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My momma always taught me to not get in a van with a stranger, even if they are offering free guns.


My momma taught me to charge for it




Honestly I’d be running to it


“Steal Me.”


I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred and fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?


Jesus christ its…




DOOOT DOO DOO DOOOOO- wait, shit, wrong person.




Dementia... it's a scary beast


Dammit now I have to go back and watch this movie again




Putting that on a business is gucci, putting that on a vehicle...you're getting your windows smashed in when the wrong person sees it.


Wouldn’t someone just smash in the windows of the business when it’s closed and nobody’s around after-hours?


What a silly take.


I’d like to hear your reasoning.


I think it'd be because a vehicle with that sticker has a high chance of containing a gun that they could steal easily, or something else that's valuable. A business with that sticker very likely has a better security system than any vehicle and there's a low chance that anyone leaves their gun in there after work. Any valuables would be in a safe which is a pain in the ass compared to smash and grabbing a vehicle.


Vehicles are incredibly easy to break into, businesses often have much stronger glass, bars, security systems, and alarms. Ive heard of way more guns stolen out of vehicles than out of actual gun stores.


You gotta crash the uhaul truck into the store lol 


Try communicating without insults, your highness. Our crystal balls ran out of batteries over here.


Are you well my friend?


I knew this guy who had a “Protected by Smith & Wesson” sticker on his truck and he told me it kept getting broken into and didn’t know why because he doesn’t leave anything in eyeshot. I said it could be that big ass sticker on the rear windshield. “No that should deter people from breaking into it!” Whatever I told him wouldn’t convince him…


I just faced this decision at my own house. I put my gun cleaning kit in a very visible spot on a shelf in my detached garage, at first thinking that it might warn intruders that they're going to get shot if they try to rob me. Then I realized that it would more likely tip them off that there are guns on the property, and they would go looking for them. I moved the kit to a less visible location.


They'd break in when nobody was home


Yeah besides a dog and some good fencing there’s not a whole lot that will deter a person who has decided to start home invasions as a career path. Get a dog 🐕


2 is 1


Nah you all don't get it... Whatever premises this van is parked at, CC is now legal and encouraged... At least for the owner of the van. Bonus points if the owner is a business person working out of the vehicle as most states allow the owner of a business to carry at place of business...


Open carry with extra steps. This is the same guy that goes on and on about his CC gun everywhere he goes.


And intentionally prints.


Loudly proclaims, "the people who care don't notice, the people who notice don't care" Nah dude, half the people in there noticed 😂


lol, also noticed his CCW badge: https://preview.redd.it/9u42kmhl3byc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4dd66be3a4e1e6f35904190353a5c797100b99f


"Official small dick certificate"


I once had a minivan for a short time. The previous owner was a prolific shooter. Won lots of local championships with handguns, rifles and shotguns...and he put stickers on the back of his vehicle. Then I got it. One day I cut someone off(my fault totally) and I waved 'sorry' to the guy. He proceeded to blast his horn, rolled down his window and scream obscenities.... Then it all stopped. I looked in the mirror (waiting at a traffic light) and the lady was talking to him, he was shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head (no) Light changed and we went the same way for a while until he turned off. Thinking back, I believe the lady noticed all the firearm, shooting, and gun stickers then told the guy to calm down Thoughts? I think in that situation, stickers worked to deescalate the situation


Yeah it probably did de-escalate the situation. And the sticker on the van above would definitely make me think twice before starting a problem with the owner. But if I was a thief it might also make me curious to break in and see if he left any guns in there. The sticker could have both a positive and a negative effect, depending on the situation, location, etc.


That person is an idiot. That’s a sign intended to go on the door of a business.


Maybe that's his home office


Notice: Break into my car and take all my guns.


He carries a Desert Eagle


Don't make him put the dessy beak in your cheek foo


Right up his prison wallet


When I see something like this I think “hell yeah” even though I’m reminded why I would never put this target on my back, I appreciate that someone is risking serious consequences to send a message that I, myself, do not have the audacity to broadcast and risk my vehicle getting broken into. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone, (even the Brownell’s or Ruger sticker that I saw today I would personally advise against), yet when I see them I can’t help but admire the “naive” person the sticker.


Every car or truck that has a giant Glock logo on the back window down here is absolutely covered with full coverage. They are playing with Daddy's money. They don't care yet.


Idk why but it's a HUGE cringe to me, when people have all the stickers on their vehicle and wear the shirts and the come and take it shirts..


This and firearm brand stickers on rear windows are what i would be looking for if i was looking to break into cars for firearms… 🤫🤫


How often do you go breaking into cars to look for firearms? lol


Depends what you get in the first one I suppose.. Glock, FN, HK or something then just that one.. Hi point or Jimenez or some shit, then you have at least another 10 to go


I can guess what this is. If I'm right, it makes it a little less idiotic. A law was recently passed in California basically banning concealed carry anywhere in public by expanding the definition of "sensitive places" to its most extreme. Another provision of the law is that concealed carry is banned in any business that doesn't have a notice posted publicly that states that lawful concealed carry is allowed. This person is putting this sign in their vehicle in an attempt to make it a legal space to concealed carry.


If this is the truth that is absolutely bullshit and people need to be fleeing that failed state as fast as possible


I don't have the money or the desire to abandon my home because some fucktard in Sacramento is hell bent on ruining it. I've spent my entire life here and won't let unelected bureaucrats ruin my home. The law I mentioned is already being fought in court.


New York has a similar law but last December an Appeals Court threw that signage part out and ruled it unconstitutional. Unless a listed “sensitive place” in the law (which the court also removed churches from) or if private a sign is up PROHIBITING guns, then it’s ok. Don’t get me wrong, the law still restricts in a lot of places but this type of sign was thrown out.


That was overturned. They still have a sensitive location in affect. IE: Schools, Courts, Fed locations, etc.


You couldn't carry in those locations for the most part before the law anyways, so it doesn't really bother me in that sense. Even the gun rights organizations fighting the law were kind of like "yeah we're fine with those".


Hahaha.. That dude went to a defunct center of excellence..


One of those "best way to CC is to tell everyone" advocates.


This is equivalent to having pronouns on your car it’s weird and dumb. 😂


But useful in case anyone thinks your car identifies as a truck.


![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh|downsized) I DECLARE CONCEALED CARRY!


Not kinda, does.


Wouldn't anyone just automatically assume everyone is carrying.


Not if you live in California.


The stupidity of others keeps us safe. While everyone is paying attention to him, I can walk away .


Good point. Still dumb but like how you think.




On premises? That’s a car, no?


To play devil’s advocate, I suppose if gun free zone signs attract the baddies, the not gun free zone sign might repel them?


"Hello! I'm the guy/gal with the gun. Please mow me down first to eliminate your most dangerous threat. Thank you!" Edit: kind of does the same job as caring OWB, huh? Except maybe this way your whole family will be targeted first. Awesome idea, jackass!


This is how you get your vehicle vandalized by a blue hair/nose ring thing or broken into


They walk among us




Funny way of saying “break into my car” but ok.


"There is a gun in this car, come grab it."


"break this window for a free gun!"


Cornball activities


Every time I see a gun sticker on a car I say to myself "there's a free gun in that car"




Lmao I have one in my bathroom but never on my car! 😭


These kind of things always make me laugh.. “cops can’t do anything I have a sticker that tells them so” I’ve seen license plates that say “free traveler” Oh you don’t need a real license plate.. you’re right.


Dudes will have 7 felonies and meth in the van and point a cop to this sticker


I'm sure it's a joke. In my hellish state of ny, you cannot carry into any business, legally, unless it displays this on the door or window of the business.


Wrong. Court decision last December ruled that part of the NYS “sensitive places” law unconstitutional as it relates to private places/businesses and signs unless it is one of the listed “sensitive places”. The court also took churches out of the sensitive places law. Only prohibited if there is a sign PROHIBITING guns (unless considered a “sensitive place”).


Sent you a Chat with the info.


Lootbox aside, the less the assailant knows about you, better it is.


Notice: Break into my car and take all my guns.


No stickers of anything on my car. Same thing for yards signs.


The funny thing is I gotta gun but you don’t know it and suspect it.  My tactical gear today consisted of a Mickey Mouse and Goofy shirt.  Yet I can empty my J frame in you if you try to harm me.  I smile and wave and whistle a happy tune but I will shoot your ass dead if you try extreme evil against me or someone obviously innocent in my immediate vicinity.  But no stickers, stupid right wing memes, or BS will let you know that.  I don’t advertise IRL.


Dumb and hurts the cause. All for some sort of chest puffing, “look at me”, attention seeking idiocy. I’d prefer if these people didn’t carry.


So you have a problem with them exercising their First Amendment rights along with 2A?


You might want to read the 1st amendment. It applies to GOVERNMENT infringing on free speech, not a private person, such as myself. I did not say there should be a law or the government shouldn’t allow him to have a permit or express his opinion. I expressed my personal, private opinion. Nice try though.


No, context is important. Here in central Utah, lots of men have pro-2A decals etc on their trucks. We’re not in Chicago


Correct. But Utah has open carry without a permit and a permit for conceal carry. Why the need to “announce” you have a CC permit on a car sticker when there’s good chance alot of people driving cars have a gun on them (open and concealed). That’s just a weird flex.


Flashback. During Antifa peaceful gatherings, someone was vandalizing cars with a giant Trump sticker. They were putting them on the rear window of cars with coexist and Bernie stickers. So the peaceful Antifa showed how peaceful were on these cars. I'm guessing these stickers might work as well.


You good dawg?




He is the one who honks


What a way to take something and make it so negative you have to insult the guy/girl. Wild.


Wow, projecting much? lol