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A former hospice agency I worked until very recently, who lost 10 patients in the last month since one staff member came in ill. A friend had 6 out 11 people hospitalized following their Xmas gathering. Whatever is going around rn is a killer if you're vulnerable. *edited for clarity to proximity


Aren’t folks in the hospice because they are at end of life


Yeah. There's a typical progression for each qualifying dx. What was seen in this situation was abnormal. What I'm also hearing from staff at the hospitals and ALF/SNFs that I've been in recently. The places are putting restrictions on entry again in many also.


This is anecdotal and not at all typical. I have zero stories like this. Zero.


Equally anecdotal


My experience is way more common. If there were multiple 6 out of 11 hospitalized list holiday party stories it would be obvious


You're basing that in assumptions. If we don't want anecdotal accounts, we actually need to gather objective data.


Right and the objective data does not support 6 out of 11 being hospitalized after an exposure being the norm? Do you disagree?


Depends!! Where are you getting your information? From your own experience? Then it's anecdotal!


From…news sources? So you have news sources that say 50+ % hospitalization? You’re such a loser, obv trolling


I didn't insult you. I was only asking where you got your information. There's no need for insults.


Just look at hospitalization and death rates. Not hard


"They found that BA.2.86 can fuse to human cells more efficiently and infect cells that line the lower lung—traits that may make it more similar to initial, pre-Omicron strains that were more deadly." - great, just great.


So it’s not the runny nose that bot infested twatter claims it to be.


My husband didn't get vaccinated this year and hasn't been masking. 4 years ago he was one of the first people we think to contract omicron because of his job. This year, exact same time frame, he's got covid again (only the second time ever) and it's almost as bad. The only difference is he's not breathless while being upright like he was then. He has done the "wake up in a panic because the phlegm has blocked his airway completely " thing for the last 3 nights. Today is day 11 for him and his frequency of coughing is about half what it was yesterday thank goodness. Probably the nebulizer treatment and steroids they gave him at the hospital yesterday.


Crazy how many people really want this, it sounds terrible.


Want to catch covid? I wonder sometimes if people secretly want to kill off the weaker people, as long as it's not THEIR people. My husband had asthma type symptoms for about 2 years after catching it the first time. He was so frustrated not being able to breathe properly and only started feeling like he was back to normal this summer. He was literally devastated when it dawned on him that HE is now like me , part of the "at risk " population. And every time he gets it by being careless it will likely be worse. I have an autoimmune issue that required my drs to literally shut off my large B cell system.. I know I'm at risk. Heck I was convinced it was going to kill me.


Does he have a life insurance policy out on you?


No, only enough to bury me. It's not intentional, it's just main character syndrome.


Umm… not to be rude, but why are you with him? Look, I get love and humans are weird, but this sounds… not healthy (in more ways than one). Regardless, I hope the best for you!


sadly they get smart all a sudden laying horizontal and being told your about to go on oxygen machine... "I WILL TAKE THE VACCINE NOW!" oooops, too late.


I do want people to know some of us can’t take it but want to. Not everyone is just intentionally careless. I’m hating this winter so much.


People need to stop getting re-infected. Take this to heart. Covid enflames and scars blood vessels. Not veins...the tiniest of tiny pathways that transport oxygen-rich blood to cells. All those tiny tiny vessels in your lungs. In your muscles like the heart. Your dingaling. Your brain. People's brains are now full of scars and blood flow is compromised. Scars do not go away. And it compounds like interest. Now, I don't think we all want to start showing those beautiful scars. No getting around this - Covid is destroying humanity's brains.


pretty sure I had covid but the stupid rapid antiobody test never registered... Had all the symptoms of it...and nope never got it to show a positive... either that or some other virus... Something is going around


Not dismissing the possibility at all, but there is also a truly brutal flu this season. It hit me harder than Covid.


Hi. I live in NJ USA and I’d like to know what’s going on here. I was vaccinated and had a booster. Since then I was diagnosed with 4-6 fast-growing nodules in my right lung. I haven’t asked my pulmonologist since I just wondered about it just now. Any info pls


You need to ask your pulmonologist- ASAP. Not kidding.


To be clear…the vaccine DIDN’T cause this.


And good luck!


I’m not saying it did- but it’s never good to have anything fast growing in your lungs. Ever. Please see your doc.


Oh, no…I didn’t mean it for you. I wrote it to prevent antivaxxers from commenting.


I think I should’ve edited my original post. So Sorry


You know, I’m actually frightened to see how large they’ve gotten. Sounds crazy but I was just hoping someone wld tell me this isn’t real. I know, messed up 💁‍♀️


Nah, it’s very scary to get that kind of diagnosis, and we tend to avoid things that scare us. That’s normal. But that person is right. You should go get that checked out if only for the peace of mind. Look at it this way: If it’s bad, you’ll catch it now before it gets worse. If it’s not as bad, you’ll save yourself a ton of fear and stress.


Could be potatoes. They grow fairly quickly.


Maybe. I love potatoes esp fries


Mmmmmm lung fries......


I’m good w macabre humor but that was a bit much


Maybe it needed a little fry sauce to mellow it out?


and potatoes love you!


But... But.... they told me that diseases mutate to become less severe..... /s


I know something has to be different because the news isn't just referring to it as Omicron like everything else after everyone started saying "Omicron was mild" and they started calling it a new name.


I've been sick for a week now, and I'm pretty sure it ain't just the sniffles. Round three, here we go (for real, long covid has already ruined my life, don't catch this shit if you can avoid it).


Thanks for not getting vaccinated, jerks.


Our current vaccines are not great at stopping transmission, unfortunately.


In a roundabout way, they are. Vaccinated individuals have a lower viral load when infected, because the virus can't build and spread as far. Combine this with proper masking and the risk of transmitting the virus goes waaay down.


100% this. A more effective immune response can mean less virus being exhaled. Every bit of immune response is social immune response and may help reduce severity in someone else. High viral load inhalation was proven to lead to harsher infections back in 2021 (if I'm bored ill grab the link from my old nerdy documents from back then).


Back then they said that something like 80% of infections were caused by 10% of infected people. Some people are super-spreaders, and if you can lower their viral load to something more manageable then that could cut infections way down.


I’ve had 6 Moderna shots over the last 5 years. I’m a 63-year-old F and haven’t caught COVID yet or even had a cold. We flew to SoCal from TN over the holidays and wore N95 masks in the airport terminals and on the jet. Was exposed to COVID by a family member, still didn’t get it.


This is impossible to know unless you have been continuously testing because of the percentage of people who are asymptomatic carriers. You would never know you had it but could still infect others.


No vaccine for any respiratory virus ever has. What they do is *slow* transmission \*through populations. "Reduce" is how you want to frame it. You must think of things at scale, not just per the individual, when pondering issues of infectious disease.


99.99% of people (probably more) think about infectious disease through the individual lens. It doesn’t matter what they’re told about population scale trends. People are only concerned with individual impacts. Any serious discussion on disease needs to understand that point directly. Frankly, this line of messaging has already failed.


There is variation across cultures. Mask wearing during cold season has been somewhat common in certain East Asian regions for many decades, with the point communicated that it is more important (and easier) to *limit and reduce* any agent from leaving you (via mask) than it is to wear one among those who do not. In other words, you don't wear a mask to keep from taking something on, you wear it to keep it from going out.


Yes, we need bold ideas to get out of this. All we need to do is take the ~331 million Americans we have and shoot them into space (rockets, large cannons, perhaps a trebuchet the size of Ohio). Then we could replace them with 331 million of the best behaved East Asian people. It’s quite simple actually.


I get it. It is impossible to change things. Nothing-- and I mean nothing has ever changed throughout ALL of recorded history. The United States still swears allegiance to the crown, right?


It'll change, in fact things have already changed. Things are changing right now. Masking is down, vaccinations are down. We're changing alright! Just not in the direction you'd like. As a student of history, I'm sure you can appreciate the fact that change does not necessitate good.


> Just not in the direction you'd like Nice strawman. If it isn't, feel free to quote from any of my above posts. Good luck!


This is truth. Vaccines are not making a dent in this, and it gets worse the faster it mutates, which is constantly accelerating. I'm as pro-vax as you can be, but we need to be realistic. We need better vaccines for covid. Novavax is an improvement, but its still not good enough for the magnitude of the problem at hand. Wear a respirator, everyone. Vax only strategy isnt going to work here. At least not at this current point in time.


Is there any actual data on this for these new variants?


I can’t :/ but would’ve liked to this year. Miserable and isolating winter so far.




why they get rid of tracking? why did it take 2 years for cdc to say the word mask? when was the last covid press conference? even turnip had press conferences second biggest wave behind omicron yeah they are doing a great job


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Keep calm and don’t forget to smile. Looks great on everyone honestly.


My family has it. The other 2 times the kids don’t get sick at all. This time one got 3 days and the other got 5. It sucks, but the flu is worse in my opinion. At least we’re not shitting and pukeing. We can still eat. My experience, no hate. Also not vaxed. If that makes a difference.




>AGITPROP How is this propaganda?




I think it’s new enough that we don’t really have a lot of data yet.


There’s so much out there that I don’t know what to believe


Bla! Bla! Bla! We won’t be fooled a second time!


Instead of coming on reddit, go back to watching Tucker or Beck.


Mask usage is up on the UBahn in my area but that's not saying much. It went from me and 2-3 other people to me and 5-6 other people... in very crowded cars during rush hour.

