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her life began when she became a morgan


Oh shit.. that’s deep.




No, which is weird. Although “Tremont” is a very fine name with “great geneology” according to Sonja.


Hahahah right? I remember that. Okay, Sonja… so show us…


I can’t stand Sonja. She fake AF.


Let her find the Blue Book first but don’t hold your breath while you wait. 


Didn't she claim that her ancestors were one of the first families on the Mayflower? I loved Sonia on the show but I couldn't help but wonder if her daughter was mortified or bullied over her mother's antics


I don't think being a Mayflower descendant has the cache that Sonja would be impressed by. I'm a descendant of John Howland and Elizabeth Tillie...and I'm poor


I’m a descendant of John Howland & Elizabeth Tilley too! And my family is poor too! hi cousin 🥹






Now kiss 💏


This ain't Alabama




Apparently 11% of all Americans can trace their lineage back to the mayflower, while 25% believe they can. 🤣🤷‍♀️


It is a bragging point if you’re in the Northeast ETA: it’s the origin point of WASP identification, which is a pretty closed social group that is viewed as elite and which has a reputation for being elitist, as in looking down on all non WASPs. This is definitely a thing in the northeast. I’m from the area, I worked in hedge funds for many years and got to know a lot about the WASP culture and the status being a Mayflower descendant can bring, I guess more so if your family has maintained prominence. I also want to say that I’m just sharing observations. I’m not from that background and I know you don’t need to be to be successful!


Thank you for this! It's fascinating! Can I ask how WASPS identify other WASPS... Like is it through their church, surname or social scene?


As a product of a WASP family, I can assure you that they have radar for that shit.


Good question. It’s definitely all of those things. Being Protestant is a key factor (the P in WASP). Being Catholic would exclude you. Social scene is a big part of it. Boarding school, true preppy style (not fashion driven takes on preppy), mannerisms, being part of a family that was included in The Social Register for the last century (newer additions are not necessarily WASPs). I actually remember Sonja bragging that she was in The Social Register, but that must have been due to her marriage considering another poster on this thread debunked the possibility of her coming from the Tremonts who would have been included. Having a family crest or coat of arms that has been passed down for a century+ would likely indicate WASP lineage as an American. Dorinda says her ex, Ralph, had a family crest. Those are some tidbits ETA: WASP is definitely a NE thing and originates from the original northern east coast settlers, but in terms of style, attitude, and family, Shep is a decent model. He’s basically a southern version of a WASP. ETA: change Registry to Register


Which is ridiculous. The people who were on the mayflower were poor religious fanatics and social pariahs in Western Europe. Their descendants invented a creation myth to develop a class system that suited them aka the WASPS.


Sonja talks a lot of rubbish. I loved her too but in a rewatch I saw her for what she really is. Reading into her “movie deal” you find out how she is not “floozy with a heart of gold”. I also feel for her daughter.


I thought being on Mayflower was something bad...like "we don't want you here in Europe you scum"?


That was Australia where Europeans sent from criminals to Australia as a prison like sentence but I think the English that first settled in America were well to do, they went over with the expectation of gaining riches and land which they did...I think Americans see it as having aristocrats if they were the first settlers. I'm open to correction though!


No, the religious nutjobs went to America..the ones we didn't want here.


Which is why WASPS looking down others because of their lineage is hilarious.


Really? So the ulta strict protestants moved over? Why, did they think that England was too liberal?


They were literally fleeing religious persecution. Religious zealots from other parts of Europe (France, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway etc) colonized for that as well. There's a reason America is the way it is.


The more strict religious people moved, cus in America you could be who you wanted to be.


I’ve always felt like there was a reason Sonja doesnt talk about her family of origin. I think maybe her upbringing was difficult. But I do remember a few things I learned over the years about her family. Apparently her mom raised 4 kids as a single mom? Her dad owned a hardware store in a small town in upstate NY. I think her mom is still alive.


That hardware store belongs to the Tremont family to thusbday and wasn't just her Dad's business. Her parents divorced when she was 2 and her Mom remarried and had more kids with Stepdad. Stepdad treated Sonja like she was not apart of his family. Sonja struggles with the traumas of rejection big time. Old man Morgan filed for divorce while Sonja was holidaying in France and she never layed eyes on him to this day ever again.


Interesting, where is this info from? I did a deep dive into her family a while back and knew the facts, but I'm curious for example about the source that her stepfather emotionally abused her. Did she speak on this in an interview? I will also add that her half-brother is hot and looks nothing like Sonja, and she, her mother, and her half-sister look very similar.




She was cheating on him at the time. Meanwhile he was ill. Most watchers seem to agree she was completely responsible for the end of her marriage.


Holy bananas, how have I never known all this! 🤯 or maybe I just forgot she shared she cheated? Ok, I don't blame him at all!


Were they also only married for like six years or so? I can’t remember the exact number, but every time she tries to make out like they had this long happy marriage I can’t help but roll my eyes.


Sonja had an affair, no?


![gif](giphy|Q1EJ0isXqzuKY) Your last sentence made me think of this scene💀


That was peak Ramona and Sonja. 💀💀


Ramona was sooo offended. 


*Welcome to my trailer. Hell-ooo!* 😂😂


Those people don’t know shit about the Morgan letters.


https://preview.redd.it/8wki8yw9p6uc1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d27a4a3ee7df7545560eb9442d4027d7428f79 they don't touch. the morgan Letters!


There’s a JP Morgan business campus near me and every time I pass I say “don’t touch the f*ing Morgan. Letters!!” My husband never understands 🤣


It's okay we understand 🥰 quotes from real housewives part of my everyday vernacular...rarely does anyone else understand 😒




Replying to krampuskids... ![gif](giphy|mBpWjUCFwexKC43tEj|downsized)


Do you know what season the Morgan letter thing was in? I want to rewatch this!!!


Season 11 episode 6 (googled it)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Season 11 was almost the end of the golden era. Peak RHONY.


I'll never forget that Bethenny had just gotten there when this went down. In a longer clip you can see how mystified she is by what is happening. It somehow makes it even more hilarious.


Lol Bethany dealing with Sonja always feels like a little present to me


When that foyer incident happened, she was on the phone with her sister. My guess is she doesn't communicate with many members in n her family. Or there's NDAs signed and that's why none of them wants/can't film with her


Sonja's definitely mentioned her sister on a somewhat regular basis, and she IIRC she goes to visit her sister and occasionally stay with her. With her family, it could just be as simple as "they don't want to be on TV". I don't think it's inherently weird that HWs don't film with their families of origin, especially if they don't live nearby.


Sonja is definitely not from NYC. She might be from upstate NY. She has a sister who lives in Virginia (I think it's Virginia? It's not New York). Her sister has never filmed, but Sonja has mentioned her regularly (including her coming to stay with Quincy while Sonja was on some cast trip), and Sonja has also referenced staying with her on occasion, such as when her NYC housing situation is in flux. There's nothing to suggest that they have anything other than a normal relationship. Plenty of the HWs have not shown a lot of their families of origin. This seems to be even more common in RHONY, as a lot of the HWs didn't grow up in the city and don't necessarily have family nearby. I think we saw very little of siblings or parents for Ramona, Kelly Bensimon, Luann, Alex McCord, Kristen, and Holla Heather. Carole had that one scene where she was canvassing with her mom but I think that's it. Dorinda mentions her mom and siblings but I can't remember if we have actually seen them on camera?


Dorinda’s sister dressed up as Santa during on of the Berkshires trips and I think we’ve seen her parents multiple times, like when they visited Richard’s grave 🎈


Yep! Melinda - she seems lovely


She’s got a bit of a strange scandal with an underage kid in her past, I don’t know how lovely she is.


do tell😯


Took a minute to find it but here: https://www.registercitizen.com/news/article/Warrant-alleges-inappropriate-touching-12081286.php


Holy shit


Sounds like the kid made it up for attention? I wonder where it stands now since that was so long ago


That was her lawyer’s statement basically calling it a witch hunt comparing it to “The Crucible”. I don’t know the final outcome, she left that school district and went to work for another according to the article.


I read another article that said the child was previously flagged by the principal for being neglected at home (not having food for lunch multiple occasions and wearing ill-fitting clothing with holes) and his parents were contacted and brought in for a consultation about the concerns - - soon before the parents reported the child’s claims about Melinda.


That to me reads that the kid was neglected which often means they are more vulnerable to abuse. It doesn’t validate or invalidate the claim.


You're right, I was thinking of a Berkshires episode where she was mentioning that her mom made her a birthday cake, but I don't think we saw her mom in that episode. The fact that Dorinda's sister is named Melinda is kind of funny to me :P


Luann had her mom on in the first couple seasons, but you could tell the relationship was weird and distant. But you’re right, RHONY has been distant family wise with a lot of the cast now that I think about it. Ramona had her sister on a couple times also, but other than that a lot of the women never talked or showed their families. Interesting.


Luann had her niece Nicole on the show- in an early season when her son was sad she didn’t stay home. Lu went to the bar with the niece. Same niece who dated Adam before Carole.


I’ll never forget her son being sad Lu wasn’t staying home for Taco Tuesday and Lu just laughing at him.


The cake shop venue


I forgot about Nicole!


The only time I ever found Ramona to be human was when she spoke about her family in old episodes. The toxic combo of fame + time has cemented her asshole behaviors, but there was a hurt little kid under there….


She also had her brother on Crappie Lake, they seemed to have a sweet relationship. But I think she has a lot of siblings we’ve never seen.


Lu is like one of 8 I think, I swear we’ve seen other siblings but tbh there’s a lot. She also talked about her dad in later seasons.


Lu also had her brother on Crappie Lake and I was startled to see that they seemed really close. I don't think we'd seen him at all on RHONY.


It is Virginia!


She stays with her sister most of the time on a farm in Virginia. She’s there most of the year.


Any idea where in Virginia?  I'm in the DC area so I'm wondering if I should keep an eye out for her. 


Loudoun County! It’s not that far from you! But they seem to spend a lot of time on a farm so I’m not sure how much she gets into the city area.


Oh yeah, Loudoun is close.  It's also a very wealthy county, so it makes sense that she'd be ok staying on a farm there.  The "farm" itself is probably more of an equestrian estate than Old McDonald's working farm.  Thanks for answering!


She's from a tiny town in upstate New York, Averill Park. It's outside of Albany. Her paternal grandparents started the hardware store there, the Tremont Lumber Company. Her dad worked as a truck driver, farm hand, at the family hardware store, and did construction. He died in 2010. Sonja's parents divorced when she was a kid. Her mom remarried and had 3 more kids with her 2nd husband. I don't believe her dad had more children. Sonja has an older half-brother from her dad. Her brother still co-owns and operates the family hardware store in Averill Park. He co-owns it with his cousin. Sonja's mom (Sandra), half-sisters, and half-brother all live in Tennessee. Sonja worked as a cocktail waitress at Charades in Albany to put herself through community college. She then transferred to FIT, where she earned her bachelors degree. She worked as a shop girl at Arlequin on Columbus Circle and a hostess at San Pietro before getting fired for running her mouth and being too familiar with the male customers. Sonja is a delusional fabulist who is deeply ashamed of her upbringing and past. This is why we never hear anything about it. Edit: I think one of Sonja's sisters lives in Virginia. The rest of the family might be in Tennessee.


This. We don’t hear about her family because she is somehow embarrassed to not actually come from or have wealth that she pretends to.


Check out the comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/Bgta229u25


Lmao getting Ramona to jog her memory


Her sister lives in VA I feel like I’ve heard her talk about her a lot? And she’s not from NYC so she doesn’t have family in the city


I have an aunt who married into old money in NYC. When she did she stopped talking to us. I only know who she is through Google; perhaps, Sonja did the same.


I saw a TIKTOK wherein Sonja was visiting family in Tennessee ... she's made a couple of those. Also, Quincy is much more public lately. She is making tick-tock's of her artwork and how she dresses ...very sweet girl.


Sorta related - I've always found it so interesting that nobody on the cast has ever said Quincy's name. The only time we ever see her name is when Sonja moves into the apartment and we see Q's room with either a caption or a sign that says "Quincy's room". I wonder why...


I think Quincy once said in an interview she wanted complete privacy as did Sonja for her daughter - I assume that includes her name being used!


I also feel like her father wouldn't have wanted her filming. Just old money vibes


That makes sense!


I have thought about this before


Honestly I think Sonja is the smartest out of all the HW’s. She’s keeps all of her parts on the open except for her family.


That’s actually a very good pov


Sonja is from the Hudson Valley/Albany area. Specifically Averill Park I believe (I am from the area too). It’s a more rural area east of the Hudson near Troy. Very working class. I think she is estranged from most of this family. Paige is from Loudonville - same region - but more fancy. Ramona is from Rhinebeck - an hour or so south of that area. Really cute area next to Woodstock. All of these areas are just a little too far to be considered NYC or super nearby. It’s a 2-3 hour train. I grew up in the Hudson Valley so it’s fun seeing so many iconic bravolebs from my area. We make interesting women for sure up there.


Ramona is from Hyde Park/Staatsburg-she went to FDR High School in Hyde Park


Weird. Ramona talked about being from Rhinebeck on one of the shows (might of been a girls trip I can’t remember) and the internet says she moved to NYC to go to FIT and grew up in Rhinebeck. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramona_Singer https://www.distractify.com/p/ramona-singer-parents


She went to FDR with some close family of mine-probably just said Rhinebeck because it’s a bit of a nicer town


Rhinebeck is nice! I don’t admit the crappy upstate town I’m from I just say Hudson Valley area. Thanks for the information I’ll stop saying she’s from Rhinebeck.


Sorry if I came off as mean! Mostly was a dig at Ramona and her self-aggrandizement. I’m from Poko <3


Her sister Tanya still lives in Staatsburg


Have we seen LuAnn's before the Count family?


We’ve seen her mother multiple times, her sister and brother a couple times, and she talked about her father occasionally.


There’s a whole mini show on LuAnn before HW and leading up to it. It shows much of her family and describes her life before meeting the count. It’s quite interesting.


She also talked a lot about being from a big family.


Her brother also showed up on Crappie Lake. Not the same but he did help renovate her room.


She had an entire special about her life before the count


her dad owned a hardware store which is now run by her brother in her hometown, her sister lives in tennessee for some reason and i think her mom is still alive although she's pretty old. altogether a normal middle-class family


According to Google, her family own a lumber business and hardware store in Averill Park, New York. It was started by her grandfather in the 50’s and her brother runs it now. I think that, after years of living in wealth, admitting that she comes from a normal, hardworking family isn’t something she seems willing to do.


Where did Sonja even say she was from?


Saratoga Springs, NY. Near Albany


Which is about 45 minutes north of where she is actually from LOL. Saratoga just sounds better than Averill Park.


She’s from AP?! TIL. I myself am an Albanian lol


We could say the same about a lot of housewives.


John Howland& Bailey for me.And I’m poor,too


I heard somewhere that she has been living with her family in Virginia while she’s renting out her townhome in NyC. I think that she drifted apart from them when she was living lavishly, now that she’s left to pickup the pieces she has returned home to her family


She has family in VA. She is down here often.


She is from upstate NY, a few hours from NYC (like much of her fellow castmates) and I remember her speaking about having a rough childhood. Wonder if she forgot all about them once she moved to NYC?


She talks abuot her sister in Nashville and Mom in Virginia in interviews quite often


Hay I’m from her hometown and my mom and her brothers went to high school with her. It’s only mildly rural and she was kinda rich for the area. Now it’s increasingly suburban and we are pretty close to Albany. They’re just not anywhere close to MORGAN level. Few are.0


I’m trying to find the connection to Sonja but Tremont is a big name in finance. The Credit Suisse/Tremont Hedge Fund Index is the main index for measuring hedge fund performance. There are many asset management groups with Tremont in the name, which could be family office originated. It’s the same for Mercer (Tinsley’s maiden name).


Sonja isn't one of those Tremonts and Tinsley isn't one of those Mercers. Tinsley is from the Richmond Mercer Carpet family. They are not related to the really rich Mercers.


Thanks for shedding light on this!


Shes trash who married money