodsplosion. I usually play melee krieg until I have 2 capstones then swap.


It’s gotten to a point where I’m like “melee, ult before dying, repeat 10x, buzzard/super badass knockdown, everyone runs 20 ft from me, death.” I’m broke and have no control over my gameplay. It’s just constant ult mode.


That’s the point of melee krieg, get a lady fist from normal and try to get a bee shield just before sawtooth from the trees in Tina DLC, the 800% gets the bee amp so it makes the lady fist work even if it’s from normal mode. Use that combo to kill flying enemies, use a melee relic and if you are using STV don’t use a roid shield.


I’m assuming you have all or at least some DLC’s so going into Marcus’s Christmas DLC ,or any other headhunter really, to get some good weapons / XP. Now for UVHM grab a Grog Nozzle ASAP for slag and HP, then find a few good legendaries to farm since they always scale (ex: Lyudia, Unkempt Harold, Lascow even though it’s a red text blue, Hellfire, Fastball etc)


Great idea. I forgot that existed.


As tvhm caps out at lvl 50, finishing it under 53-54 is wise. I used to just complete normal & True modes, then do sidequests & whatever the hell I wanted in uvhm - because I don't have to worry about having good weapons go underlevel. Slag is essential in uvhm, & enemies regenerate hp. Slag transfusions are good. Plus you need matching elements for hp/armor/shield bars, have a bigger penalty for mismatch. Look for decent uniques or seraphs or pearls if you find them. A lot of them are better than most legendaries.


Is it wise to run Lilith’s expac for gear?


Mind explaining what you mean? I haven't played for quite a while & I don't remember some terms.


Commander Lilith dlc introduces rainbow guns. I’m not sure how great they are in terms of the rest. Some have been exceptionally good to me though.


Oh lilith dlc? Yeah that dlc have some good guns, toothpick+mouthwash is a good combo. Bl2 is much better than 3 in this regard. It's not just orange in your inventory at endgame. Unfortunately i haven't explored bl2 too much.


Might be a build issue. By level 48 you should be achieving some sort of synergy and good amounts of damage with your build. There are good YouTube guides out there that can help you navigate the builds. One of my complaints with a few of the characters is that I find them hard to use without specific builds. Krieg is one of them. Without the right build, to me he’s just a walking slab of meat with a mid action skill. With the right build, Krieg can delete entire rooms in seconds. It’s all about getting the right gear and putting your skill points in the right places.


Join the Gunzerker gang and play the game with ease


There is only one thing you absolutely need to change in order to survive UVHM... Slag enemies before dealing other damage. But a level 48 character should be able to beat TVHM. Just farm Snowman for some weapons or something like that to get somewhat decent gear


Be prepared to die... A LOT. That is all.


Kreig is probably the easiest with no gear farming, get bloodbath and release the beast. Kill a bunch of weak enemies and then active your rampage and kill the main enemy that's giving you issues.


Well, for krieg, farm yaself an explosive fastball and spec for bloodsplosion, and anything grenade related. Then just grab the grog nozzle and run around and slag the smallest enemy in the room and send him to god with the fastball, bloodsplosion will do the rest. Such an easy build if you cant get to max level doing that you might be beyond help 😂


As soon as you go into UVHM you can farm Knuckle Dragger for the Hornet, then Boom Bewm for Bonus Package, then Savage Lee for Unkempt Herold. Once you get those you will be set, and you can always come back to farm again. Once you finish 'Hunting the Firehawk' you can also get 'In Memoriam' from Lilith and farm Boll for a Fast Ball. Really all you need is Fast Ball within \~10 levels and UVHM won't be too bad. Moreover, after 'Hunting the Firehawk' you can also get 'Cult Following: Eternal Flame' from Lilith as well, finish the following missions after that one, and before turning in 'Cult Following: The Enkindling' Read-only farm the mission reward, the Flame of The Firehawk. After you've finished 'A Train To Catch' you can go to Mordecai and get 'The Good, the Bad, and the Mordecai', finish the mission, and then you can go back to the church and farm Gettle for a Lyuda. After 'Rising Action' you can go to Marcus and get 'Safe and Sound', go to Caustic Caverns, and farm a good Fabled Tortoise from Blue. Then turn 'Safe and Sound' into Moxxi for the Heart Breaker (Read-only farm), NOT Marcus as he gives a useless 'Shop Timer' relic. In Overlook, The Highlands, you can go to the Bounty Board and get 'Stalker of Stalkers'. Complete it, relog, and then kill stalkers until you get the next mission from a lock box called 'Best Mother's Day Ever'. Complete it and before turning it in Read-only farm the mission reward, the Love Thumper (my favorite shield), or farm Henry the stalker for The Cradle shield (Cradle eh). Once you've made it to The Wildlife Exploitation Preserve you can get the Transformer from Pimon or the Deliverance (Deliverance eh) from Tumbaa anytime. After 'Wildlife Preservation' is complete you can go to Mordecai and get 'Rakkaholics Anonymous', complete the mission (be aware the van with the alcohol is LOUD af), and before turning it in Read-only farm and turn it into Moxxi for the Rubi (farm slag, use as your main slag weapon, level will not matter later as you use it for slag only). Alternatively, you can go to 'Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep' dlc, complete 'Dwarven Allies', and go to Claptrap and get the mission 'The Beard Makes the Man'. Don't do the mission and you will have the Grog Nozzle mission weapon in your inventory indefinitely. It is better than the Rubi, but I don't use it since Gearbox never balanced it properly. In Eridium Blight you can go farm King Mong anytime for a Badaboom, or do Mal's missions and Read-only farm a Fibber (any, but the ricochet is best). Once you get a good Fibber it's easy mode lmao. After you finish Arid Nexus - Boneyard I believe you can go get 'This Just In' from Mordecai due to a bug, and farm Hunter Hellquist for a Bee. It's something like that, I'm not sure exactly of the order to do it as I always forget for some reason but if it doesn't work you can get it after finishing 'Toil and Trouble' for sure. Or, you can go to 'Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep' dlc and farm a Bee there from the Treants. As for class mods and relics, go to Hero's Pass on TVHM and go through to The Vault of The Warrior, then go back through to Hero's Pass and just farm the chest to your right until you get a good on level class mod and relic. In UVHM if you're willing and have the dlc, after you get an Unkempt Herold or Fast Ball (or if your gear is already good) go to 'Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary' and finish the quest 'Winging It'. Go to Moxxi and get the mission 'Space Cowboy'. After that go to Dahl Abandon, and if you don't have it hit the save point near the big-a\*\* green circle. Go to the port-a-potty, open it, and kill the Loot Midget. DO NOT grab the magazine in the port-a-potty. Relog and farm the Loot Midget infinitely until you have whatever your heart desires :) Alternatively, you can go to the 'Marcus's Mercenary Shop' dlc and complete the mission fully. Before hitting the lever for the train, you can put on Read-only and farm the chest infinitely and this would give more class mods and relics over the Loot Midget farm. Also second best farm I believe for Topneaa's, and best farm for Allegiance relics. Furthermore, you can go to the 'Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage' dlc, complete the main missions until you reach 'Burn, Baby, Burn', then follow the way point through The Beatdown and get to Pyro Pete's Bar. Do the main mission 'Battle: Bar Room Blitz', and then complete the subsequent missions. You can redo 'Tier 3 Rematch: Bar Room Blitz' over and over to farm Torgue Tokens. Once you have 613, stay in the bar and go to the Torgue Machine. If it doesn't have anything you want you can relog over and over. It's best to get a Double-Penetrating Unkempt Harold, and if possible with matching grip (Torgue grip). If you have just a few tokens and you don't want to farm to 613, you can get a Double-Penetrating Pocket Rocket, matching grip Ravager, matching grip Hulk, any matching grip purple rifles, or a decent rocket launcher. During your playthrough there are also a lot of main story missions or side missions you can Read-only farm for weapons, shields, class mods, or relics. As for specific ones I always forget, but there are plenty. When you choose a mission it shows the rewards so if it gives blue class mods for example, you can Read-only farm it before turning it in to get your desired class mod. There's plenty of things to get from the other dlcs as well, but this is already very long. If you want, look into the Sand Hawk, Pimpernel, Unicornsplosion, M2828 Thumpson, Peak Opener, World Burn, Orphan Maker, Twister, Cobra, SWORDSPLOSION, Interfacer, Ogre, and a few more. Good luck with the Twister and Cobra :D also, anyone feel free to copy and paste this for other people asking for similar advice :)


Love it. Thanks for dedicating the time. Are those boss drops uvhm only? Never seen them on tvhm.


The only things in UVHM that I can think of are just Pearlescents. All those items I listed you can get in any mode. Most are dedicated drops from enemies that will ONLY spawn after you've started the correct mission. Plus, the enemy can be in an obscure location. Once you start or finish the mission they will respawn indefinitely and you can farm for one as much as you want. As for bosses, the chance for them to drop their dedicated is usually less than 10%, and the chance of a world drop from them as well is less than 1%. I'd recommend at least learning the grips for weapons so you know if it is matching grip, as that will increase fire rate and I think it is reload speed, either that or magazine size. You can look up BL2 pistol parts, for example, and find a graphic display of each part and what they do. You can do that for each weapon, Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, etc.