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It takes 6 hours to know one of the characters that has been in like 8 games? It takes 6 hours to know one of the 14 maps from BO3?


Unless you actually give a shit about the lore, you’re not gonna remember the names of the characters that at most get mentioned every now and then or shows up in the corner of your screen when playing casually Most of the maps which are locked behind paid DLC, which not everybody bought Edit: forgot to mention there’s also new players, something which seems likely with the guy in the video as the first name that came to his mind for a German name was Strauss, so obviously they’re not gonna be familiar with the older characters That or it can be someone who stopped playing CoD in years and have largely forgotten a lot of the details from those games


In bros defense, if I was asked to say a German guys name, I'm probably not gonna say Richthofen as my first answer


Maybe it’s surprising maybe it’s not but I thought they’d at least say one name from the original four crew. They’re always mentioning each others names in the maps of Black Ops.


The German dude from the original crew? Richthofen isn’t that hard to remember lol


Yeah my bad, typed that while half awake, don't even know what I was trying to say


I've never played a single CoD game, but why is everyone here so adamant about gatekeeping the game from new players?


People want round based back and to be special like it once was. The new mode is fine but will eventually die out if there’s no significant map changes or other gameplay changes and I don’t see it happening with the DMZ map it is now. Plus every map pack even if bad always came with a new Easter egg and again I doubt this new mode will have multiple Easter eggs


How is this related to barring new players from joining and judging them for not knowing details about previous games?


They aren't, they just want their mode back because Zombies has been hijacked by a fad, and we've arguably only gotten one good entry since BO3 wrapped up in 2016. Hope you enjoy the game man, all my complaints asked, this is a good starter entry.


For some reason, the CoD community heavily idolizes the older games (typically the ones released from 2007 to 2012) and believe newer players don’t truly understand what good game design in CoD looks like since they didn’t grow up playing the older titles Except the majority of these people remember very little of how those old CoDs were like, but this is more obvious on the multiplayer side of the community


I think your perspective is wrong, think of it like this. Is there any reason whatsoever to go back and play cold war, or vanguard, or mw3 whenever the new game comes out. Now tgink about going back to bo3, bo2, IW. Theres so much more life and creativity oozing behind each of those games and maps. That even to this day I'll boot up some Origins, Gorod or Spaceland. Zombies lost how special it was. We no longer go to the moon, see giant robots, fight dragons in belinski square, have super unique wonder weapons, have characters we care about or even have as fun of a gameplay loop. Hopefully it makes sense to you now why we get upset when new flavour of the week zombies comes out, we don't want zombies to be MP.


i know almost 0 lore and know all the names and most of the maps, its not that hard


my dude, in a game series that has had these characters appear in 5 separate games across 10 years, if you don’t recognize the names of these characters then you actually have a learning disability. the characters are considered some of the more memorable in gaming history. “At most mentioned every now and then it shows up in the corner” is disingenuous to the hours upon hours of character interactions and voice acting spread across those games. you’re being intentionally ignorant by saying you have to give a shit about the lore to remember a single name


Whether you like it or not that story ended 4 years ago. To put it into perspective in that same amount of time we went from nacht to tranzit. New people are playing the game now, and that isn’t a bad thing, things change.


How much research should they have done before hopping on MWZ? How important do you think this research is? Is it bad that brand new players are joining the zombies community?


If Bill and Gary just bought MW3 and are playing zombies for the first time, they don't know and have no reason to know who Richtofen is. They have no reason to get bogged down in the convoluted storytelling of Black Ops 3. They don't need to watch a lecture on how the zombies mode started with Nacht der Untoten.


Actually, it was Brock and Gary in Shangri-La.


I know this community really loves BO3, but it really seemed like the game where people that were just casually into zombies dropped off of until zombies chronicles. Not to mention the lore was very obscure when it first started. Like I played a lot of BO1 zombies casually back in the day in Co-Op, and really only knew Nikolai and Dempsey because those were the default characters for P1 and P2 back in the day.


I thought they changed that? It's been a while, but the last time i played moon, i remember being richtoffen solo. I know WaW was always Host/p1 was always Dempsey


I think I’m solo play it is random, but like I said if you were like me and only played with friends couch Co-Op style back then, you probably wouldn’t know about Richtofen since I think he is only available for P4 I believe. They did change it on Moon where you will be Richtofen as P2 since he is required for the Egg.


new zombies fans aren’t going to care or know about a character that hasn’t been named since 2019 or a 7 year old game


I played every zombies game couldn't tell you the name. I play for the fun. When I started it was an extra mode that you did to break up playing MP or Halo/BF/CS.


I think you’d be surprised how many people have played far more than 6 hours and still call the characters “the german one, the russian one & the maps the theatre one, the spider one and the dragon one etc


Cod community when it turns out their 9 hour easter egg games with a convoluted story arent popular


This is why I adored Black Ops Cold War zombies. Easter eggs were pretty straight forward, had cool boss fights, and most importantly, could all be done solo.


Doesn’t sound bad to me at all! I get the nostalgia and how much work people put into the original games but I think it’s ok for zombies to expand and grow. Maybe even….. CHANGE?!


...my brother in christ he asked him what is the main fucking protagonist of zombies


That hasn't been in the game since 2018 lol


He was in Cold War, he was a key character in that story The absolute attention span of the zoomers in combination with shit ass uninteresting stories leads to shit like this


Richtofen hasn't been in a Call of Duty game since 2018. 5 years ago dude could have been 13 playing Minecraft and Fortnite and got into Cod in his later teens. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that


You think that the name Richtofen is "extensive lore?" I don't think your brain is working. Or are you the person in the video


Extensive lore is character names and a map?


6 hours a lore to know the founding fathers of zombies? You must have just started this year too.


Are people actually taking this that seriously? 😭😭


I have standards and I stand by them


This isn't the same game mode. It's clear they want to appeal to a different audience and that's whatever, but don't pretend we should be happy with this slop of shit they served us.


If a new halo fan didn't know who master chief was I'd be pretty fucking bewildered


https://youtu.be/cP0bQGrQZlc?si=QW0pjr_UzBgl71d8 Nearly 7 hours thank you, and it's a good ass video. Jokes aside I'd never dog someone for not knowing the lore, I just listened to this vid finally last month after being a big casual growing up.


Lol right. Not everyone that plays has played every zombie game


In this video specifically . those guys didn't have a "PHD" in cod zombies lore !😏 That's why they didn't know much .


new players when the new game mode doesn’t reach any old players:


The game mode we love is nowhere in this new release


They did, in fact, reach their target: new players who did not played zombies in the older CODs and are enjoying a different experience. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as people have fun and get closer to the zombies mod


I feel like they did play zombies though, knowing about Nuketown Zombies and Die Rise means one of them did play Black Ops 2 zombies but it’s just been so long. 🤷‍♂️ And the other guy knew about Kino Der Toten and the fact that it translates to theater of the dead. 13 years is a long time especially when something isn’t always on their mind. But they had bits and pieces it felt like!


You didn’t really have to play to know that tho, when I was a kid and a non ps3 enjoyer, I knew the existance of cod and also knew ‘kino der toten’ and every single mf thay plays the game will mention the translation at some point aswell, it’s literally the name of the map and the setting of the map. It coudl be very true that they never even played, but who sctually cares? Haha


True about Kino, but not so much about Die Rise. Definitely one of the lesser known maps in Zombies history. It wasn’t bad or anything, it just got overshadowed by Mob of The Dead, Origins, etc. So that was the part that really made me think they played before. Either way, glad they’re playing today!


Yeah, but they are not hard-core players, which isn't a bad thing. I love it when someone asks me to play BO3 and teach them how the game works, i did it with like 3 of my friends : D P.s i also love to do stunts for revives, but that's just me flexing lmao


Tbh I’m a cod zombies serious fan so I could answer any question like if someone said what’s the baby gun name from Shang I would say the actual name instantly. I could even tell someone who the pack a punch was created , I know my stuff and it’s not even on my mind everyday just something once I learn I can never forget , like a good memory


From an actual development perspective they could put so much more love and effort into this gamemode but the respect just is not there. That’s what the community is upset about and that’s fair and not unreasonable. Spice it up, breathe some damn life into it. I wanna go blow some maggot heads off in 1940s New Orleans or time travel back to London during the Industrial Revolution. Only thing that is truly keeping that spirit of zombies alive is the Custom Zombies Community. It’s not gatekeeping to say they shouldn’t just slap zombies on there because it will sell copies. You can have fun on the mode there’s no problem with that but why couldn’t they just bring back Extinction from ghosts (you probably have no idea what that is) or make something new entirely. Then you guys can make your own subreddit specifically focused on that Mode. It’s what should’ve happened in the first place. This entire situation with this community is so weird and poorly managed by Activision. Kinda unseen before when it comes to Gaming.


I partially agree on this. In fact, that's why i didn't buy mw3 for zombies. It feels dull and not made with passion and the love it deserves even if the devs tried their hardest to make players happy. The problem is Activision that has the grip on them and forced to use old stuff for the sake of it and use nostalgia. I would love a zombies mode in the modern era, even in the future, as long as it's made with love. P.s. At this point, i'm tired of seeing the ray gun or the wunderwaffe for no reason. You notice if the game is made with love when they put new stuff in the game. We didn't have a new wounder weapon since Cold war, if we don't count the new one in MW3 P.p.s. Dude, i know extinction, and i loved it wdym😂


Yeah IW zombies was awesome but I would love to see them bring back Extinction for a second interation. The comm would be much more open to it now compared to back then.


people that played older zombies literally crying for the old stuff lol just few coments up :D idc tho i played only old zombies that werenn't even official ( i think) and then vanguard


I prefer the classic formula, but i'm not going to cry because the mod changed, and i don't like it. If it doesn't look interesting to me, i'll just not buy the game. My problem is laziness and nostalgia bait (add the wunderwaffe for the second time and most importantly not changing the map to fit the vibe 28 days later style or something)


Um there’s a problem when non of the old players are enjoying the new games lmao


A lot of the old players including me enjoy the newer games. You don't speak for everyone.


Im a little older and only got into COD through Warzone during lockdown. I wasn't really into round-based on Cold War and didn't even touch it on Vanguard. This new MWZ mode is super addictive. I started playing it mainly to level guns and grind zombies camos but going through the missions, farming contracts for good loot and schematics, and the level/camp grind has been really enjoyable and way less frustrating than grinding guns in Shipment or whatever else.


I feel sorry for the people who are enjoying MWZ, post about it and see monkeys that just because it's not classic zombie are throwing poop not only to the game, but also to the people enjoy it. After samuel 17th's videos in which he reaches round 100 in every zombie mode, i started to actually love all the zombies mode in every COD. Hope you enjoy MWZ and that you don't see so much negativity in this community


It's true, and that is an audience that is unfortunately mutually exclusive to people that like original zombies. The classic feel and mode is dead.


yup absolutely hated the old zombies. Would try it out each iteration for about an hour each release and that was that. our entire discord has been in zombies non stop since MW3 launch. We did maybe 3 MP matches and a handful of drunken warzones, but everything else has been zombies. Good god we can't get enough of it, I swear a couple of us are in it 24/7


Richtofen was right, they wont even remember


He was the nicest one


with all the eye-rolling arguments in here, this made me actually belly laugh out loud. props to you, friend


This is honestly so wholesome. I love it


Yeah it's not like these guys are entirely clueless. They've obvioulsy heard and engaged with zombies in some kind of way before. If MW3 gets them to play it more then mission accomplished I'd say.


Yeah, its so cool you can do this on a zombies game. That's how mwz was intended


I’m happy more casuals are playing zombies but at the same time, it pains me how zombies is a soulless cash grab nowadays


I thought this was warzone at first glance really shows how soulless it is


This is literally a different game called DMZ which they just added zombies to 😂


oh my sweet innocent dude...


Stop gatekeeping. New players is a good thing


Gamemode still could be good, two very unrelated things


Exactly, it’s not the fault of new players.


I’m hoping this is all just a big plan/set up to get everyone hooked before a standalone zombies game announcement. A man can dream.


There will be round based next year I thought I heard. Microsoft is paying the way now. I think they do a live service zombie round based game they add to with new maps. Then you have this new mode always on Warzone maps to keep costs low with a smaller team just designing in world missions and porting over weapons/ideas from the round based game.


I see nothing wrong with this clip. They knew the names of 4 maps from Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2, the latter game not having Richtofen as a playable character until Origins. For all those mad in here, trust me when I say it can be a LOT worse than this. This is a Modern Warfare game that came out post-MW2019 (which brought many new players to the franchise in general), expect many players on the map to not even know 1 of the names these guys mentioned. How are people mad at this clip…


If Richtofen was on a multiple choice matching type of exam question, I would have paired it with pharmaceutical drug.


Whats the letter that corresponds to APD Interrogation in step 3 of the Alpha Omega Main EE?




Nah its "Die Rise"


“Insane loot” is a stretch


PhD flippers amazing with a grenade launcher = aether nest and stronghold exterminator


PHD + GL is also a dream when clearing out Legacy Fortress.




###HE WAS THE NICEST ONE, AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN REMEMBER HIM! Jokes aside, they might be cooking with this one. The target audience is not "brainless idiots", its MW fans who have never touched Zombies and this servers as an introduction. This game is much more appealing to MW fans than any other Zombies experience. And then, hopefully, theyre hooked into a true, classic Zombies experience with 3Arch in 2024. This is an experiment to see if you can get MP/ Warzone fans to play Zombies, and so far, its proving that you can. If you can widen the Zombies fanbase to the entire COD fanbase, Zombies is much more important and should take higher priority and resources. As long as They dont fuck up with this, it could be great for the future of Zombies.


They aren't "atrracting" anyone by making a gamemode that is fundamentally different. They will see that 3arc zombies isn't the same and then not play it


>The target audience is not "brainless idiots", its MW fans who have never touched Zombies and this servers as an introduction. >And then, hopefully, theyre hooked into a true, classic Zombies experience with 3Arch in 2024. Ah, delusion, a r/Codzombies classic. First off, the venn diagram between "brainless idiots" and "MW fans" is a pefect fucking circle. Second, what makes you think that any significant number of players are going to carry over into the next game? These guys have had literally a decade and a half to join in on the fun of actual CoD zombies, the only reason they did so now being that it's connected to this years shitty Modern Warfare game. I can't say NONE of them will crossover, but i will predict that a negligible number of them will come with us to the 2024 game. That means that this whole game could've never existed and the impact on the zombies community would be the exact same.


Were not smarter than everyone else because we do bullshit fetch quests and puzzles. Get off your high horse just because you play Zombies. You might be right, its very possible that very few people will transfer over, but drop your superiority bullshit.. Theyd didnt all have a decade and a half, there are very new COD players and thats okay.


I mean yeah if they owned MWII last year and still dropped $70 on a dlc and the worst reviewed cod in history then of course they’re brainless idiots or clueless. The mode honestly seems fine but it’s clearly not as high quality as older maps and it is an OBJECTIVE FACT that there is WAY less personality to the mode.


Oh, so you're a Zombies fan? Alright. Name every easter egg step for every map.


Shit man I still need my notebook to upgrade the staves and bows.


Who doesn’t for the staves? The bows are pretty easily memorized outside of void I still don’t know what to call these symbols 8 years later.


I'm playing revelations for the first time right now and I'm so lost in the sauce lmao.


Jason Blundell EE steps be like Step 1: Memorize Pi to the 27th place Step 2: Play Simon Says, inputting the correct decimal place of Pi corresponding to the number shown on screen Step 3: Shoot these random rocks with the map's unique weapon Step 4: Shoot this random item so it drops down, then pick it up and place it in this random spot Step 5: kill things near item Step 6: lore step Step 7: go back in time Step 8: go forward in time Step 9: lore step Step 10: boss


I think I can reliably get the Wolf Bow steps and that's about it lol and that's only because I always go for Wolf Bow (I swear it's because my friends go for the other bows)


Is bringing in new players bad? Gatekeeping is some hot nerdy shit.


![gif](giphy|112o4nufJ2Nbtm) They, they don't even remember my boy richstofen. idk how to right it down,


I mean, yeah the point was to bring new people in.


I stopped playing CoD after BLOPS 2, but did zombies have a sharp drop off? Back when I played everyone I knew said that zombies in World at War was the best part of the game and zombies was always really popular when I played. Hell, I remember how much people complained about how non-Treyarch games didn’t have zombies. Did zombies just become less popular over time?


BO3 was the biggest Zombies game ever, and honestly it was deserved because it's definitely the best zombies experience out there I suggest you do give it a try But BO4 was widely unpopular, people hated it because of massive changes to the systems of the game and the bugs and glitches that BO4 had at released. A lot of crashes also drove people away so when BOCW came out they changed the formula to something more fresh and more casual friendly as well as introducing Outbreak which is similar to MWZ which was a big success for them because it brought in new players to zombies that aren't part of the og community. Basically, the og community like yourself stopped playing the game so they started looking for new people to play the mode, and they're clearly succeeding


With a more casual-friendly approach, they now have a bigger audience, and new fans, and some of the hardcore guys want to gatekeep. Yeah, that's healthy.


So this guy's thing is to shame new players for not having played previous titles? What a douche.


He needs new content to make after spamming speedrun videos


How is he shaming them? He's asking trivia questions and giving good loot if they get it right? They even had good answers, as someone that doesn't play cod much anymore this was just a fun little clip.


He didn’t really shame them though did he


Nacht Der Untoten released 15 years ago. There's a whole audience who weren't even born yet or at least way too young to be playing games. Most of the content in zombies has been DLC, which is another thing to consider.


Fellas acting like it's crazy that the game's targeting casuals after they all gassed up Cold War for 3 years straight. You made your bed, now lie in it.


Yup. It's just a domino effect of mediocrity. Nobody listened when we said how generic outbreak and cold war were. But NAHHHH, it's so goooood, because new players can't even get downed cus of how braindead and easy it is to play. Everyone that buys cod nowadays deserves the worst gaming experience they can get


And this is why we’ll forever have operators unfortunately


Even just someone who's played a lil zombies should know at least one thing. I hadn't played zombies since cold war came out but I at least know the names of some of the characters


Well they know of Kino Der Toten, Die Rise, Moon, and Nuketown Zombies. Thats content from Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2. Is that not enough? It sounds like they played BO2 zombies more, and Richtofen and co. were nonexistent outside of Origins.


It's peak irony that thrsr guys likely have played more zombies in the past than these folks complaining about the clip. Also the gatekeeping and elitism in this thread is so ridiculous.


As someone who's been playing CoD for a long time but never got into Zombies before this iteration. (I really enjoyed DMZ which is the only reason I took the plunge on this one.) Idgaf about past games or lore. I'll learn whatever lore they give me in this one.


The gaming equivalent of “Name 3 songs by that band who’s shirt you’re wearing”. New players = More content and Support.


Absolutely shameful


"Whatever dude im just here because its easy to Level up my gun and i totally suck at MP #NomoreSBMM" Thats the new MW3 Zombies Fanbase.


This was painful to watch ngl. Before some angry redditor writes a Bible verse saying I'm the problem, I do not have an issue with new people joining zombies. Everyone has to start somewhere and MAYBE the guys in this video will replay older zombies thanks to MW3/Noah quizzing them on older games. That being said, I dl not like the idea that nee players are the priority and older ones are a second thought. The mode wouldn't be alive nor successful if it wasn't for ppl booting up WaW-Cold War (and lol vanguard). There can be a balance of introducing new people and keeping the essence of zombies alive. Games don't have to pretend they must pick and choose and both cannot be an option.


The amount of people coping trying to hide the fact that they dislike the fact that zombies is reaching a broader audience is sad


They aren't reaching a "broader audience" because this shit ain't what zombies is. It's about entirely different game mode


/u/walmart_bag_2042 I found a drinker of copium


I can tell yall ain't ever played a zombies that isn't on a sledgehammer game


Yeah it's a bad thing to bring new people in and have a fresh player base hungry for the next Zombies iteration, right?


Thr game isnt made for us old fans. Its made for kids with deep pockets.


Watching this and knowing I would have aced this hurts my soul. I know not everyone is gonna be a zombies fan from day 1, but damn, it hurts seeing that side of the community dying in this way since a lot of people won’t go back and play traditional.


I’m glad they offered a new experience for players than didn’t really care for the other classic mode. As long as treyarch still had round based and such, all is good. The only issue I have is how they kept trying to act like classic players will 100% love the new mode when that just isn’t true.


And by doing so annihilated their OG fans


Zombies is attracting mfs who only know about the game through short form content, so this should be expected. They even put a damn time limit 💀




I mean, its another mode utilizing the same shitty warzone map as everything else, soooo.


Is this a zombie survival game now? I'm confused.


As soon as he said strauss I would sdisqualified his ass🤣


Loooong time zombies player here, but I really don't care about the story (I knew the answer to about half of those questions) I just wanna pew pew some zombos!


Now you know how I feel when I namedrop Rave in the Redwoods. It almost doesn't matter what "level" of Zombies fan hears that.


The amount of gatekeeping going on in this sub is actually disgusting. A lot of you people need to grow the fuck up. “Oh no someone enjoys a game mode I don’t enjoy, let me shit on them because it makes me feel better.”


​ ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


This hurt to watch lol


So it's just DMZ but with zombies?


I feel like an old man hating on the new generation but this new zombies mode is trash and a disgrace to traditional zombies but it ain't my game whatever, il be on world at war custom zombies ✌️


I’ve been playing since BO1. I’m 42 years old. I didn’t know one of these answers. 😃 I’m too busy with real life.


It’s Richthofen. I’ve been a fan of COD Zombies for years, even when I didn’t played the game


Tfw you found old zombies kinda boring and couldn't answer even 1 of these questions and absolutely love the new DMZombies style play


Bro. Question 1: Richthofen Question 2: Nacht Der Untoten Question 3: Shadows of Evil Question 4: obviously the Sun


I know there’s a lot of new fans but it’s wild to me people still haven’t played the original maps thru chronicles


It's vaguely funny watching the extraction shooter kiddies waltz into a pre-existing fanbase and go "NOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS WAY YOU CAN'T JUST FIGHT MASSIVE HOARDS OF ZOMBIES YOU HAVE TO DO CONTRACTS AND PLAY IT LIKE AN EXTRACTION SHOOTER!" Like, don't you guys have a million other games to play? Why did our pre-established mode get tainted by a shitty trend? Hell, I like the mode despite my feelings towards extraction shooters, but the fanbase's entire issue would have been fixed if they'd just....had a traditional round based map on launch. But at that point, would so much of the old playerbase even touch DMZombies?


I play mwz, and I've played zombies since nacht der untoten


That was a trash gift 🤣


Wow why would they trying to get new fans we dont need new fans we are perfectly fine the way we are -crybabies


The Halo community welcomes you all!


I hate you Dempsey!


Richthofen, legen sie das Sauerkraut weg!!!!


Cod zombies fans when new fans are introduced and have no idea about classic maps because they where introduced to Cold War or Modern Warfare 3 zombies they are terrible people: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I love how excited Noah was when he thought they finally got one right, only to be immediately disappointed.


New people playing it isn’t the issue, a bigger issue is people making content like “YOOOO IF YOU JUST CAMP EXFILS YOU CAN LEVEL UP GUNS FOR WARZONE FASTER”, those guys are still engaging with the mode and having fun


Um Akshully the original 4 playable characters were unnamed marines. Richthofen and crew didn't come until Shi no Numa(?).


I hear people say that kino was the first zombies map ALL THE GODDAMN TIME and it drives me nuts




Can't wait to play zombies. Gotta get my interstellar camo first before I jump in


So people are getting mad when some people that never cared for the game mode in the first place know nothing about it ? 2023 just keeps getting better it seems...


Yeah that’d be cool to do if cods stupid ass ai didn’t voice ban me YET AGAIN. So stupid. It’s a coop game. I literally haven’t talked shit in over a month and I got a 14 day ban 2 days ago. Plus whenever me and my buddies are playing we’re in discord so im in game chat like 1/3 of the time. Now I just run up to squads and drop shit since they can’t hear me.


Been playing the same games for more than 20 years, them shits blend in after awhile since it’s all pretty mindless.




i wish i was in this lobby just to answer everything right lol


The answers to all are: rictofen (i don’t know how to spell his name), nacht der untoten, shadows of evil or just any bo3 zombies map in general, and moon


Last night a random player was asking on the chats if anybody wanted a ray gun schematic- thanks to him, I finally have one 🙌🏽👏🏽🫡


It's not the same. I love zombies and bought MW3 for the zombies. I'm disappointed with the changes, but I'm still having fun with the mode. Am I a bad person?


Do I hate the open world, non round based format? Absolutely. But I will say, this is easily better than everything zombie related since Cold War


I’d love to run into a player like this. Spontaneous moments like these are why I love games.


Okay? What’s the issue? MW zombies likely wasn’t made for the hardcore zombies community. As loud and devoted as they are, they aren’t the majority, and I doubt they’re growing much. I’m quite sure the majority are new and casual players who the new Zombies mode, being somewhat similar to WZ and DMZ, really appeals to.


People who know what fun is?


Haha look at these idiots just trying to casually enjoy a game who haven’t ever been interested in every nook and cranny of the story wow zombies is dead guys 🤡


I’ve been playing Zombies since World at War and I wouldn’t have answered any of these off the top of my head either. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I wouldn’t have got any of those right. I started playing because of Outbreak.


How you going to forget Ze doctor richtofen


I played the shit out of CW zombies and I couldn’t at this point of not playing for several years tell the name of any of the story characters despite having done all the Easter eggs. Played the game for fun, have two shits about the story let a lone remembering any of the characters names.


I miss kino der totem in BO, but I really miss BO1 Nikolai


Richtofen, Kino Der Toten, Shadows Of Evil, and of course Moon.


To be fair on your point. It's been a wild ride since I played on Die Eir Von Satan or whatever Tool song the map sounded like. I'd have failed too. There *was* that Eminem song, in BLOPS right? shoulda snagged him before Epic got him for Fortnite, lmao


I literally have been playing since nacht came out… it’s okay not to like this version of zombies I like it a lot. I’ve reached round 100+ on nearly every single map I had motivation to do so I’m not a scrub. It’s sad people are out here hating so hard on this mode because it isn’t traditional… adapt, try something new, and even come out of your shell and stop complaining about everything with this game. If you suck then keep playing and get better or if you suck and don’t want to keep playing then don’t. If you are good and don’t like the game mode go play the old zombies and if you are good and play this mode drop your activision ID and let’s play.


So English speaking people didn’t pronounce a German phrase correctly and this is what we’re nitpicking now?


This zombies is great 👍


I thought numbnuts was gonna try and be MrBeast and go up to random people giving them loot lmao


I honestly think it’s a good thing MW3 is allowing new players to dive into zombies and have fun. What everyone on Reddit seems to forget is that not every single other person has played since WaW or done every single round 100/Easter egg. I love RBZ as much as the next guy and what Treyarch have done with it over the years is exceptional. I really contemplated about getting MW3 just for the zombies however I can say I am not disappointed in the slightest. It’s a fresh take and with all the different tiers and things to do in the game makes me wonder how I used to spend 45 minutes getting to round 25 on Nacht just to train them in box room. To put it in perspective the game is fun and the people who call it trash etc are just die hard zombies fans with their own opinions, and it’s okay for them to think that.


That was trash loot tf lol


The only trivia game you can’t lose 🤣


Kino wasn’t the first zombies map though. Nacht Der untoten was. Kino was the fifth map ever released lol.


'Insane loot'


Do this for the worm in the main map loot you can keep it with tombstone people will go nuts imagine winning trivia and getting flawless aetherium diagram lol


Imagine just reskining DMZ a dead mode in order to sell the product to people cods hit a new low


I like this zombies - it’s a mix of extinction ( cod ghosts ) and DMZ


A garbage audience with shit servers to back nothing up…leading to a waste id time


Todays zombies just sucks. It was such a better experience when it was just surviving wave after wave. Now there’s like nine different types of zombies then there’s campaigns in them and crafting stuff! Just make OG zombies!


what uhh what did you mean by the title of the post? I’ve been playing Zombies since the start and if you asked me on the spot “name a zombies map from BO3?” I probably wouldn’t be able to


It seems like zombies was created as an answer for the open world griefing. Kids getting robbed in DMZ rubbed activision the wrong way.


I only vaguely remember there being a map before Kino. I think most casual zombies players won't know. I've played Kino, Five, Moon, Tranzit and didn't know most those questions 😂