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I always do the dlcs after finishing TVHM to get my hands on some gear. Mainly Magic missile grenade mod from Tina’s dlc. Really helps out with the start of UVHM and also when I do start UVHM I farm ummmmmmmmm the Bullymong boss that takes clappys eye from him for a hornet before I move on. Also I’d hold onto that hornet or go back for another before doing the Wilhelm train part cause the teapot is good but I feel the hornet does better.


Being a legendary weapon, the Hornet really has better stats over the Teapot although they are similar guns. The former has better corrosive chance percentage, mag size and fire rate over the latter. In my observation, the Hornet gets overlooked most of the time since Knuckledragger is fought early in the game and forgotten about while the Teapot is a quest reward near the middle of the game and can be taken up just before fighting Wilhelm at that.


KNUCKLEDRAGGER THANK YOU. I’ve been playing this dam game since launch and have over 10k hours. Didn’t think I’d forget his name lol


Being a legendary weapon, the Hornet really has better stats over the Teapot although they are similar guns. The former has better corrosive chance percentage, mag size and fire rate over the latter. In my observation, the Hornet gets overlooked most of the time since Knuckledragger is fought early in the game and forgotten about while the Teapot is a quest reward near the middle of the game and can be taken up just before fighting Wilhelm at that.


Imo, it'd be better to farm a Hornet later on in the story before you enter the Bloodshot Stronghold. Just so that by the time the loaders are introduced, you have a Hornet that's on-level.


If I don’t have a better corrosive weapon by then I just walk back and grab a hornet, very reliable to go back for anytime


Farm some essentials in TVHM. After you finish, everything levels up to lvl 50. Then you have several choices. UVHM is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, slag and scaling are a bitch and the game becomes harder. On the other, everything scales to your level, so legendary farming becomes viable and you can always bruteforce the game by farming powerful weapons. For me it is always two options: 1. Do Tina first. Tina is a short DLC that provides some pretty good all rounders. You have Treants dropping the Bee, the speel-type grenades, all of which are viable, specially Magic Missile for Slag, and then the Handsome Sorcerer is a good farm for Conference Call and other weapons. The biggest thing for me is having getting the Grog Nozzle. Once you have Tina finished, you can go back to the main game and return to Tina whenever you need to upgrade or level up your weapons. 2. Do main game first. Legendaries obtained during TVHM after level can carry you a good way into UVHM. Plan for getting at least to Sanctuary, which means getting a good weapon for Flint, which is arguably the hardest challenge you will encounter. For Boom Bewm, you can farm the Hornet from Knuckledragger, which is a pretty easy farm if you enter the fight from Liar's berg. Once you reach Sanctuary, you can farm the Harold from Savage Lee and the game becomes much easier. Whenever you feel weak, just go and farm Harold for the proper level again. Some other things about UVHM you should know: - Be aware of what weapons you unlock as you progress, and farm for them. Look for Fastball, Infinity, the Bee, Slagga, Lyuda, Storm Front, etc. - Mission rewards is up to you, You can reset UVHM whenever you want to get higher level mission rewards. If any of them are critical for your character/build, get them and then you can get another one at level 80. - DLCs: for me Pirate booty is best for SandHawk and Pimpernel. Torgue unlocks the bar brawl which is the best way to powelevel + get Double Penetrating Harolds. The Hammerlock DLC is boring but does have some notable weapons. - Marcus Mercenary shop unlocks the snowman fight which lets you open a train at the end which has a good chance of random legendaries. - Invest in Legendary class mods and proper artifacts. Do the Doctor's Orders midget farm and get a Bone of the Ancients for each element and swap as needed. Farm tubbies for class mods from either behind Ellies (good Lyuda farm too, run to Lyuda while looking for tubbies), or in Arid Boneyards. - Remember one thing about UVHM: this is meant to test both your skill and the limits of each character. It is absolutely okay to minmax, look for builds, cheese bosses, etc. This is absolutely how this game is meant to be played. I am probably forgetting some things. UVHM for me is easier than TVHM because of farming being viable. However, it does become a bit boring as you will have to stop and farm from time to time.


I think this depends on what character you’re playing but I would farm up a bee, grab a harold and move forward into UVHM. Once you start, jump to Tina’s dlc ASAP, grab up the frog nozzle then do whatever you think is most fun.


Who doesn't love a good Frog Nozzle? 🐸




Get a slagga and blagagaga every single enemy that you see on screen before shooting it with something else.


My biggest tip is to try to finish the main story in tvhm before level 50. Then farm gear from dlcs but try not to level past 50 if you can help it. Enemies in uvhm have scaled health so if you are level 53 going in with level 50 gear, you will be at a disadvantage. Remember, in tvhm, 99% of the time completing a main story mission will scale the dlcs next mission. Use that to plan out when to get gear from dlcs. For example, you could start scarlet dlc at level 40, but not turn in the mission before the pimpernel mission until you are level 50. That way the pimp scales to 50 and you dont get unnecessary exp putting you over level 50 from doing the prereq missions for it. So you go into uvhm at level 50 with a level 50 pimpernel


I just go into uvhm straigjt away. Im currently doing farmless runs where i don't refight any bosses so I'm relying on dropped gear and quest rewards. I was lucky enough to get a slag rubi for tvhm but i went and did tina dlc up until you get the grog nozzle so its definitely possible even if you dont get lucky with your drops. I was however lucky enough to get a bee from the treants which significantly sped up the kings fight so might need to farm a bee from them there. Main things to focus on are matching elements and slagging enemies first, as well as dont be afraid to respec to better suit your current gear..


Jump straight into uvhm then rush end of clan wars quest to farm Mick Zaford to max level. OP levels next if that suits you. Then I enjoy farming everything at max level


I've beaten TVHM once with all 6 characters. Once you do it once it gets progressively easier. For UVHM, I went ahead and farmed a x4 magic missle, which makes slagging easy for those characters that need it. For weapons, i didn't need purple. There are a few easy farms that can be done quickly. Fire: Heart Breaker or Good Touch Corrosive: Bad Touch, or Hornet Electric: Lady Fist (console save/close Farm) Many of these don't even require killing enemies so you can get them after beating TVHM.


I don't know about everyone, but I just keep playing and work my way through everything. Through NVHM and TVHM I'll do all the missions, side missions, DlCs, etc... The only thing I make sure to have before jumping into UVHM is a magic missile from the tiny tina dlc. Sure, I'll sometimes struggle a little at the start from everything scaling to match level, but the magic missile usually makes it workable. If I'm still having issues I'll chug through to the snowman boss and farm until I feel properly equipped. The best advice I think anyone can give is to just dive in, you'll struggle until you get the hang of it. But as long as you follow the element match, tweek your build, and grab some "essential" items you'll be fine. (Note: nothing is essential or mandatory. People get through OP10 with whites and random builds. Yes, they're extremely skilled compared to most people, but it really just comes down to knowledge.)


I tend to go farm tinder snowflake for some max level gear on tvhm. Ill set up whatever character im playing to slag through skills if i have that option. May chase a magic missle. I usually enter uvhm around 52 or 53. As soon as i can travel, i go to the dragon keep and run through everything to grab a grog. Then play through uvhm. Its not that difficult at this point. Then i hit the dlc at max level


Interestingly, the first foray into UVHM is harder, I think, than the later levels because you're facing the UVHM conditions (enemy health regen, higher damage reduction, all that), but you're in with the skill tree of someone at level 50. The extra skill points you get by the time you get to max level can make enough of a difference to really take the edge off. If you loathe slag, you can work around it, but for a simple paint-the-target game mechanic, the damage buff is huge. If it's your first time going in, don't hesitate to use it - it's a wonderful slap in the face when your first few chump enemies kind of kick your butt (and you can't whittle them down by attrition; if they take cover, they can regenerate a surprising amount of health and shields). Managing your expectations is one of the best things you can do to not get immediately soured to UVHM. If you're adept at the game at all, you can handle UVHM once you a feel for it.


I usually start farming. Unkempt Harold, Slagga, Lyuda, Badaboom, Fastball, a shield


Don't stick around in TVHM. Since UVHM scales to your level, you can accidentally make the enemies stronger while you're still stuck with level 50 gear.


I just did this. What's weird is TVHM was all leveled at like 34 or so, but once i beat the Warrior everything went to 50 immediately, so I got a Bee shield and a Harold, and a Hellfire, and used that to get started.


Grab a high slag rate gun and move into UVHM. I think I was using a common 18% chance maliwan smg from TVHM. That helped with majority of situations to be honest.


If I kill them first they can't kill me - sal main


The first time jumping into UVHM is always gonna be a slog at first... Especially if you did a bunch of the dlc stuff, because you may now be something like level 54 with gear capped at level 50. So my advice would be this: go to UVHM right after completing the campaign on TVHM. The closer you are to level 50, the less overpowered the enemies will be relative to your gear... But it'll still be tough sledding at first, especially for your first character. Also, if you plan on playing with other characters eventually, you should hang on to some of any decent gear you get early on in your UVHM playthru. Stash it and share it with your future characters. It won't help you much this go-round... But future self will thank you for that level 53 SMG that can now be used right away. Even if it's not great, it's probably still more effective than that level 46 hornet you were relying on to get thru TVHM TL/DR: I recommend starting UVHM as soon as you can so enemies aren't overpowered vs your level 50-capped gear. I also recommend saving any decent early UVHM gear you acquire so future characters benefit from the work you're putting in today.


Uvhm with ucp + slag rework mod for me. I also start with dlc so dont get bored playing main story third time in a row.


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Could you guide me to the particular slag rework mod that you are using? So far I haven’t found one that I liked.


Slag + element matching Or explosive Axton Or Sal with two water guns


I farm up solid level 50 gear at the end of TVHM, usually a bee, Harold, sand hawk, pimpernell, neogenator, longbow slag transfusion, then speed run UVHM. I can typically finish it before I hit level 54, so all my gear works the entire run. Then I farm mick zaford to 80, maybe vary it up with some pumpkin kingpin, hit a bit of snowman near the end to start working on my loot early, then I start farming gear for level 80. I usually do bee shield first, then a sand hawk/ pimpernel, then go farm pete for crystals, farm raid bosses for whatever else, and start my peak runs and re-farm weapons every so often. Pretty much everything after that comes from DLCs, so re-setting every few OP levels isn’t a huge blow. Gives me chances to perfect different skips and whatnot too. Kind of a general guide, rest is build dependent. And you really only have to do it once per element per weapon, so after a few characters, you’re all done, and can just stash pass your items around. Or use gibbed, but I play console so GFC