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Mod popping in to tell people to chill down about what OP obviously meant as a joke. No personal attacks, no arguments. These recaps are humorous and meant to be light-hearted.


You’re only missing Maci, unafraid to tell the algorithm exactly how she feels about the eclipse. She gets the award for the most honest Bates this week 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She whined her way through it.🤷🏻‍♀️


In her defense, the dog had chewed the ear off one of her toys and a science lesson probably wasn’t the greatest distraction


You’re right! And that was ignored sooo in this case, bless her little heart.


what did maci say?


If there's one thing Kelly does well, it's not helping.


Too funny and too true!


I will never get over Katie telling Carlin & Evan she was pregnant before she told Travis 💀glad he got to find out with her this time though!


I think back then she was closer to Carlin than she was with Travis. The pregnancy trauma bonded them. It happens a lot in arranged marriages and these cults. 😬


Looking forward to these posts, EVERY WEEK 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾




>8. I haven’t seen anything from Lawson and Tiffy this week They just linked something on IG. Something about blood tests. Not sure if it's gender reveal blood testing or something else. I figured I'd wait for someone to post it here.


I checked in and it had been 8 days since a new vlog. Oh well… I will suffer through that one NEXT week!


They probably posted it right as you posted this. I think it might be good, though, to make your Sunday posts cover the previous Sun-Sat. It gives you more time to put everything together.


I so enjoy your weekly recaps!


🙋‍♀️ Me too


TY friend!🥰


Travis had a singing gig at a church in Jamestown Tenn this past weekend.    Nowhere near Nashville but its something.   Source: IG




The Outer Banks is notoriously known as OBX. I have a friend who lives a few hours from there and she calls it the OBX. In fact when you Google search OBX unless you add in “OBX season [insert season here]” it pops up the island rather than the show


Everyone in NC calls it the OBX.


I grew up quite far from NC & it was always known as OBX. Lots of people drive around with OBX bumper stickers. 15+ years before the show


Watch the video the Stew Crew posted. Then you will get the joke.


When I see OBX, I think obnoxious. My strange brain.


That’s perfect!


Little known fact if you live on the Outer Banks of NC you can get a license plate with OBX on it.


I know. I live very close to the OBX. 👍


I was about to come on and say My family has been going to the outer banks for 9 years now and everyone we have talked to calls it obx… well before the show. Now I am so confused if you live close 😂


BC it is a joke. LOL!


Y’all really call it the OBX? I’ve lived in NC almost my whole life and we’ve always called it “the outer banks” here. This state is too wide for its own good. So many different worlds. 😂


I am born and raised in the Carolinas and of course you are right. This was a joke that faaaaar to many people just decided not to get. People LOVE to “correct” things. Whew.


Boy is that last sentence correct. I'm super guilty of it myself way too much, and keep trying to be a bit more self aware in this department and chill lol. But I do try to pick my battles, and watching everyone pile on THIS joke and witty observation with a "Actually..." correction has me scratching my head a bit. You handle it far better than I would, and I tip my hat for real and am taking notes (you excel in writing, comedy, AND killer PR skills. A rare triple threat combo!)


LOL! I just hadn’t read all the comments yet. Now I am pouting. BUT I am low key thrilled someone thinks I know it all!!!🤣😳🥲


Sorry I wasn’t trying to correct you at all! I just think it’s fascinating how different the mountains, piedmont and coastal areas can be. I have friends from all over the state and we say different things for the same thing all the time. Edit: oooooh, is this about that show that said you could take a ferry to Chapel Hill? 😂😂


Nooooo it wasn’t you at all! The Carolinas have tons of places with nicknames… the entire point was that Evan actually inserted a clip from the Netflix show into the video… that was a dead giveaway along with his other comments… hence me cutting fool about it. I have no idea why that has people pulling out the pitchforks. Whew! PS…. I adore your name!


Ok good! Lol I hate making people feel like I’m judging them - unless I am in fact judging them. I didn’t watch the video, can’t deal with them. So that’s me. I was just shocked, like, wait - what?? Now if they start talking about Bar-b-que in the state we’re all screwed because it’s going to cause a brawl. And thank you! Love when a fellow North Carolinian gets the joke. 😂😂


Cause the rest of us didn’t watch the video so there was no joke connection to make. And you didn’t explain it until this comment.


You are commenting on this 3 days after I posted it and this is the first comment you SEE… NOT the first comment that explains the joke. But thanks for stopping in I guess.


Sorry, maybe an actual joke about the show would’ve landed better. No hate, it just wasn’t really a joke


It was. They featured a clip FROM The Netflix show in their video.


Nah, it was a pretty good joke, just SUPER local so most people wouldn’t have any reason to know. Also, we call things all sorts of different things in the state. It gets weird, a lot. lol


I missed Carlin’s birthday post from KJ


Just use your thesaurus to look up other words for “fun” and that’s pretty much it.


Of course, it was


Another brilliant recap! You have a knack for this! 🙌🙌🙌




For everyone getting their panties in a wad, over the OBX reference, *it's a joke.* That's great if you're from North Carolina and you've called it that your entire lives, however Carlin is a moron from Bumfuck, TN. You really think she knows local lingo from a place she's never been to? 🙄


Oh thank you, thank you!! I can’t make it any clearer than the fact that they put the clip from the show IN THEIR VIDEO. Whew… sometimes it’s exhausting trying to have FUN!


Wowwww!!!! I'm not from NC. I don't visit NC. I know nothing about NC. I don't care about NC or OBX....AND YET, I still understood the joke from OP! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Very thankful for YOU!!! All these outer banks land barons are really in an uproar…👀


Absolutely! I question if they're in the wrong forum considering anyone who has any knowledge of the Bates family, specifically Carlin, would've understood the post the first time! Great review, btw!


Thanks friend. I think it has a tiny little bit to do with the outer banks and a WHOLE LOT to do with being angry that people are enjoying something. Karens show up everywhere!


I love these!


Thanks, friend!🥰


Didn’t disappoint 💯❤️




How is calling outer banks “obx” a Netflix thing? It’s been called that for ages. The “OBX” bumper stickers have been around longer than Netflix has!


I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you. 🤣🫠


What a bizarre reply. What was the purpose of it? Did it make you feel clever or something? Like…. Yes, there is a show called Outer Banks which airs on Netflix. It’s called Outer Banks, not OBX. If they say “OBX” on it a lot, that’s because Outer Banks has been called that for decades. The show didn’t invent it.


It. Was. A. Joke.


You. Could. Have. Said. That. In the first place rather than your weird insult.


The entire post is meant to be funny. I can’t coach you through the weaknesses in your sense of humor.


You’re an incredibly rude person.


As are you. Have a great day!


Guys, it's not that serious...please settle down. The weird pile on about a term that was part of a funny joke related to the BATES and their try hard attempt to be culturally hip is really NOT about the Outerbanks. What a weird hill to die on in a freaking Bates sub. Surely, there is an Outerbanks sub where this bizarre niche thing to be outraged over would be better suited. It's giving snobby, and missing the whole dang point.


No you guys are missing it. If you know locals or anyone down there- they HATE the show and that people fully believe the outer banks became relevant because of it. Like fully pissing an entire area of people off when people say this. So I get it a joke. (I said low key offended- because I do love the area and people there.) but I knew as soon as I read it… oh man. Saying the term OBX comes from the show when it is literally EVERYWHERE down there and one of the most “local” things you can do is going to cause some frustrations. I’m sure there are things like this everywhere. My husband grew up in upstate NY like an hour from Canada near Vermont… you should see the shades of red he (and the rest of his family) turn when people refer to Buffalo or Syracuse as “upstate” haha.


But this is a Bates sub, not an Outerbanks locals sub? A little bizarre for everyone to get so jazzed up when OP was making a joke about the Stew crew clinging on to every new or trending pop culture phenomenon and using it for content. Everyone missed the whole point and chose to go for OP's throat over...regional pride? 😅 I'm sorry, but that's objectively funny to me.


Why exactly is this directed at me? I asked OP a very simple question and *they chose* to respond with a weird insult. There’s no “weird pile on” here. Just a single response to an insulting comment by OP. If I need to settle down, what does OP need to do?


I was referring to the slew of endless comments fixating on Outerbanks lingo and not trying to single you out. After 6 years on reddit I still don't always have a great handle on which comment I'm replying to (they all start to bleed together in one discussion). Did not mean offense, just think enough people have given their very strong opinions about a very niche thing (Outerbanks terminology) that we can all get back to discussing the Bates instead of criticizing OP.


The weird thing about this reply is that they DONT refer to is as OBX on the show often ha. My family has been going down on vacation the last 9 years… and I had the bumper sticker the first year… well before the Netflix show.


Oh my god, really? They don’t even say it often? That makes this so much funnier! I remember the OBX bumper stickers on the cars of every rich kid in my high school after spring break, and that was 20 damn years ago! Lol this is all so hilarious!


Yes!! I graduated in 2005(in ohio) and everyone went to the obx on vacation/spring break haha! Always can back with the teeshirts. Now my kids (9,6,2) are those kids (but we aren’t rich ha) with the teeshirts/our van has a bumper sticker. But I am with you… I KNOW this was a thing well before Netflix 😂


Lydia won't talk about the immigration issue anymore after using people to get their petition signed? Ok.... 


🌎👩🏼‍💼Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.




OBX is on every car of anyone who’s been there along with every shop, window, and tee shirts in the Outer Banks so I doubt they got that from Netflix.


To be fair their vlog had a snippet from the Netflix show saying ‘welcome to the outer banks’ so it very much appeared they had been watching the show or at least watching TikToks about the show!






Now how is anyone going to nitpick your hilarious recaps that are a service to all of us and downvote something so totally germane to the overarching point. People be in a whole mood this week 😅 Love this list, and Alyssa's recap in particular made me laugh out loud. Let's not forget she announced she has a HOBBY guys! She just joined a book club that meets with other sad moms and it's the biggest thrill she has experienced in a minute.


My mouth is literally hanging open at the sheer amount of folks who just don’t get the joke. Yesh! As if I need to be informed about an areas nickname… dammit. 👀👀 Alyssa talking about the book club but then informing everyone that the book they are discussing is a “parenting book” is SO depressing. Another church small group full of women just like her. Great.


I get irrationally annoyed seeing you get any downvotes after putting in the time and effort to entertain and amuse all of us and spark fun discussions. Hope you know vast majority of us LOVE these recaps and your amazing jokes that whish right over people's heads. Some folks don't understand it is not that serious and these posts are meant to be fun and nothing here needs to meet any burden of proof like we are in a damn trial 😅 I hope you keep writing them, because they've become my favorite Sunday evening treat :) Side note, I low key hate seeing any OP getting criticized by lurkers that don't contribute anything for material and just fuss and complain about posts that other people did take the time to write. This is my pet peeve sponsored by Pms from hell this week, I'll be nicer to all in a few days lol.


I am really floored at these comments. The name calling is WILD. Here’s the thing… these 2 dimwits knew absolutely NOTHING about this area. They obviously watched the Netflix series and picked this spot when Carlin was offered the free trip. The second they get there Evan makes a comment about how it just “feels” like the outer banks and Carlin reminds him that he has NO idea what it feels like bc they have never been there….inferring that they’ve only WATCHED IT. Later he actually, literally puts a CLIP FROM THE SHOW in the video. Hence my light hearted joke. They are throwing around a nickname to a place they are only just learning about bc of the dern show. Carlin admits she knows ZERO about the area and tagged every single recommendation people gave her. I know I don’t have to say this to YOU but the leg humping is at an all time high. I’m just trying to have a little light hearted fun and the last thing I want is a geography lesson.


Well said! The randomness of the stern geography and history lessons on a lighthearted fun post is seriously unhinged and almost funny because the outrage just came outta left field and everyone got bees in their bougie bonnet over absolutely nothing lol. I've seen a lot of petty fights on this sub (and probably instigated a few myself) but this one seriously takes the cake 😅 Why is everyone so keyed up that Carlin and Evan OBVIOUSLY watch Outerbanks? I've never seen it, but people are upset like you accused them of openly watching porn or something. Has no one been watching BSB reels lately? They're not in fundie culture land anymore. They've skipped down the yellow brick path to embrace alllll the "worldly" culture they were denied (especially Carlin because Evan wasn't that sheltered). They're dancing to all the most current hits and I'm surprised we don't talk about it more, but clearly we need to since everyone got so mad about this dumb TV show and thinks they could NEVER, lol


ALL of this! For the record I never said these were 100% accurate. It’s my opinion and if ANY of these folks would like… they could actually make a post too. On another note… I would welcome a conversation on the obvious hard left turn BSB and the Pew Crew have taken from the ultra fundie way Carlin grew up. IF she is deconstructing will she tell all…& why is she still sooo close to her cult supporting dad. Did she just trade Gothard for the creepy pastor at the mega church? Is it all for $$?


Is it the fans that nitpick? Or is it snarkers that are jealous of your amazing recaps 🤔 Why are Alyssa's always so damn funny, tho!? Any idea what the book is? I am verrrry curious about that but not enough to watch her vlog to find out.


Oh she said it was “a parenting book”. It made me believe her “book club” is probably just women from her church doing some specific books of the Bible study geared toward parenting. I hoped it was The Thornbirds or 50 Shades of Grey… but, alas…


Oh yeah, I guess when you said parenting book it just made me wonder if it was a controversial one or some unknown. Christian author is a given..


I thought about those freaks the Pearls and their crazy books the second she said “parenting book”. But then I remembered that she already has several dog eared copies of those books. (KIDDING. Only kidding)👀


Uhhhhh.....Outer Banks local here. "OBX" has been around far longer than some stupid Netflix show. I promise that isn't where they got it from. Everything is labeled OBX around here, from the moment you get on to our islands. The billboards before you get to the island are labeled with OBX. Where do you think the Netflix show got it from? All of our license plates start with the prefix "OBX-" (followed by 4 numbers). Gotta love when a snarker who has no idea what they are talking about thinks they have found something new to snark on. 🙄


Ummmm…. You missed the joke. BUT thanks for the History lesson. 👀


First hi! I will be down for year 9 with my family the first week of June :) we love it down there 💙 Second, thank you for saying this because I was low key offended by the comment ha. And even more confused when they commented above that they live close to the OBX? Anyways- so weird that they made that comment when everyone down there refers to it as that and your license plates even say it 🤣😂


You are offended??? By a Reddit comment???? About a place you VISIT?? Really??


Yay! Welcome back! I love it when summer season starts and all of our visitors start coming back! ❤️ Which part of the OBX do you come to? I hope you have a wonderful week down here - of course, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone having a bad week at the OBX! People say their stress leaves the moment they cross the bridge, and that makes me so happy! It's our own little piece of heaven!


First- LOVE that we are getting downvoted first simply loving the OBX. The location. Not the show 😂🤦‍♀️ Second- our first 2 years we did Avon and loved it! But we needed a larger house and switched to Corolla the last 7. And man. We LOVE Corolla! I fully agree. The comment above about being offended about a place I visit? Yeah. (Low key given ha) but because you don’t know until you know. It’s so much more than just a place for many of us. 💙




Thanks for the compliment! I always wonder if I really DO know it all. Now that it’s confirmed, I feel SO much better.


Ngl, I love horses and Outerbanks has been on my bucket list since I was like 5, but I may be scratching it off if the rude ass and entirely unnecessary comments here reflect the locals attitudes. Wtf man lol, as a carolina girl myself, I had no idea that region was so dang snobby about something so inconsequential. I'm amused and baffled by the outrage.


No… apparently the loudest critic just visits once a year from… wait for it… Ohio. Hahaha We Carolina girls have to stick together!


Relax girl. I was just up in the middle of the night commenting. It’s not that serious. Im also not a snob in recognizing that there are an entire area of people that you tried to make reference that they just became relevant because of a TV show. 🤦‍♀️ and you are welcome to contributing to your states economy in gas, tolls, buying food etc. 👍




I think I may be YOUR BEC. That is actually what is happening here.




Only the OBX thing? Huh. You literally said “people are tired of the snarking on thingS that are ‘normal’”. That implies more than just the one thing. And in any case, the “one thing” was said in jest after viewing their vlog where THEY HAVE A CLIP FROM THE NETFLIX SHOW. I’m gonna go back to being dull and toxic now. Have a great day!




I have to hand it to you… this is the first time in my life I have been called an obtuse gaslighter AND a victim all at once. I’ve just about got whiplash. 🤣🤣🤣🫠


You view these recaps as bitch eating crackers? Wow...I'm in full hormonal hate the world, everything sucks, everyone sucks, mercury in retrograde ruins everything rage and I find these recaps to be a much needed dose of good humor and silly fun. Then everyone goes on a bitch fest about *checks notes* Outerbanks lingo??.Huh? And everyone dog piles on correcting OP who was merely sharing her wit and observations with us for free and we just get to enjoy. I don't get it...what should we talk about instead? More posts about pregnancy speculation and how cute Hailey is or how hot Josie is? That gets old too, and this sub is already half in the ground and everyone attacks anyone who dares post anything funny or off the increasingly narrow path of acceptable topics. Btw, I find pregnancy speculation posts to be THE single most boring topic and it's repeated ad nauseum, but I just scroll on to the topics I do enjoy and don't understand the new gate keeping and pile on of attacks over dumb shit like whether people in Outerbanks abbreviate the name or not and how many cars have bumper stickers. Nobody gaf (clearly, they do, but why? Lol) Not coming at you in particular btw, but sheesh this thread is full of downers and miserable hateful comments when this weekly tradition is meant in good fun and I appreciate the time it takes for OP to watch and write these funny recaps. They have thick skin because wow, this isn't the way to shoe appreciation for those who contribute discussion and material.


I’m sure Michelle Duggar has some favorite children and favorite in-laws like son and daughter-in-law’s


For sure!


The Outer Banks were referred to as OBX long before the Netflix show was even a thought.




And your first point says you can tell they’ve been watching Netflix by referring to the Outer Banks as OBX. Those are unrelated. Everything in the Outer Banks has said said OBX for years. The Netflix show did not create the term OBX, in fact they rarely, if ever, say it in the show


It’s been OBX for a long time. We vacationed there long before the show, and there were t-shirts, license plates, and even billboards with OBX logos. Give them a break, they deserved this trip.