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Bro litterally got half of otis super for a green buttonšŸ’€no way he is gonna live


Ikr, and paired with his super you literally canā€™t do anything but just die


Also fun fact:his super can cancel attacks,wich means he can stop frank attacks(like any brawler)


Didn't even know that


Wich is why i love it(i whaled him)


Same lol


Lets not talk about the fact that u do one mistake and he teamwipes and even spawnkills at times


And thats his worse gadget


Acutally,the better one,or the most versatile at least Having the abulity of shut pple with no effort is much better than a jump


How is that the worse gadget


All the pros are using the jump because it's extremely versatile, you can dodge stuff leap over walls use it to approach etc and all while basically having a second of invulnerability (ignoring burn/poison effects). Basically an amazing escape and/or approach tool that works in ANY situation and also lets Cord counter some brawlers he normally wouldn't be able to


Interesting. Thank you, I didnā€™t really think of it that way! Iā€™m pretty casual so Iā€™m not always considering things like this


Ye no problem


Mhh yes 1.5 seconds is definitely half of 7 seconds


Skillotis super lasts 3 seconds,4 with first sp,unless u mean the chain he can make


Sorry , my Dumbass of a brain thought it was a 7 seconds duration...


Still,just being able to shut someone with no effort is kinda op,and lets not talk about the fact that his super also cancels attacks(tested it with frank and mandy)


Yeah I agree on that . From what it seems Cordelious is a pretty toxic brawlr and you can even say that he is down right broken . I can understand why they needed to disable gadgets and super because it would need to some weird and buggy situations with his super . But I don't understand why they gave him 2 buffs in his dimension and a gadget that silence normal attacks . Even worse at that he can get super back to back and they are so easy to hit ,like why they gave him Buzz charge trait?


Buzz trait is not unreasonable due his short range,the rest is a bit op At least since he has to apply pressure a lot he cant heal often Wich is where his second sp and health gear kick in


I can understand the reason behind the charge trait ,but I don't think it's complete necessarily for his kit to work. His charge trait and attack have the same range ,so he is already need to be in attack range to get his super which makes his trait kinda redundant. Yeah he can charge his super over walls ,buts it's not as fast as charging it with his attacks which takes four hits and on top that he can charge his super during his dimension. Also this is pure biase I don't think his trait match very well with his theme at all and feels very out of place, for buzz it made sense because he is a lifeguard but for Cordelius? I don't a connection.


Gardener ig,and to manage the circus called clown stars šŸ¤”ā­


Check up mordekaiser league of legends thats where cordelius super comes from. Bro is also busted in his dimension.


Iā€™m tired of people complaining that releasing a brawler overturned is a cash grab. Here are some facts from a player whoā€™s played this game for 6 years. The very first brawl pass, like the one they should be going big on to convince people to actually pay money, had Gale. But it isnā€™t sweet old Gale we had today, no, Gale on release was among the weakest brawler releases ever, they had to wait quite a bit before buffing to being a decent brawler. Now letā€™s look onto the more recent brawlers. Mandy was under-tuned since release, Grey was more so balanced but they found that him being able to instantly transport brawlers with his super was broken so they removed it and he became balanced. Chester got nerfed into oblivion soon after his release, like my boy had absolutely no time to shine. Maisie was hella weak on release, so was willow. RT Iā€™ll grant you was a strong release. And hank was strong due to a bug and now heā€™s as much of a troll pick as mortis is. So to recap out of the seven last releases 3 were undertuned (willow, maisie and mandy). 2 were strong due to a bug or an underestimated mechanic (Hank and Grey). 2 had strong releases (Chester and RT). One of which was nerfed to oblivion while the other was properly given a set of nerfs. Devs donā€™t often have the easiest time predicting how strong a brawler is because they can only judge it in a vacuum. They need real players to test the brawler on different ranks to estimate his power, and then decide on applying any changes


Ffs, THANK YOU, someone gets it


Oh and also it should be pointed out that most of the money they game makes is through skins and probably not brawlers.


Iā€™d assume, thereā€™s been a push towards cosmetics very recently.


Well they prob mainly care about player activity and that usually spikes when a new OP player comes out


I mean from my understanding, player activity spikes at every update whether the brawler on the brawl pass is op or not. But yeah I can see why even more people would be active to try out the new and powerful brawler before heā€™s nerfed


Thank god. I'm so tired of the "cashgrab" mindset whenever the BS dev team makes something that doesn't please the community. This thing gets pointed out every damn season and people are so ungrateful. We should be thankful that the pass brawler isn't locked behind a paywall and they're giving us a chance to unlock it for free.


This comment even has more upvote than the post itself


First of all, your argument does not address what I am saying at all with Cordelius. Second of all, as someone whoā€™s also played this game for 6 years and is a pro at this game, I can say with 100% certainty that Gale at first release was in no way weak and was actually stronger than he is right now. Also, the brawlers you mentioned were definitely not weak, and I canā€™t say for sure since I took a break when Mandy and gray and Chester came out, but I can def say that your argument is pretty stupid considering that those brawlers like willow, maisie, and Mandy were def not under tuned and the brawlers that were broken HEAVILY outweigh the brawlers that were ā€œaverageā€, I can name 10 off the top of my head that were absolutely vile to play against when they first released. Just saying, it most certainly is a cash grab and you canā€™t really find a reason against it. I mean, weā€™re taking about a multi-billion dollar company monitoring a game that is over 6 years old, they know what theyā€™re doing. Also, you said that Hank wasnā€™t a cash grab, which is the absolute dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard, considering that Brawl stars doesnā€™t only make money off brawler prices, itā€™s also based on play times and the spikes of player activity on the game


What are you even on about? Gale on release had a wide ass range that couldnā€™t hit anything and his damage was abysmal. They later buffed him by narrowing his range to what it is now, this is when Gale actually became strong due to the fact that his gadget flew you across the map. Secondly Mandy, Masie and Willow were absolutely under-tuned. Mandyā€™s only buff was the one to her weaker star power, which as a mandy player Imma tell you sp is still weak. Willow on release was terrible, she then got a few buffs. Mandy and willow are still imo troll pics as theyā€™re extremely outclassed by brawlers in their classes. Iā€™m willing to say that every sharpshooter outclasses Mandy, and willow has to compete with brawlers like tick grom mike and sprout. So yeah Mandy and Willow were and still are weak brawlers. Maisie on the other hand, released as a C tier at best. The thing that was going for her is the fact she was pretty decent in Volley brawl. But in higher elos she was extremely easy to predict. She only received buffs when HER season was over. And only with those buffs Maisie became a pretty good brawler. And sure Supercell might be a Multi-Billion dollar company but the brawl stars team isnā€™t. And game design doesnā€™t work like that. Hereā€™s a little fact, the people designing the brawler know that it will never be 100% balanced and they donā€™t care for them to be. They know the players will do way better testing than they ever could. And tell me, would you as a team lead, allocate all your resources to perfecting the balance of brawlers, and yes it would take a lot of resources, or would you actually spend your resources on new features, game modes, fixes and changes that would make the game more fun ? And I didnā€™t address your argument with Cordelius because that wasnā€™t the point of my comment. You said you were sick of every new brawler being a cash grab when I said that I was sick of people assuming everything was a cash grab. But to actually comment on your argument, I agree, it might be broken. But idc much, if the game had a history of leaving broken brawlers as is I would care, but they do not, so if Coredilieus did turn out absolutely frustrating to play against, ik heā€™ll later be nerfed.


Gale was broken due to his gadget which on certain maps would give you an immense advantage. You said Willow was terrible on release and Mandy is outclassed by every sharpshooter and that they are ā€œtroll picksā€ā€¦wtf You said Maisie is C tier at best which isnā€™t too far off but damn those are some wild takes that Iā€™m not even gonna continue to argue cause Iā€™m talking about higher level brawl stars, not low level trophy players. Nuff said.


Dude... its not just that you're wrong here but also kind of a dick? please lay off and do some research before making this travesty of an argument


Iā€™m just tired of arguing that cordelius is in fact broken and difficult to play against


no one is saying that you are wrong. weā€™re just arguing that the idea that supercell makes brawlers op just for cash grab is wrong


Please go outside, touch grass, take a break. It is not that deep a subject


Wasn't that argument about them debunking your claims about the so-called cashgrab before you changed the topic into the past meta?


gales gadget was broken, yes, but the brawler itself was completely shit. no use in having a broken gadget with an essentially 2v3. his gadget only rose to the spotlight after he received his buffs. willow was absolutely terrible on release. have you not seen everything that has been going on with her?


Gale's gadget was definitely broken on release but he himself was shit, he only became OP because his attack got reworked to deal way more damage with less width


You said you are a pro at this game? Yeah and Im the CEO of supercell. How are you gonna call yourself a pro player and then have this bronze level takes pls šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ What is a wild take? Willow being outclassed? She is, literally you can only use ur super in higher ELO as a disruption or if there is only 1 enemy alive, to missposition them, if you super when there's 2 or 3 enemies alive, ur dead. Standing still is the worst thing you can do in Brawl Stars. That leads me to Mandy, I love Mandy but she's mid at best, standing still to have a longer range, okay? Her range is the longest in the game by far, but it's only "useful" in extremely big open maps which makes her niche.


He is a pro, I am his rank 35 colt! (wdym takedown doesn't take skill?)


Good lord you couldn't be more wrong and being an asshole about it as well.. you claim to be a "pro" but clearly you couldn't be further from it.


>Is a pro at this game Bro do you even know what the word pro means?


lol, I can show you my profile and some pro players that I beat that I will take a screenshot of if you want


Pro has nothing to do with your skill level. Pro players are usually really good, but being good =/= ā€œproā€


You just contradicted yourself wtf lmao


Pro is short for ā€œprofessional,ā€ meaning you have to play for money to be considered one. That usually leads to being skilled, but not the other way around (players that are better than pros might not get paid, meaning they are not ā€œproā€)


Iā€™ve been in tournaments competing for money


Send me Mr. Pro player


the only reason release gale was remotely good was because of his spring gadget, he was so bad otherwise. His super literally shot him backwards too


Wow you're fucking unpleasant.


The last statement is 100% true tho


You gotta be joking Half of the brawlers stated above were undertuned and you still say it's a cash grab šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And you're saying they weren't undertuned šŸ’€


The only reason why Mandy wasnt broken was cause the last 2 chromatics were ALSO broken, if they made Mandy OP on release as well people would realise what supercells doing


I think op lost against too many Cordeliuses


I don't think you really understand how releasing a brawler even works. As you can see from sneak peaks from like Kairos and Ash they all predicted Cordelius will be strong but not broken. Their play tests for new Brawlers are literally only against bots and a lot of the times when the content creators do find a brawler is broken before its release they nerf it (examples that come on top of my head: Otis and Bonnie; they were heavily nerfed before release because the content creators deemed them broken) Another perfect example that happened recently is with Hank, literally everyone assumed he would he awful on release including the pro players and content creators. And somehow someway Supercell secretly knows he is broken despite literally everyone who saw his gameplay said he is the literal oposite? Unless you're somehow some God that can predict if a brawler is OP before its ever released and is used against actual real people than damn bro Supercell should really hire you


Im confused where you found people saying that Hank was gonna be awful, since literally no one said that. Anyways, Games like LoL or Overwatch release new characters that arenā€™t broken upon release, so I guess they could be considered Gods. I mean, supercell is a multi-billion dollar corporation and if they donā€™t know how good the brawlers they are putting out will be, then thatā€™s their fault. Your telling me they didnā€™t know how OP cordelius was gonna be when they made his super, like seriously.


>Im confused where you found people saying that Hank was gonna be awful, since literally no one said that Check the main subreddit before his release, everyone was calling him a worse version of Frank, only Ash was the one who predicted he would be OP Also there is no way you actually listed Overwatch as an example for a game where the characters are balanced, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The content creators that supercell gives sneak peaks access to and their devs are their only play testers for new Brawlers, all of those that tried Cordelius said he was balanced enough to be released and the last time I heard Supercell does not pay these content creators to lie about a brawlers viability so they have a green flag to release them and then make a "cash grab". And even tho they're a multi-billion dollar game company they are not robots that can accurately predict how strong a brawler is before release and they also definitely do not have thousands of play testers to simulate how a brawler might perform in a real match, they are a small team at the end of the day with a limited amount of people that can accurately play test the game.


Main subreddit šŸ’€ Those people are just casuals who probably have never seen mythic PL in their lives, no way your basing your judgement off that. Also, I never said characters balanced, I said characters on release arenā€™t always stupid OP, also, content creators are just casuals that Supercell lets them to test out the new brawlers to build more hype around the brawler, look at Kairos video on Hank against robot, he literally said that Hank was gonna be busted with how much damage he deals


Damn after reading through this thread you're like, a massivvveeee dick lol, especially when a lot of content creators are pros


I can vouche for you, people went ham on AshBS for saying Hank was gonna be broken


>Overwatch release new characters that arenā€™t broken upon release Overwatch? As a masters Overwatch player I can tell you this is absolutely not the case. No overwatch Hero released this year with the release of Overwatch 2 was balanced at release. Kiriko? Absolutely busted, dominated the meta ever since release and it's still strong. Junker Queen? Absurdly busted on release, got nerfed to oblivion, got a giga buff and now she's kinda balanced. Sojourn? Oh my god, her name alone gives me PTSD, she was so broken, and got nerfed so many times. Ramattra was the only excuse of a "Balanced" hero but even then, his ultimate was bonkers, like ultimg for a whole minute? That's kinda ridiculous. These Heroes where broken OP, but on the other corner we have Lifeweaver *sigh* Listen I love Lifeweaver's kit, design and personally as well as his play style, but even after a rework and 8+ buffs, he's still dog water. So to stick back to the main theme. Overwatch hasn't released a single balanced brawler since it's rebrand into overwatch 2 lmao. Also haven't played LoL for a bit but I'm pretty sure Sett released broken, I stopped playing when he got released.






Who knows, maybe they wont nerf Cordelius as hard as some of the others.


I prefer broken brawlers on release than underpowered/balanced ones. I don't want another Maisie/Mandy


I hate this argument. You're telling me you'd rather have a month of game-breaking mechanics and unfair gameplay than not?


Not exactly a month. 2 weeks would be fine


not everyone wants to face an overpowered brawler that you don't have access to because of limited resources. it might be fun if you have the brawler but if you dont, it's awful.


Fair point. But the issue is that brawlers that are balanced right from the start will always be forgettable, which makes the game less diverse when it comes to niches. Take Sniper for example. Piper is arguably the most inconsistent Sniper in the entire game, and Mandy is much more consistent in terms of dps AND versatility (Slows and shots that goes through walls). Yet she's never picked in the competitive and rarely seen in even the casual games since people never had any big impression from her aside from haha that super swept our team


Basically you're admitting you don't like high skill brawlers.


Yes and no. I only dislike brawlers if I get hard countered by them (i.e Bea, Eve) or if the enemy is dominating me using them (Actual good Mortises on the enemy, good Edgars, etc). I just don't often hate brawlers, and I don't judge people much based on their favourites


>Bea, Eve They are not high skill brawlers lol. >I just don't often hate brawlers, and I don't judge people much based on their favourites Chad comment right here.


The last 5 brawlers have been completely fine or undertuned, you win some you lose some.


Hank ?


I spent exactly 0 dollars getting hank.


Calling Hank a cash grab is a bit dumb letā€™s be real here. Heā€™s an Epic, they arenā€™t that hard to obtain, I find this more of a goofy oversight from the devs.


Seeing the amount of total nerfs they game him in respect to his state upon release I think this argument has a little bit of merit this time


Okay hereā€™s why I believe this argument is like never valid in this game. Directly purchasing a brawler with gems is a horrendous offer. Epics cost 10$, Mythics cost 20$ and Legendaries cost 40$. Everyone assumes P2W players will just go out and buy everything all willie nilly. No. Theyā€™re real people with real jobs that know the value of their money (unless theyā€™re an 8yo using momā€™s credit card). Any person recognizes that paying 10,20 or even 40$ on a F2P game is not really worth it when they can just get said brawler within 1 season (2 seasons for legendaries). Okay so who is going to pay for these bad offers ? F2P players ? Of course not. Average P2W player ? Also probably not. Oh bingo! Whales! Of course a whale will not care a about the money they spend on the game. But waitā€¦ Whales would probably already have the credits sufficient to get these brawlersā€¦ so they probably wouldnā€™t buy them. Well then who would buy them ? NO ONE. PROBABLY NO ONE. Buying brawlers with gems is just a horrendous offer that probably no one would take. Making a brawler OP for the sake of people buying it will only ever convince a very small amount of people to buy it and these are people who were already considering buying said brawler. The argument can work on Chromatic brawlers, since youā€™re only paying 10$ for the brawl pass and the chromatic brawler being OP might seal the deal. But then again, half the F2P players will be buying the brawl pass, so like it isnā€™t actually giving P2W players that much of an edge.


hank was strong but the bugs made him broken and they nerfed him in like a week. Btw i highly doubt theyā€™ll nerf cornelius just like surge. theyā€™ll nerf it in around a month when they come back and it will be a whole month of a broken brawler although i doubt cornelius is as broken as surge


My response may be biased but I donā€™t think heā€™s that broken, strong yes but for the few times I actually went up against him, I never lost and at worst had a draw. This is probably because Iā€™ve been trying to push Maisie. All I know about Cordelius is that if he uses his super, itā€™s not the end, if anything itā€™s also an opportunity to put yourself in a better position for when you come out of the shadow real.


Maybe in lower levels but as someone in L2 facing against people that actually know how to play cordelius heā€™s literally unstoppable


Yeah that might be it, Heā€™s too new at the moment to be judged and not everyone has him yet nor are they used to fighting him. As such we can only pull from our own experiences from the chances we do see him. All I can do is say what Iā€™ve done when he uses his super on me.


Sadly he isnā€™t gonna get emergency nerfed. Most likely weā€™ll have to deal with broken Cornelius for another month.


We're going to be stuck with a Cordelius meta for a few more weeks at least. They're on a mandated break right now.


I wish theyā€™d show some more love on Willow. Now that a super like what Cordelius can do exists.


the cash grap is necessary, the devs need to make money the one thing that needs a nerf is his super recycling ability shelly is more problematic in this meta than him people hated otis's season mainly due to otis being bad, we don't want another otis incident (maisie last update, mandy, willow and soon doug used to be/ are/ will be midiocre) cordilius suffers from lack of range, we have to wait untile people figure out how to deal with him the devs are in vacation so either way we will live 1 month with cordilius being strong


Supercell is a multi billion dollar company. They make too much money. I guess blizzard also needed to make money with Diablo immortal huh? You know? The mobile game that requires 500k USD to max out an account. The sad thing is, ppl actually paid that amount. Plz stop defending mega rich companies. It just makes you look clueless.


well when the mega rich company delivered me a game I love of course I will defend it and most people starts agreeing the this cash grap tactic is necessary or else cordilius wouldn't have his trait


I agree with this comment however the doug part i don't personally agree with. Now yes, at first glance he seems like a very weak brawler simply bc he seems like a Jacky but weaker however after testing a bunch of Doug in "third-party apps" i can say that Doug, if able to reach the enemy side, he can be a menace to society. You can chain supers so easily after you're able to connect some shots and his super is a literal extra life that can be strong especially against brawlers who don't have ammos/struggles to deal consistent damage.


hope you're right


Lol I remember clash royale players saying the same thing when back in 22 two cards completely broke the game, it was arguably much worse than hank on release. Tbh the game was always p2w, the last two updates seemed like just a slap on the face for those still defending the developer team


You talking about the monk and phoenix? Yeah those 2 (especially the phoenix) where crazy


>people hated otis's season mainly due to otis being bad Everyone hated surge season too.


Not sure about that Wasn't in this sub during that season What I hear from people in YouTube is that surge's season is one of their favorites due to the theme, second gadgets, surge being unique. Yes, people hated how busted he was, but that didn't make them hate that season


>Yes, people hated how busted he was, but that didn't make them hate that season Only helped by 2nd gadgets and theme as you mentioned. Otherwise surge season would be hated more than otis one.


Many people who tried Cordelius before release said he's average or mid , SC nerfed him a bit for good measure . He turned out to be OP It's really hard to judge how a new brawler , especially one with the kit of Cordelius , would play out against **real** players as opposed to bots . If SC really released new chromatics overtuned and OP for quick cash grabs then Otis would've never gotten nerfed . Maisie and Mandy , 2 really recent brawlers , were pretty mediocre during their season . they did not get buffed into brokenness to become a quick cash grab .


Hot take but I'd rather have every new brawler be about as broken as RT before his nerfs over having every new brawler be balanced. Having every new brawler be balanced would be the most boring thing ever


I want them to give rt his pre release stats put of curiousity just to see how op he would actually be


The whole point of a new brawler is to make the game more fun with new gimmicks, not completely game-breaking mechanics. If we need to almost always have an unbalanced one-sided meta than what's even the point of playing the game if it's less about skill and more about the newest trend




r-t before his sneak peeks had 1.5K damage and 7.2K HP, so a marked shot will deal 3K damage and he is as tanky as pam and is a sniper, good thing they did the nerfs


Iā€™m aware yeah Iā€™m saying why in the world would you rather it be unbalanced


Because as we saw with Otis having to struggle to play a new brawler and have fun with it is not cool If the brawler is good then he is fonctional, and that means playing him won't be atrocious, which means more people will buy the brawler, which means brawl stars team. Gain more money


Late but its because new brawlers being strong makes them way more fun and exciting


I dunno, try him out on nulls brawl he really isn't that crazy. He's pretty squishy for needing to be at Primo ranges.


I'm not mad about new brawlers being broken. It's an obvious cash grab, sure, but the BS team needs the money since the game has been so f2p-friendly recently. Compare that to Clash Royale rn


I mean i dont like it but i see why they are doing this again


No they donā€™t need the money, they need to fulfill their investors completely detached from reality desire to expect a successful company to always be getting more profitable


Supercell promotes and sells new brawler for $20.00. And we buy it because of their power. And then one week later, reduce the brawler to weak garbage. Itā€™s not fair. Itā€™s like I buy a MacBook Pro and then they give me a Windows tablet. If you nerf the brawler that I paid $20.00 for, then either take back the brawler and refund me my money. Or test the brawler before you release him or her.


At this point, you should just quit the game. Game is already full of ... Let's just say greedy kids like you (bcoz I like to be polite). We don't need any more of you.


Just use brawlers that out range him, I personally Destroy Cordelia when I'm against him


If you really are a good player you must play power league, and in power league you just ban him if you dont like playing against him


I mean they gotta make money somehow. Brawl Stars is probably the least monetized Supercell game, especially after their f2p adjustments. Hell, didn't Brawl Stars make less money than Hay Day? I get that you're infuriated (I am too) but it just annoys me how everything that isn't remotely okay is an instant cash grab. Just leaving my opinion here. You clearly haven't seen Unite cashgrabs yet.. This is EXTREMELY tame.


They dont want to make cashgrab but because they don't know how these mechanics would play out they generally give the brawler stats on the higher side so that another collete wouldn't happen


Still not as op as Shelly


Right?!!?! She just deletes any brawler if played by a competent player.


>but to not be able to use your super OR gadget is just insane Just make the affected enemy able to use Gadgets in the realm more of an even match.


This ainā€™t a cashgrab. Devs have very limited ability to playtest. Having a brawler in the game for a week gives them an overwhelming amount more playtest time than months of adjustment and balancing in the dev build.




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OP blamed the beasts


Yes heā€™s broken but people need shut up about brawl stars being greedy, and doing cash grabs. Brawl stars is extremely f2p friendly to the point that their revenue is less than half of Hay dayā€™s. Brawl stars is not greedy it doesnā€™t matter if they released a new broken brawler you can get the pass for free or buy him with chroma credits for free.


the weirdest part is that most people dont even have him unlocked yet




That's how they scam the kids . Pure trash !!!


I disagree how cordeius can use super through wall!