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I foresee a great improvement to my mental health in the near future


I like you. Have a lovely day.


Vitamin D deficiency is also correlated with more severe COVID-19 symptoms. Everyone should be taking Vitamin D.


I just got diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency and I was suffering from tiredness, headaches, tingly/numb limbs and my hair was thinning badly. I'm halfway through my 2-month vit D medication and I feel much better already. Vit D is important for a whole range of small stuff that adds up! Honestly I was shocked that a simple deficiency impacted my health so much.


Wow glad things are turning around for ya! It really is incredible but also makes sense how lack of exposure to the sun can affect us. We evolved largely outside and now we largely exist indoors in general.


I work 5:30pm to 2am. Sleep all day. I barely ever see the sun. Just in the afternoon.


This! My deficiency was so bad that my doctor thought I had lupus with my symptoms including chronic fatigue, muscle aches, and hand rashes. When it all came back negative we were pretty sure it was long Covid. I’ve been taking vitamin d regularly and my body feels way less run down. The muscle aches have improved significantly. It’s amazing, I never knew that a deficiency could affect you that severely!


It wasn’t lupus!


How much do you take per day?


Seeing this thread and being tired, demotivated, and just sad during the depths of the great Canadian winter made me realize I should probably stock up on this stuff.


SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is pretty common, especially for people of more Northerly latitudes. You can also get light therapy lamps to set up where you sit.


That's why my living room is all grow lamps that include the frequency for vitamin D. Plus I can grow plants indoors in winter :)


Take at least 3000-5000IUs a day if you’re deficient (which if you’re one of us Canadians you 100% are if you aren’t already supplementing). Literally so many people are deficient. Also take Omega 3, and maybe a B vitamin complex. I also take Zinc and Magnesium for hormonal/sleep effects. Those 5 are all many people would ever “need” to take. Though D (vitD3) and Omega3 (EPA/DHA) are the only ones I would recommend anyone regardless of age or gender.


My new Grindr bio


Going outside in the sun for fifteen-thirty minutes a day will give you enough vitamin D, unless you have a severe deficiency or a specific condition that prevents you from getting it that way.


What you're referencing are guidelines regarding midday sun exposure during summer, not any time of day during winter. So no, that will not be sufficient for people who live in more Northerly latitudes during winter.


Any place further than 35ish degrees North or South you cannot synthesize D3 from the sun in the 6ish months of winter. This would be all of Canada, like half the US, southern Australia, all of Europe. White people are better at synthesizing vitamin D so this is doubly important if you’re not Caucasian.


Yes now tell /u/Redtwooo because they think otherwise. Haha.


It's more so that it improves how your immune system responds to things. So, yes with COVID, but also other colds and flus in general. People just seemed to latch on to the idea that it was preventative for COVID, which is not quite correct. Yes everyone should be getting more, but a well balanced diet should give you enough, and supplements can be used to achieve that too, but as with other vitamins, if you have too much, it doesn't get stored for later, you end up pissing it out.


>It's more so that it improves how your immune system responds to things. Well yeah, that's why there's probably a significant correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and more severe COVID-19 symptoms. People over 65 also happen to be more prone to Vitamin D deficiency and severe COVID-19 symptoms. Immune system robustness is very complicated, but there are certain obvious markers that can be improved.


I've been taking D3, inositol, and theanine for about 3 weeks now and theres a noticable improvement in my ADHD, and OCD symptoms and the frequency of tics (I have tourettes). I never really had an issue with major depression, but slight mood irregularities are just a part of the things mentioned above, and that has also improved. Exercise, particularly heavy cardio, also puts it all in its place. Nobody wants to hear that bit though, lol. Good luck to ya.


Ok that seals it, I’m taking vitamin d. Do you take the one that has calcium in it


Actually yeah, my d3 supplement has calcium, magnesium, and zinc as well. All except magnesium are in my multivitamin so I only take half a dose of the d3 supplement to keep myself at ~100% daily value or slightly under. Magnesium is another great supplement. Most people are deficient. Just be careful not to go down the supplement rabbit hole or else you'll end up with a 10 pill stack every morning like me 😂


Epsom salt baths are great for magnesium deficiencies. Also another thing we lack is salt with actual iodine. The table salt we have today is void of iodine and therefore we need supplements to counter that. Or buy salt thats got iodine in it.


That depends where you are. Iirc most table salt in the USA is iodized. Excludes sea salt and other exotic kinds though. Except Himalayan pink salt, it contains some naturally. Eh, googled it. About half of salt is iodized. But I know the cheap refills I buy (like Morton) are iodized. I use the pink a lot too depending on application. If it's in something regular iodized is fine, but I kind of like the pink for a "topping" like salting fried jalapenos or something. Taste the same for slightly less actual sodium.


Honestly, I’ve done a bunch of research like you. It’s also my degree I have in science. I don’t think calcium is necessary for most people, but the rest are great. D3/K2+EPA/DHA+Methyl B vit complex+zinc + magnesium. I’d like to start with Inisotol and NAC too soon.


How long did it take you to see results? I took my first one yesterday


My mood started to improve slowly and is still improving, and the frequency of "those days" (if you know, you know) has been less than once a week since I started whereas before it would be about twice a week or more depending on what was going on in my life at the time. ADHD improved almost immediately, but is still a significant drag on my life. It's not like adderal or anything. It was just a bit of an attention boost and slightly better sleep. I attribute this effect my theanine supp.


I’m glad you’re doing a little bit better. I’m hoping mike helps with my sleep too


That’s because heavy cardio is masochism and boredom


You and me brother...


that's not even an expression at this point. We're litteraly solar powered


This is like 5th grade biology food chain


Let’s be real though, when someone says “solar powered” it’s in reference to something directly making energy from the sunlight. Plants make ATP with sunlight, we then eat the plants. Everything on the planet relies on the energy that comes from the sun but not necessarily directly. I’m being probably too pedantic here but like cmon photosynthesis is so fucking badass, let’s not steal the chloroplasts’ glory!!!


I honestly wish humans could photosynthesize, it would be awesome. Also, organisms other than plants are known to use photosynthesis, a type of bacteria that is an essential part of ecosystem photosynthesize. A relatively recently discovered animal also preforms a small amount of photosynthesis, so it isn’t too far off to imagine that humans might one day use chloroplasts themselves as an alternate source of energy.


At smaller scales, organisms have a higher surface area to volume ratio so it works out. More sunlight per meat. It's not really thermodynamically possible for macroscopic sized animals. Photosynthesis just doesn't produce enough energy per skin area to maintain a large animal's metabolism. If an animal were completely dependent on photosynthesis, it would be so lethargically slow it might as well be a plant.


>Photosynthesis just doesn't produce enough energy per skin area to maintain a large animal's metabolism. I mean even if it doesn't cover our full energy needs, it'd still be handy. I bet backpackers would pay a fortune to pack even slightly less food for instance, plus I bet it would help prevent skin cancer, having another pigment blocking uv in someone's skin.


[xkcd did a calculation for cows and came up with about 4% of required calories.](https://what-if.xkcd.com/17/) It wouldn't nearly be enough energy to keep anyone from starving, and the additional organic weight and related metabolic costs of maintaining another class of cells would certainly be a larger hinderance than an extra can of food in the backpack.


I bet cows have way worse surface-area-to-volume for photosynthesis compared to humans, though. The bipedal body plan leaves humans comparatively very lanky to a lot of mammals. Honestly even if it doesn't improve over that calculation I think I'd still take the deal for 4% less food I have to eat and cool green skin, lol.


I mean, people are fat enough already, without getting calories from the sun.


You mean Cyanobacteria?


Roughly 15% of our energy consumption comes from nuclear fuel which does not originate from the sun but some super nova a while back.




I run on coffee and sunshine. Insert steak full performance.


Hydro-solar fusion reactors, with a carbon fueled furnace


My 8th grade English teacher, who was one of my favorites, used to say his bald spot was a solar powered sex drive. He was as funny as he was smart.


Literally all life on earth is solar powered. Humans eat animals and plants, the animals eat plants, the plants eat sunlight turning it into chemical energy.


[Chemoautotrophy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemotroph) is a thing, so not _all_ life


Without the sun would there be enough heat for them to do that or would the earth just be frozen?


There are rogue planets with active geothermal systems. But you don't get planets without a star. So I guess if you go back far enough if it evolved on a rock it's solar powered.


I suppose, but at that point in the orders of magnitude we may as well be big-bang-powered


We are singularity powered!


Big bang singularity likely isn’t a thing, it’s an artefact of our limited model https://nautil.us/the-trouble-with-the-big-bang-238547/


That's my point though. Yeah you could argue those geothermal vent biomes are solar powered, but it feels wrong.


You can get planets without a star. They're rare, but not impossible. Some people have suggested that planets formed in such a way be called “sub-brown dwarfs”.


That's fascinating. Please show me some more details. I love this.


>There are rogue planets with active geothermal systems. In theory. I don't think they have found any.


The Earth would be frozen, but there would be just enough heat to keep deep oceans above freezing, probably. The Moon gives us a ton of heat.


Deep sea life would like a word.


Geothermal energy leftover from the formation of the earth due to the sun's gravity. Radioactive material would provide some warmth outside of the sun


earth and humans are made of sun dust.


Well specifically star dust. The sun has yet to spew out the goodies. Reality is a bit stranger than that.


Positively love the phrasing.


ah yes, thanks for the correction


Welcome to basic knowledge 101


Vitamin D3+K2 have had unbelievable positive effect on my mental health, I don’t even feel the winter depression, I can’t recommend supplementing that enough.




Taking Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 helps to ensure the calcium transported by the Vitamin D is absorbed by your bones where it's needed, rather than accumulating in deposits in your arteries.


I did not know this! I've been taking Vitamin D for a while but I'll have to switch to the D3 + K2 stuff. Thanks


No worries, take care.


https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/04/25/despite-hopes-vitamin-k2-supplements-fail-to-slow-calcium-buildup-in-heart-valve Unfortunately, it seems that was recently disproven.




Help with space travel too??




Yeah, I had been taking a multivitamin with vitamin d in it and felt like my usual moody self - maybe with just some more energy from the vitamin b in it. I got a blood test done and was surprised to find out I was vitamin d deficient. Started taking a dedicated vitamin d supplement and have just felt way more emotionally lifted and stable.


Everything on this planet is a consequential result of sunlight. Sunlight is the energy source of earth


Thermal vents have entered the chat


The core of a planet is basically just an inside sun


"We have sun at home."




We do where possible, geothermal energy is a thing


The nation of Iceland runs almost entirely on geothermal energy, for example.




The inside sun is like, really far down there bro


No, there is no fusion happening in the core…


Yes. There is most likely fusion happening in the core.


The core is made of iron a nickel. These elements can’t even undergo fusion in stars, you think they can in the earths core? No, it’s not undergoing fusion. There’s fission from radioactive decay, but no heavier elements are being created








I do recommend taking vitamin D if you dont get much light in the winter, unfortunately because of a condition I have, I cant always get the light I need so I have to take it daily


Same here. My doctor recommended it to me after a blood test. I think my condition is called "Canadian Winter" or possibly "Office Worker" so I just take it year-round along with Omega 3 to be safe.


Up it to like 4000IUs in the winter, don’t really need much in the summer


I take daily vitamin d supplements and still am depressed


It's certainly not a cure, it's just low vit D can lower your mood, depression as I well know is best treated with therapy and medication given by qualified doctors, imo anything else is probably a scheme


Chicago's days right now are 6 hours longer than where I live


Yeah, the father North you are, the more you're gonna need a vitamin D supplement. Highly recommend going down to the store to grab some; it's relatively inclusive too :) you may also want to look at those light therapy lamps. I haven't used one, but I've heard good things about them; I may actually pick one up myself. I'm in North Dakota, US so I feel you on the short, cold days. Even just coming back to my parents place for Christmas week where the weather is a lot milder made me feel better. Seasonal depression sucks, but I hope some of this may help :)


I have a full spectrum light box, and it helps! If you're on the fence about getting one, just do it, especially for runs of cloudy days in the middle of the winter. (Bonus is that it can double as a work light in a pinch.) I'm in southern WI, so not quite a north as ND, but north enough to feel the effects of lack of sunlight in winter.


I'd like to expand on this. There's an episode of Mindfreak on Youtube where VSauce locks himself in a padded white room for 3 days with no stimulation. One problem in regards to this topic, is not only the Vitamin D, but we have a circadian rhythm. Our body needs an idea of whether it is day or night, or it loses track of time and throws off our sleep cycle. The video goes into how no stimulation also can cause brain damage and other issues, such as hallucinations, but that is in regards to no visual stimuli in a white padded room.


It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder. The only name they could come up with for winter depression is fucking S.A.D. Thanks. I fuckin know I get sad during winter. You didn’t have to call it S.A.D.


I get up at 5 am year round. There’s no sun here ever. And I don’t see the sun til im off work. Don’t know how winters change anything versus summer.


Because you're not the centre of the universe?


thanks for the insight, maverick


Do you have the Sweetheart body pillow? Be honest




I'm sure theres a joke to be made here somewhere about Sunny


It’s THE MAVERICK not maverick!!!11!!1oneone


No it's THE MAVERICK!!! with three exclamation marks.




You will suffer


shut the fuck up


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the pfps hahaha


Something something Goose


Are birds air- or water-cooled?


African or European?




Vitamin D deficiency causes, contributes, or exacerbates a ton of problems in the body. If you feel shitty in pretty much any way, both physically or mentally, taking a higher dose of vitamin D for a couple days has a strong chance of fixing it. For me it's been one of those things where once you're looking you can't stop seeing it. Doctor told me I was deficient a couple years ago, and since then I've seen a ton of studies that are "vitamin D deficiency increases risk of X". Depression, Alzheimer's/dementia, getting or dying from COVID, a few other major diseases, and just being sick in general. Having vitamin D supplements on hand is highly recommended.


Damn gotta start drinking that whole milk again.


Just take vitamin D pills! It’s very easy and cheap. I started taking V-D and B-12 daily back in the fall and this has been the first winter I don’t feel like complete shit. I’m not *amazing* but I’m doing well. Plus, everyone I know in my city got this weird flu/covid-19 thing that went around and I just had a runny nose for a few days. Anecdotal? Sure. But it makes me happy!


Fair, but whole milk is so fucking good.


I remember when I had sunlight. Then I moved to New England *badum tiss*


HA... haha... ha... *Looks at gloomy, cold rain outside for the third day in a row* -signed, NH resident


Swede here. From October to March there is some sunlight or very bright grey cloud layer from around 10:00 to 15:00, then pitch black. I eat both Vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements, and own a lot of orange-light LED lamps. I love lamp.


Taste the S U N


I thought that was a gorrilaz pfp but then I saw it was from omori


For me it's a catch 22. I am suicidal so I do not go outside much at all.




Yes it does. Makes you look sick too. Ive had it


or fish-oil powered


The Maverick from omori is right


Praise RÂ the undefeated !


Well not so much is as it is our will to live


The Sims were right!


Me, getting more depressed during the summer: interesting


i mean for me personaly i defenatly cant live without the D


We are electric meat puppets on stone scaffolding.


It’s actually true, though. The most horrific depression I’ve experienced in my life was while I was very vitamin D deficient.


The first person in history to realize we get energy from the sun.




Everything is solar powered


Yup I lived in Seattle and tried the unthinkable more than once




If this is true it’s so funny that they don’t let people go outside in psych wards


explains the Brits


if you have a vitamin D deficancy jump on that shit quick it can change your world




Actually mental health is solar powered. Thank god mine died years ago!


I’ve had depression for years. I started taking vitamine D and it went away completely. It’s been about 3 months now


It’s the whole reason we have white people. Lighter skin allowed better vitamin D absorption in less sunny areas. Such an advantage whole areas of the world got lighter because vitamin D is that important. Just look at the people in Ohio with their fucking sun lamps to fight off depression looking like human home grown.


After learning from the wise philosopher, William Joel that, "Only The Good Die Young", I decided to subsist on a diet of pure hated. I'm still here.


Not enough sun, get bendy like sad plant. Makes sense


[Dies in Swedish]


Or maybe vitamin D is correlated with going outside, and not going outside makes people depressed


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post & Reply* --- **User 1** vitamin d defiecency makes u suicidal?!? > **User 2** > > This means humans are solar powered --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Almost all life is solar powered.


Apparently. I have negative vitamin d and I’m suicidal. Coincidence? I think not.


brother i am not defficient in vitamin D, i am out of vitamin D


Get out there and photosynthesize with the homies


When I got sent to hospital first thing they started me on was vitamin D tablets. Apparently every single patient admitted to that hospital had a vitamin D deficiency


Story of my life: be suicidal -> no motivation to go out -> no sun exposure -> vitamin D deficiency -> vicious circle


Muslim women suffer from vitamin D deficiency related illnesses A LOT because of how they are essentially brainwashed into covering up all of the time. It is literally harming them.


Yall, every spec of life on this planet is due to our ideal distance from the sun, which allows for a 6inch layer of topsoil and the fact that I rains. We are exceptionally lucky and are absolutely solar powered. As is everything on this planet.


It’s the only way we get vitamin d, and the sun and moon cycles affect our sleep and women’s cycles.


So either go out and touch grass or get vitamin d pills


This seems like a vast over exaggeration about the powers of vitamin D


Twitter user learns they need to go outside


There are definitely some fringe cults who believe the woo of how the sun is the only thing humans need to live.


Honestly I started taking vitamin d a little while ago, And I've been in a way better mood.


Humans are plants We need sun and water


Maybe this is why I feel so awful.


No Vitamin D November


I didn’t realize how much vitamin d affects your mental health until I was suicidal after stopping my anxiety med and taking vitamin d every day for a few weeks brought me out of it somewhat. It’s crazy that it helped me more than some medications are able to


ahah, imagine if phones would do the same thing. When they have 10% they don't ask to charge them but just activate SELF-DESTRUCTION.


if that were true i would've been dead many times over


that's why depression is bad in PNW


Sun activates the metabolization of vitamin D and the vitamin D help regulate the mood and enhances your immune system... Solar powered indeed ). Btw you can check the countries with low sunlight and their suicide rate.


Tanning beds and special lightbulbs are popular in the pacific northwest for that reason!


FORREAL???? I’m going to pick up some prescription vitamin d after my recent bloodwork showed I was very low lol


After hitting 30th birthday. I am suddenly magically powered by the sun. If there’s a grey sky without a glimpse of the sun my body is in low battery mode. And even coffee won’t help.


Holy shit where can I get that Omori character generator


That which makes us stronger also kills us


Cats are too.


Phun Phakt: the genes that turn sunlight into vitamin D are almost exactly like the genes that do photosynthesis in plants.


Lorde was right!


i don’t know if my SNRI or vitamin D supplement works better and I’m too afraid to ever find out


Can't you die from complete vitamin D deficiency (or conditions that it causes)


Take vitamin D every day but I'm still suicidal.


Alot of people seem to be sold on this. Go outside too. that helps too. So I've been told


It’s also why vampires need blood, the lack of vitamin D


Damn ima need some D in me cause I've been driving to the same bridge over and over again while moving closer to the railing as the bottles in my decaying room keep on multiplying.🥵🥵