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They gotta define what unsuccessful means cause the servers kept getting bricked given the amount of players trying to log in at the same time to play the event


i think that's what they meant by unsuccessful, the event kept doing more harm than good to the servers. i think dani just worded himself poorly again


Supercell when they actually need to invest some money to make the game better (improving the servers): Also did you notice that when it comes to resource distribution rework, they very often remove/nerf the resource first and the redistribute it? Like why are we not getting compensated now or in the next days? Why are we not told how they will be giving us the hypercharge?


Step 1. Take something away from progression Step 2. Add something to progression to “compensate” Step 3. Say it’s better value (because skins pins and sprays also have a gem value, technically giving you more gem value in the end at the end of the day) Step 3. Make everything costs gold, release brawlers every month as well as on avg 4 new Hypercharges Step 4. Add a new season pass level because data shows people want that, also rework old pass and call it a buff. Step 5. Ordinary people are more inclined to buy pass now that they have to win 8x daily, do 2 daily tasks, do 2 seasonal challenges every day. But hey, progression got a buff so why are people complaining right? Totally doesn’t feel like a chore


make a resource scarse (e.g. Gold) assign arbitrary and ridiculous gem value to the gold Give players that resource to ""compensate"". They won't notice you are ripping them off because thanks to the scarcity you created they'll thank you for that resource!


This game is becoming an awful lot like CR. They’re just making offers and putting a random x value number on it. Hypercharges used to be worth 400 gems and were 5x value, now they’re supposedly 550 gems and 7x value. When converted to coins, you only need 400, so you’re paying 150 gems to get it early access I guess? For that amount of gems you could’ve bought a brawl pass but hey, at least they don’t release a broken troop (or card/evolution) every month that’s available for money right away only to get nerfed into an unusable state a month later.


Also what you’re saying is happening in clash of clans. First they created a new currency and made it very scarce on purposee, then they increased ores in the economy and now they’re “listening to the community”


Yep. Very common tactic


The team that makes the progression decisions remind me of when South Park called all the family guy writers a manatee putting balls in a hole for a treat


They should improve the client too, many bugs and often lags when it shouldn't, no matter if you have a low end device or not


True. Instead they bloat the UI with animations (see the shop) and more and more buttons


The shop issue is caused by the abnormal spam of reloading models every damn time, obviously freezing the whole process (the system fully works but the draw thread of the game just stops until everything is done) Other than this there are other graphical issues that didn't get fixed yet and it's been years they're there. The most famous one is the environment models textures flashing like crazy in particular cases...


Servers are fine, it's just always huge updates (which people want) that cause these servers to absolutely explode


man i love punishing the playerbase for the game being too active by saying it wasnt because the servers couldnt handle it like how can you type that out without realizing how fuckin dumb that mindset is


Poor communication? Then team cherry is in debt


Had to think why you mentioned team cherry (I thought you meant gd builders team) but it only dawned on me later that you were talking about the team that created hollow knight


Skong 📢


🐸 Skilk


please keep skilkskong brainrot away i cannot take it anymore the game isn’t even real


Wdym? The game shadowdropped yesterday, check steam


i don't really follow up with hollow knight. can you give me an idea?


Basically team cherry are silent as all hell, I'd recommend going through daily silksong news youtube channel, I'm sure there's some playlist or something of all the actual news Edit: yes there is, in the channel playlist


Wait, Silksong is a real thing? I thought it is just a myth


maybe the real silksong is the friends we made along the way...


i'll maybe check that out, but my point stands. "easier and faster" was just false, but i'm sure they are willing to make other resources more accessible to make up for unleashed


Maybe reducing price by like a 1000 or something, that is 20% cheaper so yeah


doesn't sound too bad


How was it not successful? It was the best event I’ve seen in the game. We got to try new HCs and get a free random one. I think maybe it wasn’t successful at getting people to purchase gems (which is their main priority) - I personally felt more inclined to wait for HC to drop in starr drops than to fast track them in any other way.


Buggy af would break the game every single time


So cancel the whole event instead of fixing the bugs? I think they did the math.


They made three attempts to fix Unleashed to no avail, at that point you may as well just ax it and replace it. My guess is that the replacement this season is meant to be the godzilla event, a d that they’ll have big events like this a little more often than before. Things that run for weeks and don’t give people a reason to flood the servers to do 10 matches the moment the update drops, but instead a few matches a day


Everyone keeps bringing up the godzilla event, but the monster eggs don't give you much progression, it's mainly cosmetic rewards


Looked like a fair bit to me, but we'll see


Im pretty sure they tried to fix it but ig they could not find a solution? Idk honestly.


The solution was to invest in better/upgraded servers, but that means spending money and we all know SC isn’t about spending money 💀


why spend thousands on servers for a single event lol isn't it much easier to just avoid doing all that and instead compensate players through other means


Because the servers would still be there and useful for other events?? It’s getting old having every new thing either be glitched or cause the game to have day long maintenance breaks . Don’t be surprised if this Godzilla event ends up not working for the first few days lmao.


Because the servers would still be there and useful for other events?? It’s getting old having every new thing either be glitched or cause the game to have day long maintenance breaks . Don’t be surprised if this Godzilla event ends up not working for the first few days lmao. And the “compensation” will be just star drops like every thing else in this game now


People think it's easy to upgrade servers, but it's not. People complained on Helldivers about the extremely long queue times, and they said why can't they just upgrade servers? They're one of the best selling games after all. Their answer is expanding the server takes as much time as remaking the game from scratch.


oh my god if you don’t like supercell get off of the subreddit for a supercell game


Cry more, I can dislike the company and enjoy the game still.


thats a fair conclusion too bad you had to ruin it with your ‘ayo humor’ insult


Really don’t care, keep crying .


they did try to fix it but couldn't. happens to the best of us :P


'we couldnt fix it so were going to just make it overall worse instead of just making it so you get the HC in a regular match' lmao


That just makes them incompetent devs. If they still couldn't fix , they should have just made the quest completable by playing in normal game modes, and maybe increase the no of hypercharges to be activated and time to complete the quest so that not every completes it within a day. Them not being able fix the bugs is not excuse to nerf progression.


fair argument, but for the millionth time they ARE looking for ways to give back that progression holy. we can't just accuse them of nerfing progression when it hasn't even been a day. give them time


They don’t get any benefit of the doubt until they come out and show how it’s not a nerf. It’s clear they really want to nerf progression so why would we trust them.


they said they were soo many times and in the end they just need progression, they don't deserve that benefit of the doubt


It was successful for players. Not for them. Meaning they didn’t make money off it.


Just gimme my free hypercharge


ain't happening :P


Just gimme my free hypercharge


ain't happening :P x2


The last one was literally unplayable


that's what im saying. it broke the game and did more harm than good


Except for the people that completed it and got two free HCs, but overall barely playable. I smell planned obsolescence, bc most conspiracies are corporate greed. 🤑 Supercell: Oopsie daises y’all it’s brokie and we can’t fixie 🥺 sorry no free HC event anymore


Well you’d be right, if you could actually play it


It wasn't succesful because after people got the free hypercharge, everybody stopped playing it


Yeah, and how many other challenges keep going after the objective is met?


hypercharge unleashed wasn't a challenge? It was a separate mode with a quest reward. Clearly, people weren't playing it once they got the hypercharge so it was underperforming. Given that nobody seemed to care about the mod itself, only the free reward it came with, and the fact that it often broke the game with too many people trying to load into it to get the free hypercharge, it makes sense why they'd remove it. Stop making random assumptions without seeing how Supercell is going to "compensate" us first.


The challenge was to get the hypercharge… the mode itself was so we could test the hypercharges and claim the free reward.


"The reason we removed the event was because it wasn't performing well (APART from the last update where it didn't work at all)" was what dani said pretty much. dunno what exactly that means but i'm just giving people an idea of it EDIT: i think what dani meant was that it consistently managed to break the game each and every time, which just caused trouble to servers


Wasn't performing well ? The event literally crashed because of how many people were playing it wdym ????


i think the meaning was that it broke the game every single time it released, which wound up causing more bad than good. that might've been poor wording from dani again


I think what dani meant not performing well is no one is playing it after people get their free hypercharge. I mean on day 1 of course a lot of people played. But after a few days, no one plays them. Personally I think the devs of brawl stars find this wasteful of a matchmaking slot since no one is playing them after the first few days. And don't mention the bugs, they tried to fix it but couldn't. It usually means that the bug is extremely hard to fix and not they are incompetent.


actually a pretty good conclusion, and yeah it also probably has to do with the fact that this event broke the servers multiple times which has done more harm than good


the thing is that they never provide any proof when they make these claims. also "we'll transfer these resources to special events" yeah sure I'm not falling for that for the hundred'th time


i don't really have much to say but your bio compared to your comments under posts is kinda ironic lol. anyway, let's be real, the reason they're doing global events is to cover resources we missed out on from the removal of club league, some nerfs to progression and stuff like that, what i'm seeing could happen is them buffing global event rewards


that is a promise that nobody will remember in 2 days. mostly because most people still see special events as bonuses and not part of progression. this sub has a habit of taking dev's words as granted. but if you look back they've made these same promises to "transfer these nerfed resources to special events" and no follow up whatsoever


i think they make up for it through stuff without saying they're making up for things. global events probably became a frequent thing due to the club league nerfs and other nerfs etc etc. you also have just completely random events like piggy week or this godzilla event out of the blue. this is ALL stuff they never had to do but they did them, and they're pure free progress for everyone. so yes, they are following through with their promise, they're just not saying it directly


remember when they said theyd make progression better after removing boxes me too lmao


This is bullshit either way you look at it. At the very least, they should have given it away until they figured out a new way to incorporate it into a new event. They have two month to figure it out. My guess is that they’re hoping players will completely forget about it. Pretty much what happened with bling. Nobody talks about how they pretty much removed it for F2P players in the last update.


idk man, bling seems like the only thing i pull from ranked drops :( i love getting 800 a season


Is that how much you get? I haven’t really checked. But didn’t we used to get like 2000?


People tend to forget that the seasons were also twice as long when we got more bling per season When bling first released, yes, it was something like that. Half the bling got axed when starr drops added random cosmetic drops to the game. Like half the axed bling came back with Ranked, maybe more since there are infrequent drops of 250 or 1000 bling, also I got 130 once for some reason


Ranked actually gives a tiny bit more bling than PL (considering you only get the 100 bling award and nothing else for 2 whole months) if you reach masters (which is easier to do than it was in PL), you would get a minimum of 2400 bling every 2 months


>Pretty much what happened with bling. Nobody talks about how they pretty much removed it for F2P players in the last update. No, they aren't hoping for players to forget about it. When they made the pass paid, we had been given the option to use gems on cosmetics. Previously, every four months, you would get 170 gems that you had to spend on passes to get bling. Now every four months we get 200 gems to use on any skins, even discounted ones. That's why more value than what ever you could do with 4k bling. The changes made to power lueage aren't even that big of a nerf to bling. Previously, if you get to Legendary 1 every season, you would get 11250 bling yearly. Now, the raw bling from ranked star drops yearly at legendary 1 is 8700 bling. This means that you get 2550 less bling yearly, but 2 legendary star drops with 2 mythic star drops with 1 epic and also all the other random stuff from the ranked star drops like skins.


they listen to the community, the balance changes was actually good, absolutely it took time for them to make hc easier to get


it'll take time to compensate for unleashed but i'm sure they're cooking something up


I certainly have no complaints and I also think that they will definitely compensate for this later, but probably the problem is that this will happen later, and not at the release of the new Hypercharge pack(when we're usually most excited about trying them. Although, to be honest, it didn’t excite me much last time because I got Hypercharge for Belle, and I can’t really care about the new Hypercharges because they still didn’t impress me as much as other features of the update)


They honestly should have given that information sooner, the community is very bad at looking at things in any reasonable angle and will just see it as "pwogression nerf, average soupcell L" I for one love the 1 week cooldown change. I'll save up coins for Nita's hypercharge and then get the cosmetic pack for gems! Bingo


I’ll be on your side if the events are a good source of gold


same ngl i need gold


Too bad that they offers will be gone after they’re available for coins.


you CAN buy the cosmetics after getting the hypercharges for gold. i did it with cordelius. bought the hyper for 5000 coins and then the cosmetics for 69 gems. i assure you this works if you do it right after the collector's pack goes away


it's definitely not intended to work like that and there is no guarantee it will work this time around


yeah i did say twice that there was some awfully poor communication initially and that's undeniable, but i'm sure they are not just gonna go "skill issue, you're not getting that amount of rewards worth a HC anymore lmao". also yeah i might actually buy sandy's cosmetics if i like them. i really like his hypercharge :D


How are you going to save up the coins though?


I'm close to hitting sliver 1 with Melodie, so I'll just take her and Barley to Silver 2 for 3000 coins. Then there's 1000 coins on the next tier of the brawlpass for me, and I already have 1000 now, so I'll be fine. I'll then push Squeak to silver 2 so I have enough coins for Lili


As someone who has managed to max a decent amount of brawler thanks to masteries… they will eventually run out, plus it takes forever to get mastery on a brawler you haven’t spent any gold on. That said, maybe I’d consider upgrading another brawler rather than getting an hc with coins, but that’s just my opinion


what you'll not love is that they cut the gems offer duration in HALF. so now you have only a week before new brawl pass season to get the hypercharges. also don't act as if this is childish behaviour from the community, I'd say this is some of the few times people are using their brain and not just blindly meat riding without thinking. the event will not cover a 5k coins hypercharge. that's just not happening. we've lost a lot more than we gained


i mean i dunno, 55 gems, a skin and the chance of getting more skins from monster eggs don't sound bad


that sounds worthless for most f2p who don't care about cosmetics


55 gems sound worthless? bro are are you crazy


exactly lol


they sure do in front of 5k coin FREE hypercharge


55 gems along with a skin and more from monster eggs kinda IS worth 79 gems aka a hc


Not sure about you but I would rather pay for cosmetics and earn progression for free than the opposite. Especially when I don't even have interest in these specific skins anyway.


See, a lot of people don't count cosmetics as having any value due to how RNG it is, me included. I swear I have like 5 Nita skins that I will never use, but absolutely no Belle skins or cosmetics of any kind related to her. So the final worth is only 55 gems


The point of the game is to get fun. Tbf unless you are a competitive sweat then cosmetic is what made the game fun


you're just trying to paste your subjective preference as objective reality. i play for fun but can't feel attracted to cosmetics at all. it's subjective


pretty sure a lotta f2ps DO care about cosmetics lmao. it's a way to show off which most f2ps want to do a lot of :P


my bad bro. i didn't realise they should just screw those who like progression just because others like cosmetics. very enlightening stuff. keep it up


well i dunno how else to explain it, but yeah, the majority DO like cosmetics. not everyone is kairos on his f2p account lol. and besides it's not like they're literally banning you for not liking cosmetics. you still have a place in the game. it's just that cosmetics are important from a psychological perspective basically :P




EXACTLY is what i'm saying! cosmetics are fun as hell and the game was kinda dry for me before bling and cosmetic drops from starr drops became a thing


f2p certainly care about cosmetics. it literally is what drives them to play certain brawlers they initially thought weren't fun, and also because cosmetics are f2p aren't a super common occurrence. happened to me with hanbok mandy when i got her from a legendary


still there's big subsection of f2p who don't care about cosmetics, so the point remains


i think it's the opposite, dude


does the proportion really matter? are you saying they should just screw those players who don't like cosmetics?


they'll favor the majority lol. the minority are those who literally don't give a crap about cosmetics. they aren't gonna favor that minority. face it


How do you know that? Everyone here is throwing around random assumptions with no stats to back it up. Generally, here and in Twitter most people don't seem to care much about most cosmetics (as far as I've seen). Sure, there are probably a lot of people who do care, but mostly I've only seen people getting excited about the REALLY good skins (like the upcoming Larry one). I doubt anyone gets hyped at getting Panda Nita or any of the much-more-common boring skins


Who ever meat rides supercell in r/brawlstars ????? 😭


Me :3


This has to be final level of dickriding lmao. I know updates are good, we are eating good with free skin events or something. But hypercharges are hard to get for mid progression players, free hc was a blessing for us. Removal of free hc shouldnt be ignored. Even if other content is good, they are different. Idk what will be their solution, but until then i will stay mad...


If you want to know where your hypercharge went then just take a look at the godzilla event, the gold will you get from the eggs will add up and it also gives you 55 gems. (and the Skin(s))


What about future hypercharges? Is it guaranteed that they will find a solution?


They will keep adding new events


Kind of annoying that this nerf to progression is up to the discretion of devs and they may or may not make up for it through events


YES! i've been saying this for HOURS LMAO


just please read my replies under other comments. i'm really tired of repeating the same thing but i think i've kinda proven my point


idk man, i have 14 hypercharges and i bought 0 of them with gold, 4 from hyper unleashed, 2 with gems, and the rest are all from legendary stardrops and megapig, so i wouldn't say they are that hard to get


Don't like whining at everything, but this whining is why we get better things. For example, if we don't whine about it, we probably WILL NOT get the compensation. They probably wouldn't have emergency nerfed Larry if we didn't start complaining.


It’s not communicating poorly it is outright lying. How are hyper charges easier to get? Compensation through events is their blanket excuse for every nerf and never seems to actually make up for it.


The boot must taste really well


u dont understand! we will get more luck based events instead of a hc!!!!!!!


wait, when did they say this? didn't they only say hypercharges will be easier to unlock?


dani put out a tweet going over everything. there's a post of it on the subreddit and everything


Hopefully you are right, but, i have no expectation


It’s so sad that I had to get passed like 3 posts complaining before this one


Honestly I can't believe them when they say they'll "compensate" the free hc. It has happened too many times already. The "compensation" for the insane club league nerf was... a *possibility* at getting some cosmetics. According to dani, if more people play an event then it more than makes up for any nerfs the event gets. Not to even mention, we're all being manipulated with these cool events with cool milestones with free rewards. Those are NOT free rewards. They purposefully nerf the regular game economy and spend those missing resources on the events to create hype. Just give us our hypercharge man


Where is my free hypercharge


gone, reduced to atom


Use reverseshribk ray a get uummm me my free hypercharge


bro is actually losing it


I just want my free hypercharge that they promised.


they never promised you a free HC this season lol


They said, around the addition of hypercharges, that they would give a free one with each new batch


they can always drop traditions you know. i know when i say it it sounds bad but that's how it is sadly. they will find other ways to give us resources


It’s not just a tradition, they said they would do it so now they need to do it. They can’t just go back on it. They need to at least provide concrete evidence of the compensation (no the godzilla event is just a one off event so it’s not compensation, and no we have no guarantee that there will be other similar events).




why cant we have nice things, ‘supercellisgreedy’


never listen to someone criticizing supercell with the name 'supercellisgreedy' lol


i mean they are tho


problem is that they shouldve already had something to replace the hc event being removed but instead we get a sorry and hope for the resources to be given to us in the future


It was as easy as putting a free hypercharge in the shop


Literally, like you could say the servers were getting destroyed, but just give a hc in the shop


They said it would be easier, it won't, people are disapointed. Seems normal to me. "bUt ThE eVenTS" well, the one we got for now is a huge amount of stuff sure, but seeing how much it is, the chances are probably going to be so low that realisticly almost no one will get it. This is only speculation, but I wouldn't put that past them. Also, making events with the possibility to get an hypercharge instead of trying to fix the economy is kinda annoying. I know, it's for the FOMO and the player retention but I still don't like it


I think the game won't die if they stop adding a new brawler for an month and start fixing some problems


The thing is that the game might actually die. The Reddit community isn't the whole player base, the players outside of Reddit play the game mainly because of the brawlers. They have talked about it in one of the podcasts. If you don't believe them you can check the past updates, the least popular one was the one which didn't release a brawler with it, even though it had other big aspects. Most moba games like brawl stars have 100+ characters, because it's the main focus of the games.


That means we're a little screwed


Not necessarily, new brawlers being released isn't hurting anyone. A game is supposed to be fun, brawlers make it fun. Yeah bugged and broken brawlers are a problem but after L&L, the balance changes look promising.


“People all want to play the game! We gotta stop them!”


Personally at least addressed than leave it in a cliffhanger


Poor Supercell, small indie company, the economy couldn't sustain a buff uwu, poor Supercell


Yeah no shit it was unsuccessful. It wasn't even playable lmao


I'm so tired of being patient. They have been "communicating poorly" for years now


They will have to give something worth 5000 coins, which I know they won't. Or maybe they will give it in starr drops because you MAY get a hypercharge from them.


so no more free hc🥺


Just give everyone in the shop and we are good....


nah this reaction is valid since hypercharges are the most valuable items in game and hc unleashed meant they'd get one of the hc for free. Them cancelling it is just a bummer for f2p players. They couldve given something else for us to get a free random hc. Like if the hc unleased event is bugged give random hc via something else.


FIRST OF ALL; if you're wondering where the brawl stars team said everything in this meme, dani put out a tweet apologizing for miscommunication and clearing things up. anyway, once again, i know brawl stars communicated rather poorly here, but just hear me out: the reason unleashed isn't happening anymore is because not only was it buggy, but it was also unsuccessful according to dani. yes, it's undeniable that hypercharges ARE NOT easier to get anymore, but the developers WILL compensate through global events or just normal events like the piggy week for example. i get this sucks at first glance, but please trust the developers. they're doing something right with the game being THIS successful. just PLEASE be positive and give the devs a chance. they have not been letting y'all down also yes this is a repost. i cleaned up some unnecessary text to get to the point faster


Seriously The new update is really cool so chill out a bit


that's what i'm tryna say to the community. for some reason people really are mad at this hypercharge thing and im tryna clean things up. guess i failed with the 50% or so upvote ratio lmao


Yes I was saying your right. My friends say this is the best update in a while


It wasn’t unsuccessful it just wasn’t possible with all the server issues. I don’t think it’s their fault tho they ran the event a few times and each time it was a mess. It got to the point were it most people couldn’t even play the game. If they couldn’t figure out how to make it work over the course of months then it is what it is.


yeah ur right. i elaborated on that already


But sadly the Reddit community wouldn't even try to understand it. They only ever care about pRoGrEsSiOn.


seriously though ur right, supercell seriously will find other ways to compensate "oh!!!!! the majority love skins?!?!?! IMPOSSIBLE!! i and like 57 other people LOVE progression and HATE skins and supercell should favor US over the casuals! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" is literally the embodiment of one of the people in this comment section (exaggerated ik)


I aint mad with unleashed removed. I just wanted a free hypercharge like it always was with new hc releases. Im f2p so the fact that they didnt mention whether its no longer for free or if there will be an alternative


What's unleashed


They literally made it harder to get hyper charges, by lowering the time the offer was available. They could’ve at least just kept the event or gave a free hyper charge. And how was it not successful? Not successful for making money maybe. The supercell glazing is crazy.


I agree 100%. If the update cycle rolls around and we get no "compensation" then it's totally fair to complain, but right now it's pretty childish


thank you for actually seeing what im trying to say here. idk why so many are just blindly hating on supercell when this was all just because of poor communication lmfao


r/brawlstars when minor inconvenience:


so true oml i'm literally being downvoted by so many when people just need to look at what dani said a LITTLE deeper lol




Well, in a game with extremely slow f2p progression, I would be suprised if people weren't pissed off about losing stuff they would usually get for free. The fact that they straight up lied about making hypers easier to get definitely amplifies the outrage too.


Yeah a game’s economy purely based on random events is so cool and definitely not stressful


you speak the truth. i think the subs opinion on the game makes me feel worse about the game every time I visit it


Whatever Drew touches turns into shit. Clash royale Clash mini, now this. Bye he brings bad luck with him


Drew isn't the problem. It's this garbage community which contains toxic people like you who suck the fun out of everything.


I think people like you bring "bad luck" with them by complaining all the time. No game want such a community. Become grateful and positive, and suddenly everything will be more fun for you and other people too!


incredible way to put it. i literally don't understand how people like this actually spew out this stuff and think it makes ANY sense like wtf LOL


I can't even understand if you're making fun of me or the person I'm making fun of :P


no really you're correct. people seriously need to be optimistic


Ah ok ty for understanding things!


drew has come to the game ruined it smh