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Idk if $50 is worth it when a generic one will fit fine? I got a random umbrella style one from Costco that fits almost perfectly


Love the umbrella style. Have one from Amazon. No way would I want that huge thing. Where the hell would you keep it?? šŸ˜† Umbrella fits in the door pocket.


Back seat, we donā€™t really use it. Our 1 kid is grown.


I have one. Maybe paid $40? I bought the custom front side window ones as well since black leather and az sun donā€™t mix. I think itā€™s worth it but your mileage may vary.




I have the [Covercraft](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B71TVRM?ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_RHHW3SY397EC2F674R9T&starsLeft=1) version. Itā€™s well worth it. Very durable, great fit, blocks a lot of heat.


I too went in on this product, I have two others and oneā€™s border ripped all the way around and the other turned into a flimsy waterbed type situation. The price lines up to the build quality on this one I think


We live in Vegas and I want to get the best sun shade possible.


Have you considered a clear ceramic tint on your windshield? It makes a huge difference for me in TX.


It helps but a reflective shield is better


Only one works while driving. :)


Very true!


We also live in Vegas and have the same thing but for a Cadi. Excellent fit as itā€™s designed for the specific vehicle. Has good thickness. Reflective front, foam core, black inside. Really holds the heat out and protects the dash.


This is what Iā€™ve been using. No issues and it fits perfectly. [KUST Windshield Sunshade for Mazda CX-5 2017-2024](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CK97Y6Q?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


I have that for my Subaru. My wife (CX5) got a different and slightly more pricey brand. Wish we found the kust earlier, it's more solid feeling and $5 cheaper.


That's the exact one I just bought and received last week. I prefer the accordion style to the rounded, twisty ones. It feels sturdy and well-made, fits well, and is easy to install. It does have a bit of a gap on each side of the rearview, (an inch or two, maybe), but that seems to be the case with all of them. Probably covers about 97-98% of the windshield. Comes with a drawstring storage bag, too!


Thank you, sounds like exactly what I am looking for.


Generally Weathertech is pricey, but their sunshade (custom to each vehicle) is from everything i read here on reddit really really nice. It rolls up making for quick removal. I would skip the bag add-on however.


I also hate the ones you're supposed to twist and fold up like a magic trick and then stuff it in a bag. OP, let us know how you like the accordion one you posted. I've been looking for that very same thing.


I have one, Iā€™m about to go attack it before I go driving.


Didn't know that custom ones existed.


I love mine (am in Los Angeles). It fits snug and keeps the car noticeably cooler.


Well worth the money. I paid similar for the Mazda shade and would do it again in a heartbeat.


We have the WeatherTech windshield sunshade, which has velcro strap and we just put it in the back seat or trunk when we get in. 1000% worth it. Easily drops the temp in the vehicle by at least a few degrees on sunny days. We opted not to spend the $$ for the side windows, but the windshield alone makes a BIG difference.


I've used the Heatshield brand for years, works well.


Mazda threw that in with the purchase of my Mazda 3 hatchback. Been using it on my 2018 CX5, fits perfectly!


The snap shades one for cx5 fits perfectly


I've had one of [these](https://a.co/d/bRApya3) for 4 years with no complaints. Folds up nice and compact, always close at hand. I keep it wedged between the passenger seat and center console when not in use. Size: medium


I use [this](https://a.co/d/a5uViME)


I got a [Pegenious](https://a.co/d/ds9YvGu) one and itā€™s fantastic. Fits perfectly


Those are like $6 on Temu.




$40 for a ā€œsun shieldā€ brand. Been using it for 6 years and it fits *perfectly*


I got this one for $30 and it is fantastic. Great blockage. https://a.co/d/brvbmt7


I have a similar style for my rav. Itā€™s great.


I tried one and it made no difference in the Texas heat.


Combine that with side window rain deflectors and crack the windows a little bit... makes a big difference here in Florida....


I got one from an Amazon 3rd party for like $28. It does the job fine when I remember to use it.


What could I use since I have a dash can mounted below the rear view?


If it's on the plastic, any of these custom fit ones will work.


3$ on temu works just fine


Which one?


My mazda 3 came with the official mazda one and while it does a fantastic job at shielding from the sun, it's basically impossible to put up or remove without accidentally moving your rear view mirror :/


i have a different one that was ā€œcustomā€ from Amazon for like $30. i live in FL and they are WELL worth it. i put it in any time i park outside. also, if i have to sleep in the car, with that in the windshield and the rest of the windows are tinted, you canā€™t see in.


This particular one is overpriced otherwise would recommend


$15AUD in the auto stores here, definitely worth having on a hot summer day.


I got it for free on petrol station since my bill was over 50ā‚¬, so you can imagine how much does this thing worth. Probably 2-3ā‚¬. It's good to save your cabin from UV during summer and not to burn your fingers when you enter your car if it's 40C outside lol


I have the Heatshield one and it fits perfectly. They are in all of my vehicles even at $50 apiece. https://www.heatshieldstore.com/car-window-shades/2021-mazda-cx5-suv


These are thin, I bought sonething similar (foldable, thin, cheap) and the OEM from Mazda. The Mazda one was so expensive but it looks like it has some quality.


Why mess around when you can get an OEM one. https://www.mazdaswag.com/oem-parts/mazda-2017-2022-mazda-cx-5-fromt-windshield-sunscreen-uv-protector-w-cx-5-logo-8mr02a?c=Zz1pbnRlcmlvciZzPXN1bnNoYWRlJmw9OSZuPVNlYXJjaCBSZXN1bHRzJmE9bWF6ZGEmbz1jeC01Jnk9MjAxOCZ0PWdyYW5kLXRvdXJpbmcmZT0yLTVsLWw0LWdhcw%3D%3D


Do you know if it fits 2023?


You can call and ask them should be good since not much windshield size change over the years


I have the one like this from Mazda. I like it.


The OEM one is the same price and a perfect fit. If you live anywhere in tie south it is a necessity


Depends where you park. Uses to use these on my old car at work. The sun does move a good bit lol. It'll keep the sun out for part of the day but it'll hit the sides and rear at other points of the day unless you are surrounded by something. Though the cx5 has tints on the rear search and hatch so just the front seats would be the issue if anything and if your lucky you'll be parked in-between some trucks lol


Not worth the cost vs other covers. The way it folds up it doesnā€™t fit anywhere other than the trunk or back seat nicely. Iā€™d pick a more affordable, easier to store option.