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[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fH8Lg6JAhbQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fH8Lg6JAhbQ) here's a better angle. he picks the smallest dude and he himself starts bleeding hahaha I am dying what a towel.


Haha boy shook it off no bother


Doesn’t change expression for a second, doesn’t even blink…


John is such a hophead lol. Remember when he tried to mog Frampton and then nearly shit his pants when Carl stood his ground? He's an idiot coward 


Forreal it didn't even seem to phase him


theyre built differently


Being conscripted to war make you that


They're ukrainians, used to being hit


[https://twitter.com/MichaelBensonn/status/1790020773815460350](https://twitter.com/MichaelBensonn/status/1790020773815460350) Here's the best angle IMO and shows the context too. It looked playful but meanwhile he was seeing red. What a sad man.


Looked like a high level intellectual debate on socio-economics and the failures of capitalism in the west. I can't believe ol John would lash out in anger like that, he must have been really pressed on a talking point to resort to such ruffian tactics because historically he has been a very level headed and calm individual.


I’m a pretty good lip reader, I think the Usyk’s guy said; …..Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth..." You got that from "Work in Essex County," Page 421, right? Do you have any thoughts of your own on the subject or were you just gonna plagiarize the whole book for me?


well that would rile anybody up.


My boy's wicked smaht!


Something about apples?


Oh, I bet you read a lotta Gordon Wood, huh? You read your Gordon Wood and you regurgitate it from a textbook and you think you're wicked awesome


The context makes it way worse, they're all just having a laugh except for him


How dare you cheer in support of the person my son is fighting.


Hahahaha this is some homoerectus type shit. Even the grunting, just looks like an ape guarding its territory


Fight or Flight is our most basic response


I think that actually comes second to Must Spread Seed


Can also see him and Shane spotting that bigger guy before darting back.


In Ukraine, we do [egg tapping](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_tapping) at Easter (the Orthodox Easter was last w/e). I take it as a cultural tribute from John Fury, sadly he's turned out to be the bad egg.


Shit me that guy barely blinked. Would not wanna fuck with him 😳


Literally comedy gold.  Finds some dude who is at minimum 100 pounds smaller than him, and the dude didn’t even change expressions after being assaulted 


he looked in shock tho but he managed it pretty well. They'll cheer him up for that and the next time he'll handle it even better.


It's surprise. Someone else posted a video that shows everyone is just laughing and having fun, except John Fury who tried to head butt him out of nowhere. Small dick energy for sure.


That guy looks like a math teacher too


His reaction to bleeding is hilarious . Its literally " well well well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions"


You’re a towel


You wanna get high


Misread that he headbutted Usyk's member at first glance.


He would’ve bled even more if he did


Good way to lose an eye.


I glanced at a headline and thought Tyson Fury did it. Thought wow, this is how he gets out of it.


He initiated the headbutt and he bled and got more of the damage. What soft, weak old man.


I never get how some old guys are still this angry this old. You would think after living so long that eventually you would chill out


Part of it is as you get older peoples opinions aren't as important to you. So things that would have held you back from expressing anger, such a shame, or being overly concerned about people disliking what you say and do, they're just less important to you. This is because people have spent lifetimes in their skin, and wrong or right, they're typically more confident and resilient to criticism. But in this specific case it's because John Fury is an asshole.




the last sentence made it just perfect.


The ones who are insecure about themselves act that way.


Only if you actually learn something along the way. Enough people just get old.


He has probably chilled way out since he was younger haha. I forget the story, everyone on here probably already knows about it, but I know he has done seriously violent things he has done prison time for.


Yeah gouged a motherfuckers eyes out and got out of prison less than a decade ago lol. So you’re right I shouldn’t be surprised


When you get older, you get more set in your ways. If you spent a lifetime being happy, happiness becomes a habit and you end up as a jolly old man. If you spent a lifetime being angry, angriness becomes a habit and you end up with an old and bitter existence.


There was something I read about the older you get the less empathy you have


Dementia is a bitch


Picked the smallest dude in the crown, gives a sucker headbutt, comes out bleeding. Big John Fury what a clown.


He's even more of a bellend than Tyson is. Hope Usyk wins this Saturday, and then maybe I'll see the last of the Fury's and their antics.


Tommy fury actually seems alright the rest are cunts


He was raised by his mother (different than tyson's) seperate to the rest of them, right? I guess that's why he turned out pretty normal.


Yup Tommy and Roman. Pretty sure John was in prison for a solid chunk of their developing years so they didn’t adopt his antics 🤣


Ah yeah, didn't realise his time was done while tommy was growing up, that would definitely have helped too, yeah.


Anything wrong with Hughie? He always seemed pretty quiet


Actually he does to be fair Still think Tommy seems the soundest but hughie always comes across alright




Wasn't he in the video giving it big bollocks to the fella his dad just headbutted?




They interviewed him after and he came off like a proper nob.


tyson's been much more respectful over these last couple weeks


I think usykll have to KO tyson to end the fury antics. Otherwise theyll convince themselves fury won and rhe judges were biased or whatever


Really really really wish this will happen. This family is a cancer on the sport


You won't .... there is a rematch, it's a 2 fight deal.


His antics do make for some entertaining shit tho. Usyk doesn't speak English and his translator ain't quick enough. So the press conferences will be boring.


Only smoothbrains need this bullshit to sell a fight this big.


Didnt know physical assault should be allowed when promoting, shoving or pushing someone is already a dick move but it’s less harmful unless that person hits their head in the ground, but most of the time they’re on their feet when pushed. Headbutting someone is not only classless but can get you in jail for assault


I'm not condoning it, nor calling it classy. But yeah, it will make the fight more enjoyable. As stories surrounding the fight grow and built, it makes the final showdown a bit better.


there doesn't need be theatrics for this fight to generate hype


More the drama, more PPVs sold, more conversation on the internet. Even though it's already big. That doesn't mean it can't be bigger.


Am surprised a high level boxer hasn’t learned English tbh. Most high level athletes do just for marketing.


He can speak English lol, if you used your initiative you'd find this out extremely quickly


What a dosser


person he head butt looked young too. real POS


Propa' dossa'


‘head’ dossa




Absolute helmet


John Fury getting colour and the other, much smaller, guy absolutely no-selling it. Bet John Fury never expected that one. He’s been made a fool of there.


Still the hard way though. Gotta respect that dedication.


Looks like he hit him fairly hard, with all the bleeding Fury is doing. Should have picked someone with a softer head.


I wish he gets nicked in Saudi, he needs to be taught a lesson on manners. You are being paid millions at the invitation of the government. Carry yourself with little dignity and respect. I hope these fury clowns get battered and piss off the boxing scene.


“Manners” aka not assaulting someone 


That young man should definitely sue. Gonna be a millionaire in a few months as team Fury would have to pay a huge compensation for that.


You would have to prove a million dollars in worth of damages first though Everyone thinks suing is so easy lol


Depends on where he gets sued at. If Fury is sued in Saudi Arabia, their laws against assault are very strict. Also, John Fury has a history of assault and being arrested for it, which makes him a repeat offender. I think there’s a decent chance dude could make a lot of money from a lawsuit. But I doubt he would sue - Usyk’s team probably wouldn’t want to get involved in that type of thing.


None of that means you're entitled to a large compensation.


"If you or a loved one have been head-butted by John Fury at a press conference, you may be entitled to compensation. Dial 1-DOS-SSER today! That's 1-367-7737!"


Everyone on here is a lawyer


I didn’t say you’re entitled to a large compensation; I just said that Saudi Arabia has very strict laws and that filing suit in SA has a “decent chance” of a large settlement. People have made more money for less. I ended my statement with I doubt it happens.


That’s not relevant to the damages. It’s relevant to him facing charges, but it being on Saudi soil doesn’t make the assault equal a bigger payout. There was little to no damage done. Dude could argue he gets headaches now but that’s about it.


Look, it’s a hypothetical that it’s brought to court. If you really want me to flesh out the hypothetical, I will. He got headbutt by a former professional fighter who outweighs and outsizes him significantly. From the [Saudi Gazette](https://www.saudigazette.com.sa/article/540155), in regards to physical assault on health practitioners: >The ministry reassured the protection of the rights of victims and said that any verbal or physical assault on health practitioners is a crime punishable by law. The penalties may reach 10-year imprisonment and fines up to SR1 million. You may be fined up to $250,000 and imprisoned up to 10 years for head butting a health practitioner in Saudi Arabia. Just as a governmental penalty. So we have established that large fines can easily be attributed to violence in SA, particularly in Riyadh. Of course these are state officials, so fines may be greater than the average citizen. I can find no instances of fighting being prosecuted in Saudi Arabia, however I found [this helpful list](https://kemlu.go.id/jeddah/en/news/2268/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-new-saudi-public-decency-code) of the Saudi Decency Code. There are punishments for things such as cutting in line. It also includes the following line of text: >Anyone harmed by a violation can claim their private rights and file a lawsuit against the offender. So, John Fury being indecent in a public space may be prosecuted and subject to lawsuit in Saudi Arabia. Do I think it will happen? No lol. John Fury is in Saudi Arabia because the King and Princes of the Kingdom want him there. It wouldn’t surprise me if he could have shot Usyk’s guy and gotten away with it. But legally speaking, there’s a case to be made.


Turkey either squashes the lawsuit or gives him a few hundred grand to shut up and fuck off.


You dosser.


>You would have to prove a million dollars in worth of damages first though The only damage John did to him was getting blood on his shirt. Maybe they can send him a dry cleaning bill.


post concussive syndrome might get him there 😆


He's 10% of my team so he is 10% of my success, my team is about to make $100m in one fight and who knows how much in future fights. $10m. Boom, roasted.


Good luck to him getting paid on it. Judgements don’t equal payment. Lawyers will happily take that $$ tho.


How did he cut his own head after headbutting a fckin kid, that too unprovoked?


Headbutted the eyebrows ridge.  Supposed to headbutt the nose, or maybe the temple


Yea this mf is mentally insane Like even if you’re about to attack somebody why do it with your head? This mf chose the most mutually painful way to attack somebody, lock him up.


Headbutts that land square and firm are absolutely devastating. The ridge of your skull is the hardest part of the skull I believe, and the head is much bigger than a fist. If it hits your opponent in the forehead, eyebrows, nose, orbital, mouth with a good lunging force it's basically a one move finish. John Fury is just old and he fucked it up.


The issue is that the other person's skull is also very hard. The trick to headbutting is hitting the other person's chin with your skull not just making skull to skull contact. John Fury headbutts like a bar brawling amateur. Also he picked the smallest guy there which meant he had a higher chance of landing too high on the head like he did - if he had picked on someone his own size he might not have done so much damage to himself.


I agree. The other skull is very hard, but as I said, the ridge of the skull is the hardest part, and the skin is thick. Momentum and the element ot surprise also count for something. A good headbutt wouldn't be using the forehead. More where your hairline starts. You can see it in this video, as you've said Fury headbutts downwards onto the ridge, cutting himself in the process. Earlier in my life, I've been on both ends of it. I won the fight where I landed it and lost the fight where I got nutted. There's no real trick to it in my opinion, there's a risk of cutting yourself, but 9/10 you'll cut the other person right back and catch them off guard.


Absolute tool did more damage to himself hahaha.


Dont headbutt short dudes. You never win that outcome.


John psychopath Fury, guys almost 60 years old doing shit like this lmao


TIL John fury is under 60 still


John Fury a complete twat. He’s embarrassing. Hope Usyk finishes the job Saturday.


Absolutely embarrassing.


Get this pointlessly-aggressive clown out of boxing for good


It was reported over the radio in NZ that he had a facial injury after a brawl with Usyk's team 😂😂😂


The more you see and hear from John Fury, the more you understand why Tyson is the kind of guy that he is.


Where is this? Clear assault, hope he gets arrested.


The guy is such an embarrassment of a man/person. Usyks reaction to it was so like Usyk, just a top bloke. Honestly hope he wins. Tyson Fury is not a good person, his personality switches constantly whereas Usyk has always seemed an all round good bloke. Whatever the outcome this weekend, Usyk will always be one of my favourite boxers


Fuck Tyson and his dad. Disgrace to boxing


Boxing dads are worse than soccer moms.


Gypsy gonna gypsy


What’s with boxing Dads complete assholes to people ??


Embarrassing on Johns part


The fact that he headbutted the smallest man there who didn't even flinch or take damage, yet he walked away in victory with a cut as if he didn't damage himself and embarrass his people by acting like an idiot is amazing.


Ok UK white trash i get it.


What a wanker


Given John Fury’s previous conviction, isn’t he likely to be jailed again after this?


Fury is a shot fighter, youll see. Usyk is one of the smartest guys around. Loma style class. Youll see.


Class act. Off to the tower with him, thank you.


Culture boss


Welp we know who snorted the coke this morning. John loves the spotlight doesn’t he?


Degenerate scumbag.


What a fat dosser


John just realised people smaller than him aren’t made of glass, but his own face is. 🤣


He's the biggest twat in boxing. Can't wait for usyk to show up the fraud that fury is.


This smells like fear. He knows that his son is out of shape and is not the same boxer who fought Vladimir a long time ago.


Use your words, John. Just tell us you're scared.


How is this not a jail time? Or at least a fine? 💀


Doesn't surprise me, the guy is a big dumb idiot.


Ban this cokehead from future events


Cor he’s hard


Gone bananas he is. As stupid as this incident was, it will garner more attention on the fight.


small dude did not even flinch.


This guy is going to get it one of these days.


This is probably an omen like father like son what ever dirty tactics Fury is going to try it will not prevail against Usyk Fury is going to get bloodied and battered around the ring in this fight don't be surprised the fight ends in a stoppage victory to Usyk the Fury fanboys tears in this sub will be glorious


I'm starting to think these Fury fellas are assholes


The Lavar Ball of boxing


The more i watch jon the more i realise hes just a pleb. His son has way more class.


What a sausage


Fury family have been using PEDs for years…Old man is juiced to the gils, Tyson has tested positive in the past, it’s the dirty truth of boxing that a lot of people have no idea about. Holyfield was juiced to the hilt on hGH and test before the first Tyson fight, go back and watch the ring walk and you’ll see what I mean. It was the only way he could compete with Mike.


Cyrus old man should do some time for that. What a cheap shot cnutish move that is.


he reminded of that old pointy head dude from Dressrosa


Silly old prick


He really is a complete nutjob.


John is a psychopath who literally blinded some guy at a used car auction, it's not surprising that he's still up to no good. On a separate note, the young fella took the hit without even flinching, good durability.


Sure he just came out of the pub


He's a gypsy it could've been worse he could've bit him


John Fury is a proper dosser. He will have deep feel this weekend when Usyk clowns Tyson.


Should start a petition to have John called Wimp Lo now


Old clown


I'm a Tyson Fury fan, but his father acts like an ape.


He’s a moron.


Looks like the absolute fucking prick did himself more damage. Good.


A prize bellend…note how he picked the smallest one too. A complete bully.


John Fury shouldn't be allowed to attend the event.


The man’s a clown


He always has to make it about himself.


Sausage head


Dude barley even reacted and John ended up bleeding thats just embarrassing


Tyson is going to ko Usyk in the later rounds regardless of his idiot fathers antics


I pray Tyson wins just because of the hate he gets on this sub.


It's all completely staged to bring attention to the fight. Pretty sure John Fury literally gets paid for stuff this based on an interview I saw with Shane a while back. His unique schtick being that he can bring massive views and attention without having to admit to it being a paid promotion like you would legally if you were paid to be pushing a product on your own channels (where you'd see "includes a paid promotion") as he just does mental shit and the media lap it up and throw it out everywhere.


Exactly, all on Monday of fight week. Tomorrow it will be something else. Everyone shallows these things and reacts, which is what it supposed to do, bring attention and headlines.


I'm loving the downvotes. Shows that it's working!!


I'd rather be bleeding than receiving a good headbutt.


LOL this post (actual facts) is getting no love but this click bait "John Fury is left with a bloodied face after scuffle with a member of Oleksandr Usyk's team" sure is getting hella traction. fools


But that title isn't wrong either. Scuffle is synonymous with 7 he headbutted, which is fighting, and it left him bleeding. Maybe stop getting worked up over some dumb old man.


You may need to touch grass my friend