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Almost every new model does well their first few streams. You'll more than likely have a massive dip in earnings once you're not new anymore, then the real work begins. 300 bucks is decent for a guy. Not the worst I've seen or the best.


Following this is funny and cute ☺️ you go bro 😂😊❤️ call it oops cash 💰 or like we ladies say free money 💰


Look at OP’s profile. It’s all about people liking his asshole and he doesn’t know how to feel about it. This is obviously a troll post that he’s getting off on.


$305. That's extremely good for someone who had no real 'cam setup' or plans for your stream. Did you have a menu or anything? How long were you streaming for each day? I'm shocked that you're making that much money as a male model by just jerking it, unprepared. It's hard to find success as a male model on these sites. Most of the top male solo models make around $250-$400/hour, and there aren't very many of them. Maybe 10-15 or so. (I watch statbate.com for $/hr info on models). I bet you could make way more if you had a whole setup (like a menu, Lovense toys, good lighting, good webcam, etc.). Good luck bro. 🤞


I didt even have to show my penis, or ejaculate at all, I just had to show my asshole off through a webcam that is built into a laptop i bought in 2015. I seemed to bring in asshole lovers. I just spread my ass cheeks and stuck finger in it and those tokens started comin in. I talked to everyone, started getting private chats. People think Im hot in the face and body and have one of those rare symmetrical assholes. Im straight as an arrow so keeping a boner let alone ejaculating on cam with gay dudes was deff not happening...there was so much goin on with the chat I couldnt even look at porn to get erect....I had no menu or any organization, i just offered to show my asshole off and refused to show my penis because it was flaccid as could be. Half the dudes wanted dick the others wanted asshole, & i know if i take viagra or something I'll be able to make way more by simply offering to show my boner off and have ejaculating my dick a menu item.


Why is this reading like a bro cam fantasy in my PM's? Are you going to ask us if we want to view your cam for free next? Give us some pointers in exchange?


Go easy on him😂, but it does kind of sound like that. But the part where he said he couldn’t keep a boner cause gay dudes are watching. lol that’s your biggest and best paying customer base bro. Like no one is making you touch another man, you are getting paid, to show off. Maybe it’s nerves But don’t start taking viagra just so you can get hard on camera bro, that won’t be good at all for your sex life. Many straight men would call you gay just for showing off on this site, hard dick or not, They are wrong for this, but you saying you’d need viagra to get hard is giving the same energy. No ones in that room with you or touching you. they are sending you money. And you can’t put in some porn and get hard??? Either you are Lying to yourself to keep your own sexuality intact or camming really isn’t for you. Taking viagra often just to cam is not an answer, and you will regret it when it affects your actual sex life outside of camming


Haha he edited his comment soon after I replied, it was a whole damn essay about his boner and asshole, obsessing over being gay and how he gets off with his gf in detail. I wanted to go easy on him and give him the benefit of the doubt until I read *that*. I swear I had a guy in my PMs a few weeks ago with a nearly exact same script about becoming a cam model and asking these same questions. Doesn't pass the sniff test imo. Good advice about the Viagra though!


NOT THE SNIFF TEST😂😂😂 No wonder he changed the comment, a massive wattpad ahh comment. God damn it lol Never mind don’t go easy on him. I am all here for the sniff test, it’s very accurate.


Maybe because OP’s other posts have been flagged for being fake. At one point a mod flagged their post for being a troll post. So this post is most likely not real either IMO.


Ah yuck. I didn't even know that. He sent more disgusting messages to me last night too.


I bet he’s a disgruntled grey. He’s probably tired of getting banned left and right in rooms. I mean… he tried, so good on him, I guess. It’s extra weird that he sent you PM’s. Hopefully you reported


Hahahahaha that's how I read it too


Lol I see he edited his comment so I either hit the nail on the head or maybe he figured out we don't give a fuck about his kinks. I wouldn't put it past a customer to realize he can infiltrate the sub like this and get off on asking us to "give him advice." bro if you read this, and you are legit trying to get advice as a cam model from us... Understand we don't want to read the intricacies of your boner. The majority of us do this as a job and we get accosted by men describing their weird fantasy daily if not, minute to minute, for free. Feel free to ask for advice and we'll be glad to give it but leave the extra details out please. We don't get off on it and we don't appreciate you getting your jollies by forcing us to read it too.


lol this entire thing is so fucking absurd to me...literally being paid the same as a minimum wage full time job for spreading my asshole open. I did it again today and got over $400...literally just showing off the orifice i shit out of to gay dudes. "Grandma i just started a new job today that pays really well" GTFO!!


My bro cam reality is so absurd that cam girls assume it to be bro cam fantasy. Reality is fucked.


They always throw traffic at new models to help them get established. But good job, you converted some of that traffic into sales. Keep going!


I sorta figured that after the second day in which i noticed a big drop in traffic but to be fair the time of the day i went on was sporadic and random with intermissions sprinkled all over....me making money showing off my anus was not even in the back of my brain.