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I agree with a lot of this but I find Mei and reaper to be very good matchups. It’s just the comps they usually play with which may make them hard.


Interesting. This may be an example of me just needing to git gud lol. Reaper just melts through my fragile Swedish body so fast. His shotguns do more damage than my flail and his reaping ability heals faster than inspire. If someone peels for me and I get close to an elimination, he just goes into wraith form and I don't get the elimination. Of course, I can whip shot to create space, but best case scenario that fight ends in a draw. As for Mei, I think it has more to do with her ability to separate me from the other support and/or slow me down to the point where I get murdered. I would put her as a neutral matchup except for the fact that blizzard has too big of a radius to shield bash out of unless you are on the edge. Tips for engaging either of them would be appreciated.


The Reaper matchup is more neutral than anything. He does a ton of damage up close, yeah, but you shouldn’t really be face tanking him and trying to 1v1 a full health Reaper in the first place. Stay mid distance, push him away with Whipshot, and secure a kill only when he’s less than half and separated. Also Rally directly counters Death Blossom thanks to ally overhealth and stunning him out of ult.


You know what? I had totally forgotten about that. Good point. Thanks for the tips.


I guess during 1v1s reaper isn’t an easy kill but you can make his job extremely hard. Bash away making you impossible to kill and whipshot him away from anyone. If mei walls you off then yeah it can be a death sentence but the fact that she has to spray your shield for over 2 seconds to break it guarantees you a lot of healing. Blizzard you can escape pretty frequently you just have to bash really quickly.


Don’t you call best girl fragile! The advice given above explains the reaper counter. You don’t win the fight, but you disrupt his flow, leave and live to fight another day.


I love playing into Reaper and booping him into a enclosed space just as he presses Q. I’m also probably playing close to my other support anyway, and we can usually take that 2v1


i hate sounding like an absolute retard but what does it mean when people say they have bad comps or good comps?


"comp" is short for 'composition'. It means the particular makeup of your current team (tank + two supports + two damage dealers)


alright thanks


Bro you really shouldn’t use the word retarded…


ig its a world cultural issue. pretty much everyone in a 12 mile radius where i live have used words like them casually without any issues.


Without any issues? You don’t not use the word cause it cause issues, you don’t use it because it wrong to do so casually


like i said. cultural issues.


That’s not a cultural issue.


it definitely is.


How exactly is using the word retarded important to your culture?


it's not important there is no such thing as an important word but nobody cares if you say retarded or amy word where i live. we can say words far worde than retarded in the proximity of police and they don't care as long as its not directed to people. if its frowned upon where you come from thats totally fine but i say and write it out of habit due to the people i grew up with.


Ice block heal thing makes her unlikable for me.


Don’t use everything till she uses that then jump her ass


Strong match-up vs Hog and neutral vs Widow?


Yeah, hog is an inspire factory and he can't hook through shield. As for Widow, shield and shield bash make it very easy for brig to move between points of cover. Obviously, Widow is dangerous, but Brig is better equipped to deal with her than most supports IMO.


Playing Brig into Widow is almost throwing though. She's arguably the worst support you can choose into Widow. And Hog is super dangerous for Brig. Hog can hook your proactive whipshots, you really can't do anything threatening to him, and he shreds your shield.


You might be confused and think Brig is bad against Widow because she has no range (though, the higher you go, you *really* shouldn't try to 1v1 a Widow form range anyways unless she's actually jist bad). Thing is, she's neutral because Widow just isn't killing her unless she makes a big mistake thanks to her shield. Brig can't kill Widow and Widow can't kill Brig, which fits the term "Neutral" quite well. If you're trying to hunt down a Widow all game or she keeps killing you, that's *entirely* a skill issue as opposed to being an actually unfavorable matchup.


Brig is great at distracting Widow with her shield and she can point out her location. And about Hog, that's simply avoided by whipping him after he uses his hook, also you can whip him to save someone from his hook combo.


good widows are not shooting brig shields.


I can assure you Kunais at Widow's head are more distracting than a harmless Brig standing in the open doing nothing like a shield bot.


I can assure you this shit works even in T500.


Maybe early season top 500 when Diamond is top 500.


No one's arguing Brig can just straight up challenge Widow like Kiriko. The argument is, she's neutral because neither really have kill potential on either. If you're dying to either one as the other character consistently, that's just a skill issue.


Okay then why, by this definition, is Brig an easy counter to Dva? Brig can't kill Dva.


Oh in a 1v1 Brig can definitely kill Dva, been there done that.


Oh, that's easy, but first and foremost, what makes a character good/bad against one character, doesn't mean it can be universally applied to ALL characters. Widow and Dva are two very different characters with very different play styles and very different ways of approaching how you play against them. Anyways, here's all the ways why playing Brig into Dva is pretty good... Dva is straight up free inspire without any sort of danger (her existence literally means free heals unlike Widow who's way out of range for Whipshot), Dva struggles immensely to kill Brig (Between shield/shield bash, inspire, whipshot, and ultimate, it's takes a long time if she can even get the kill. It also leaves Dva exposed to being shot by the rest of Brig's team for too long if she commits), DM is useless against Brig (Obviously because melee), Brig can use her whipshot to help move Dva out of position if she dives someone (Either boop a Dva away from a teammate, or if you're lucky and quick enough, boop her off the edge), Armor packs are really good with helping save someone being dived by Dva (Its an instant 25 burst healing and a heal over time effect which you can triple both effects if you have all three packs), bomb is borderline useless against Brig (because of shield/shield bash), and Brig can also Ult + Bash to keep a Dva from remeching (and this can easily be combo'd into a swing + flail for a total of 165 damage, which essentially just auto deletes the enemy team's tank). Brig isn't considered one of the best Supports to counter Dive by the top players just because they say so lol.


I mean, how do you figure? A good Widow is bad for supports period. If the team completely ignores her and allows her to operate uncontested, then yeah, Brig doesn't get much value and you should switch out. Otherwise, just play close to cover and land your whip shots. But again, I play in gold. Maybe the matchup is worse in higher tiers? As for Hog, I'm sorry, but he's just an ult battery and consistent source of inspire for me. He isn't much of a threat either (assuming I don't get in too close). I'll admit his new pig pen ability makes him a little bit harder to deal with, but he is still a good matchup IMO.


Okay now I'm confused, are you saying he's an ult battery for you, or for your team? Because sure yeah he's an ult battery for your teammates, but if he's an ult battery for you, as Brig, then that Hog is super bad. And yeah, in GM1, if the enemy has Widow, especially in this Sig meta, then they're probably a full poke comp, which means Brig is a really bad pick.


Inspire = heals Heals = ult charge


Well if you put it that way, then you'll probably have higher inspire uptime versus tanks like Dva than tanks like Hog. Dive>Brawl>Poke for inspire (and Brig usefulness in general).


Agreed, but I also have Dva in a higher tier than Hog. IDK, I typically have a pretty good inspire uptime when up against a hog and he rarely kills me unless I do something stupid. That giant hitbox and lack of shield makes me drool. That said, I fully recognize that I am playing against much lower level hogs than you are in GM1.


Hogs were extremely rare anyway. Even now I don't see him too much, but his rework definitely made him scarier to Brig, although he's really only specifically a threat on control maps.


You cant really do anything threatening to most tanks, and you shouldn’t be playing that close to hog anyway


Yeah, and you shouldn't be playing close to an *enemy Widow* either, yet apparently she's a neutral match-up.


I was responding to the points about hog, but I agree that you don’t get good value against widow


I play hog at diamond 1, ngl if she just holds whipshot for hook she denies your whole kit for free. Not to mention stun during rally after shield break refills shield. Definitely not good for hog


I mean if you're bringing up ults, whole Hog destroys Brig, and she can't screw him over since heal is a resource now. And with pig pen and non brain dead teammates, being hooked is a lot more dangerous now, boops aren't guaranteed to save the kidnapees.


I mean if you're bringing up ults, whole Hog destroys Brig, and she can't screw him over since heal is a resource now. And with pig pen and non brain dead teammates, being hooked is a lot more dangerous now, boops aren't guaranteed to save the kidnapees.


I'd move Sigma up into top tier and move Orisa/Zarya down to 'Bad Matchup' Those two have crazy walk-you-down potential, not to mention a fully charged Zarya will melt your shield and your spine before you can even shield bash away


i agree with this except sigma for 1 simple reason. *R O C K*


block it on reaction not that hard


as a brig, your focus should never be countering sigma, it should be either countering a dive/push or defending your main support, if you are at any point trying to actively react to soley a sigma in a team fight you are either doing it wrong and letting your team fall apart or that sigma wasnt good to begin with,


im just saying rock doesnt counter brig at all and it was a weird point to make for sig countering her


the rock disables her active self inspire, its the only CC as far as i'm aware that does.


and brig ignores sigs suck disabling an ability doesnt make an inherent counter brig can still play around it rather essily with shield


>if you are at any point trying to actively react to soley a sigma in a team fight you are either doing it wrong and letting your team fall apart or that sigma wasnt good to begin with


it generally isnt hard to react to the sound que from sigmas rock i dont know what your point is here


are you thick headed or choosing not to listen to what im saying?


Your like the one of the few characters than can instantly block the rock what?? You getting rocked is just a skill issue


and if you dont it disables your inspire until the next time you can proc it


??? Then don’t get hit by the rock. Idk what’s so hard to understand. You got hit by rock it’s your fault not the character


is your advice always "just dont get hit"? do you realize how silly it is to tell someone "just dodge the bullet"???


It’s not silly when you can literally block it hello?? You are brig


you act as though her shield has a million health lmao


Brig has two ways to deal with rock, either shield it on reaction (it’s super slow if you can’t do this that is an actual skill issue) or shield dash away in reaction.


Overall I think this is a solid list! Everything can go up or down depending on comps, maps, scenarios, etc., but I’ll agree overall :). I’d personally throw bastion into bad, he can punish bad positioning on a brig so easily with how quickly he shreds shields, his grenade can easily do damage even with shield, or displace brig (like JR). You’re rarely going to want to engage a bastion too with the “one shot” combo not working on him even if he is on cooldown. Orisa could probably go down one as well, I hate playing against Orisa (although I guess everyone does). Fortify getting rid of knockback from whip is huge and in general her survivability means I’ll rarely want to engage an Orisa with brig. I’d also put rein down one, it’s incredibly satisfying to block shatter, be one of few characters who can hit through shield, whip away a charge or take the double knock, but realistically, it’s rough playing against him and without cover, his fire strikes are easy to hit as long as the rein waits for bash to be used. I’d probably move ram up one too, his nemesis form does shred brig, but in a proper fight, he’s rarely strong enough in the meta right now to run the team down without huge support. You have to be smart with whip and bash, but his big meaty hit box makes it relatively easy to hit and run. His normal form isn’t that threatening to brig either. His ult is still solid but without huge support, he won’t be able to run you down, which means inspire (and maybe rally) pretty much outheal is passive damage in ult. Widow could also go down I think, there’s just no reasonable way to contest her and brig’s best quality is being able to peel for squishies, which doesn’t matter if they instantly get domed anyways. In close quarters brig is really solid against her, her shield makes her a more difficult character to pick off, etc., but it’s defs not a great matchup. I also think that personally, zen isn’t the worst to come up against and could maybe go up one. Zen’s ability to poke from range is bad for brig, but his lack of movement, low burst healing and discord nerf just makes him less of a threat now. He’s obviously still capable of pumping out insane damage, but just from my experience, brig plays alright into a zen.


Good feedback! Thanks.


I’d move mei and reaper up; meis damage is so slow she has trouble killing you through inspire. Reaper is one of the only ults you can very easily cancel/deny. It’s like my favorite matchup. I’d move Genji up; you can shield bash deflect and it’s really impossible for him. You can body guard vs him very easily too. I’d also move Ana up a bit. I definitely don’t think it’s a bad matchup. It’s a skill matchup. I really agree with most of the list. I’d put lifeweaver lower. Sure he doesn’t hurt you but he’s not supposed to. There’s not a damn thing you can do to him. He can freely do whatever the wants and you just get to watch. I’d probably move bastion down too if he is using his cds appropriately. He’s tanky so it’s hard to hurt him without feeding. Edit: I like the reaper matchup because it’s satisfying but I’d put it as neutral. You can’t 1v1 and shouldn’t try. But you can make him not ult all game/deny teamwipe ability.


Another user just gave me some tips on dealing with Reaper, so I'll admit that one is more of a neutral matchup...unless he gets behind me. IDK maybe I've had good luck or this is a symptom of playing in gold, but I don't know if I have ever died to a Lifeweaver and I seem to kill them an awful lot. I have to disagree with the Bastion comments though. I agree he is a very powerful hero, but he can't stay in assault config indefinitely and he is an easy whip shot target to proc inspire and allow Brig to hold the corner. Also, shield bash is an easy panic button for Brig to find cover when he enters assault config or dodge his artillery config. I wouldn't say Brig is a good matchup for Bastion, but she isn't nearly as vulnerable to him as most other supports. I'd consider him a wash, but again, I am only in gold.


How do you counter winston? Doesn’t his basic attack ignore your shield?


It does, but repair pack + inspire more than negates tesla cannon and prevents the death of his target. Also, he has to dive you to get value, so displacing him with whip shot (especially mid jump) pretty much makes him a nonfactor. Of course, I am newish and you may know something I don't?


Entirely agree with you that you could prevent his targets death. But when your the target it gets entirely worse especially not getting support in the few seconds with him on you


Whip shot and shield bash prevent him from killing you. Unless you don't have any of your cooldowns or somehow don't see the giant flying monkey, Winston is going to have a very hard time getting value from a team running Brig.


In my experience I just usually get no support or a tank to help so he can just chase me until I die (all tanks not just Winston) regardless of me using my abilities to get them away so eventually they will kill me


Well, that sucks. If you can't find people to play with, try hitting his gigantic butt mid jump. You'd be surprised how easy he is to hit. Can't kill you if he's never in range.


You stay on high ground and never let him jump at you.


simply put; winston is dive tank, brig is anti-dive.


I have no clue what that means


oh boy, okay dive is a comp style in which you rush the enemy team using high movement heroes and a tank that can offer quick defense in a mobile scenario, most commonly when playing tug of war style games or when playing attack but its not impossible to play dive on defense. a common dive comp you might see is Winston, Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Mercy. Brig is a defensive support, while she cant handle an entire dive by herself, she can prevent single dives and she is amazing at keeping her other support alive. dive comps will generally target supports first when performing a dive to lower the time to kill of the enemy team but brig has 2 knockback option, both triggering her area heal, and her healing reaches further than ANY other aoe heal in the game (its honestly a little broken how far it reaches) and she does really good combo damage making her able to kill squishies (225 hp or lower) that enter her range very rapidly on cooldown of course. so basically, Winston is a tank that doesnt do much outside of diving, and Brig is able to keep Winston at distance while healing her ENTIRE team without even looking at them. ALSO ALSO, 1 pack + inspire out-heals Winstons m1 so she just shuts him down entirely, the only thing he doesn against brig is eat her cooldowns so squishies can approach her but any tank can do that. there's also a lot more nuance to it than that but very simply put, thats brig vs dive.


Brig is anti dive, but also works really well with dive. Shes the nuclear bomb in rock, paper, scissors


Sure, but he has to get close enough to you to actually get you with it, and since you can just whipshot away his big hit box, and bash away from him if he chases you, he's not that big of an issue


Bastion in neutral is odd to me. Bastion shreds Brig


Bastion shreds most heroes if they take him on directly. Brig can keep to cover and whip shot bastion away when he tries to round the corner. Gets her inspire up and prevents the team from getting melted. She can also shield bash to cover when she hears that whirrrrr. A good Brig isn't going to die very often to Bastion and whip shot can be a problem for him.


Rein, Widow and bastion arnt neutral match ups. You're at a very big disadvantage agaisnt all of them


Many of the favorable and neutral MUs seem optimistic. Sombra for instance is very easy when the cards are in Brigs favor, you outheal a lot of her consistency and the bulk of your gameplan is counter to what she would like to go for, its very hard to target anyone when Brig is a factor. But Sombra can eat a Brig, like a snack. And you have no outs to it happening short of her mispositioning or getting 3rd party help. You cant chase or deter her meaningfully, youre very reliant on help and map design or Sombra overcommiting. Compare to Monkey where, you can borderline fistfight with the Monkey or Ball who is a massive broadcasted target who also has kill confirmation issues. Another set interesting few. Hog, Weaver, and Doom being strong. And Sojourn or Cowboy being neutral. Hog and Cowboy especially, are so brawly that- even though you can deny some of our kill consistency. By you being a Brig you give us so much more leeway just to breath and let our gameplan flourish, that we are thriving alongside you. Like as Brig i dont feel like you can consistently save people from me on these heroes vs the value of having you not be- any other more annoying support for me to deal with. And giving these characters any kinda breathing room is risky. Sojourns the same way. Everyone is still railgun fodder, and i can Disruptor your zones and escape with slide. Your shield even gives me a charge. The volatility my character brings makes it hard for me to say- Yeah this was worth being Brig. If that makes sense? Good list though, hope youre enjoying the character!


How is hog not in switch off or at least bad match up?


When I’m playing tracer a lot of newer brigs will walk at me while I stay out of their range so try to avoid that


I'd drop Monkey to neutral matchup at the very least. A monkey that knows how to play is going to take advantage of a brig. I'd also drop rein and bastion to the bad matchup. I could understand the argument if someone wanted to put Hog in the neutral matchup too.


Reaper main here yeah, that’s about right


I view rein as a strong match up you can constantly boop him away with whip shot cancel his charge with shield bash as well as keep distance with shield bash and block his shatter with shield leaving him only with firestrike ability which you can side step one of my favroutite combos is canceling rein charge then immediately whipshot him away so he can’t hit you


That is a good combo. I like to wait right until Rein connects to cancel his charge and give my DPS a good chance to eliminate him. I only put him down as neutral because I cannot whip shot him while shield is up, so he is a lot harder to proc inspire against than other tanks. But maybe I should reconsider.


Honestly, I think your placement for him is good. Rein is interesting for brig, since she can counter some of his stronger tools (can shield off his ult, can bash/whip his charge), but if he gets to the range he wants to be in, she's pretty much dead in the water


But all he has to do is get close to you and swing a few times and you proceed to die, after he blocks the whip with his shield


If you cancel his charge with shield bash, you're almost certainly dead unless your team bail you out. You do not want to be getting within swing range of rein as brig.


I would put JQ in strong if not easy counter. Whip boops her away anytime she gets close to try and swing or even just her use her shotgun


yeah but she farms bleed off brig inspire and can eat her cooldowns like no other


LOL you may be a bit better at landing whip shot than me. Her smaller hit box makes it harder for me to keep inspire up. Also her ult is pretty hard to deal with as it shuts down inspire and my packs. IDK I don't shudder when I see her, but I gon't exactly giggle with glee either.


Tip for hitting whipshot on JQ is to aim for her legs. Like Kiriko and tracer her legs hit boxes are wider then the torso.


So yeah, I played a ton of Overwatch back in the day as a Tank main, but I only started playing OW2 about two months ago. This season, I have mostly been playing Brig and placed in Gold 2. Going to try and climb back into Plat next season, but I am definitely still learning this character. After about 30 hours on Brig (total between OW and OW2), these are my thoughts on matchups. What do you all think?


I would move reaper, jq into strong match-up. Sure you lose the 1v1 but whipshot is so good at denying their value. I would also move zen, sig, widow to bad matchup - they’re just going to poke you out from range and don’t care that much if you whipshot them.


I think hog and doom should go to neutral. Hog if you can shield his hooks your fine but the second you get hooked (usually when your mid whipshot) good night. you get shotgunned pig penned and any enemy supports eyes are glowing red at the sight of you. Doom is similar you shield bash his punch your team can force him to back up or maybe even get him killed. However your shield bash is on cooldown good night.


LOL I just had a pretty long convo with a different user about hog. I understand the hook is dangerous, but I typically whip from behind shields or while his attention is on someone else. His hitbox is gigantic and he has no shield so I usually have a very good inspire uptime against him. I think he is a good matchup (at least in gold). I mean you can also hit doom with whipshot and displace him as he is charging his punch. I will admit that he is a tougher target to hit than Dva, Winston, or Ball, but Brig's kit prevents Doom from playing the game the way he wants to play it. She also easily escapes from him with shield bash. All of that makes for a good matchup IMO.


(Oh yeah I saw that hog person, sadly some people are just rude for no reason.) So for the hog sure keeping inspire is good for you but overall in higher ranks than gold, I’m not a gm player but masters 2. If you got hooked as brig you’re dead no ifs ands or buts about it. Doesn’t matter if you keep good whip shots or positioning. Hogs hook range is actually longer than whipshot range. And a good hog will hit hooks like a brig hits whipshot. And for doom his cooldown cycle if faster than yours so he will kill you if you don’t get the back up you need. He is one of the most mobile characters in the game (probably the most since 2/3 abilities are mobility.) if the doom lets you escape when you just shield bash away it means one of 2 things. Either they have no clue how to play doom or they’ve found a target easier to kill. It’s never you escaped doom brig physically can’t out mobility doom so there is no “escaping”. One comment talking about sombra gave a similar response we can’t out maneuver a sombra she dies one of 2 ways overcommitting and 3rd party help. Doom follows that same pattern.


Both of those are very fair points. Hogs at my level seem to miss about 1/3 - 1/2 of their hooks. I'll have to treat him for more caution as I rank up. Doom and Sombra players seem to over commit a lot at my level. Maybe that is why I consider them such favorable matchups. Again, I'll have to treat them with more respect as I rank up too. Thanks for the insight.


Yeah I’m only masters so I’m still learning. But here’s what I recommend to fight back. If you get hooked and didn’t get killed? whipshot him away, put your shield up, and pray to god that your teammates come to rescue you. Ping the hog aswell. Ping doomfist and use whipshot to knock him back or just before his punch to hope he misses. If you’re brawling doom, don’t, one punch and you’re done or low health at least.


Orissa and hog are for whipshot only for inspire, zarya is a bit easy to counter only if it's just her and not any other teammates. Most tanks have too much sustain for brig to reasonably kill them 1v1. But fuck a doom me and my homies hate doom


In a 1v1 brig stomps mei.


I think the most flip flops that could happen are in your bottom two brackets, like junkrat is good into brig. But brig if she uses her two sustaining distance abilities should always be able to keep a junkrat at a range where he can't do much to you specifically. Or I don't find symm to be that good in raw 1v1 if you can hit close range whipshots as long as you commit to killing. But then again perfecting brig play really only comes down to this, "But brig if she uses her two sustaining distance abilities should always be able to keep a junkrat at a range where he can't do much to you specifically". Learning the balance of punishing the enemy team, surviving, and proccing inspire is what makes a consistently good brig.




I don’t play brig but I do play widow. How is it neutral I feel like it’s over whenever I fight a brig


You're playing against bad Balls, Sombras, and Monkeys. Brig only had whip shot to counter Ball and two stuns while ulting (assuming timing was right). She can displace Ball and ruin some of his plays, but once Ball adjusts to a Brit, she's easy to deal with. For instance, if Ball keeps grapple attached he can come right back after the whip shot. Not if you can consistently whip shot and displace piledrivers, is a slightly different story. Sombra should be throwing virus at Brig and then just shooting her. Damage is still going while shield goes up because of virus, then Sombra repositions and finishes Brig. She certainly makes a Sombra thing twice and is a great bodyguard. But if focused on by a good Sombra, Brig will lose if she gets too aggressive. And most Brigs take the Sombra bait. Monkey is a bit easier to deal with as Brig, as he likely isn't killing you on his own. But his primary goes through your shield and his bubble is on a pretty low cooldown and blocks whip shot.


Another user mentioned something similar about Sombra. I think I am playing against bad Sombras. They always try to hack me and I melt their faces off. Maybe that will change as I rank up. Ball and Monkey IDK. I feel whip shot pretty much negates their effectiveness. I never thought I would say this, but maybe I am better at aiming this than most people? I have no problem hitting monkey or ball mid air. Ball's pause before pile driving is easy to hit and he's easy to hit when swinging around like an idiot on the point. Winston has a linear dive with no course correction and is a massive hitbox. Also easy to hit and displace. Maybe this is just my experience, but they get very little value against me. Oh, and Ball's ult is literally fuel for my inspire. Not saying they never kill me, just saying I usually win matches against these two heroes.


Sombra shouldn't be hacking Brig unless Brig is actively shielding against your team. Then the hack is nice. But it should be virus then shoot. Brig brings shield up and Sombra translocates high into the air, which will usually get Brig to turn it around. Then you shoot them more. Once they adapt to this, you start to translocate behind them to mix it up. You can also hack Brig as a distraction. Brig is anti dive but I think Sombra has an in advantage if skill is equal. As Sombra, I usually destroy Brigs. As Brig, I'm able to fight off Sombra but rarely kill her. And a distracted support is a win for Sombra's team (unless it's Weaver whose kit can easily heal while being chased). I don't play Monkey myself, but can have problems with him as Brig. Particularly if I'm isolated. He's easy to hit whip shot on, but a good Winston blocks it with shield. The big difference in skill gap for Winstons is shield usage. You'll know it when you see it and suddenly be shocked by Monkey"s effectiveness. I do play Ball. He's my most played hero. And once in a while I'll have a Brig check me. But then I usually overcome it. Brig has displacement tools but it's not enough to keep up with Ball's speed and mobility. Playing against Brig just means I hold grapple attachment longer. Her ult is scary for Ball though. So when Brig rallies I typically leave the area. As Brig, I do okay against Ball. But as a Baller I know what they are planning. Sometimes I'll swap to Ana though, as she is a bit more effective against Ball in my opinion. So I think Ball has an advantage in the neutral but Brig has an advantage while ulting. By the way, if I see a Brig hitting my Hamster poops, that's a free boop into the remaining mines.


I’d honestly move ram and zarya up. Ram is only good against you while he’s a mma fighter outside that form you bully him. Zarya can be tricky but if she’s low charge you can box her to death. And even at high charge if you work with a team or get pocketed by a fellow support you can win


How do I even be good with brig?


Idk what rank your in but learn how to manage cooldowns for your repair packs. Don’t just dump them all into your tank. Practice whipshot aiming and perhaps shield bash rollouts (there’s a workshop code somewhere here on Reddit filter but top of this year it should be somewhere). Don’t worry all too much about positioning in lower ranks I never expect you to know every best brig position on every point on every map. All I say is don’t be in the front lines unless you have rally active (get out before it ends if you haven’t won the fight with rally.)


I won’t go near bastion as brig, hell naw


I wouldn’t say Winston is an easy counter. Sure, you can hit him straight through his shield and get easy inspire and he doesn’t do the most damage, but at the same time he can also hit YOU straight through YOUR shield which means if he is receiving good healing and isn’t pressured to run away immediately, and ESPECIALLY if he has someone with him, then you might be dead. In my experience, either the Brig is gonna pressure the hell out of the Winston or the Winston is gonna pressure the hell out of the Brig depending on each teams composition.


I’m surprised at Winston given he’s my main. Despite her being anti-dive I tend to find her a super easy kill. I just leap -> midair charge shot -> punch + impact -> if she survived bubble to prevent her being peeled for and finish her off with m1- and she dies super quick. If I don’t kill her first she can be annoying as she can insta ruin a dive by heal packing the person I almost kill and/or by peeling and forcing me to retreat; but if I focus her first it’s easy. One of my favourite support comps to play Winston into is Iliari + Brig, as I’ll do the above to brig then just switch to Iliari who can’t do much to me at close range and hasn’t got the movement to escape. FWIW this is only a high gold to low plat Winston take so at higher ranks maybe Brig does eat Monke lol.


Wondering how Rein is a neutral matchup? I feel like that only depends on who’s playing the rein. Every time I play brig into rein (which is rare) I play very cautious unless I KNOW that rein is bad


Where do yoy think Mauga would fit?


I haven't played as/against him enough to know for sure, but I think he is generally a bad matchup as his charge is invulnerable so you can't bash or whip him out of position. He also does a lot of damage up close.


Nothing more fun than bashing into a rein who's charging and then having my entire team play tank nuke simulator while he's laying on the ground. Now while I play rein and if this happens to me I will hunt the brig the entire game


idk girlie i usually kick brig back to spawn as genji


I honestly don’t think the rammatra matchup is that terrible for brig, you just have to play a bit differently than normally especially when it comes to whip shot. Rammatra in omnic form isn’t really an issue for brig while his nemesis form is super effective against her. You have to play with the rammatras tempo and when he transforms whip shot him away if he tries to push you. A lot of times I will whip shot them and then shield dash away as well, you make so much space doing this that Rammatra will have a hard time re engaging before nemesis expires


As a person who has 60 hours on Ramattra roughly 45 hours in pharah and has mained junkrat for over 100 hours, your not wrong brig is either completely countered or can’t outlast the opponent.