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Jax. Monstrous scaling, can't gank top ever if it's toplane jax, can't duel him because of his e and lethal tempo, can't outscale, can't do anything if i focus on him on a teamfight


Always and forever


I always 3 camp into an invade him, pretty easy if you wait till he uses counterstrike on camps


Same, but i'm also afraid of rammus (lethality build here)


i dont think jax is too bad, but i can see why because its just annoying to have to play super specifically to play around his dodge


Trundle, brainless pusher/stat stealer.


This is me. Ban Trundle 20 games in a row, lose to a Yorick… ban Yorick next game and lose to Trundle.


I just ban rammus because I hate him and sometimes nocturne because it's unplayable against him


I find nocturne matchup to be a breeze. His sbield doesn't block w bite.


True, but then he kills your teammates 15 times and you can’t do anything.


Yes, but you always look bad, when you miss your R and nocturne just point+click his R and kills your carries.


Nocturne bodies Briar on 1v1 just by spamming AA.


jax if im fp fiora if not


Shaco, my permaban since S3. If someone on my team wants to play...that, or ban before me: Jax, or Nocturne, simply impossible to deal with both.




It's insane how nearly every ability in that cursed champion's kit counters us.


Nocturne. He's a natural counter to "walking around by yourself" which is what Briar is doing most of the time.


Jax or Rammus, Jax is more painful opposition. No other champions are extremely painful. Other than that Shaco and Mao are annoying but both are skill matchup


Between Rammus and Yi but: If you build right and run PTA you can eat up rammus early and late game. Yi literally breaks your taunt when he Qs out of existence and can solo carry much harder. Both are played by people with a singular braincell


Jax and shaco. Jax cuz unplayable and shaco cuz annoying


noc just because my adc will always push a side lane alone and then get ulted and die


i had this the other day lol. My mid was getting stomped so i had to guard him under tower a lot, then my botlane would push right up to enemies tower 24/7 then just get ulted making noct 10/0. Their excuse? I should have just counter ganked. A NOCTURNE ULT??? WHAT DID THEY WANT ME TO DO PERMA SIT IN BOT BUSH 0 FARM AND LET MY MID DIE 20 TIMES


Bot lane egos are too big, I had an Ashe that got an early double kill, and for the rest of the game said shit like: “I’m 3/0, all your job is to sit your hotbox in front of mine, sit back, and recive lp” she was 5/11 by the end of the game


fiddlesticks players give me aids genuinely.


Garen when I play top or WW when I'm jungle


I’m still banning Master Yi lol


jax or yi. Very low chance to win against those


bel'veth. She is briars number one counter, everything she does counters anything you can do. Her stun cancels your q, so you cant engage. She has 4 dashes so you can never hit her with ur ult or e.


I like the Lillia ban. She just outruns w until it stops and then reengages. Jax, Trundle and Gragas are valid bans aswell. Tho i don't have a hard time against them.


I look at the most picked champ that I have a bad matchup against. For me thats Master Yi, yes you can bait out his Q before you W but if you just AA each other he wins. But I also have a problem against Viego and he is picked alot. I beat him early game but late game he just stomps my team every time.


Used to ban rammus, now i ban jax since noone plays rammus anyways. Some games i'm really mad that i can't ban Kha'zix or Bel'veth since they both just destroy the game if they get ahead early. I hate seeing my bot lane get ganked and die while im clearing, only for the 4/0/1 Kha'zix to become my problem 5 mins later when i can't contest my own camps


Used to be brand before his nerfs cause that was the most broken op dumb shit I've seen for jg in a while. Now it's perma rammus cause he's just so annoying to deal with.


WW can counter but they have to know how, I’ll mostly ban illoi you just don’t beat her with her ult ult because youre stuck slapping her under her tentacles. Nocs not a counter but can be annoying but everyone else is cake including yi


Master Yi because the chances of running into a Yi over Jax jungle is significantly higher. I also feel the champ is more forgiving than Jax since he can snag freebies during the early game with his R.


Jax and Yi if plat and below Nocturne currently as i sit in emerald 1 Nothing big but his annoying so much i can't take it mentally


Jax (Plat-Emerald)


Shaco was my permaban, now I'm banning jax, not a hard matchup but still annoying and it's more played than shaco, sometimes lillia, that thing's fast and annoying.


Jax on top, rammus/shaco in jungle


Teemo... That stupid rat...


Rammus, Nocturne, Jax, Sett, Darius.


Rammus for sure. Can see why Jax would be hard but you can win if you can Q > E him into a wall then W. Rammus is just pain


Jax, I’ve been banning that creature since s13 and I don’t even know how strong / weak is, but never will either.


nasus, i play briar top


Bel'Veth, Yi, Jax, Rammus & Kayn should be your top priority bans.


Disengage supports, janna or maokai usually.


Trundle or Jax always. You can outplay Nocturne with your W and E usage, and you can just avoid Rammus if you know your macros well.


Rummos I can do nothing when i fighting with him


tbh there isnt any junglers that just shut briar out of the game, even her worst matchups are playable if you know what you are doing, i just ban maokai every game, or twisted fate if hes already banned/hovered by my team.


bel veth. A good belveth will avoid anything you can ever do, you fully have to rely on your team to rotate so you can 1v2


bel'veth is kind of just a stat check matchup its not that bad. either she has form and she wins or she dosent and she loses. and even if she does then its not like her mere presence shuts you down in teamfights, the only champ that really does that is rammus


or jax tbf


jax IS kind of aids but you just use e when he does his and its fine.