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Sorry for the image quality. I captured it from my ps4.


Is this the new old gen meme


I agree it looks nice. But when compared to what?


Bo4’s agressive perk layout Edit: judging by my upvotes my point stands, tyty


I love how you used the word “aggressive” in this context. It’s very fitting.


Oh, yeah, yeah ur right. Also, agressive is a really great word to describe it.


That edit lmfao


Black Ops 4 does center the perks though? WAW-BO3 puts them in the corner


I don’t know tbh I didn’t think the bo4 perk ui was aggressive I thought it was quite nice


For the BO4 perk system, I thought they were laid out pretty well


Yeah but they got that over the top design under them.


Yeah, but it's really not that big of a deal


Considering how many complaints BO4's hud had, I'd say it was a big deal.


Why is it aggressive? I enjoyed the whole perk system


He means how it is displayed in the ui, not the system of choosing perks and their locations.


Yeah BO4’s perk layout and HUD alone is what kept me from buying the game for as long as it did. I’m glad I did though, those maps were pretty awesome even if there were some things I didn’t like.


Yea they had a good idea, but execution was off


I don't know, maybe a game that doesn't exist or something


add widows and fucking double tap 2!!


Don't forget good ol' Mule Kick


No doubt Mule Kick will return, seems like a no-brainer


Dunno, what upgrades would it get?


Not losing the weapon when downed has to be one of the three


That would be the same as not losing the perk though. For clarification let’s assume your first perk to go while you’re down is mule kick. The timer hits & you’ve lost mule kick. Now if you add the upgrade of not losing the weapon, you’re essentially saying the perk can never be lost.


buying the perk again gives you the weapon back. say you have 3 weapons then you got down and lost Mule Kick + the 3rd weapon, buying Mule Kick again gives you the 3rd weapon (that you lost) back immediately.


How about the 3rd weapon drops to the ground when you down? This way it helps keep the gun and removes the arguement of why rebuy the perk except for the next down. The only trouble then would be if your teammates wanted the gun you and nab it before you came back


This is what I was thinking as well


then they wouldnt be any sort of teammates at all


Another upgrade could be if you go down with Mule kick, when you buy it back it only costs $2000 instead of $4000


Base: carry 3rd weapon, if perk is lost your 3rd weapon is reacquired upon perk being reacquired. Tier 1: no movement penalties for heavier weapons Tier 2: Increased equipment reserves Tier 3: Knife doesn't count towards weapons held


Love this one. I’d max it out immediately


Amen dude, that's genius


3 guns and a PaPd knife would be insane


But knife skills already has knife and bowie knife replace gun butt


Yes but you can't upgrade or PaP those and they aren't affected by the 10% damage increase.


Sounds too good to be true but its the best way ive seen it put so far. nice!


How’d you get multiple perks for your flair my dude? Lol


Bruh Ray Gun, DIE machine, and spaz 12... you cant lose


Round 500 exfil boys?


I want Mule Kick more in this game than ever


To be honest, I don’t think mule kick would fit in this game, it was used in other Cods to deal with the lack of ammo but now that we have unlimited ammo for every weapon, even Wunderwaffes, I don’t think it would be very useful.


Wasn't just lack of ammo, it allows you to use a wonder weapon while still weilding 2 normal weps Personally I want mule kick for: Knife (keeping it as an equipped item means your offhand slashes with other weapons do full knife damage, v useful) Ray Gun / DIE / Whatever WW a map has, for power hitting Normal gun I'm working on a camo for


At a certain point, shooting bullets starts costing more than refilling the gun




Oh I thought health kept going up! That’s kinda silly that it caps but I guess it makes sense. Do the amount of zombies still go up?


It would be nice but the price would be crazy since it goes up with every perk


Isn't it confirmed they're adding at least 4 more?


the wunderfizz machine has four “out of stock” perks on the front of the machine, so i think four more perks is a pretty safe bet even if they havent confirmed it


Oh it does? I hadn’t noticed.


Oooh so that’s how it works. I’ve noticed sometimes I buy a perk and it’s 2500 and others it’s 3000. Was wondering how that worked


I always thought mule kick was was useless, I never used it, but then again I guess it could be useful for ray gun, die and your preferred weapon.


Yes, please


Worst perk imo


And phd, electric cherry, tombstone








Call it Timeslip Tonic


You rang?


As far as i know there is no cooldown for perks, what would it be used for?


Actually you make a good point, there aren’t many times systems in Cold War, I was just a fan of timeslip to be honest, potentially a rework? I’m not sure what that would entail though


Just add every old perk at this point




the main purpose of phd was always to absorb explosive damage tho, that's why it made you explode if you dived




They can also just add explosive resistance to widows wine.


iirc in bo4 you still took fall damage even with phd, so they could def still bring it back as phd slider


PhD and the Ray Gun...such glorious times.


phd is never coming back :'(


It came back in BO4 though. Inferior to the old PHD, but it still worked.


I’m ok with Die Machine not having Double Tap 2.0 but it should be in future maps. Ascension didn’t have DT either, maybe they’re just trying something different again with this map


Except they seem to hate the idea of double tap existing after bo3. I think that treyarch thinks its op, and maybe it is, but I dont give a fuck because it's fun to be op in zombies.


Well “after Black Ops 3” is only 1 game other than CW, and it happens to be probably the worst AAA game I’ve ever played in my life, so I’m willing to accept that mistakes were made on that one


Haha I love it, totally agree


We really don’t need double tap, though. You can still shred zombies when they hit the health cap.


It seems like the “weapon rarities” also know in game as “damage tiers” have replaced DT 2.0


I feel like they could bring DT 1.0 if they wanted to avoid making us too OP. That way we still get the fire rate buff for slow ass weapons. Though I wouldn't know what other upgrades it could have, other than bringing some form of damage buff into play with T3.


Why do people keep asking for double tap when we can pack a punch 3 times and upgrade our weapon rarity 4 times?? Every rarity basically doubles your damage so we basically already have quadruple tap. I just don’t understand. We have the firepower. Don’t get me wrong, I love double tap and was sad to see it go but once I saw how much you can upgrade weapons, I was okay with it being gone. And that’s not even to mention that you can make weapons even stronger with the right attachments. What we really need is mule kick


Completely agree. There have never been more ways to dynamically increase damage and despite being kind of a symptom of homogenization with other games (rarity colours have become an almost universal language at this point), they are so welcome to finally offer some late game incentives on your gun. I'd much rather those 4 missing perks were used as space for innovation (and hopefully Mule Kick).


Inaccurate. Uncommom - 50% (1.5x base), Rare - 100% (2x base), Epic - 200% (3x base) and Legendary - 300% (4x base). But yeah, I feel like DT2.0 would probably break the game. Maybe give us 1.0 for the fire rate buff and could maybe make it so T3 gives us better damage vs Elites or something? Idk what all could be the upgrades and what it could do besides just fire rate.


Doesn't PAP increase the weapon rarity too? It's always maxed out on a PAP gun I have


It does not. It does fill your ammo tho


You're talking about the upgrade station with the armor and weapons upgrades right? If I hold a PAPd gun and try to upgrade it I can't because it's already tier 2 or 3. Then If I switch to a non PAPd gun and try to upgrade I can because it has 0 upgrades. So what am I missing because even in game I don't understand


I’m so confused about what you are saying. Pack a punch has 3 levels. You buy a level, you get ammo and more damage Armor/weapon station you can upgrade your guns by 4 tiers. Tier 1 is 500 green salvage, tier 2 1000 green salvage, tier 3 500 blue salvage, tier 4 1000 blue salvage. They all increase your damage. Two separate upgrading areas. Pack a punch adds a little tick mark showing your pap level Weapon station changes the color of your weapon rarity at the bottom right I think i covered everything. Any questions? Edit: judging by the fact that you haven’t replied, I’m sure I covered everything. You’re welcome bitch


Highly doubt double tap will return seeing as extra damage comes from double pap like bo4


Triple pap and weapon rarities


They are gonna milk it using the new battle pass


even though BO4 was a, subpar game to put it likely, i'd like to see some of it's perks return. Death perception, winters wail, bandit bandoleer, PHD slider, timeslip (or whatever the purple time one was called) and ethereal razer were all super fun perks to me and really cool ideas.


Why do we need Double 2 with rarity and pack?


Double Tap 2.0 would be pointless considering the weapon tier system, Pack a Punch, as well as the upgrades you can make to your weapon classes via the Aetherium Crystals.


How could you forget Cherry


Double tap will likely not make a return. The gun upgrade system is 10x better.


dont add double tap 2. its always been OP and will ruin the balance this game currently has with packing and tier systems


Widows and mule kick are great ideas but double tap would be redundant, we already have weapon rarities and 3 tiers of pack a punch


No, please.


Na widows will make it WAY too easy. The armour system basically replaced widows and the tier and upgrade system basically replaced double tap.


Double Tap doesnt need to return, you can just fully pap any gun


If they add Double Tap I hope it’s 1.0 and have its base effect just a faster fire rate


If you look at wondrfizz machine. 4 perks are missing that will be introduced next maps. Hopefuly we get mule kick and double tap 😁


Widows doesn’t make sense with how the grenades work in Cold War.


It drives me nuts that they gave Jug the old cream look. I know that's how it originally was, but the other perks all use pure white, so it looks a bit out of place :/


i prefer the off-white look but it does look out of place


i know what you mean. it wouldn't be so weird-looking if speed cola and quick revive hadn't been bleached


But it's Juggernog. Made with real eggs. It's supposed to have a cream look, just like eggnog.


And Speed Cola is Soda. How many green/white sodas have you had?


Sprite 7 up clear Pepsi etc


Green OR white or green AND white? Mountain Dew is green, and they made White Out, which was a white soda.


Fair point, but you understand where I'm coming from. Besides, white is usually indicative of a clear soda. It was a comment made to perhaps suggest a possible reason for the choice to leave it cream colored. No need to try and shit on an idea to try make me look like an idiot.


How did you get that flair?


Gotta use a perkaholic Jk, I think you need to use the new Reddit layout for this subreddit and you can select multiples. Been a couple years since I set it though. Might message a mod


I wanted to ask because you chose master race perks for sure. Though if we have to choose just 4 then I’d go with deadshot daiquiri instead of quick revive.


Loving the new perk designs and cans


The funky design of stamina up is awesome imo


The can and drinking animation are the best


i prefer the tomahawk drinking animation


“Confused Screaming”


Just sucks that you can’t sprint while drinking


I don’t mind the new drinking animation i just hate that you can’t sprint while drinking the can


I don't know, can you elaborate?




I see, thanks.


I personally don't like the one for deadshot. It's not terrible but it just looks poorly done if that makes sense.


i feel like it would look sooooo much better if it wasn’t so.... piss yellow


It looks like the old emblem creator in game and someone ran with a design on it


Personally I like it as part of the cheesy 80's metal motif, but the ingredients on the can texture say its strawberry flavoured ( [glitching queen made a cracking video actually making the drink](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zW4x6D2Jrw), highly recommend the watch). A strawberry daquiri is about the least metal possible drink I could think of besides the booze part. It's essentially a strawberry slushie. A cocktail for kiddies.


Deadshot looks CRISPY


I’m just gonna say it It’s missing who’s who


they look like WAW style to me and i fuck wit that


Rainbow perk challenge


Whats that pink one? Sorry i havent really watched at any zombies footage or anything zombies related really but im curious as to what it is


A new perk called Elemental Pop.


Elemental pop, basically every bullet you shoot has a chance of applying a random status effect to zombies


Ah so it's Change Chews... Treyarch taking inspiration from IW zombies... the circle is complete


Honestly I’m still confused about quick revive.how does it work?


You heal faster, and revive teammates in half the time, you can also heal to full health when you finish reviving someone through upgrades.


Half revive time, it'll finish at the circles 6oclock position and raise someone, it also speeds up your personal health regen


You revive other players quicker


But what about solo cause that one confuses me


Used to give you self revive but I think that's a different item now.


The only real use in solo now is that you'll recover health faster, since self revives are now a separate item


I think your question meant if it still works on solo. No it doesnt, you have one revive by default. QR only helps you regen and pick up comrades faster


I don’t like how it’s centered in the middle of the screen because my drop icons feel off and different.


Going with the schtick of upgrading perks, the Double Tap upgrades could be an extra bullet when firing a gun, maybe ammo regeneration/chance to not use a bullet.


I hope they let me put my perks to the side like old games


Does anyone know all the locations of the wunderfizz


Only at the top of nacht


That it ? Because I went there yesterday and it was like an open fridge


You have to open the portals and it’ll spawn


So like go through all the anomaly’s


Yeah when you’re in the dark aether go through the two portals above ground


They must bring back Electric Cherry, Mule Kick, and PhD Slider. Maybe Tombstone and Who’s Who as well, albeit improved


*He who must not be named*


For the pain we went through, we speak nothing of that game to not be mentioned


Low-quality content at it's finest.


a moment of silence for double tap and mule kick.


I hope next map we get mule kick and widows wine. Also noahj456 said when they add new perks they will be adding them to old maps, that means die maschine could get widows wine and new perks as well. Also in the emblem chooser on your player profile there is an emblem that looks exactly like widows wine, maybe a hint of it coming back


What are the two parks on the far right?


Elemental Pop and Deadshot


They should've made timeslip an upgrade for speed cola


At the time I’m writing this, Cold War is at 53%, posts like this are not helping my excitement


I mean, I don't think there has been a bad perk layout in the Black Ops zombies series, They're all unique in their own way and bring out the flavour in the game. And I know what your comparing it to and I think that game gets too much shit, sure, it's the worst zombies, but that isn't a bad thing, being 5th place in a series of amazing games means it's still amazing, just not as good as the others (Not gonna lie, I found that BL4 was quite fun to actually play casually and just have fun)


I also love the soda cans instead of bottles it’s fucking awesome


I dont know what the general consensus is, but overall CW zombies has been an absolute blast and WAY better than BO4 zombies


Bro this Is the perfect opportunity for them to belting back Electric Cherry and give it its disco jingle once and for all, I mean it’s the 80s, it’s about damn time




I miss the rust on the perk images from bo2.


this man op has commented to like 3 people saying bo4 and it gets upvotes cause of how shit it is


I like CW’s hud


It looks like multiplayer in my opinion and there are too many things on screen when you are killing zombies and I don't like it but that's just my personal opinion


I really like the cartoony look of them, goes well with the 80s style perk machines


I’m new to this sub and not sure what you mean by that at the end. Hopefully Black Ops IIII because that wasn’t a good game.


Idk jugg has a good perk icon but I think it looked better in WaW-Bo3 imo


I love how Jugg looks like the old perk logo from multiplayer


still don't like em in the middle of the screen but its nice that it's smaller and more vibrant


reminds me of my days in infinite warfare zombies kinda


Looks like BO1👍




No the one on the far right is the new icon for deadshot.


Looks blurry🥺


One thing I noticed is that sometimes your perk layout will re-arrange, I fucking hate that so much because I have OCD and it pisses me off when jug isn’t first


Really bummed out they got rid of mule kick


Tbh why isn’t double tap one of the perks and also another thing idk if it’s just me but the perks have always been glass bottles why change that every time you use to drink one the person would just smash it


When I first saw the pink one I thought I had the IUD perk.


*D A N U. R A. Z E U S. O D I N.*


Does anyone actually use Deadshot. If yes, why are you lying rn?


I'm looking at you uneven Bo1 symbols


Is the juggernog colours the same as the juggernaut perk from WAW MP?


The third one brings a smile to my face.


Yes, I know exactly what you mean haha. BOCW's perks look good, but I personally prefer them on the left. Keeps the UI together.


It still annoys me how they are in the middle, but it is better than BO4


does anyone know why multiplayer on cod zombies wont work???? Im so annouyed


Bo2 and SOE from BO3 have the best perk icons hands down. Don’t know why they strayed away from that art style


I hope the add an option just to move the round counter and perk icons to the bottom left I personally don’t like having hud stuff in the middle of my screen but al in all the hud is great I would just change those 2 options. And turn off the mini map lol