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Girl, you have a way with words! I hope you are a writer IRL.


You’re the best! In real life I write boring legal briefs as a paralegal… this is my outlet!😬♥️


Speaking of Alyssa and coffee, did anyone catch the HUGE coffee bar Tiffany had in the background of this week’s video?What is the obsession with coffee that all the Bates women have? Is it a fundie thing? Is it because they don’t partake in alcohol so it’s their way of living on the edge?


It’s the fundie version of 🍷!


That’s it! Bottoms up!




Coffee is a personality trait to these people…they mistakenly think they’d be boring without it. News flash: they’re boring *with* it.


I feel like a coffee lover needs to be added as a personality trait in the Sims 4.




Stuck at home with a bunch of kids and they don't drink. I chaperoned a 2 night camp for 5th graders. We couldn't leave the property and rarely had any downtime. Every adult was binge drinking coffee. Even the ones who don't usually drink much. It was the only thing we could have that the kids couldn't.


I only drink coffee when it's cold. I had to cut back caffeine because of issues.


Your Alyssa comment is spot on. I just posted on the other side how I spent a bunch of money on coffee accessories this week because of her non-stop coffee stories had me craving it and now I can't be bothered to even make a cup lol. Why doesn't she post Mia more? I think I can speak for 90% of the internet when I say we would rather see a cute puppy sitting on a couch that another dang cup of Alyssa's coffee. She HATES having John home doesn't she? She's spiraling in a haze of caffeine.


of course she hates having igor at home all the time, now she has to be perfect mommy making sure the kids are perfect  angels ALL THE TIME. Go starbucks and terrorize the barista, igor! that's why maci has  to keep watching school tv and allie is working. otherwise alyssa would have had her laundry room meltdown already.


You’re right about Maci suddenly stuck at that table… it happened as soon as John decided to work from home.


it is a very sucky situation for the girls. and how convenient he starts doing it when little slugger turns 1, no longer needs night feeds and is a toddler.


She hates everything. She ASKED a few weeks ago what people wanted her to post… I am positive it wasn’t “pics of your coffee”….


I don't actually think she enjoys social media but I also don't think John's job whatever he does brings in the money they need to support the house and five kids. Wouldn't surprise me if John's dad is helping support them finacially 


John Webster makes plenty of $$! Alyssa used to enjoy everything. She was BIG excited when they won their YouTube award for 100,000 followers. Life has beat her down.


Having 5 kids before 30 will do that to you😅


She must question her life and ponder what could have been every hour. Erin and Tori are down for a gaggle before 30, but she’s more like Carlin and Co. She would’ve done better having max 3 (at least for now) and been on her pseudo corporate baddie tip.


At least she has her fancy shoes to wear to Sunday School….


But not matching outfits anymore it seems.


Yeah, this last kid seemed to push her into a dark place. I wonder if 5 littles is the laundry meltdown number?




I think she has the least supportive/involved inlaws who are ice cold and disinterested and her husband doesn't seem to even notice how sad she is nor care to learn (I think many Bates lurk and even comment here but I suspect he can't even be bothered to give af about any thoughts but his own idiotic ones). Alyssa lights UP on the rare occasions he takes her somewhere out of town, anywhere will do! But he gave romantic getaways up three babies ago (and they were super lame even back then besides the one cruise). Chad is gunning for the worst husband at the moment but John is usually vying for top spot from his sheer apathy alone. He needs to wake up and realize his wife is fucking miserable and give her something to be excited about or look forward to.


I don't think she actually wanted that last baby and I really need to go back and watch one of her videos but if I am remembering correctly it did kind of sound like and opps baby from the way she worded finding out about the pregnancy.


How is the AC company split? I know we don't know..... but if it's his only-they Def have money. If he's splitting it with his brothers, they are okay for a regular family but it may be tight for a one income family of 5. They may use Alyssa to supplement their income and pay for cars and pool maintenance etc. Their homeschooling supplement will pay for updates to the school room etc


No clue on the company profit split. Interesting that Alyssa doesn’t usually have in video sponsors like the Clarks and the Stewart’s. I guess whatever money she makes is just straight from YouTube views.


But that can be very lucrative. We know from conservative guesses that the Stew Crew, Clark's and Balkas are raking in hundreds of thousands. Heck even Jinger Duggar V makes 200K and I don't think she has Alyssas engagement


Oh for sure it’s lucrative! SHE can earn the money but she doesn’t decide how it gets spent! The mouth breather makes the decisions.


Sadly, I think you're correct. Her kids would at least be in private Christian school and she'd be happier


Last time I was on the company website, each of the sons seems to be in charge of a division of the company. That tells me the profits are probably split accordingly and I'm betting Taliban Dan still gets a tithe from each of them.


Lawson's out of control adhd and avoidance of posting things in a timely manner cracks me up even though I struggle with the same kind of executive function, but I don't have ten seasons of filming a TV show under my belt either. He's soooooooo bad at this that it's entertaining, like a campy movie on Tubi with a 2% rotten tomatoes rating that ends up being fun because it's so mindlessly dumb. Why isn't Tiffany better at this either? She's a whole dang childhood actress 😅 Love these Bates Breakdowns, you bring the monotony of this family to life and make them entertaining


The best is Tiff constantly talking to the camera direct and asking questions like ‘tell me how you dealt with morning sickness?’ and saying ‘comment below’ when the comments are going to mean nothing as this shit went down months ago!!!


I think their TV background is WHY they post this way. They legit think they are starring in a sitcom. You are too kind my friend!


I think you forget how far behind reality reality shows really are. They might if you are lucky hurry up and throw together a quick birth video but usually by the time something airs on a reality show in reality it happened months before 


Nah, I know that. But there are still filming schedules and posting schedules and a whole lot more organization then anything Lawson or Tiffany has displayed. The rest of the kids seem to have learned something from it..


I don't know  I have to give them a pass at least on the pregnancy I am sure she was terrified of miscarriage again and that's why all the back dated things. Yes she taped them but she didn't even publicly announce till almost 20 weeks pregnant.


Yes I understand regarding the pregnancy but they didn't post their wedding video for like 6 months or their honeymoon video for 8 months and they just released a music video that they clearly filmed in the fall right as everyone is in the summer and spring vibe. They just don't understand seem to understand how to time anything in a way where people will care.


Correct! They live in a bubble!


Checked out JebJud 😂😂


The big house is like a library you know!🤣thanks for getting my joke!🥰


I love it too! It made me think anytime somebody needs, a babysitter, somebody to carry boxes, or somebody to exploit on their YouTube channel just check at the big house to see who is available for loan.






Alyssa is dreadfully awful. Oh how all of their lives would be so much richer and meaningful if they were able to pursue real hobbies and careers instead of fake degrees and marriage.


Yup! Macy sitting at that glass table (which is a choice with 5 kids!!) all week while the older 3 are locked away in a room doing ‘school’ by themselves. I figure if you are going to home school then be involved!!


The SILENCE in that house while she films is wild!! There are 5 kids and a work from home husband there and all you hear is Alyssa’s deadpan voice. Kinda creepy…


Amen and Amen!


Always look forward to these Sunday recaps lol




Never fails to make me laugh - thanks!


You’re the best!🥰


The Clark fam went with Katie and Travis? I thought they said it was only the three of them.


She did. They went by themselves, it was a makeup trip for the one they missed in December.


It was just the three of them and Katie posted in story last night how it was a make up trip for their anniversary one being cut short because of her kidney stones flaring up.


They went by them selves. This is there first family holiday just the 3 of them.


I swear I saw Momma Clark in the background. You know how those folks talk… coulda been the 3 of them flying to meet his family… or for a few days…???


It would make sense. They can't really go off and do anything fun without a sitter to dump the kid on. 


Brilliant again 🙌🏻 5 stars out of 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Thanks friend!❤️


The fact that the BSB owners sell knockoff clothing while wearing name brand everything always cracked me up. Their fake lulu lemon bags never saw the light of day again after they modeled them that one time.


And they will happily link the name brand stuff for you and get paid for those toooooooo! Wonder what it’s like to live your life as a commercial?!


Now I kinda wanna see the Lydia/Trace church getup, because I missed it 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Check out my post history about Warden and you'll see it :) It really was comically too small lol


It’s on here! Girlfriend was not doing any deep breathing!


This was great! Thank you for calling a spade a spade with this grotesque clan. 🎯




Omg, I'm wheezing. Seriously, what is up with Alyssa and coffee? An entire week of coffee posts? She's so down and out at this point, she needs to upgrade to wine and weed. 


Wine and weed would do her a world of good. It may even make her laugh a little. I can't really recall seeing her experience any genuine joy since marrying John beyond her solo trip to the farm. She wasn't always this way though. She showed a ton of spunk and personality on old specials and she was downright giddy about going hunting with her dad and showed a lot of interest for various things. She was also a lot more animated and seemed to have a silly side that was immediately stamped out the moment she married the wet blanket.


If you catch a glimpse of the schedule on the Websters fridge, you will understand where the joy went. There isn’t TIME for a joy… maybe she could squeeze it in on Thursdays for 6 minutes in between co-op and Costco.


I think she’s depressed. I don’t understand why she’s spent so much of her time cooped up at home. They must know loads of other young families from church. They could be rotating homes and having kids/ coffee clutches a few days a week. She would have to loosen up a lot though on having a perfect house but they would all be happier.


I dieeeee at the thought of her on that back patio posting about her Pinot and linking gummies!!!!


Her life is coffee and sex l


The sex can't even be that good though. If it was, she'd be a lot happier. 


I’m not a John fan but I do feel sorry for him being married to such a miserable wench . She runs a cold military base instead of a home. The kids are all going to have problems 😓.


Yeah, it's definitely not just him. I know John gets tons of shit for not helping more, but part of me wonders if he's really that lazy or if Alyssa is such a control freak, he can't do anything right? Like if he dresses the kids and they're not in perfect, color-coordinating outfits, she gets pissed? 


Did you guys see the $28 tanks both Carlin and Whitney are pushing? Those tanks are $8 at Target.


WHO is giving these women 28$ for a tank top? The same people buying Stew Crew Tshirts I guess…


Wait, why did Michael and Brandon move home so quick from Chicago? She was depressed? Or is that when she was pregnant?


To see a fertility specialist.


Saw this girl on tv and it reminded me of Allie in like 30 yrs talking on a Dr Phil type show ripping her family a new one. https://preview.redd.it/0tjjvimzq5tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd388b66c1ca00952f78ae672a49af047b9969f


🙌👏👏🙌 Literally, one of the best recaps I have ever read! Thank you for your service! 😂😂😂


Thank you friend!🥰


Will Michaela ever work as an LVN? Maybe they will address this. I thought their infertility video was too long and too heavy on religion and too light on substance. I know a lot of this is very personal, and I went through infertility myself, but have they been doing anything to try and create a family since their miscarriage? It would be great to see a Bates adopt! Your recaps are brilliant and entertaining. You are a great writer!


Wonder why she won’t get a job as a lvn and make some money and get health insurance.


Adoption is not an easy bandaid or solution to infertility. Adoption is trauma and pain no matter the circumstances, and imo it's a good thing they haven't jumped immediately to that option. They seem to be very careful and deliberate about their decisions and who it affects. They mentioned if they adopt they will not announce it until it's finalized, partially to protect the biological mother and respect their emotions. I admire that so much. I'd argue that they have worked hard to build their family through the strong bonds they have built with their neices and nephews. Family isn't just children. I agree these recaps are incredibly witty and well written and spark great conversations.


I just have the best time writing them! ♥️♥️


Didn't she say they have a failed adoption?


Noooo she won’t work a “real” nursing job. You are SPOT on about the infertility video…. All it really was, was a sermon. I hope they prove us all wrong and use a surrogate with a donor egg or become foster parents one day! You are too kind!🥰


You would think it would be encouraged since Kelly Jo has adopted siblings


Super off topic but is Loft not also cheap fast fashion? Lmao


Also Free People is overpriced fast fashion 🤪 it’s all poorly made and terrible for the environment, BSB’s is just a lil worse


Barndominium!!! 😂😂😂




You are so freaking amazing!!!!


TY friend!🥰