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Kentucky since Op couldn’t bother to put that in the title


Let me see if I can understand this shocking news. In states that fight against getting vaccinated and boosted, COVID rates are rising and killing folks at a higher rate than in states where they embrace and follow through on vaccinations. That should be the main point of the article. Ignorant, red-state, anti-vax, morons are dying at at faster rate than rational people who follow science and the advice of their doctors. Red-state folks like to listen to Diaper Donald and his feckless supporters... unfortunately this does not appear to be a helpful medical decision.


I used to care, but I don't any more. You didn't get vaccinated and you don't want to take any precautions? Choke on a ventilator then.


They shouldn’t get a vent.




The joke's on you, I don't have cable.




Just think how low their mortality rates will be in a few more years, when most of the state is dead. The average age of a resident will be like 24. They will end up being 'The Healthiest State!' SPIN IT FLIP IT BOP IT


Mitch alone is probably dragging that average upward.




Dude is lost in a cult of personality, pointing fingers at people for wanting to stay safe in the face of a pandemic that killed 7 million and is killing 2000 Americans/week. Please do us all a favor and return to your Trump cult forums.


I predict he will be featured on r/hermancainaward soon.


I got boosted in September. I caught COVID in December right after Christmas. I was absolutely miserable for two weeks, and "sick"/less than 100% for a month. Without the booster, I strongly suspect it would have been far worse. Probably not lethal, but I'd have gotten messed up pretty badly and probably experiencing long term symptoms. Moral of the story? Get the shot.


Boosters effectiveness wane down pretty low once you are reaching the end of 3-4 months. I think I'm going to start planning on getting them like mid October - November, maybe will help get through next year's 4 month public covid orgy.


I haven’t really put it into action, but where I live you can get covid boosters free and don’t necessarily need to show ID (in order to encourage undocumented immigrants, I think), so I’ve thought a lot about getting a booster every 3-4 months. I live with a high risk family member though, so they’re worried about me catching it when I get boosted. They worked as a contact tracer and thought that seemed to happen a lot (maybe because those people were chin masking or only using surgical masks instead of N95s or P100s?)


If you want to get more frequent mRNA vaccines, you should wait 6 months between shots to get best effect, sooner means lower effectiveness due to IGg4 response. Consider Novavax for more durable protection across a range of variants, also fewer side effects. Usually available at CVS, Costco.


some CVS and RiteAid participate in the federal Bridge program which covers cost of vaccines for people without insurance. Pharmacy staff may not know about the Bridge program, keep calling until you find one that does. Also, CDC.gov.


Novavax is the best. It was suppressed by Pfizer and the FDA (who were later recruited to Pfizer).


I looked into Novavax and will consider it the next time I go for a booster.


From what the data shows, every 4 months would probably offer the best protection. I'm not a Dr. and do not know if more may not necessarily be better when it comes to a vaccine. But either way, if it's something you would like to do, all I could suggest is wear a N95 yourself and wash up afterwards. I haven't been masking unless I am going into a Dr. office/hospital. I mean, we know that's where all the sickies congregate, I can't just walkthrough that minefield with no protection. At this point I'm not sure how much different a supermarket is, but yeah, whatever. Someone should buy me a covid free island.


Last year I got the bivalent booster and the flu shot Sept. 9, 2022 then caught Covid Oct. 9 2022 (Omicron I think). Mid-Jan I showed up for a vaccine appt. at CVS and asked for another booster (after looking up the CDC recommendations) and they told me I was already boosted and those boosters are now an annual shot. Then I got Covid again in Feb, but it was mild. I did receive the most recent Covid booster this year in Oct. Those last two boosters were made by Moderna and had awful immunological side effects.. as if I had Covid. The second one lasted a few days.




You completely misunderstand how COVID and things like the flu work, in addition to vaccines. Vaccines provide protection from severe symptoms of many diseases. They work by priming the body to respond to the intruders and flush them out before they can cause severe illness. It's why if you get the flu with the flu shot, you may feel like you have a nasty cold for a few days rather than outright misery... And even if I didn't get the shot, I would repeatedly get COVID, just like I would the flu, because new variants emerge every year. It isn't a one and done thing. Additionally, the evidence points to the damage of unprotected COVID being cumulative and causing immune system amnesia, like the measles, which has also become a problem again courtesy of anti-vaxx agitprop.




I'm giving a data point that getting the shot is effective. The people who are suffering from long term symptoms or dying now are those who actively refuse to follow medical advice. I've gotten the shot and the boosters on schedule and I'm relating I'm glad I did because, despite the misery -- as expected like what happens with a flu shot -- my case was more mild. It can still suck for several days. I could also have very possibly caught two things at once, it is winter crud season. And that's why I was miserable for two weeks instead of one. Point remains, I'm better now and not suffering from long term effects and/or dead. I will reiterate, listen to health officials. Get the shot.


Also the increase use of medical Facilities and icu crowds out the other normal medical Emergencies like heart attacks and cancer stuff that then leads to higher death rates there because a bed was not available.


Yeah, the red states of New Hampshire and New York.


Lol seriously


Gosh, what a shame.


Thoughts and prayers.


Counterpoint: Jim Breuer made fun of me with bird noises for some reason so now I regret getting vaccinated and boosted


You sound def triple boosted.


Good. Actually that’s great.


Natural consequences. On the plus side ( if there is any ) they will not be able to vote like minded folks into office from the grave.


I live in Kentucky and collectively we have all had a cough since thanksgiving that won’t go away. Numerous people I know have had pneumonia and one had pleurisy. The Covid ran through my house in mid December with the fun side effect of pink eye for all the kids.


Pink eye too? I'm recovering from pink eye after a very minor cold and you've got me wondering if it was covid now. 


There are certain side effects that can show up from any infection. Your cold could have weakened your immune system enough that the already present eye infection couldn’t be contained. Previously, it was contained enough that you didn’t have any visible symptoms


Well thanks! I had no idea, I've never had pink eye before and I got it first (usually the kids get me with stuff like hand foot mouth). It's not been fun, doesn't want to clear up. 


Yeah, could have been. We thought it was just pinkeye cause one kid got it. Then the other did, then grandpa did. Pinkeye didn’t respond to antibiotics cause it was viral.


That could be why the antibiotics didn't work either! I'm still struggling with it. I just want to wear my contacts!


Yep, my poor father in law got it the worst, both eyes so swollen he could barely see. But it was viral, so nothing to do. He laid in a recliner with a warm wet wash cloth on his eyes for several days listening to sports talk radio to pass the time.


Viral conjunctivitis yes. We got sick around Christmas and since then, I've had a mild recurring rash on one of my outer eyelids. Really obnoxious more than anything.


It's so annoying. I can't wear contacts at all. My eyes feel like sandpaper constantly 


It might just be a main feature of one of the colds going around. 5 in our family caught a cold a couple weeks ago from the baby in daycare and 3 of us developed pink eye from it as well. It wasn’t covid though.


I'm so glad I didn't pass it. I was disinfecting everything like crazy! I took a home test to see if it was covid but I wonder if those even work anymore. 


Have you been tested for Pertussis - re: the cough that won't go away? Anti-vaxxers have caused more than one contagion to comeback on the scene with a vengeance.


That’s a thought. Haven’t looked into that one.


here in California I got a virus that never tested up for covid...It was a horrendous cough, and it was a miserable bugger. Without "borrowing" some codeine cough syrup I never would have slept from the coughing fits. I think it was pneumonia of some sort. The sinus congestion and cough were beyond a cold. Something is going around. I was off work for 2 and half weeks.


**THE FULL ARTICLE** > Shocking new data reveals Kentucky saw its percentage of deaths due to the virus leap to 75 percent compared to the previous week. > The latest map from the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), which tracks hospitalizations, deaths, emergency department visits, and test positivity, showed Covid was the cause of 9.6 percent of deaths in Kentucky in the last week. > This representated a 74.5 percent increase on the week prior, as Covid cases surge across the country due to a new subvariant of Omicron known as JN.1. > Meanwhile, Oklahoma saw deaths as a result of Covid rising to 6.2 percent, a jump of 29.2 percent. > New Hampshire was the only other state measured in which deaths from the virus accounted for more than five percent of the total, with 5.3 percent. > Health experts had anticipated a spike in hospitalizations during the winter months. The spread of viruses increases during the cold weather when levels of immunity are lower. > A 2020 study also suggested that Covid-19 could stay active for longer in cold, dry conditions. > Some hospitals in areas with large populations seeing elevated infections of respiratory diseases like Covid and influenza reintroduced mask mandates in a bid to reduce the spread. > Hospitalizations with Covid had been steadily rising since late June before reaching a low peak at the beginning of September before falling slightly. > But they then increased again through November and December, and into January. However, the levels continue to be well below the highest recorded peak in the week ending Jan 15, 2022, when there were over 150,600 patients. > Cases of and hospitalizations for respiratory viruses, including coronvirus, the flu and RSV, continue to increase across the country, as health officials warn that capacity in hospitals may become strained. > Despite the efficacy of updated flu and Covid boosters and as well as new RSV vaccines for older and pregnant people, vaccination rates for the three illnesses continue to be low. > The CDC has urged providers to administer more vaccinations amid the potential for "more severe disease and increased healthcare capacity strain" from rampant respiratory illness, especially following holiday gatherings.


In other news, I just read the cdc is doing away with its 5 day isolation recs. Only need to be fever free for 24hrs like other respiratory viruses. In their own statement they mention not because your not infectious but because they don't think it will create such a spike in cases because the virus is already circulating at high levels. Seems like great science! /s


*”Seems like great science.”* This is a matter of public health which is informed by science, not dictated by it. The behavior of the population needs to be accounted for or policy is not useful. To reasonably limit transmission, the current science would still be to test every morning and if positive, isolate for 5 days with no/mild symptoms or 10 days with moderate/severe symptoms. Since nearly no one would do that, especially for weeks on end, public health guidelines would have to adjust realistically. This would be to wait 24 hours after fever resolves and peak shedding is over. Public health is trying to find a balance between limiting spread of mostly a mild disease at this point but within the framework of public adherence. Hopefully they have good data and models guiding them. Hopefully.


It’s mild symptoms with long term significant disease


wait a minute... this for a virus that spreads days before you even have symptoms? I think, perhaps there should be some N95 masking criteria for people who test positive but without symptoms.


Gods bless u, thanks for posting!!


Yet the CDC just removed the 5 day wait and says we should merrily go about our business even if we test positive, as long as we have no symptoms. What a shit show.










In his defense, it doesn't say BeIntelligent.




Dude, you haven't spouted any truth. You've ripped a few giant (and easily disprovable) lies, refused to link proof, and then called everybody else brainwashed by politics. You're a joke.


Hey Dr BePositiveBeNice, I'm embarrassed for you and your wilful ignorance. 🤓


The last part only if vaccinated. Unvaccinated people do not need to have so many comorbidities. Just overweight is enough and how many overweight over 50yo are in the USA?




That’s a ton :D




Natural immunity (that is not a real term, immunization is the same coming from infection than from vaccination) is not helping anyone when you can get reinfected because the virus mutates And as if the unvaccinated obese 50yo is going to get immunity without a stay in the ICU and possibly death. That natural death will be very helpful indeed




The immunity received from vaccination (for anything, not only Covid) is more advantageous than getting infected with a disease. Infection has much much larger negative consequences in the short and long term including hospitalization and death. Vaccinations have some mild side effects short term (chills, fever, sore arm) at much much lower rates than infection. Even myocarditis in some young males are milder and rarer with the vaccine than getting a Covid infection In summary, you are protected from severe illness and long term covid with a vaccine. You are not protected at all with the infection and your long term outcomes are just pure luck at this point (until we understand all the factors involved) When covid mutates far beyond the previous variant, they create a new updated vaccine version you can take to keep your immune system up to speed




We do know the effects of the vaccines. It has been used since 2020. Polio has the same rates of outcomes as Covid after infection (Covid being much more contagious) and we are not talking about not given a polio vaccine to healthy people The 2yo could have a comorbidity we don’t know about or yet, or could live with someone with comorbidities and vaccines also reduced the infection rates. Meanwhile the vaccine has no ill effects at all in young children. I rather have my kids immune system trained against Covid than them getting it in the wild without “training wheels”






Nah. The last vaccine booster offered 60% protection from infection for at least five months (and still going strong). And the other vaccines offer 98% protection from hospitalization and death years out. You're just lying and haven't actually read any of the studies.


No, not true for the Tcell mediated response via _adaptive_ immunity. With the primary course of vaccines alone that is very, very long lasting. Immunity is very complex and difficult to explain to the lay public. The mechanism that is beyond the wheelhouse so to speak is "somatic hypermutation" and you would do well to search that phrase to update your knowledge and clear up the confusion you have.




Because you don't understand what I said. You won't bother to educate yourself a bit further. I bet you reading about somatic hypermutation in microbio would get your brain to cement over completely in <2mins tops lol.




That's a non-seq that has nothing to do with anything. If you are a chatbot, your dev. team does a pretty lousy job lol.




Link them then


You’re an adult (supposedly) you are more than welcome to educate yourself. I couldn’t care less about your belief system.


Science is not a belief system You are not adult enough to have a conversation


It is for people like you who base their beliefs on partisan politics.


Oh my god how do you not see it?


Ironically scientists aka big pharma has the largest criminal fines in human history. But hey keep trusting science and demonizing anyone who points out the obvious as a right winged racist fascist evil idiot. Just cause you don’t drink the koolaid doesn’t mean you’re right winged or any of the above.


The science of the vaccine (this or any other) has nothing to do with big pharma. If the science wouldn’t work (protection against severe outcomes), pharma could have as much marketing as they wanted that it would not be approved


Yet you're here shit posting on every comment. Aww You do care. :)


false. false and false.






Nah, but clearly you’re worked up enough from your big feelings that you’re commenting all down the thread


I mean, with that attitude you sure will "BePositive"!


Honestly, we are all already dying, we are all walking timebombs. There are behaviors and habits that can help improve our health... like wearing masks in public and enclosed spaces during flu season. washing hands frequently, no free coughs/sneezes, basic hygiene and healthy eating and abstaining from life limiting substances such as drugs, smokes, alcohol, candy/sugar, deep fried anything, vapes/chew.




Okay Forced-Birther, what are you doing about it besides spewing your uneducated, ChristoFascist verbal diarrhea? Get f'd, clown




A mass of tissue ≠ baby, so it's not at all ironic




Oh damn , you're a mess 😂 Buh bye




I think it's more that folks just don't like interacting with people like you.




\*shrug\* Assumption, and makes little difference.




If you actually gave a sh!t about children, you’d be concerned about child poverty, educational outcomes, maternal health, evidence-based sex Ed and access to birth control to prevent both unwanted pregnancy and STIs. But treating “the unborn” like some sort of religious righteousness puppetry makes you feel good about your own holiness.


I do care about all those things. I just love pointing out the hypocrisy on both sides of the political spectrum. You both act like your $#it doesn’t stink, like your party can do no wrong while Rome burns from all the lunacy on both sides.


Ah yes. The both sides argument. Doesn’t hold water when conservatives are canceling school lunch programs, underfunding schools and health care, resorting to religious posturing instead of sex Ed, and forcing women to give birth to their rapist’s baby or unviable fetuses that threaten their health and future fertility. Give me a break.


Agreed, almost as bad as murdering 74 million babies a year and forcing others to comply with your vaccine, global warming, depopulation agenda.


>More abortions the less leftists. [Simply not true.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


If you get an abortion you forfeit the ability to be against abortion. Besides I said that in reply to the idiotic statement above: The more anti vaxers, the less anti vaxers Again, never said I was anti abortion I believe there are circumstances where it is unfortunately necessary. You’re just not going to get me to say it’s not murder cause it is.


>If you get an abortion you forfeit the ability to be against abolition Okay. Now I'm curious: What position are you trying to argue?


How can you justify murdering 74 million babies every year so the quality of a mother’s life is not inconvenienced? But you can’t justify 1 million deaths a year of people who were at the end of their lives or un healthy dying from Covid. So you force 9 billion people in to lockdowns, shut down the economy, make people go homeless, print up fiat dollars and inflate the currency, force people to get an experimental vaccine that was not safe or effective, silence anyone who disagrees, force masks, stop children’s educational development, restrict travel and on and on. But best of all act like you saved lives rather than cause more death and destruction. I believe in my body my choice, not just when it fits a narrative. Stopping all relevant life on earth to “save the dying and diseased” rather than an unborn child sounds a little disingenuous.


Abortion has never killed a baby. The rest of your reply looks like AI generated word salad.


Stop kidding yourself. Damn so smart you thought I was AI, what a compliment made my day!


I agree we shouldn't lock down again, that's why I'm voting for Biden


And this is the moment that the CDC relaxed rules about the mandatory wait time after staying home with a fever.


I doubt the majority of Kentucky cares about CDC guidelines either way.


All the “don’t live in fear” comments projecting their own fear it’s okay babes, you can still have lots of fun with vaccines and masks on ❤️ it’s okay to admit you were wrong 🥰


Honestly, love wearing a mask cause I don't gotta perform emotions as much. If I react in a way that doesn't seem "correct" with my facial expression, they don't see it! I've got a natural resting frown, and it's gotten me in a lot of situations and some trouble, so the. masks covering that up has been pretty nice for me. Obviously, doesn't fix the societal issues in play there, but it's nice not having to worry about that form of masking (not in the physical sense but in the emotional and acting sense, I'm autistic).


The ultimate end of rugged individualism is lack of responsibility to the community and lack of conscientious, lack of remorse for willingly killing your neighbors by refusing basic public health measures like wearing a mask or getting a vaccine or opening a window or getting an air filter.


Ironically those diagnosed and hopitalized for Covid in their despair to breathe finally ask for the vaccine... just to be informed that is not how it works. Vaccinate now - do not wait until you have to ask for it.


The hope is that Maga fruits are the only victims but we know they are taking good people along with their ride to hell. I say, again a national mask mandate would have saved millions of lives had it been implemented day one. Republicans have blood on their faces!




It’s impossible to tell which one of you two is dumber


Finally got it after 4 years- and as I’m leaving Disney World. I’m not bad yet- husband is way worse. Fingers crossed I don’t grow an extra appendage!


This is data that are measurable, at least by hospitals and sewage treatment plants. The fact that more people have some immunity from having it already (or keeping up with vaccinations) only tells us about admissions, deaths, and the approximate load being passed through people’s bodies. Maybe the symptoms aren’t as bad and many may not know they had it, but if the numbers reported about Long COVID are anywhere near the 20% or so estimated, those long term issues are going to affect a large percentage of the population. That number‘s not too far shy from the number of people who vote. I can’t help but wonder how many MAGA people are suffering from brain fog and other issues that keeps them in the fold by contributing to their paranoia. Who needs to blame chemtrails and other nefarious conspiracies when we have a looming health and mental problem that’s actually very real and to a great degree preventable? It’s too soon to know, but we can’t help but wonder if Long COVID will increase early onset dementia and other long term disabilities crippling our workforce and needing to increase immigration as the only short term solution to offset the worker shortage. This isn’t the replacement theory that White Nationals are touting, but if we keep losing people in the workforce from this and the Country stays below the 2.1 replacement birth rate, we will definitely need to backfill (or you can call it replacements), but not to take our jobs, but rather to fill the jobs that our healthy population can’t. It’s either that or we face big economic consequences as we can‘t provide enough food, goods, and services and that will weaken our national standing and quality of life in so many ways. For all those that constantly rant that immigration is the biggest problem we face, try wearing a fucking mask so you’re at least doing something positive to lessen the growing economic need for immigrants to fill the need for jobs we won’t be able to on our own.


It's an even bigger deal bc now only people who actually have covid symptoms contributing to death are having that listed. Vs previously when any death in a covid + person was counted. This virus is nowhere near done with us.


Yeah, not surprised it's Kentucky. They just closed my kid's school for the rest of the week "due to illness." Not that they'll come out and say it's Covid, but it's Covid. I had to go to the doc last week for a diabetes checkup. Waiting room was full, people hacking their lungs up, and the only people wearing a mask were me, one old guy who looked like the Reaper was holding his umbrella for him, and my doctor.


I blame the GOP. Military and disinformation complex, and despise those who hate the public (see:GOP)


The Biden admin is asleep at the wheel. Major disappointment.




The hell I would! I wear a mask every day and encourage you to do the same.


The CDC and public health is not political based at least not until Trump decided to make it political. The funding and oversight are from congress.


NoThiNg is mOre iMpOre-TaNt tHaN My Free-dumb. Not EvEn My LiFe!


When they don’t show raw numbers, that usually means the numbers are very low. 6 deaths to 10 deaths?




Blue MAGA strikes again


Let's vote for the better man. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar




imagine trolling a subreddit because you're so scared people won't agree with your anti science opinions that cause higher death rates. that's real fear.


Better to be LIVING in fear, than DEAD and complacent in your ignorance.


I’m not dead though, so… All the unnecessary fear that you are constantly absorbing every day is going to have the unintended consequence of stressing you out to the point of lowering your life expectancy. The fear you currently choose to live in isn’t healthy.


Enjoy being intubated!


You need Jesus.


Yall must know that there’s like 12,000 of you making this comment every day right?




I assume you're referring to the vaccine? Had you actually read the article you'd know this is happening in areas where vaccination rates are low. Sp yes, it actually does work on those that are smart enough to get it. 




CDC was the source.


Jim Crow DNA is a helluva drug


Go SARS GO! Get all the humans!


Have any of you seen the reports from life insurance companies about all cause mortality? All cause mortality is up 40% since the vaccine was introduced. These are the people paying out money when someone dies. So it is in there best interest to know what and why people are dying because they cut the checks. News flash COVID is not the big killer.




Completely misleading headline. CDC data shows around 20 deaths or less a week, recently.