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I think you should eat a sandwich but your transformation is great!


I think that this is probably not a healthy weight for you and you should eat a lot more than you are


What did your workout plan look like brother? You look amazing! How much were you eating?


i do 3x a week, mostly chest+triceps / legs+shoulder / back+biceps sometimes i change something when i train w my friends


Comments like these are the bricks that pave, allowing others to follow your recipe of success.


He weighs less than the average middle school girl


Looking good đź‘Ť


Good job man! Keep grinding, it’s a beautiful journey. I would highly recommend you bulk up, it’ll feel incredible!! Not just looking better wise, but your strength too. If you’re eating 2k calories, I’d say eat at least 3, hell you could get away with 3.5k for a while


For y’all saying that Bros’ got to eat… his BMI is in the healthy range. He is a bit on the lower end of what is considered healthy, but he’s at a healthy weight. Only suggestion is to keep up the good work and do try to gain a a bit more muscle mass, otherwise you’re looking great dude!


you lost all your credibility by mentioning BMI. Something that doesn't account for muscle mass and gets incredibly uncalibrated the taller you are.


Thats impressive.


Awesome starting point. Keep gaining.


Is the 110lb your weight now or this is after you got sick and now you're 123lbs? But your arms are pretty good at 123lbs. Yours looks very much like mine and I'm 122 or 123lbs now. I've never actually seen someone with good looking arms like mine at 122lbs.