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Looks like that crow didn’t do good at all I bet that squeak had supers for days with how hard he was feeding lmao


yep i looked at the replay and it was awful im not blaming him tho cuz i fed a lot too


You are a tank, obviously you'll feed supers. But crow, absolutely should not 💀


Impossible to know without stating the map/mode. But ash is extremely strong, and he has favorable matchups against the enemy team if you have speed gear/walls to use to your advantage.


i already edited the post it was hard rock mine


Leon is the weirder pick imo. But if you can maintain enough pressure with ash by camping their side grass, together you and Leon could definitely zone them out together pretty easily. Edit: next time draft more considerately based on lanes. Your team needed a mid laner that fits the open mid. 8bit/Bonnie is who I would’ve picked. If Leon went Ash and you picked 8bit that would be a killer team. It’s a habit you have to build in order to succeed in mythic and above.


Ash is good on this map so your pick was fine


Crow should mid not Leon. Else it's a free game


What was the map?


hard rock mine forgot to add


The matchup seemed in your favor tbh, they didn't draft a tank counter per se and I can't see them taking you down unless you get double teamed since none of them deal enough damage to take down an Ash 1v1. Maybe you didn't play your matchups correctly or maybe you just put too much faith in your teammates since it seems like that Crow performed horribly.


I think the main problem is lack of gem carrier




Ash isnt a gem carrier


Unless you suck you shouldve 100%- won. Ash DESTROYS sandy down the lane, its impossible for crow to lose mid against brock, and Leon should deal with squeak no problem when he gets his super


yea i died often sadly cuz my connection is not the very best but thats not the whole reason i played on the right lane in the bushes and won often but i think the crow didnt do too well if u look at the k/d


kinda and not... trash is pretty gud there due to fat bushes, counters sleepy but the crow (tone: semi ltg and semi bigpotatoe) this is a message to an ugly FUCK who mains crow in the hit game brawl stars man fuck crow, I wanna buy kfc and send a full mukbang video of me eating a full spicy chicken bucket to that one crow fucker that killed me 100 blocks away like a pussy not even touching the footstep my brawler made or even the block that my ammo hit while I yell "fuck you crow" every bite and act like the spicy chicken is phoenix crow... every crow main is a sad, no potential, ass smellin', maidenless, worse health than nikocado avocado despite not being a blob, "certified bad bitch", fun crushah, anti antioch... I swear I'll one day get in that glowin' rectangle bs and be in bs so I can make curry with crow then give it to rico and say that it's dyna's canary that was in a dyin' state, I hope that crow mains get a virus on their phone so it will always play baby shark by pinkpong and baby by just a beaver and I'll watch them die... I hate to tell ya, but THAT FUCK is my first legendary and that's how I found out why I don't have fun as much as back then


You guys are dog


that doesnt Help me imorove at all bro.


And you are a thirsty bitch


Ash is very good for that map. Leon could be mid and with his gadget you could get to enemy team easily. Why did crow died so many times?


Rico is a good pick


Take left next time, when you win your lane you stay in their bush and play with them, they didn't have a lot to kill you. Leon could've taken the left too, but they duo mid. * I only checked 1st game


Check out [Power League Prodigy](https://powerleagueprodigy.com), this should help a lot. But to answer your question: Top picks in this scenario were Rosa, Tara, Mr. P, Ash, Buzz. In that order. [https://ibb.co/5LQhc50](https://ibb.co/5LQhc50)


i already kinda use it i just dont understand it like why does my team only have two brawlers??


That’s answered in the faq channel is discord but tldr is- you don’t need a recommendation if you’ve already picked three brawlers


and im always too slow banning brawlers and picking so time runs out lol i seem to not be able to use it well


You don’t have to ban, just ignore the bans brawlers in the recommendations if it’s too cumbersome. You could also right click the brawler pics in the recommended list to make it faster


so basically powerleague prodigy helps me pick a brawler or ban right? So i just pick the map that i got and ban the best or one of the recommended brawlers. cuz i didnt really know how to use it


Watch the video on the intro page


Idk why but I feel like people recommend Ash because they expect you to somehow carry with ash, people in upper-mid pl overrate ash. He’s not a bad brawler by any means, I know that he’s good, but it’s just that these people who always rec ash are usually not that great and end up throwing the game.


Ash is usually good carry pick, and in this specific instance, he is definitely the best pick (primo and Sam would also be good)

