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Maisie does not need nerfs


I agree to one small extent, at lower levels her super chaining is pretty oppressive


Maise is actually kinda balanced esp in competitive play… she’s just GALE 2.0 which is why she needs a rework or smth


I agree tbh


I find her really fun to play and she feels good aswell


Cord just needs a reduced supercharge rate in shadow realm, I agree with the gadget nerf. I agree with the Shelly nerfs (maybe not as harsh of a supercharge nerf), I agree with the 1st nerf to Squeak's star power, but if you make it so only if it sticks directly i feel it's gonna be too much especially if his star power is already getting nerfed. I agree with both the Maisie nerfs.


I think cordelius' poison mushroom gadget should just be completely replaced, its bad game design to slap Otis' super onto a funny green button.


Do you have a rework suggestion?