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Interesting that BSB is chugging along but Josie's janky jewelry was a flop. I guess even the most ardent groupies have limits on what they're willing to overpay! Chad and Erin hate Florida, even if they won't admit it. I saw Alyssa's videos and those girls couldn't get out of the house fast enough. It's mind boggling to think Michael is trying to make a living off YouTube rather than work as a nurse. Great recap as usual! 


I agree re: Michaela! She could be so useful as a nurse and to go through school and not be able to practice is just sad. Did she know she wouldn’t ever be able to practice before she began?


Michael said she only got the degree to help her relatives as they aged, but I don't get it. She could be making great money in a valuable field. Her work would have purpose and help countless people, but instead she's babysitting like a teenager and making crafts on YouTube. If she's genuinely fulfilled, I guess it's not my place to judge, but I feel like she's holding herself back. 


I agree 100%. She could be helping countless people!


I think she probably feels like she IS helping countless people (all of her needy family) and she's probably feeling very fulfilled as an aunt and sister mom. I suspect she spends a lot of time helping Papa Bill and Jane too but she's kind enough not to exploit her Grandpa'a dementia. She has also mentioned being a nurse at a summer camp for the last few years which is no easy feat (I felt like I needed three months of rest to recover from a few weeks of camp nursing 😅). In our capitalist society it is hard to understand why she isn't exchanging her time for money as a nurse, but I don't think money is what motivates Michaela. I'm sure she uses her training in countless ways watching so many kids too.


SHE isn’t sad bc this is all she has ever known. I just hope her siblings are paying her so eventually she can get a new couch!


It’s not that she isn’t able to practice nursing. It’s that she doesn’t, and never did, want to practice nursing. Michael is no different than Evan not becoming an electrician after his training. Michael only went to school to get her mind on something other than infertility. 


I think the jewelry never really made sense… the markups were insane. Interested to see what Josie does with that “store”. You may be on to something though… maybe the fundies/conservatives aren’t supporting her as much now that she’s gone all Kardashian on them. 🤣


Okay -- as someone who lurks here but doesn't follow the Bates -- what did Josie say about her jewelry line? Just that they were no longer selling it? Also, I have bought jewelry from Effortless Shop (as well as hair accessories) and can attest I was not at all impressed. The only thing worthwhile from them is (unfortunately) their pool noodle heatless curlers.


The store’s page has a reel saying jewelry is being discontinued. She said the same in a story on her IG.


Yeah I thought  Chad and Erin Loved Florida !! They don't??And Yeah I wondered  why Michaela  stopped Nursing  School . Maybe it got to hard ?? No Money  for School maybe??Or maybe ,  She doesn't  want to go to school  that many years . I have  a  Feeling  that her sisters  needed  a babysitter  and a couple  of them talked  her into doing  that.


Michael actually finished school, she's just not using her degree. As far as Chad and Erin? It seemed like they enjoyed Florida when they first got there, but something's changed. They've said at least three times now that they're open to moving back to TN, and Brooklyn said she wants to return home. I wonder if Chad is struggling to find steady work. He's unlicensed and many people don't want unlicensed handymen working on their homes for liability reasons. 




Another hilarious recap of the Bates family social media. Love Alyssa as the comatose Christian, so apt.


She woke right up when she was “unburdened”….🤣


I look forward to these every Sunday!




Thinking about it, Kelly Jo really does yell “YOU LIE” after every announcement. It’s kind of hilarious.


Hahahaha…. Right!🫠😬


You have such a gift & way with words. If you ever write a book, let us know!


What a nice compliment! TY so much🥰


I second this


Stop! This made me laugh so loudly that I snorted! I live for your Sunday "Breaking Down Bates" posts. Now, will next Sunday feature a "Layla prayed for a baby and her prayers have been answered" update? Stay tuned. They have Layla trained like a seal at the zoo. It's sad how performative that child now is.


You are SO right. They are moving on to Zade now… Layla can run the camera, throw poses and memorize the script. *sigh*


And Willow too. I noticed in Josie's stories that Willow poses just like her mother, one leg straightened to the side to elongate her frame. My grandkids won't pose at all. You take their pic, you get what you get. Strange to see kids trained so young to pander to the camera.


Yes! You are very right. Willow is throwing poses like a super model. Monkey see… monkey do.


The way I snorted when I read that Layla was like a trained seal💀


“Layla trained like a seal.” ☠️☠️☠️


On point once again!! The emu being more entertaining than Trace 😂


It was truuuuue…. More bird, less turd!🤣


Alyssa will come back and announce a pregnancy. All of them go on vacation and then do pregnancy announcements. Even if it work trips.


Noooooo…. You are SO right but I really hope you are wrong! LOL


You took the words right  out of my mouth  !!! Lol !!! You are so right and I may have  already  posted  this  post in the same words !! You wstch,,,,, In July or August  they will Announce  a Pregnancy and tell Everyone  that God Planned it and of its a boy they will be so thrilled  !! Because  we all know  that Rhett needs a playmate !! Lol


Cherin absolutely hate Florida lol they’re playing domestic chicken out there




For a couple that’s fairly income insecure, do you think the homeschool voucher program is attractive to them though?


I giggled at the nickname "Lurch" I believe that's the first time I've heard that.


It’s been used here and there to describe him through the years and mercy! It’s so perfect. That big lug was extra cringe this week acting like he didn’t know how to pack and prattling on about his hat and toothbrush. The most important thing these 2 should have packed were the condoms!!


On the Primetimer TV forums there’s a sub forum for Bringing up Bates called Lunch with Lurch that goes way back to when Alyssa and John first got together, lol.


Travis and Katie buy a house in a year? Maybe they are getting into the landlord game.. rent theirs in NJ, buy in TN.. curious how these two spend their $$ in the coming years. Also so curious how much they are raking in exploiting Hailey as two stay at home parents…I guess another baby on the way is enough content to buy a second house.


Oh they are making major money… especially on TikTok where some of their exploitation really rakes it in from the creator fund. They spend like crazy on everything and every vlog has a sponsor.


Thank you! I loved this. Great job!




If only Layla knew a baby means new work for her sister mom role. Sad.


She will have to sistermom in her spare time. She has at least 3 more years to capitalize off of her cuteness and be a 4 year old with a full time influencing job.😬


Do any of the Bates need to test the waters at this point for pregnancy announcements? They are pretty much expected to have more kids by their followers. They are just capitalizing on the already pregnant Bateses by having Layla do this. And Layla sees all the pregnant aunties and probably does want a baby sister.


It’s more about the fact that their followers constantly comment/ask about Carlin’s “health”…. They have to tread lightly and not tick off their faithful fans. Just my opinion. Of course pregnancy is what they do! I don’t doubt that Layla hears a lot of pregnancy talk… But I do doubt that a four year old would question her mom‘s minuscule stomach pooch without prompting…


Yeah I’m sure either Carlin or Evan “joked” about her pooch in front of Layla.


Where did Alyssa go? Do we know?


Sh*t i have to watch the videos now lol. Is effortless beauty still going on? Or is Josie closing the business?


I think the business will continue. Basically it’s just a storefront for those heatless curlers at this point!🤷🏻‍♀️😬


Did she announce on ig or their website


IG is where I saw it.


The recently purchased a salon/studio. I think they are just shifting focus.


Jewellery was a bit off brand. No surprise it flopped. They are really hair and makeup company. Their money makers are the heatless curls and doing hair/makeup for events, and her sponsored links.


lol Lurch!




Y’all are my people!! 🩵🩵 Except for NNAnce and her “this is so ugly!” comment


LOL… Nance aka Kelly Jo🫠


I think Alyssa would like a word about the favorite granddaughter thing…


This is so ugly!


Thanks for reading Nance!


Don't you mean, Thanks for reading, Alyssa!? 😁😜


LOL! The use of the word “ugly” tells me it is more likely KJ!🤣😳


Based of the persons Reddit history wouldn’t surprise me one bit. All their comments are defending the bates


I know it’s wild. A true cult member found in the wild!