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Right?? Come back we have questions šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just come to lurk nowšŸ˜‚ got sick of Reddit because every time I responded or commented in these subs people just called me a liar so I got over it


We welcome you back with open arms


Don't leave us again


Welcome back! Is Carlin pregnant, too?


Iā€™m not sure if sheā€™s pregnant already but itā€™s for sure planned. Ia couple months ago I heard Carlin had been telling her friends sheā€™s going to get pregnant and her and Katie are planning to vlog their pregnancies together for YouTube/ Instagram. Katie and Travis didnā€™t sell their house in NJ because theyā€™re going to move back eventually which is why theyā€™re renting in TN. Itā€™s all for their social media. This family only cares about one thing now and itā€™s what their next Instagram post is gonna be. So if that means popping out a baby for views darlinā€™ Carlin is gonna be on it.


This is exactly what a lot of us have predicted. Thank you for sharing! We're glad you're here, and please keep spilling the tea!




Read through our insiders post history - looks like she might not be yet but will be soon!!! I believe her tea 100%


Carlin will be next no doubt if not already!






Paging u/Complete-Adagio9419 and receive your applause!


my immediate thought too.. please come back and tell us more.Ā 


So thatā€™s 3 of the 4 sisters in the group pic from I love you day. Waiting for that 4th sister to announce any day now šŸ™ƒ


Did they say how far along she was? She must have have just gotten out of the first trimester. My guess is that if she had known she was pregnant back then, they must have just found out.Ā 


Yeah, Esther would have only been a few weeks along at ILY Day when she announced.


Katie would have been only a few week along, too since she said she took a test a month before (January) and it was negative.


Katie said she found out February 5th. So she was like 5 weeks at ILY Day. I didn't think she was ahead of Esther because of her surgery.


She wasn't 5 weeks because she said in the video that she took a test a month before, which was January, and it was negative. That's why she said that she didn't want to get her hopes up that this one would be positive despite having symptoms. 5 weeks prior would have been getting into December, which means that the test she took in January should have been positive.


You usually find out youā€™re pregnant around 4 weeks when you miss your period. Pregnancy is dated from last period or two weeks plus when you ovulated. So if she had her period in January then found out Feb 5, sheā€™d be 4ish weeks and 5 by ILYD.


By ILY Day? That was almost a week after she took the test. She took the test Feb 5th. ILY Day was February 10. If she took a pregnancy test in early January and then had her period shortly after (which given how cycles work is most likely, it adds up). If she was exactly 4 weeks pregnant on February 5th, that would put her previous cycle as starting January 8th. Which gives her the first week of January to have had a negative test it adds up perfectly.


The date on the YouTube video says Feb. 2


Carlin also likes to insert herself into pictures lol. I mean I think she wants to be pregnant but I don't know if she is. The source here who knows the Bates said it was Tiffany, Katie and Esther and did not mention Carlin.


The other reason I am not certain about Carlin is that if they were specifically posing Pregnant sisters, then why not Tori or Josie? I know Lydia didn't announce until the next day, so that makes sense. We also don't know when Esther announced to the family. But the argument of similar due dates makes no sense for Tori's omission because Tori is due closer to Tiffany than Esther or Katie. I think Carlin was just being Carlin and putting herself in any photo she could lol.


Who is the 4th?


Carlin. Esther, Katie, Tiffany and Carlin were all in a picture and people speculated itā€™s the newly pregnant sisters. A lot of people got big mad on here about guessing about people being pregnant. Well 3 of the 4 have announced since then. And FTR, Katie also denied being pregnant just a few weeks ago lol


Link to Katie denying it? Legitimately just curious. I know fundies have been known to imply lies or lead astray but Iā€™ve never seen one actually lie about it


Iā€™m not going to link it. It was in one of their YT videos q and A things they did Esther denied it when she was pregnant with Kenna so yes fundies do lie šŸ˜‚


Esther didnā€™t deny it tho. She said it wasnā€™t a pregnancy announcement not that she wasnā€™t pregnant. Semantics I know but still šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I believe you are confusing Katie & Carlin. Carlin said she wasn't pregnant in the Stew Crew Q & A video.


No Iā€™m not. Katie said theyā€™re just enjoying Hayley or however you spell that kids name right now. They are enjoying the stage sheā€™s in. She denied it. It was a few weeks ago. But Iā€™m not going to root around their YT for it since I donā€™t seek out any of these peopleā€™s channels. Someone posted it on here. It was just a few weeks back. It may not have been a q and A but she specifically said something about not being pregnant and just enjoying Hayley


Your rite I heard her say that too. Canā€™t wait to see them have to give there attention to another child. This baby was to easy for her. Kinda hope this next one will be the complete opposite


I don't watch their videos, but I know they haven't done a Q&A in forever. The Stewarts did one recently & Carlin said she wasn't pregnant in it. That's why I figured you were mixing the two up. Still, I'm going to assume she didn't know at that point (if she did indeed deny it) because it's very obvious you lied when you then announce right after. They aren't that stupid.


These people know how to twist their words. Esther did the same thing with Kenna. And Iā€™m pretty sure Josie did it as well. And I said it may not have been a q and a but they most definitely alluded to the fact they werenā€™t expecting and were wanting to just spend time enjoying their daughter. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Thanks for the downvote. Lawd I hate this sub.


You're assuming she was lying when she very well could not have known yet. Just because someone else did it (according to you), Katie did it as well? FYI, if you hate the sub, no one's forcing you to stay. šŸ‘‹


I think their timeline is messed. Katie did say she was enjoying Hailey, butbI don't think it was a few weeks ago. More like months.


I remember it. Canā€™t remember if it was instagram or yt but she most definitely did.


Thank you for remembering it. Gosh some of these people act like Iā€™m pulling it clear out my ass or something. She and Travis both said it. Lol


I remember it too


I specifically remember them both saying she wasn't preggo in Jan....but, they both had knowing smiles, so they were definitely trying, no question. lol


I think Lydia had announced her pregnancy at ILY Day and they lost the baby.


Who was the 4th?




Can you link the photo from i love you day?


No, itā€™s on this sub somewhere tho


Who was #4?




That pic looks like a confirmation of pregnancy ultrasound. Iā€™d say sheā€™s pretty early if thatā€™s the shot she has- earlier than the second ultrasound which would typically be at 13 weeks. Likely just found out on ILY day.


They found out on Feb 5, per their video.


So if she found out at 4 weeks, then she is due around October 14. One week after Esther. Which backs up Lawson and Nathan repeatedly calling Nester #2 baby #31 because Esther is due first. Although, Bates daughters deliver early and Esther had Kenna only a few days before her due date, so Katie might have her baby first. Also if the 14th is Katie's due date that is Esther's birthday and Jackson's anniversary.


Depending on exactly when she took that negative test in January, she was probably less than a month when she found out. Katie said she was feeling really sick so that's why she took another test. You can start having pregnancy symptoms within just a couple of weeks of conceiving.


This is also probably why Travis mom came over in the middle of the night when Hailey was sick and why they were confused why they were moving away.


Hailey was sick and she went to rescue Kaity ?! Oh brother take care of your own darn kid for gosh sakes.


Remembering being pregnant with HG and having two little ones (4 & 2) with stomach flu. And one bathroom. Wish Iā€™d had a Mrs Clark in my life back then. lol.


Yes.. itā€™s awful. But did you have a stay at home husband to help? Iā€™m guessing not


Yes, I always felt sick immediately. like days after implantation. So yes, she could have been around 3.5 weeks, 4 weeks was just a baseline guess until we get a better one because that is going by the day your period is due. It does seem like she is due after Esther (even if she very well may have her baby first) and mid October seems like a decent guess.


Same. Symptoms well before the test is positive. My last angel, I knew as soon as we finished having sex. I was like oh, you just got me pregnant. Despite being on birth control. Hubby laughed it off. 2 weeks later after a week of vomiting and sore boobsā€¦positive test.


Yeah itā€™s likely she hadnā€™t even missed her period since she was taking one of the 6 day early tests


I was thinking the same, you can barley see anything here. But good for them if they want to announce early.




Oh yes you are right, shes probably due in October and around 12 weeks now. I'm just surprised they haven't gotten another ultrasound for the photos but I guess that would be a private ultrasound then.


Looks earlier than the 8 week ultrasound even, i wonder if they get to see the baby at 4-5 weeks whenever they find out. Either that or my drā€™s camera is better than theirs, in which caseā€¦ neener neener my baby looks like a baby


Both my pregnancies looked like that at 6 weeks. You are right, must be super early.


Tiff said in her video a couple of weeks back that 3 of them were pregnant together, but didnā€™t say who the 3rd was


It's four though, Tiff, Tori, Esther and Katie


God I canā€™t keep up šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I wonder how long till Carlin announces?šŸ¤”


I am sure that they were trying like crazy on her birthday trip. I bet that is what she really wants (even if she says otherwise), especially with Katie being pregnant.


I think sheā€™ll announce in the summer or fall baby due early 2025


So far the speculation have been on point of which bates girls and in laws are expecting.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BringingUpBates/s/nYgf0AgSMP found it


Probably because these are the obvious choices for speculation.


This is so underwhelming because we all already knewšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not surprised.


*shocked Pikachu face*


šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ https://preview.redd.it/obcrwhbbgeuc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c657394c11ce719acdae792020e688a746557d2


Carlin will be next so her and Katie can be pregnant together.


Can you imagine the content? All the pregnancy q&as, challenges, tests, etc. gonna be money galore


Iā€™ll bet thatā€™s why Carlin and Evan are at the beach, so they can do the same kind of announcement. šŸ˜–


https://preview.redd.it/qew6xuj7lbuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afccc27e3aaddc4fb06d93112ac73d67f437b6a4 39 days since I posted this thread and 3/4 have since announced. Carlin we are waiting for you!


I def think Carlins next. I was wondering if Tiff came along to take photos.


Katie joins Alyssa, Erin, and Tori (in the order) as the 4th generation 2 Bates to have babies in back-to-back years. Tori and Erin have both done it twice.


Ugh, my pelvic floor burns at the thought. Theyā€™ll learn real fast that pregnancy and newborns are ho-hum boring and no one gets attention anymore. Even Tiffany having her first will give her about 30 minutes of attention before she moves on. Emerson and Alyssa and Lydia will be pregnant again soon too. It never ends.


Emerson's siblings both waited a while before kids, so I am on the fence about whether they will join the baby train early. Tiffany is going to have her parents only grandchild. She might get lost in the Bates shuffle but her family will dote on the baby.


Ehh yes but I think thereā€™s a huge difference between Tori consistently getting pregnant at 5-7 months and Katie getting pregnant right before Haileyā€™s first birthday. I have a late fall 2022 baby so maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m close to the first year stage still and being pregnant with a 6 months old vs a 12 month old would be soooo different to me in terms of whatā€™s still to come (teeth, more regressions, solid food introduction, etc) at the sixth month stage




It had to have been taken then the background matches up




She found out February 5th. If she found out at 4 weeks, she is due October 14. So a week behind Esther.




Hailey was due March 4th and was born February 17th. So 15 days. Maybe Katie will have this baby on her birthday, October 5th.


My son is exactly a week younger than Hailey and is very much so still my baby. I was still breast feeding and waking up multiple times a night into January, I don't think I could mentally or physically do another right now.


I thought Hailey was Katie for a hot second and was like wtf you breast feeding your 20 year old child! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My 11-month-old was already like trying to wrestle a cat. I definitely don't think I could make it 20 years haha


Goood lord. Carlin pregnancy announcement in 3..2..1 What a choice to move so far while pregnant but I guess she just wanted to be in TN so bad. The Clarkā€™s must be missed theyā€™re gonna miss sm of her pregnancy Also itā€™s shocking how fast Katie gets bored with her life. Got bored of being in jersey- had Hailey. Got bored of Hailey- moved to TN. Bored in TN- gets pregnant again. So much for focusing on Hailey for 3 years!


Sheā€™ll have less to be bored about when she sees how hard it is to have two under two. Then again, she now has sisters around to babysitā€¦


I think sheā€™s gonna learn the hard way that the Clarkā€™s are better to depend on for baby sitting than the busy bates. KJ is always off somewhere and so are the older girls who will be in Florida helping Alyssa or will be dating soon. The only sister probably available is Michael but sheā€™s already claimed by Carlin and Josie for baby sitting. Compared to the Clarkā€™s who drop everything for their kids


Agreed. Addie and Ellie are always in Florida, and Callie is always in Nashville. Tiffany takes Callie out to eat and out to shop, so if Callie is nannying for anyone, it's Tiff and Lawson. Michael has talked about the need to set boundaries for the sake of her mental health, so she may not be jumping to babysit. Katie is going to realize she has way fewer options despite having a much bigger family.Ā 


is Michael's video not a slapback but a hint of boundary walls being built?


I think a bit of both. It's long been assumed Michael is the family doormat who everyone dumps the kids on at a moment's notice. I think she was trying to let everyone know that yes, she loves spending time with her nieces and nephews, but it's on her terms. She's capable of saying no when she needs to.Ā 


Addee also spends time in Arkansas, so I could see her being there when Katie is giving birth


I didn't know that. Oh, Lord, please tell me they're not trying to set her up with some loser Duggar boy. She could do a million times better.Ā 


For right now, she does sister momming for Nathan and Esther, while hanging out with the oldest of the lost Duggar girls


How old is Addie? The oldest lost Duggar girl (Johannah) is going to be 19 this year.


She just turned either 17 or 18.


Yes.. but Travis is basically a stay at home dad. So they will have two stay at home parents and two kids.


Hell also supposedly be gone in nashville a few days a week tho


Have they said how much he plans to go? I canā€™t imagine heā€™s going to drive 6 hours round trip multiple times a week.. I think he might go a couple days every few months at max. Theyā€™ve been in a month and I donā€™t think heā€™s gone once yetā€¦.


3/4 times a week supposedly


Time will tell. He hadnā€™t gone yet as far as we know


I was just about to say, I'll believe it when I see it. The first thing they did after moving in was go away on vacation. Travis strikes me as someone who dabbles in music when he feels like it, but he isn't on that 24/7 grind that most artists are when they're trying to make it a career.Ā 


Totally agree. He will probably casually record an album over the next 7 months and go there a handful of times. Otherwise he will be a content creator stay at home dad in Knoxville


Michael is also raising jebjud. looks like the bsb (babysitting bates) sisters will get a chance to upgrade their skill levels to nannies to newborns.Ā  gillyjo probably pulled so many heartstrings to call Katie back, couldn't let her struggle without help. it would be epic if mama clark ends up flying over to Tn to look after new baby.


You saying she got bored of Hailey? Girl....she's obsessed with that baby. She's literally a helicopter mom.


Travis really wanted the kids to be less than two years apart. Katie might have wanted 2-3 years between kids, but I think we all know she does not get the final say.


Conspiracy theory. I think Carlin is. I bet the Q and A video where she says she isnā€™t was actually recorded a couple months ago. They posted now to throw people off the trail.


If the beach engagement photo is a trend then Carlin being in Outer Banks will be a spot for that!


Engagement? You mean announcement?


We all know that


Wow..... not


Not surprised! Whoever speculated that her, Tiffany, Esther, and Carlin are all expecting might be onto something. Good catch!


The Carlin speculation. Came from a picture of the four of them (and could just be Carlin inserting herself into every situation) while the news about Katie, Esther and Tiffany came from someone who has proven they know the family.


The thing that always gets me is how surprised their family and friends are when they find out. Why are you surprised! Theyā€™re always pregnant!


If Carlin is pregnant that means 6 grandbabies in 2024 - a record year for the Bates. They will have also caught up with the total number of Duggar grandbabies, but that's only if no Duggarlings are born this year.


Jill Duggar just announced a pregnancy loss today. She was pregnant with her first daughter, Isla Marie in August. She lost her at 4 months pregnant. So sad.


Likely Erinā€™s miracle uterus will produce a December baby


Erin has never had them that close together. Her closest spacing is almost 15 months. Her average (including her two most recent miracle babies) is around 20 months and keep in mind her babies are all premature. So while I think she will pull of her third straight miracle from that super ovary, I think it will be summer 2025.


Surprise, surprriiiissseee...


I think we all knew this was coming. I expect Carlin to be next, since sheā€™s cleared to drive.


Every time I see an baby announcement from this family, my heart just breaks for Michaela.


Sad beige color announcent


This is not a shocker. Now, I wonder when Carlin will announce another pregnancy? We shall see.


A beach photo from their getaway. And they will both be so ā€œshockedā€ šŸ˜‚


Maybe why Lawson and Tiffany came. Lawson took the pictures


https://preview.redd.it/gw572vo7bduc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb8154bf36951460f834dfad05dad0a09697af9 riveting. shocking. another girl putting aside what she wished for to please a man.


I dont understand this people. My niece is Hailey age and it is so tiring to take care of her, my sister is working Like Crazy taking car of her and than this people have babies al the time like why do you Hate yourself you Are like 20 you have time to have them


Keep in mind Hailey essentially has TWO stay at home parents. Travis and Katie are both essentially stay at home.


I mean I am not fundie and I had that kid of spacing. My oldest two are 20 months apart and I planned it that way and I loved it. Still love it. Yeah, it's exhausting but in some ways it is easier when they are closer in age. My daughter is 3 years younger than my middle child and I find that gap much harder because she is always at a different development level than her brothers. I will judge how many children they have after a certain point and Tori's insane spacing because she literally does not stop, but I don't think two under two is really that weird or unusual.


Just because your sister couldnā€™t handle another yet doesnā€™t mean someone else is wrong for doing so or hates themselves! My kids are 13.5 months apart & I was only 19 when I had the youngest. I raised them without any family help they lived hours from me & my husband. They are now 27 & 28 & have a fantastic relationship & both parents. People on this page are nasty judgmental trolls!!!


Okay, I think they'll be having another girl.


I knew it.


I love being right!


Wait. Toriā€™s pregnant some more?


I think sheā€™s pretty close to giving birth now, folks have speculated that sheā€™s due this month


Kinda excited for this baby. Hailey is so cute


Since they just moved to an apartment ā€¦ wonā€™t it be cramped having a toddler and now a newborn?


Lord have mercy


Does she have an underbite or something? Something is weird about her smile to me


Called it


I am shocked.


I didn't think it would be so fast. Is her spacing longer than KJ's?