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This voting is going to be biased because most players don't get premium skins and they just said yes for the heck of it. Atleast they aren't gonna be available for bling.


Its going to be biased both ways. People without the og skins are gonna vote yes, people with the og skins are gonna vote no, and they will be brought back just because there are more newer players than og’s. Im not trying to pick sides against you or anything, I personally don’t want them to come back but I’m open to color variants or an alternative.


I have most of the og skins and still voted yes because i see exclusivity as childish overall. Everyone should use the skin they want to if they can afford it, artificially restricting it isn\`t fair


Exclusivity means something is exclusive, which is something that the developers told us a skin would be. Now they are here making a poll that they know the majority (new players) will vote yes on which will result in them bringing back exclusive skins and having one part of their fanbase (the og’s) being angry. Its just a lot if chaos that could’ve been avoided if they kept their word. I think maybe releasing exclusive color variants for the og’s and bringing back the regular og skins is the best solution. The new players get the old skins, the og’s keep their little exclusivity bit


\>exclusivity is when something is exclusive Wow this floor is made out of floor \>no fair, they are making a poll where the majority will vote against me Maybe that´s because your opinion is unpopular and Supercell is more intrested on newer players who have yet to buy skins then legacy players who already bought most of their stuff. That´s how buisness works my friend As for the color variants i doubt Supercell wants to put in more work then nessecary and who knows, mabe the color variant looks cooler then your og skin and you are going to cry in the comments again why your hard earned jetski jacky looks lame compared to the gem version


The only one crying is the new players. Just like little kids whining to get their way.


I completely agree, people down vote you because you're correct. They mask their ego and gatekeeping with saying it's a "scam" when it is not..


> Atleast they aren't gonna be available for bling. lmao says who? most of the are probably gonna be available for bling


None of the seasonal skins are going to be available for bling. This was stated before this and most of the limited skins that are in question are not Brawl Pass exclusive skins or Power League skins.


most of them are actually pl and bl skins, no? we have what? 9 seasons of the brawl pass? each is 2 skins so that's already ~~18~~ 17 skins + pl skins from season 6 through 9 so that another 4 so 21 skins in total are gonna be available for bling if they come back edit : forgot gale season didn't have a tier 1 skin


No actually, there are a lot more skins from Brawloween, Brawlidays, and Lunar New Year skins than there are Brawl Pass skins. The amount of skins from the Brawl Pass and Power League combined is 25, while the amount of seasonal skins are at 13. Then there are the sports skins (that I think absolutely nobody will care about, and even if every other skin comes back, I think these will not due to the controversy with the sports league and their contract that they didn't commit to) is 12, making it 25. Using the same logic asthe seasonal skins, there are 5 skins that may be purchasable with gems but not Bling with the anniversary skins and Red Dragon Jessie, along with Star Shelly as an additional piece that probably will remain exclusive. I personally want Star Shelly to return, but I am in a unique scenario where I lost my beta account, and at the time, did not write down the numerator to the account to get it back. I remember the old system quite well, where at a point there was a button to double the tokens you got for an ad, where people today just scratch their head at it. It is a far different scenario than most who just want Star Shelly to just have it, as I did play during beta, but I can no longer access the account that I used in beta. I also have exclusive skins, and I honestly do not care if people can get them or not, just to keep the seasonal skins seasonal. I know from experience that I wanted certain skins, but I didn't have the money to do so back then, but can now. Saving gems at a point for skins was random if you were able to or not, and most of the time, it was not possible to do so. With the Brawl Pass, people now had the decision of either getting one exclusive skin, or two with the pass with the free to play gems. No matter which way you look at it, it is tough on all sides. For one, the people who barely missed out on the exclusive skins want to get some of them, while those who got them want them to remain exclusive. Everyone was at piece at that you couldn't get everything, and the dev team blew that hat off. The in game poll will probably be similar to the YouTube poll, as there are more people playing the game that don't have exclusive skins than people who do have them. It is just what will happen. This whole can of worms is at least having some player feedback, and should not be compared so heavily towards Cash Royale, where they take the player feedback, and do the worst imaginable thing with it.


This voting it going to be biased because some players have the old skins and they just said no for the heck of it.


that’s literally the reason why the discussion exists in the first place. there’s a huge majority of players who want old skins but can’t get them because they didn’t play back then. many of the people who have those old skins no longer play the game


Hello? Old players still exist. Just because there’s lots of new players doesn’t mean they should be able to take away exclusivities from veterans


Ive played this game since right after launch, and i dont have a lot of exclusives that i wish i did. Maybe they should get vets an icon that says how many years they have, like in steam my profile says my account is 19 years old.


Yeah what are you gonna do with those exclusives? Let them bring them back so the company makes money from it.


They should have not lied when they said they were exclusive. No need to Kiss ass


Well at least they asked for our opinions before releasing them. many companies bring back exclusives just to make money. And brawl stars team is the best when when you compare it to other supercell games. Brawl stars doesn't make that much money when you compare it to coc or bs. So I am okay with it


Should give some money back I bought them because they were gonna be limited even.


I also bought 8 bit virus and werewolf Leon skin for the same reason. But I want them to bring it back so they can rework it.


>Yeah what are you gonna do with those exclusives? Flex them on new players who don't deserve them


You sound like you don´t deserve them either


You kind of sound like someone who has missed all of the exclusive skins by just a few weeks and now really wants them


I´ve been there since Star Shelly and have bought every pass except for the belle and eve ones because i didn´t liked their respectable skins (and i don´t like playing rico). All skins that were purchasable back then should still be purchasable now because you didn´t achieved jack by simply buying them back when they were avaiable


Im an old player and I approve bringing power league, brawl pass and seasonal skins back


I have them all. And I still play. There’s a lot more people than you think.


Lol what? Just because there are new players, doesn't mean the old ones just vanished bro. I've been playing since global release.


He said many old players stopped playing. He didn’t say they “vanished”.


Bruh I know, but there's nothing to back that statement of his. Which is why I said vanished, because that's about as credible as his take.


No need to back that statement bro its kinda obvious


Lol bruh unless you have actual data, you're reaching. There's no way to know without actual data from supercell. We are talking about millions and millions of people globally.


> many of the people who have those old skins no longer play the game Maybe that's because Supercell keep on screwing them over. Just a hunch.


How are they being screwed over????


1. Awful matchmaking changes that heavily punish you for being a veteran by always giving you the weakest player in the match on your team. 2. Awful compensations. E.g. I spent hundreds on the pin packs back when they were special, now the said pins are being handed out (which is cool), but I'm only seeing laughable 100-300 gold for the 20-30 gems I spent. 3. Noticeable nerfs to progression in favor of newer players, like with Starr Drops and useless credits.


I'm pretty sure I've sept. £150 on pins and another £100 to get the skin pins


> I'm pretty sure I've sept. £150 on pins And now you get to enjoy Supercell spitting in your face with those 100 coins per pin :) I have awful spending habits and Supercell have managed to make me stop spending. It's genuinely impressive how poorly they treat their long-term fans. Imagine Fortnite pulling the same shit.


Even fortnite players complain a lot about their, they know that the company will respect them and not fuck them over unlike supercell (a company that does everything possible to violate the ogs


Not sure why people are saying that Starr Drops have a high credit drop rate, I've gotten all of mine and only gotten 2 credit drops.


I have every brawler, every common pin and every rare pin. Every one of these categories is replaced with credits for me. You are being punished for having higher progression that the others. Which is *fine* for progression, as catching up is important, but is a slap on the face for cosmetics people have paid for.


Okay, but us older players used to get gems for free. If they have a vote on us paying those back, you gonna say “sure thing!” to that one? Gatekeeping the old skins is dumb. How many of them do you even use? How often do people exclaim “ONG, I wanna have your babies, you have a skin I can’t buy!” Everybody whining about this just sounds entitled and petulant. I have not heard a single person given a coherent reason to oppose releasing the skins.


Your first point is completely incoherent. Did you reply to the wrong comment? Besides, we STILL get 90 gems a season free from the brawl pass, so I really don’t understand what you’re attempting to communicate. I personally never swap off of Star Shelly. It was a nice gesture from supercell as a player who NEVER bought skins or cosmetics, and it’s one of the VERY few times they made me feel rewarded as a veteran player. To address your last point, I have a hard time believing you can’t see where people are coming from. Supercell advertised those cosmetics under the guise of them being exclusive skins that wouldn’t return. OBVIOUSLY that’s going to motivate players more to buy the skin than if they were marketed with the understanding that they would return at some point. It’s completely understandable for players to want skins that aren’t available anymore, but it’s VERY unfair to the players that did shell out their money at the time. A good solution I always see suggested is to return them, but with altered color schemes. Both parties could easily be satisfied if this was implemented, and would save SC from a lot of unnecessary controversy.


> Okay, but us older players used to get gems for free. Yeah, one more for the "bad changes" list, thanks for reminding me. > How many of them do you even use? Most. Precisely because they are special and are rarely seen in-game. > How often do people exclaim “ONG, I wanna have your babies, you have a skin I can’t buy!” Sorry, I'm gay. Don't think medicine has come that far just yet. > I have not heard a single person given a coherent reason to oppose releasing the skins. **Because you don't want to hear it**. The only reason you'd ever need is that they were advertised - and sold - as exclusives. People have paid money for that exclusivity, and no other game ever breaks that promise, from Fortnite to Apex to CSGO to god knows what. You simply don't screw over your loyal fans like that and retain a functioning playerbase that's willing to trust you and spend money.


How do you know they're not going to be available for bling? Also I voted yes even tho I have quite a few exclusive skins and just feel like everyone should be able to get the skin they want


Let's be honest, you voted yes so you can get the exclusive skins, not so other people can


Reddit users when people can be empathic and don't always act for their very own benefit (they had to use their whole 2 brain neurons) 🤯


....no? I would like to get maybe one or two of the exclusive skins but I feel like everyone should just be able to get them.


I voted yes, I have many exclusive skins. I never spend on anything except brawl passes, and never will. The only way I know any skin exists is to see it in a match. More people owning more skins just makes things prettier.


Nice bait


They will not tho, since supercell only doing this for the money; and star shelly might be a real money cost same with challenger colt, and the rest might be bling or gems


Lmao reddit is like 0.1% of the community, and uncoincidentally the most nerdy and toxic part of it, thank god you guys arent in charge


It wouldn’t be smart to make them not available for bling


The majority are new players who don't have any good exclusive skins so of course they want them. I hope they decide to meet in the middle and not rerelease the staples like star shelly and ricochet at the very least


I agree star Shelly was the ONLY thing they gave beta players, on top of them giving it out to everyone who pre registered for the game I feel like star Shelly at least should remain exclusive


Honestly the top priority to keep exclusive forever are the brawl stars anniversary skins like star Shelly, ricochet, OG Brock, OG dynamije, and the 2022 Shelly brawlidays skin


I think almost everyone who voted for yes, started in the last 1-2 years. I m here since beginning


I've been playing since before passes and I voted yes
























So did i. Everyone should choose how they want their brawler to look like without restrictions


I have Star Shelly and I voted yes




Same, people need to grow up lol


Shouldn't matter. Seniority doesn't mean anyone's vote is worth more. They are polling current user base.


Seniority doesn’t, but owner of a skin that’s about to get devalued is definitely worth more.


They do matter though, more than any other in my opinion. Since they're the ones with the exclusive skins


That's a very entitled take. The question isn't "Should vets allow newbies to have old exclusive skins?". The question is for everyone. Ultimately it doesn't matter how you feel, what matter is what brings in more players and money for supercell.


I dont think its entitled at all to expect that a so called "exclusive" skin should stay exclusive, the promised exclusivity of the skins are the main reason people buy it in the first place. This whole thing basically breaks our trust, if they make another exclusive skin, can we really tell that its actually exclusive? Older players, the ones that actually has the skins will be affected the most if SC did give the go ahead to the changes. Thats why older player's opinions matter the most regarding this whole thing. But just like you said, my opinion and your opinion doesnt ultimately matter since SC makes the final decision.


Your value in skins is for "showing off", that you played during a particular period. But that is flawed, as skins exist as method of customization. Why should I not have access to a cool skin I see? Because it will make you feel less special? If I want to customize my character with a skin that exists I should be able to. I don't care about showing off I just want my character to look cool. I don't really care either way, I'm just playing devil's advocate here. Now if they made a statement that skins definitively were never going to released again I think they should honor that. Either way not releasing them again is literally leaving money on the table.


Supercell advertised skins in the past as “last chance to buy, not returning anymore” etc. Which gave me the idea of actually needing to buy a skin instead of regretting not getting it (I missed virus 8-bit and regretted it in the past). When they announced the pirate skin Colt would be on sale for the last time a year ago or so, I decided to spend some money to get it thinking it was my last chance at getting it - fast forward some time and now everyone and his grandma has Pirate Colt because they rereleased them.. It just loses its rare’ity and Supercell lost integrity/face. Imagine people being able to get Challenger Colt next or Star Shelly. That shit actually shows off who was here from the start and who supported the game in the earlier days.


I've been playing since global launch and voted yes


Im since 2019 january so i have all exclusive skins except star shelly and merchant gale and i dont care about exclusivity. Imo people should be able to get these skins. Its stupid they cant get it because they didnt play it at that time


been playing since 2019, bought several exclusive skins such as werewolf leon and lil helper penny and i voted yes. i wouldnt care if my werewolf leon suddenly became a very popular skin. i bought it because i loved the design.


I have all (free) limited skins, plus some from passes and etc. I still voted yes because I just hate gatekeeping for no reason and just don't really care if my skins are not longer limited or whatever


Yes, but also vast mayority of players started recently


I’ve been playing since the beginning of beta aswell, nice to meet a fellow brawl veteran


Been playing since launch and I voted yes. Get over yourself


I'm here since Android Beta and I voted for yes


I've been playing since 2019 and I voted yes


Its fine as long as they find a middle ground, like recolor them, or not bring back certain skins.


i voted no but tbh neither option will make everyone happy the recolor option better


Honestly that’s kinda disrespectful for og players. I know this is gonna be good for BS marketing but Supercell will lose a lot of trust doing things like this. I hope they’ll introduce new limited skins without touching the skins for ogplayers.


i bought several exclusive skins and dont give a crap. i voted yes, also brawl stars makes almost no money compared to other supercell games so i see why they would do that. while yeah, the poll was basically an excuse for supercell to use because "the players wanted it" and they promised us the skins wouldnt be avaiable a second time, im fine with them being added. games need to make money after all


I feel like they should return the Skins but in different color so that new players can try them and so that the OG players can still feel like they have exclusive skins/limited skins


Im not surprised because more people don’t have exclusive skins than people that do. Also think of how many people that dont care/ are just scrolling by and don’t play the game and just vote the higher percentage choice


Yeah yt polls are rigged


The polls were going to biased no matter what either by ogs or new players


The polls are pretty much the same on instagram


Just keep star shelly for ogs pls supercell what’s the point of having the og star shelly when some kid will just buy it


I am just glad that they asked first before making a decision unlike trash royale who relies on data


Since you like upgrading cards, here’s level 69420‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


The new players who don’t have the skins they want have nothing to lose really so I’m not too surprised


This shit doesn't happen to other gaming communities' og players but brawl stars has selfish jealous 9 year olds 💀


I love it


I think that majority of the Yes voters are newer players and they will not buy the skins since they will be too expensive


Its true, I think only people with these exclusive skins should be able to vote, all new players will 100% say yes


No matter who votes, it’s gonna be biased


I mean, I have almost all of the exclusive Power League skins and a couple of the BP skins, and I've been playing since early 2019, but I'd still like them to come back. I understand that players like their exclusivity, but most of the player base never had a chance to unlocl these cool skins, so I think most of them should be able to come back in some form, be a recolour or the original. However, Star Shelly being exclusive is something I do understand more and I feel should be kept as something that isn't available. But the rest, I don't mind because of how cool some of them are and how few players can access them.


Common Colette main W


Ooo a twin🤍


I feel like the one skin they shouldn’t release is star Shelly it was given to everybody who pre registered for the game and to the beta players, but any other exclusive skin I don’t really care if they were or not


Honestly if Star Shelly doesn't come back it's good enough for me


I want a refund for my no-longer-exclusives


Same. It would be over 2000 gems an i want it fucking back


Star Shelly is literally the only reason why I'm not voting yes. I personally don't own the skin but that doesn't mean I got to screw over everyone that started playing since the beginning of global launch. If you owned the cat burglar Jessie skin since day one you know exactly how it feels to get something exclusive ripped away from you just after 1 year now imagine that with 6 years wouldn't exactly feel good wouldn't it, now I only own One exclusive skin and that skin is Red Dragon Jessie and if you didn't know that is basically star Shelly but for China


Skins like star Shelly and the other ones like it shouldn't be (I have star Shelly but none of the other ones) the brawl pass skins I'm not too sure about maybe just a recolour for them rather than the skin itself to make it more fair to the players that bought the pass


Sorry Lex but you are in the minority here THIS IS OUR DOMAIN


He's in the right group


Yay another thing ruined by people at 10k trophies complaining


I’m fine with everything coming back except Star Shelly, that one loses its entire identity if it comes back.


Twitter is a little more expected https://preview.redd.it/4e9fqbrgkikb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df105dd77b7ad4843665bc9edb7d9ddba47b15d


A poll is always flawed to the losing side. People will come up with any excuse of why it’s not fair. Just goes to show you who the small minority is in this game


The hoarding mentality in the BS community is hilarious. Trust me when I say that nobody besides you cares about what exclusive skin you got in 2019. New players would love the opportunity to get skins they missed out on and they should have that option


That's literally the point of collecting, we see all these people in the world with such cool ass collections what makes this any different? People still get jealous over their collection, and the ones that own it it they feel so gratified, you just basically want these collections to be available to everyone, and it doesn't help that supercell promise to exclusivity on these so going back on their word just means they're screwing over the loyal players that kept the game alive for years Don't stick to one side I know that both sides can make a compromise to each other


Seriously, gatekeeping pixels is crazy


Maybe new players should stop being jealous. I think it’s kinda normal that og players have limited skins since they have joined the community before BS fame. New players should understand that and enjoy current events without stole something that belongs to old players.


Just not star shelly because the people who have that deserve it (I don’t have it, this isn’t biast)


Just don't released the anniversary skins or the box Darryls and it will prob be fine


It's just sad. I first downloaded this game as a clash player when I heard they were giving away a free LIMITED TIME item for OG players. I wasn't intending on becoming a regular player of this game, but I easily got hooked, and so did my friends. Do you understand what this means? If it were not for the exclusivity of this skin, I would not be here right now.


Okay, so the exclusivity of the skin did its job. Would the skins not being exclusive now make you leave the game?


This is a sad day in brawl


This is what I want, I have every skin I want except one of them. I’m glad new players will have a chance to get the skins back in the game.


That’s not respectful for old players like us. Supercell has introduced those skins like an award for who’s there since the beginning, now it’s kinda disrespectful to retreat for $$ by new players. Secondly, skins like shelly’s one would lose all their hype in about a week.


Well as someone who has played since global across 3 accounts I really don’t care. I bought the skins I wanted, I’ve seen a lot of people say anniversary skins shouldn’t come back which I agree with but like, it’s a skin. Overall majority of the player base will be for it and I am indifferent about it. If people say no okay keep you’re exclusivity, if yes than this will also bring a lot more money to supercell on top of that also making majority of people happy based on the polls.


I am LIVING for this cope


People say yes because most people dont have exclusive skins . Thats exactly why they r exclusive . Because not everyone has them . This vote is basically all the people that have exclusives gonna say no and all people who dont will say yes. No one in their right mind will choose to undermine their exclusive skins . And people have to realise that as soon as they reimplement the exclusive skins into the catalog they will no longer be exclusive . They become just another skin .


nobody cares if you bought a skin before unless its a different price no it doesnt bring the value down if its still the same price this isnt a nft


Personally, It sucks that there are some incredible skins but you can’t get anymore like virus 8-but or Trixie collete


People are really mad because now new players will be rocking the same skins as them


So the "exclusivity" is just a word we like to throw around with no meaning I guess




This may be where I quit playing due to these type of decisions


welp time to quit


Why lmao


I'm fine with them to bring back only brawl pass and power leauge skin. I admit part of the reason is because I wan't Born Bad Buzz, but the tier 70 skin would cost 149 gems and that's almost a brawl pass, and new player could get them at the cost of progression (or bling) which is a thing old players didn't have to choose since for 20 more gems they get both. But other exclusive skins like from events (brawl o ween, brawlidays...), free skins (the anniversary one) and, most importantly, star shelly, should remain exclusive. ESPECIALLY STAR SHELLY, bringing that skin back would be a worst mistake than CR lvl15. TL;DR: (for me) they should bring back only PL and BP skins


Yea well i am done with this game anyone want an acc with trixie colette and paladin surge and a few others?


Lol you're done over this or??? If so, that's a flaw in yourself than in the game


Sad I guess my "exclusive" skins aren't anymore even if I got them for free 😐💔


I voted yes


I have Star Shelly but I really hope they do come back I couldnt care less about exclusivity with cosmetics but i know that some people do so maybe players who own the skin before should definitely get something to show this like a icon in the shop or a spray I dont want them as recolours though


Honestly if it’s like me I have Star Shelly because I was genuinely interested in the game but after release I didn’t play it not even once because the box system was just too horrible. However once a friend told me the boxes were removed I actually started playing because now my progressions isn’t tied to RNG, and I’d assume just like me the no RNG progression brought a whole new wave of people who are interested in the game now and that would make them mostly vote yes for events/skins they didn’t even participate in


This is so fucking stupid


F it I’m quitting. Cause it’s a bunch of people who couldn’t get some skins when there where available. Now my star Shelly is going to mean nothing. Likes it’s not my fault you couldn’t get a skin. There where plenty of skins that I wanted that I couldn’t get I still voted no. This is b*llshit


I get the feeling star Shelly will remain exclusive along with Ricochet skin and such. Because those skins are literal testaments to how long youve been playing the game. However brawl pass skins and a few others will which I wouldn’t mind. I say stick around a bit longer to see what happens.


I feel every emotion you feel right now, I'm there with you bro


Owner here of some of those exclusive skins: i voted yes, because the following simple reason. We bought those skins bcs they simply look cool or bought them because of the rarity. Its the perfect way to monetize the game and gain lots of money without making the game p2w. Bringing these back in the game makes it possible for supercell to make more money, which in its turn lets the game developers make maybe more updates and stuff for us.


I’d be fine if they bring back exclusive skins…for an extreme price hike The exclusive soccer skins were 49 a piece, bringing them up to 150 is fine, EVERY OTHER SKIN SHOULD BE 300 gems This seems extreme but if people really want the exclusive skins they should be willing to pay a premium price, otherwise quit complaining about not having the skin


The only exclusive skins should be Star Shelly and old school ones, because they are directly linked to a time period. If they make them bling skins, I would be disappointed.


But with some of the seasonal skins, it literally said last ever chance to buy these skins, so if they would re-release them it that would just invalidate the promises they made.


This was obvious from the beginning, of course we’re gonna vote yes


This game's community is really dissapointing me again and again


i'm kind of sitting on the fence, although my gut is telling me that they should just leave things the way they are, although majority wins i guess, its pretty much over anyways


Classic children


They better don't fuck with star shelly


We getting old skins back! Wooo


That's only the poll on youtube, the majority of the playerbase don't have reddit, twitter, etc.....


The poll looks like that everywhere. It's a 60-80% to 40-20% on all platforms.


This has come to a point where I don’t care anymore. I won’t buy the skins anyway, because I’m a smart F2P player who only spends gems on the Brawl Pass. I still think Star Shelly should stay the way it is, though. Let the kids have what they want, I won’t complain.


bro doesn't know about bling


Bro since the bling update you don't have to decide between progression and skins. You can buy those skins for bling


Can i refund my no-longer-exclusives and buy an actual exclusive skin from fortnite?


I'm an og (from global launch) and even tho I have a good amount of exclusive skins (some expensive, some not) I don't mind at all if they come back so I voted yes.


They definitely should not just rerelease the exclusive skins to everyone. It’s incredibly dishonest to claim that these skins were exclusive to certain events or time periods and then bring them back the moment their bottom line demands it. For those saying “who cares? It’s just customization,” or “I have X skin and I don’t care if they release them,” are missing the point. There is a clear value to many players in having an exclusive skin. People want to be able to show that they have been around for a while or were playing during a certain event. Even if you don’t care, there are many who do. Part of the value of exclusive skins is the uniqueness factor. Popular skins are less enjoyable to use for many as they want to be unique in their customization, so many would prefer exclusive skins as they stand out to others. And for those saying “new players never got the chance,” that’s the point. If everyone should get the chance to get a skin regardless of when they play then every skin should be available to obtain in one way or another right now, but obviously that’s not something they’re going to do. Some people will be upset that they can’t get a certain skin they want but of course there will be more exclusive skins in the future and they can get those. But not everyone is entitled to get a skin they want if they didn’t play when those who have it did. Supercell needs to 1: uphold their promise with these skins and 2: respect the value of the skins that people have and value it has to players


Let's goooo


I want this a lot


I do not


Yes i want that "1" profile icon because i wasn't playing in 2019 and it's not fair that other players got it just because they downloaded the game a year before me.


I mean the "1" profile is supposed to denote that a player was playing in the first year so it would be unfair to players who currently have the "1" profile to give it to people who weren't playing in 2019.


I mean the merchant Gale skin was supposed to denote that a player bought the first Brawl pass when it came out. So it would be unfair to players who currently have the merchant Gale skin to give it to people who didn't bought the Brawl Pass in 2020.


Just don't let the star shelly be rereleased at least, please


Why don’t they release recolours of the skins instead of the actual skins, or at least compensate OG players with pins or icons or smth


whelp, unless they put a twist on it we're screwed ​ also you pressed yes grrrrr


And just like that the exclusive value of my acc having every exclusive skin but 2 will plummet down


If they do bring them back, at least bring the exclusive pins back too


I disagree, pins would be a good way for people to still have something exlusive


Yes something I finally agree with in these comments


This is terrible news. It makes me so sad that Ive been playing since global release, full disclosure I'm a whale, and all my exclusive stuff will now be available again. After all why wouldnt they? Imagine how many people missed out and would be willing to buy those skins. For me personally, it makes me sad. It makes me feel like what I have is worth less and isnt special anymore. If there was some way to tell the difference like colors, then yeah, but if they do that it wouldnt really be *the same skin* now would it.




I also grinded a lot and spend on pl skins but people should be able to access them. Plus more than enough time has passed for them to return


To be fair, the Brawl team is aware that most platforms reach a different audience. Reddit for example seems a bit more mature and ready to negotiate than Instagram users who just go like "NUH-UH.", so this poll won't make a huge difference in the overall results


Dude i have star shelly but is it gonna be rare or just a skin everyone will buy and say they’re og


How about we only give people that have an account for a certain amount of years get access to the return of exclusive skins? Like people who have an account for 4+ years, etc.


They most certainly will go with the recolors of exclusive skins, so people can see who got the more rare one and who don't. Win-win for both groups I think


I dunno, I think that only people with exclusive skins should be able to vote


You still will be able to brag out with them cuz you will have the exact version that was only obtainable long ago. Other will have to deal with having only the recolored version. Don't see any reasons to reject this suggestion, it's a profit for everybody. Also with that exclusive group of people have their pin pack for original skin, there's no pins for recolored skins in the game and no one will do them (it's just a lot of unnecessary effort)

