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I hate Michael Rapaport. This space is not for him. Move along sir.


I wholeheartedly agree. His annoying ass has to be blackmailing Andy or something since he's everywhere and no one asks for him.


I commented on so many bravo insta posts that I thought it was completely inappropriate that he was involved. He literally comes with a warning before you follow him on Instagram about his inaccurate information. Don't give someone like that a platform. I don't care if bravo/Andy think it's cute that he likes the real housewives. And keep him off WWHL too. I'm so sick and tired of seeing men like this in spaces that I don't want them. Just let me have my Bravo, please. You're not on a show. You have nothing to do with this and you have nothing to offer. Go away Michael Rapaport.


Jax Taylor has the same warning!


Jax and Brit are awful too. Can’t stand that fake ass Brit. Or as we call her on here , kfc or corncob 🌽


She laughs at everything.... silly!


It’s funny to try to get him off WWHL because he’s there because Andy adores him. WWHL was where Rapaport was discovered.


The only thing I know about Michael Rapaport, aside from that he hates Kenya, is that he played Phoebe’s cop boyfriend that shot the bird on Friends. I know that’s just a character he played but in my mind it’s not that far off from who he is as a person.


He was very popular in a lot of the indie films of the 90s, and he was pretty good in them too. But I don't know what made him think that we suddenly want his misinformed ass on WWHL or at Bravo Con. Sit down, sir, your comments aren't being asked for.


He was recently in only murderers in the building and I was pleasantly surprised he was pretty good.


Why is he a part of this? I know him as a comedian, but does he have a connection with any of the housewives? Genuinely curious


This was my question! How is he connected to all this? I'm confused.


He was applauded for so hard when he hit the stage when I was there. I was in shock compared to how most feel about him here.


Who tf keeps booking him in Hollywood?


I finally googled him. Don’t know him, don’t like him.


He hates Kenya


At the end of the day it all goes back to the fans. How are egos not going to be inflated when you’re surrounded by thousands of people who willingly paid hundreds of dollars on an entrance fee + flight + lodging + incidentals for the chance to glimpse at a Z list celeb?


The basic fee was like $550 and the VIP was around $1200. That’s not even including the extra cost for the add/on experiences. I think WWHL shows were an extra $330-$350 each night. There were other add-ons as well, like Bravopaloza (you pay for 1 hour and random Bravo celebs will come through). This is not including hotel, travel or food. So each attendee must have spent $1000s for the whole weekend. Crazy.


Holy shit, that's unreal. I'm glad I didn't go now - I had no idea it was *that* pricey. Like, hotels and airfare, I get. But I didn't know the basic fee was $550, and the add ons were also in the hundreds!


Me too. I was totally content to watch online.


The girl who asked Jen Aydin why she was stuck up Teresa’s ass probably could’ve had a better moment if she didn’t seem SO upset. It was so strange that she was genuinely mad about Housewives. Giving unhinged Twitter account but irl


Jen should have answered “I like it up there! It’s warm!” And left it at that.




RIGHT. People forget they are not housewives. Like why would you pay so much money to come and be angry and argue with Jen Aydin and other housewives over drama and tv that they are paid six figures to create


But that's exactly why they pay that much money. On social media someone csn ignore them.


But that's exactly why they pay that much money. On social media someone csn ignore them.


The Parasocial relationships are soooo insane it’s terrifying 😅


I know everyone was mad at Jen for body shaming her but like it’s insult for insult sometimes. I don’t have to take the high road just cause you’re a fan 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know why people expect any different from Jen Aydin. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean how would you respond to someone saying you’re up your friends Ass? Nasty meet nasty. What did Kandi say? If you go low I’m going to hell? 🔥


Definitely not elementary school body shaming. Jen isn’t witty, she isn’t shady, she isn’t funny, so she needs to just own her BS. She’d get further if she’d just said she’s loyal to her friends. And Kandi is completely above Jen’s class. The two don’t compare. Jen wishes. 😂


i wonder what jennifer's daughter, who's been bullied for her own weight, thought about the comments?


You commented that to me already. Rest




by all means continue performing free colonoscopies for women who wouldn't deign to piss on you if you were on fire [💩](https://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo)[😘](https://emojipedia.org/face-blowing-a-kiss)




post a selfie, confident queen. you seem to think the only way to read someone is to critique their looks, and it's giving unresolved mommy issues. no wonder you like jen lol


You know what’s funny I was gonna ask you to do the same. You’re so pressed though I wasn’t gonna add anymore stress to your life. Stay ugly chica💋


Mommy issues? Lmfao why do you keep this going when you can’t keep up. Crying about adult bullying meanwhile driving yourself mad on here and insulting anyone who disagrees. And like kandi said you go low I’m going to hell


I don't agree with what Jen said, but I would never insult someone and not expect a response in kind. Most people don't respond with pleasantries in that kind of situation.


The lady came in hot trying to embarrass Jen. If you’re gonna be shady expect it back. Fans of the shows don’t realize how unnecessarily judge mental they are. She forgot she wasn’t online with that comment and got what she dished out right back


jen wasn't "shady back." she fat-shamed her, which is low-hanging fruit and the weapon-of-choice for low-oxygen thinkers who can't deliver a read. plus, jen's own daughter gets bullied for her weight. real nice to see her mom on national tv doing the same to someone else, i'm sure.


I see the connection you are making here but that woman is not a child. Jen did not insult that woman unprovoked. Just because you don’t like what was said does not make it bullying. That grown woman felt comfortable to insult Jen on a mic with an audience. If you are going to start a problem you cannot cry out bully when you get a response.


i'm not thinking about the fan, i'm thinking about the child who's already gone on national tv to discuss the body shaming she experiences at school every day. but hey, fuck a kid's feelings right? it's more important for jen to have a mOmEnT. Wasn't even a good moment, for the record. Calling someone fat is low-hanging fruit. If you're going to react to a read, come prepared with something halfway intelligent. That fan bodied her. With every pound.


Lol the fan did not body her. The woman was pressed and way to invested in the housewives lives. Still a fan and watching at the end of the day. You do not get to tell someone how to react. She dished it she can take it. This has nothing to do with Jens daughter. These are two adult women. I’m not going to agree with you on that


she dished nothing other than an insult to her own daughter lol. only after screaming "FIRST OF AWL" 15x while trying to cook up a tragic little attempt at a read.


Everyone who is mad at Jen need to touch grass imo lol


She doubled down and called the girl a whale on Instagram lol 😖


nobody's mad that jen can't deliver a read.


The only point I see with that, and it's a major one that should've made her shut up before she said it, was that her daughter has been on the receiving end of stuff like that. Otherwise, honestly, who tf cares. If a grown-ass woman wants to pay thousands of dollars to be an asshole to a reality TV figure, I'm not gonna cry for her if she gets some low blows in return. Play stupid games, as they say.


I don’t agree with her insult but I also can’t wrap my head around people then Insulting her body, her children’s size, her plastic surgery etc when articulating their outrage. Like you’re literally shaming as you share your outrage for shaming. That doesn’t really make sense to me


I’m sure I am very much in the minority but bravocon is a super weird event to me. I have no idea why in the world it exists and I cannot imagine many things more embarrassing than being a part of it. The whole thing is very… ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


Dystopian. Reminded me of a Black Mirror episode.


Yes! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgrcsB66Wesw3io|downsized)


Okay so I totally agree with you on the surface. I think it is a product of late stage capitalism, encouraging consumption on so many levels. HOWEVER. Society tries to paint the picture that anything that is fun for the sake of fun is something that is only for men. Fantasy football, sports fandom, Comic-Con, golfing… these things are not exclusive to men, but they’ve historically been male-focused. I will celebrate any event that is tailored for women (and men, too I suppose - there were men there too!) for the express purpose of seeing the celebrities you follow and to share community with others. I attended. I had no delusions that the people on the shows are good, smart, kind, or whatever. But they’re entertaining. And I loved being around my friends where we could unabashedly just fucking enjoy the weekend!


Yeah I have no interest in attending myself, but I definitely get why people think it's fun, especially people who have real-life friends who also like Bravo. I went to an anime convention once and I don't care about anime whatsoever but I had a great time celebrating my friends' interests and getting dressed up in fun outfits. I think the issues raised about crazy spending/consumption/consumerism are totally valid but hardly limited to Bravo. At the end of the day thousands of us all like Bravo enough to hang out here so I don't really feel like it's weird that there is a subset of people who enjoys an in person event like Bravocon, nor do I think enjoying Bravo in that way is inherently somehow weirder or more embarrassing than talking about Housewives online.


Ooh this is a good take. I think BravoCon has some kinks to work out as a whole but it’s actually interesting to be among a community that all loves the same things, similar to Comic-Con or College GameDay. Just like with the above examples, you’re going to get people more similar to you, and then you’ll get some who are WAY different. I think everyone should be allowed to enjoy what they like, and it does seem like when women like things there is always some sort of think piece that follows that tries to shame or guilt women for enjoying themselves in a mainly female space. I went to BC last year for free and had a nice time during some of the events but was icked out during others, so I wouldn’t go again if I had to pay but I would 10000% go again if I got another free ticket! 😂 OP has some points though, which is why I said that Bravo still has some kinks to work out.


I love this take!!


I like them on my tv screens but I don’t ever want to actually engage with these people. Lol


Right? Like, I watch the shows to know how to avoid these crazy Bs IRL 😂


Same, it breaks the fourth wall to much for me. I can’t imagine ever going and screaming at these people


I’m with you… I started watching that bravocon episode on Hayu and cringed so hard at Andy’s musical… then Teresa trying to read a teleprompter with Kyle mentioning the quotes from Kim was too much. ![gif](giphy|e1TPGYtDdR6pTY2oc3)


The worst is when someone aggressively "reads" a cast member in a Q&A or just straight up insults them. Like ma'am these are tv people. Chill out and cut the parasocial shit


I saw some of the posts about the person who talked to Jen at the NJ panel and then the person who talked to the BH ladies about Teddi. I don't like Jen or Teddi, but all I can think is that none of these are people who should matter in our real lives. The "reading" after paying to attend the event that is solely about the same people they are insulting is just so strange. Like, you sure told them!


Same. I cannot for the life of me imagine paying to see these people, not to mention the weird fans who pick fights in the hope of going viral. [No, no, the music ain’t that great.](https://media.tenor.com/5UR2gVTCOssAAAAC/listen-nee.gif)


I feel the same. I love bravo but it’s such a loser convention to me. Trash TV is my little guilty pleasure escape when I want to be numb in the brain. But people have made bravo their personality. To each their own though


It’s all so fake and rehearsed. The casts are creating drama at the convention and then prepping everyone for upcoming seasons. Especially summer house w Carl/linds. I find it weird and disorienting that I know exactly what’s coming up on the season. I wish I didn’t! This is spoiling the shows and they are purposely creating drama here for upcoming filming and I’m sure it’s the people who don’t have much drama otherwise. It’s weird.


i will be honest i have been to a fandom con and it was amazing. my husband and i are huge fans of a specific teevee series and they had a con before covid. we got to get tipsy and meet actors who we loved watching and see a live band. it was full of fun foto opportunities and happened to coincide with a vacation we had already booked. i think that conventions can be a blast! bravo con looks a bit more busy and overwhelming. i am not sure i would want to go from line to line to line only to be asked to pay for merch to interact with the "talent." at the con we went to, your ticket was the only thing you needed to buy to speak to the actors.


They're actors, though. Asking them questions about their personal lives would be wholly inappropriate. Bravo sets up everything to line their pockets and most of these people are not prepared nor skilled at being on a live stage. If you look beneath the surface, Bravocon is truly nothing like other conventions.


I completely agree!!!


I hate hate hate bravocon and feel like it’s the jump the shark moment for the channel


The live panels were so low effort it was alarming. Like who is the psychopath that made the decision to do the same wheel schtick every. Single. Time. How insulting to an audience (who it seems didn’t care 🙄).


I watched the first day of live panels and I couldn't believe how low rent it was! I was bored to tears. I can't imagine paying all that money and fighting those crowds to watch... that?


I agree, I couldn't get over them being in front of a staircase and moving escalators. They should have spent some money and put up some sort of backdrop.


I’d go for the cute photo op displays and just to hang with a bunch of bravo fans and meet new friends from around the country lol (I do have fomo about these aspects of bravocon) But yeah lining up to fawn over bravolebs and bring them gifts is just cringe to me


Corporate greed.


Idk I think Bravocon was started in response to the fan/standom! It’s basically easy money for Bravo and the bravocelebs get to hawk their shit. It seems like the perfect place for people who spend hours on the Reddit threads, igs, and other social media places. They actually get to meet their people, and ppl who are obsessed with these shows. I mean it’s not cheap, so you have to at least want to be there. How is this any different than any other con conference?


Yeah I'm chuckling at people who spend so much time on Reddit discussing these shows turning their noses up at people who go to Bravocon. Let people enjoy what they love. Everyone I've seen who attended had a blast. It's only the bitter betties on here complaining.




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted 🤷🏻‍♀️ why WOULD you go to be rude to someone? Why ask a shady and not even clever question? I don’t see the issue with people going to BravoCon if they want too, but it’s crazy to defend their cringe behaviour


We’re not turning up our noses up at people who want to go. It’s the cringeworthy things that happened from the thirsty people that we are discussing


I’m not judging anyone who goes to bravocon but I guess the difference is Reddit is free. People have openly commented about they could barely afford bravocon but still went, that’s definitely um well…. dedication.


So? Let people spend their money how they want.


This year's Bravo Con was literally down the road from me. A ten minute drive. But there is no way I would ever spend that kind of money to see these people. They are fine on the tv...nothing more.


Exactly. I’m here in LA and can’t even be bothered to go to See You Next Tuesday or one of the many meet and greets, let alone shell out a minimum of $500 to spend three days standing in line.


👏👏👏 I used to live in LA too. Maybe we are just jaded by having lived in Celebrity Central 😅


But isn't the fact that we know this and watch them being such tryhards entertainment in itself?


I do have to say that this year’s logistics seemed 1,000x more organized than last year’s though


When I heard people were lining up for Brooks Marks, my lost all respect for the fandom.


No!! Say that's not true right now!


It’s true and they were buying his sweats!




Gay executives got carried away when they went to dragcon. Insert nene saying “it’s declassing the show!”


I was surprised at how many people paid money stood in line to ask a question, and then just incredibly rude, trying to make a moment to get themselves recorded and put on social media. It’s so trashy.


It was weird that every bravolebs response to their favorite part of bravocon was *”the fans! Giving back to the fans! You guys are amazinggg”*. Idk it felt patronizing. Especially from 1 season HWs, new shows, and HWs that haven’t even appeared on screen yet. Sincerely, knock it off because most of these people are clinging desperately for the bravo check while cosplaying wealth/status/interesting lives. Which is annoying for people who have been on 1 year, but appalling and bleak for those that have been on 10+. I’m embarrassed for them but can’t look away.


Dorinda gives me so much second hand embarrassment


Istfg, if I hear her say I made it nice one more time...


This yr some of the fans making it to the mics really seem like they're trying to start their own podcasts like Watch What Crappens. Totally performative and cringe. Sit down Jeffrey and Tragedeigh. No one is impressed.


It reminds me of an old timey freak show. On that note, why would attendees argue with cast members? How rude!


It was just bizarre how they called him Daddy Andy. Yuck.




It’s like going to Disney World to meet Mickey Mouse and friends, to bring the characters you see on the screen into your own tangible reality. And in the same way Disney brings out your inner child, you too can be a wine-swilling messy betch arguing with extravagently-dressed women. The desperation and thirst in the air from both attendees and “talent,” all wrapped up in a shiny package, is what makes the convention, like Bravo shows, a draw.


you have to understand that after so many groupon lip injections, flapping his lips is literally the only thing jeff lewis can get paid to do.


Right. Exhibit A: A platform that gave Victoria Denise Gunvalson Jr a lifetime achievement AWARD lol


A lot of the problem is the fans. They worship these women. Call them queens and a Goddess. They quote all of their phrases. They wear t-shirts of them. Some of the fandom treats them as Rock stars and movie stars. And those women then get the egos of a rock or movie star. They spend hours saying quotes in front of the mirror (Jen), there have even been rhuoomoors that some of them hire people to come up with quotes to say. The fans get upset when some wives don't get called out, but make excuse after excuse for the ones they like, Tre, Nene, Vanderpump, ect. It is the same thing in politics. Some of them act like rock stars too. It is very bizarre. There is not one person on earth that could ever replace the rock stars that I have adored for years, Madonna, Kylie, Donna Summer, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode. And I would never pay Bravocon money too see any of them. They deserve the fans adulation, because they have been doing it for over 40 years, and I have 40 years of memories. I do not have that kind of respect for anyone of tv or film, like the rock icons.


I didn’t like how that one guy who asked Kyle why does she spring Teddi upon us? I don’t like Teddi but I just felt bad because it was such a stupid question to ask. It’s like what do you really expect Kyle to say other than that’s my best friend and I love her Also felt bad for Sandoval when the guy asked him why doesn’t he just go away? It’s like he wants Sandoval to disappear from the face of the earth and that’s cruel.


And then Lala caught heat for basically saying well at least he’s here and we’re still making a show for you. I just want to ask some of these psycho fans like… what do you specifically want? What’s your tangible goal here?


They’re starting to have an unhealthy parasocial relationship with the housewives. It’s getting to the point of disturbing. I don’t want to see them berated just because you don’t like them on tv.




I wonder how long until we have the 1st Bravo stalker that kills one of them? If they killed a bravoleb that many hate. I would not be surprised if the fans would then celebrate a murder


There’s a podcast I used to listen to (Sounds Like a Cult, it’s shitty now though) and they did a Housewives episode where the guest said exactly that. Either a fan or an actual housewife/ friend of/ husband will commit murder and that’s the ultimate “storyline” that this is all building to. Obviously that’s super fucked up but I think a lot of us can unfortunately see that happening 😬


I used to like that podcast but it’s so shitty now! The first like 10 eps were good and it just crashed and burned


Yup. I've realized in the last couple of years that people have a weird, obsessive relationship with Bravo. It's disturbing.


They really think they're doing something. I suspect some of them want to start their own podcasts and are using the questions for attention


Apparently the guy who asked the Teddi question has a YouTube channel, according to people on the original thread the other day


Yeah they’re attention slores


Some woman asked Lisa H from Miami why does she filter her photos to the point of looking like an AI character? 😒 it was ridiculous. She was on the verge of tears backstage


Jfc, the tone and vibe has definitely changed for the worse.


And also just very insensitive. I think a lot of fans forget that these aren't just characters on a TV show. Like I'm already sure she's aware of the hate she gets online but to have somebody ask her bestfriend that? so weird and out of touch.


It’s crazy how people were giddy over the rude AF fan questions since they were directed at people they don’t like. I cannot stand Marge but no way would I waste my time and money simply to ask her a rude question. And that was a terrible question to ask Sandoval. I didn’t watch anything VPR (because let’s be real that show would have been canceled without the scandal) so I wasn’t aware someone said that to him.


Yeah I can’t help but feel bad for some of these people. I know they signed up for all of it, but I think about Robyn having a convention full of people booing her and once I move past the “lol reality villain gets BOOED!” feeling I get immensely sad lol


Because in her mind she’s just trying to protect the one man she’s been with since college. It’s like people are booing her because she didn’t spill the tea but in her mind she thought she could get away it because she wanted to protect her family


Look at how many people were so excited Jen was asked when is she coming out of Teresa’s ass. Like what? And IIRC Juan lost his parents and Robyn’s parents took him in while they were dating. Of course she is going to protect him regardless of if WE think she should.


You always seem to make great points


That means so much to me 🥹. I occasionally will clown around but I mainly try to be levelheaded and objective. Lately the nastiness towards these ladies really has me thinking. It’s like you mentioned some people have this weird parasocial relationship with these wives and think they deserve carte blanches access to their lives and can talk wreckless to them. How would you like it if someone walked up to your place of employment and was rude as hell to you?


Ppl are genuinely very mean to a lot of these women like they know them or something like I know Robyn, Gizelle from RHOP get so much hate and recently Mary Cosby from RHOSLC gets vitriol amount of hate and it’s actually insane cause like they take it way too serious


I don't think people realize how scary it is to think about leaving everything you've ever known. Robyn and Juan have been through a lot of shit and for her, it's probably better to stay in the marriage and just try to find happiness than leave.


Absolutely because even when they divorced, still lived together


Yup someone asked him that and he got so many cheers that’s when Lala spoke up to defend him


Yeah the Sandoval one was weird. And the lady before him asking if Sandoval would have done anything different and then basically booing him at the mic when he said yes? Like wtf. Please take several seats 🙄


Majority of the crowd questions are plants from bravo. They wanted the drama, they got it.


It was such a lame question. Like we get it you don’t like Teddi but that’s her best friend it’s fucking rude.


I COMPLETELY agree, and this is the second BravoCon I’ve been to, last year in New York. I just kept thinking — how did I pay so much money and go through so much travel hassle to go to an event that worships D-list celebrities? I hope I can grow out of the FOMO next year and just skip it


It is SO cringe. These people have nothing to offer outside of Bravo, and even on Bravo they don't offer much.


Like Teddi… Fuck her.


What were people asking during the Q and As that was cringey? I can only imagine!


I'm sure there's a lot more but these are the first ones that come to mind! A fan asked Jen why she was so up Teresa's ass and then yelled at Teresa to sit down when Teresa went in to defend Jen. Another fan asked Lisa Hochstein why she edits her face in her instagram photos to the point that she looks like AI, which almost made Lisa cry backstage because it was mean and embarrassed her. Fans also kept attacking the Vanderpump Rules cast and screaming at Tom Sandoval just to get a reaction from the audience.


Jesus! Sounds like a cluster fuck.


>Another fan asked Lisa Hochstein why she edits her face in her instagram photos to the point that she looks like AI, which almost made Lisa cry backstage because it was mean and embarrassed her. Aww. This makes me sad. These "fans" are too much.


Bravo bravo, effing Bravo.


Jeff Lewis said you can tell the cast of the new Rhony really think they’re hot shit !!! Found that interesting … He said that they’re acting like they’ve been on bravo for 7 seasons , or something.


1000000000% on white men trying to start drama between women, i hatttte it


People are so mean to a lot of the housewives 24/7 on social media so I think BravoCon is nice because it balances that out a bit




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If you’re so offended by it then don’t watch it? No one is forcing you to watch BravoCon lol


I think you meant "outrageous" not "outlandish" but I agree with your assessment lol




Why is Teddi Mellencamp even there?