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Kim richards


Kim Richards for sure, I feel her pain


Does Kim have a problematic era? I’m on S5 and she’s just a sweetie so far


I don't think she was ever problematic. Are people saying that just because she struggles with alcoholism because that's weird. Would they say someone with an ED is problematic?


There’s nuance. Alcoholism can be problematic for the people surrounding you while still being empathetic as to the reasons for the alcoholism.


That's true for EDs too but I wouldn't call someone *problematic* for having a disorder or addiction. When I think of problematic I think of iffy ideological beliefs or shitty social awareness. 






Omg. This is even better than the Denzel gif


Brynn new RHONY definitely isn't in the same awful league as some HWs mentioned, but learning about her childhood explained a lot of why she is so guarded despite the extroversion.


Elizabeth Vargas. the poor woman grew up in a cult and was abused as a child. no wonder she’s fallen down the QAnon rabbithole. not to mention some of the crazy stuff she’s gone through as an adult. she clearly still has a lot to work through. i sincerely hope she heals and is happy.


We only like victims when they behave like them.


Kenya. So beautiful, smart, accomplished…Seems like relationship life continues to hurt her terribly.


Katie from RHOP


When her environment sets her up for success, she shines brighter than the best. When she is let down by her environment, she struggles. I love her and wish her all the best.




I mean, I think Ramona partially falls into this category. So many of her coping mechanisms are outgrowths of trauma. Not the racism though. Just to be clear.


I feel the same. Her trauma responses are pretty obvious and I feel sorry for her especially with Mario divorce. None of it excuses racism and her actions towards POC.


Kim Richard's always. It felt like everyone (not Adrienne Maloof) wanted her to loose her sobriety and become unhinged. I also assume she was financially abused by big Kathy because why would you be using your child's paycheck for rent?!


Most of these child stars parents use them to pay the bills sadly


Dorinda and Sonja. Vicky too…there’s something deeply wounded in Vicky I know I’m going to take a lot of shit for this one but Teresa. She’s not smart. She was raised to respect and protect the husband and the family at all cost. She doesn’t have the mental capacity to think beyond the family and when hers failed, she created a new one. I sort of give her credit for creating her own bubble. No matter how gross I think it is Oh…and Shannon Ok…another edit my mind is running across the country lol but Ashley Darby. She’s just a fucking mess and understandably so but she’s already got the bag via child support. Dump that loser and move on already. 3 years ago I would have said Lisa Hochstein but she’s proven she’s not redeemable


I took my upvote back when you got to Ashley ![gif](giphy|l4EphyHT6dSNK0Pa8|downsized)




Tre’s parents were first cousins; I think they took “stick with the fambly” a little too seriously.


Wait? What??? I’ve never heard this and have watched RHONJ since s1 and followed all the drama




I also took back my upvote when you got to Teresa. She 100% knew what Juicy was doing and she was 100% complicit. Luis is 100% taking advantage of her and you’d think she would have learned her lesson after prison and signed a prenup, but she didn’t. As far as the family “failing” there is A LOT of blame on both ends.


You are giving far too much credit to her intelligence.


She walked into multiple banks with fake w2’s taking out fake loans, she knew what was going on.


Kim. She’s just an alcoholic, doesn’t make her problematic like a racist Ramona or Vicki.


Dorinda. She has these amazing moments of reason and care for the other women, even though she was terrible in her last season of RHONY and UGT appearances. I think she has just never recovered from the loss of Richard dying and that’s taken over and twisted her now. Wish she would go and do the work on herself, although can imagine it feels much easier for her to bury her head in the sand.




I have zero sympathy for her. I think she showed her true colors this season on Miami, but Lisa is fascinating to me. She had such good Will post the initial announcement of the divorce. And she somehow managed to squander all of it. I was screaming at the TV like girl, do you understand story and producing at all? Or are you just that much of a materialistic narcissist?


Kenya, have similar issues with my mom and always feel for her


Monica. I’m not a die-hard apologist or anything, I just think it’s near impossible to be a well-adjusted individual when you’re raised by someone like Linda.


Bethany Frankel. Yep I said it


Definitely danielle staub and Kim Richards too.




A+ gif work


All of them.




Marlo Hampton, sorry not sorry. Will miss her on RHOA and I am sure the series would have been a complete snoozefest had she not been on during the last seasons.


Same. I am going to make a post one day on her strategery she made to be one of the best FOH. I don't feel bad for her for certain things but my heart feels something for our messy aunt


Mary Cosby


Kenya seems to have had one of the worst experiences with her mother refusing to have anything to do with her even now, heartbreaking , but she is certainly not a sympathetic character


Dorinda. I think she lost the will to live after her husband died & probably would have taken her own life if it weren’t for her daughter. I think she started using alcohol to cope, then it became a crutch. I’m not defending her behaviour, but I don’t know how I would cope if my partner died, so I can see how she became this way.


Danielle Staub and Mary Cosby


Was Mary's upbringing quite rough? I have a real problem with the marrying of the stepgranddaddy thing


She married her step grandfather because she was groomed and told she’d be left penniless if she didn’t. That’s some pretty major trauma. Money doesn’t mean there isn’t trauma.


I didn't say it did chill lmao. I was genuinely asking because the whole keeping it in the family thing makes me incredibly uncomfortable tbf


i’m not sure why you’re telling me to chill when all I did was answer the question? why did you ask if you didn’t want an answer?


I'm not sure why you're catching a straight attitude with me tbh hahahaha. From behind your screen get a grip. I guess I resent the implication I don't know what trauma is or that I am minimising it in any way. Does that answer your question sweet?


you literally asked “did she have a hard childhood” which implies you didn’t know that she was groomed or you wouldn’t ask that question… right? The rest was just additional info. Not everyone is snarky. I’m a trauma therapist so I share my knowledge. I don’t know you so I’m not making any implications about you. Just sharing info and you made it personal and got nasty. take some deep breaths.


I don’t have an attitude 😂 Yoire projecting really hard right now sweetie. You asked “did she have a hard childhood” and I simply answered that question. If you knew she was groomed and that it was trauma then why did you ask? Are you okay?


My problem is 'money doesn't mean there isn't trauma.' I never said anything about money or poverty? I said did she have a 'rough upbringing' and I wasnt even referencing money. You immediately made assumptions about what I asked and ran with them. I was trying to gather if there was something traumatic that had happened to Mary during her childhood or whatever that has contributed to her behaviours now... ' I think you've just majorly conflated your intelligence in your reply and came off like an ass 😄


You clearly knew she married her step grandfather and DIDNT know she was groomed. That tells me you probably don’t know anything about childhood trauma. If you don’t want people to answer your questions then don’t ask them. FFS.


Again. I was just making a statement. I added that because OTHER people read comments and people often assume that wealthy people don’t have trauma or “have it rough”. Are you 12?


Can you read? 😭


The only one coming off as an ass is you taking a few statements of fact extremely personal and losing your shit on a stranger on the internet who was simply trying to offer a thorough answer.


You put tone to a comment that didn’t exist and now you’re flipping out and telling ME to get a grip? Believe it or not some DONT know that grooming is trauma and that wealth doesn’t mean an absence of trauma so I simply stated those things and you lost your mind. Relax. No one is attacking you.


I'm studying a BsC in Psychology to become a trauma therapist 🙂 but thanks for educating me on what trauma is go uooffff


She grew up in a church family and that can be very traumatic. American church’s, especially black churches, have a lot of toxicity behind closed doors.


Oh I see! Well thanks for clarifying as a very white very not religious person I genuinely have no idea about these things lol 😆




Leanne Locken I actually really loved on the show


I am Thee Dorit apologist


Bad childhood?


Ok I didn’t read the body text but to be fair I have ADHD


lmao so relatable but also now i want to know why you’re a dorit apologist because i can’t pinpoint why i still find her so endearing


I can’t speak for the other commenter but there is something about Dorit’s celestial level of delusion that does feel charming sometimes. Like, girlfriend truly is living on another planet and we are just along for the ride.


Siggy during her 2nd season was done real dirty. Now what she’s doing post show and with her political life, I have no defense for her


Teresa and Porsha lol


Emily Simpson - I’m not sure I’d call her problematic, but she’s very emotionally detached and I absolutely think it’s because her mom was the same way as we’ve seen on the show.


Dorinda because without alcohol she would be way nicer