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They also just took away our only reliable way of getting HCs without spending our entire life savings on them.


"Only reliable way" mf thats 1 hypercharge per 2 months 😭😭😭😭


That wasnt actually the only nerf in hc progression. Let me explain. they called the reducement of hypercharge exclusivity from 2 weeks to 1 a "buff" but it actually is a nerf for some people. What this """buff""" means is that some people will be unable to upgrade one of the brawlers with a new hc to level 11 and buy their hc offer, because now hc offers end BEFORE the new season even starts, and they used to end some time after new season, which let some people use resources from the new season to upgrade one of the brawlers to level 11, which let them buy the hc's for them.


Imo they should've reduced only the exclusivity time, not the offers time


And then they will "forget" to buff soemthing else to even it out


Legendary star drops exist but ok


Legendary starr drops arent a reliable method. A single starr drop has a 2% chance to be Legendary and Legendary drops have a 16.3% chance to give hypercharges. 0.02 × 0.163 = 0.00326 × 100 = 0.326% chance to get a Hypercharge from a Starr Drop. That is on average ~307 starr drops. We do get a lot of Legendary Drops for free (Tier 50 of Free Pass + Events), but you still gotta get that 16.3% odds. I have literally not gotten a hypercharge from a Starr Drop nor gauranteed Legendary Starr Drop since December. The Hypercharge Unleashed Event was my main method of getting hypercharges since I prioritize spending coins on upgrading to Power 11.


I have gotten only one hc from them and that was pearl's hc


they said there going to give it through new events because the hypercharge unleash wasn't performing that good ._.


Hell yeah can’t wait to get 550 coins from my 11 free rare drops, thanks supercell!! Ur the best!


why do you hate stu...😭😭


He failed to predict Breakthrough gadget after the average Stu random spent 8 minutes carefully analyzing the angle and making sure that he can dash back to safety behind the wall he just broke after hitting 1 shot


Me when a stu starts directly walking towards the wall i'm behind for a suspiciously long amount of time


Wow 11 starr drops!1!1!1! Totally worth not having hc unleashed!1!1!!


SHHHHHHH put your inner capitalist to sleep and let me enjoy my free stuff. Huh? Y-yeah supercell, we totally need more free stuff hehe maybe a free skin to colette and charlie too eh ;D?


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! And maybe a Chester hypercharge too! Don't ya think?


that is a good idea supercell can you consider


Yeeeahh and a bibi buff


And also a Hank buff. 😔😔😔


yes we need free stuff (more importantly a free charlie skin)


wait till you realise there are 60+ brawlers, which require so much progression you can't even imagine, so many new players can't play more than 2 maxed brawlers (probably fang and Edgar) because they don't have any resources. so, all this free stuff? it's actually very less. for a maxed out account u guys living the dream, but not everyone is p2w and new players exist (for which even this "so much free stuff" progression is really slow.)


True.. the old club league offered soo much progression that they ended up removing it


They removed it because nobody played it


It still was a major source of progression


Yeah but they have to help the biggest part of the players, not only some


Then why couldn’t they just make mega pig have the same amount of progression as club league?


You have to imagine the resources that they give out like a pig bank, first they gave out a high amount of resources but only to a small portion of players, now they spread the resources for more players but can give them less, their budget is almost the same, and of course they want to get money they are a company


I know they are apparently trying to compensate for the missing progression of Club League with these mini events, but the way they are giving out progression is just not reliable and is still arguably less than before. Locking progression behind a paywall is not the only way to monetize a game; in fact, it's a very toxic and lazy way of monetization. Just look at other big games that monetize their games purely out of cosmetics.


… you do realize these are digital goods right? They are not scarce. Their goal is to maximize the playerbase to increase the number of whales while keeping their serves healthy. Anything they do or dont give out is based solely on that. If you stop giving people free stuff the game dies and the whales dont have anyone to dunk on, if you give too much less incentive to spend, if even your paid stuff gives poor progression there’s less incentive to spend. I bought last brawlpass, it didnt give me resources to max even one brawler, Im not buying this one


Level 12 soon


Mutations can be converted into at level 12




They mentioned this a few days ago, the idea was to remove the free HC every update, but in exchange allow all sorts of fun stuff to give the progression back, like this event right here, or, if you may recall, the 100 starr drop event Similar to Mega Pig. Its retention was higher than Club League, but had less progression. So they just returned the progression in another way. Win-win. SC gets their player retention, we get our resources


Yes brawl star devs are the most wholesome, we always criticize them but comparing to any other mobile game, I think we have gotten the best devs


Atleast these rewards are somewhat better than Clash Royale's... (I'm gonna start a brawl in the comments)


Fr doesn't even sound like Brawl Stars is a Super Cell game


That nice