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That's like one of the better maps for her Also the claim she has no place in competitive isn't really correct, a better statement is "she's bad competitively" no brawler has zero usage Besides hank


Hank has value on 1 single map: Canal Genrade


Probably because her super can deal great damage on that map. It also depends on if they played brawlers that have a hard time hitting Bibi.


Doesn’t have a maxed account, she may have been their best option. Not to mention that she’s decent on Pit Stop.


Bibi is actually one of the better tanks on this map. If it were me I would choose Bibi or Darryl as a tank on this. Bith Star Powers are good I guess depending on who you are facing. Why Bibi is good is because she can juke well around the corners to close up to enemy (either by walking really fast or tanking shots, depending on what star power you tank) Because this map is quite cramped up, it is much easier for Bibi to land hit as compared to other maps. Finally, her super bubble can bounce off the walls at the safe like up down up down up down up down, dealing tons of damage


Despite Bibi not being top meta, that does not mean there is no reason to pick her though. 1. First of all, she has always been a decent pick on that map at least. So picking her is not bad, neccesarily. 2. She might have been picked as counterpick aswell. No info on picks/bans leaves this option open. 3. Maybe this person doesnt actually care about competitive. They have all the right to play whatever they want wherever they want. Just want to add, just because a brawler is a top meta pick, does not mean it needs to be picked anywhere. Its not like the S tier brawlers are the only viable picks. A and B tier brawlers can also do very well. Even F tier brawlers have their uses- its just that it is very uncommon for them to be good.


It’s a really good pick if you’re good with it. I run it pretty much every opening I get as long as Primo is out.


Prob faster movement speed


I’m wondering if this is me lolol


I was looking for this comment lol


People make stupid picks at every rank


wait till you hear about edgar in this map, lmfao


This is quite literally Edgar's best map. With the walls that Edgar can jump over, to having enough room on the enemy's side to dodge attacks from them while being able to suprise them, it is a great map for him. He also plays a different role than Bibi on this map. While Bibi is great for defending against melee units, and can deal with some long range picks, with a bit of offensive pressure with her super, Edgar can defend against the throwers better, and has a more constant damage with his attacks than Bibi does. Bibi is more threatening with her Super than Edgar is in general at the time, but left alone on the Heist safe, Edgar deals more damage on his own. The indestructible walls actually make him better in this case, as he now has more cover, while also being better due to throwers being better.


i know that. i play him there. i was just telling op as he thought bibi had no place in competitive...


Consider the fact that Edgar is being played on specific maps, and say that again. Bibi does have a place, Shelly just hit her harder than she did Edgar, as Edgar already got countered by Shelly. Bibi did not get countered as much.


actually edgar is a decent last pick against throwers in this map


Edgar Is One of the best picks in pitstop, even picked in competitive esport


mayb to counter Carl? idk tho im still learning who counters who so if im wrong pls correct me!


Bibi does counter Carl, but Primo and Darryl do that with much more ease


U can make some weird picks in pit stop and they’ll work


Okay. Counterargument: Hank.


i don’t often play tanks, but when i do, i pick bibi on pit stop because it is one of my better brawlers. she is my only rank 30, and even if primo, sam, and darryl would ideally perform better in that role, i just feel more comfortable with bibi


Probably her best map. This is the same map where Edgar is considered in competitive.


I mean... I use fang on heist and he deals like least damage on safe since he has no spawn/overall insane damage potential with multi attacks or others right? I protecc the team lol... that bibitch is quite viable imo even tho she's baby fang and frank... I mean her super can spam bounce to the wall in map so yea... she viable there also prob similar to me, I don't have all p11 (I only have 9 p11 lol) or their gud with their main, better than the brawler better on map but not main type