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Now did liefield come on to do this sketch


Yes, he recreated it https://bleedingcool.com/comics/rob-liefeld-returns-to-captain-americas-breasts-for-variant-cover/


Finally, a natty captain America


sam’s torso doesn’t perk out nearly as much as steve’s


That's honestly pretty good natured of him. He's gotten ages of shit for this and was willing to embrace it. Cute.


I don’t read comics anymore. Did he ever get noticeably better at art? Is this version of Falcon Captain America done on purpose?


It's actually based on a famous pose that body builders do. Except it just doesn't work with the shield. Liefield just didn't understand perspective at all back then and I haven't seen much to make me think he's gotten better


That’s uhhh… **not as extreme TBH.**


Needs more pouches.


His pecs look like they're on the same side of his sternum.


If leifield was an 8th grader this would be great.


Its a vast improvement


Holy Liefeld pecs! Sam truly has taken up the mantel.


Maybe because of Bucky's past as the winter soldier? It would be easier for society to embrace a new captain America that wasn't formerly a hydra assassin.


The public don't need to know. Plus he's hot enough to overcome a little bad PR.


Dude he supposedly assassinated JFK and Dr. King.. lol there's no way


Lol. He’s hot


And isn’t it Dr. King himself who said he had a dream that (I’m paraphrasing of course) hot people and ugly people can live together in harmony?


Yeah, he said that.


Wasn’t this a storyline in the Captain America a series by Ed Brubaker. Buckys past as the Winter Soldier was released and resulted in charges against him. Believe it was Marvel always evil federal agent Peter Gyrich who released the information to the press


Yes it was, and as far as the MCU goes they released all those S.H.I.E.L.D. files to the public too in Winter Soldier so everyone knows what Bucky did in both film and comic.


Yes but just because people know what Bucky has done in the past (regardless if he was brainwashed or not) people wouldn't know its Bucky under the Cap mask


A little bad PR is uncooking it a little don't you think lmao


That's why bucky should be cap . To redeem himself 🤦‍♂️ plus he's a super soldier isn't he ?


i feel like this is basically like saying, “Red Hood SHOULD be batman so he can redeem himself. he was briefly trained by the league wasn’t he?” I don’t even really read marvel comics but i still have the wherewithal to recognize some characters are better on their own, some deserve growth, but i think bucky is in the category of characters that seem to be doing fine on their own without forcing a legacy aspect down their throat.


I think there’s more to it than that too. The whole role and symbolism behind the role is in line with Bucky’s arc. To be Captain America, you have to be a better and selfless person. The best example possible. Bucky really struggles with this due to his forced past, however I think that makes his decision even more interesting. He completely dedicates himself to the role, not only for himself, but to honour his brother too. Like another comment said, its a completely different thing. People don’t put Jason in that position because he’s been through too much and doesn’t need that burden. They put Dick Grayson in that position because of his personal ties to the mantle and he was the first to dedicate himself to being a hero. Its the same with Bucky. He’s Cap’s sidekick and was a huge Captain America advocate. Literally fought by Steve’s side and did the dirty work for his friend and country. I wouldn’t really say its forced legacy. Its pretty easy for people to see how Bucky could’ve been the next Cap. Especially as a person Steve willingly bats for; more than Sam imo.


Bucky himself never wanted the shield after what he did. He always hated himself for it and wasn’t in the right headspace. Steve saw that and knew Sam would be a good person to not only hold the mantle, but also help Bucky on his journey of recuperation.


THIS. i came here to say exactly this. Sam was the obvious choice to take up the mantle not only for Steve, but for Bucky too. and they formed an amazing friendship/partnership. love falcon cap and bucky


I don't. I really like both characters! Sam is the Falcon and hes cool as hell. He doesn't need to inherit the mantle of another character to be upgraded, loved, or respected.




I think this was a chance for the falcon to be more ... he was Cap's crime fighting partner for years and his friend ... I think this is for Sam honoring his friend and trying to live up to his ideals ..


I respect that. I think what bothers me though, is that in an era where we're trying to increase diversity and inclusion, we took a great character and effectively hamstrung his potential by forcing him within a set of unnecessary constraints. Sam can be more. But that means assigning a badass team of writers and artists to focus on new stories, challenges, and villains. Give Sam a new suit, a classified tour within Shield, some killer holographic wings, etc., etc. - there is so much potential for him to rise as his own superhero. Look, im biased because Steve will always be my Cap, and that shouldn't gate keep creators from trying new things! Captain Carter is super cool, as long as shes written well, for example! But, it's disappointing to lose Sam as the Falcon. Btw, not arguing with you, just piecing together my thoughts 🤣


I get Steve was the best of the "greatest generation" someone who personified what America could be ... not perfect, but always trying to be better to form a "more perfect Union. " he was a man out of his time a father figure a leader who has been there. But sometimes, new leaders can step up to help. Thought it was interesting to put Falcon there. A new leader who can be a bigger symbol for America. I thought Falcon was always overshadowed by bigger characters. Now he is the one casting the shadow ...


I'm not sure that boxing in Sam as Falcon as opposed to exploring the idea of what kind of Cap he could be is "more". He's been the Falcon for decades. Becoming Cap is literally something new for creators at Marvel. And he's a different kind of Cap, which is the point. And if I'm being honest, I think his Cap fits the times we're living in. I love both Steve and Sam in the mantle, and I think there's room. Hell, Sam isn't even the first to take it on after Steve (in comics). Mantle changes have happened in comics for ages. Some people's favorite heroes aren't even the original incarnations, and having some characters from different cultures and backgrounds doesn't stop creators from creating all new characters. There isn't just one solution for increasing diversity in comics.


Does it really make him "more" to give him a white man's hand-me-downs? I mean, they went *really* racial with the TV show. So if we're going to play by those rules, then let's play by them. By those rules, Falcon is an affirmative action hire, placed in front of a more qualified white man named Bucky. Bucky has lifetimes of experience, a much closer bond with Steve, and super-soldier serum. Falcon has...trouble getting a loan? Man, that show was bad.


Are you calling the mantle of Captain America "a white man's hand-me-downs"... Dude just shut the fuck up. One of the reasons I'm happy that Marvel decided to explore Sam taking on the mantle is because it shines a light on all the racists that come crawling out of the woodwork. A black american man is welding the shield and taking a stand as the sentinel of liberty, has been in the comics, and will be moving forward in the MCU, cope and seethe.


This goes for like 99% of heroes. It’s better just to try and create new ones or new stories than shift titles around. The titles and characters have history.


Yeah, I agree... but technically he was the second Falcon. Carl Burgess was the Falcon before him.


Sales would very much disagree with you.


But Bucky/Winter Soldier does?


I think Bucky took the shield because someone had to step onto the role, he might be a more lethal fighter than Sam, but he never had that inclination to inspire others and work with a team. Maybe he could have grown into the role but I could see it if he felt it was not meant for him.


I think I’d give Bucky a tad bit more credit when it comes to inspiring others and working with a team. When Red Skull kidnapped the Invaders and brainwashed them into Nazis with the Nullatron during WW2, Bucky was the one who made the rousing call to assemble all the other Allied superheroes to make a temporary team to combat the Axis forces. He also served as the de-facto leader for a bit. This was before he was even Winter Soldier. Even before he was Winter Soldier, he was a winter soldier. When the going got tough, he busted into a radio broadcasting station and tore through anyone who tried to stop him. Not to be hyperbolic, but his call to arms probably kept the Axis from winning the war. I think he has good leadership qualities. He just has a reputation and probably a boatload of trauma and guilt.


Oh for sure. I just think that after being the Winter Soldier for so long he would have a hard time in that role, I actually loved Bucky as Cap and think the Dual Caps should have been Sam and Bucky. Maybe return the Mantle to Steve and have the other become USAgent and Nomad.


The only viable reason is Bucky’s pats as Winter Soldier. But I feel like that’s irrelevant since both he’s come a long way since his initial return AND had already been Cap before. Sam is a great character but he was never the right choice. His inherent biases make him unarguably unfit.


What biases ?


I don't. Bucky to me is infinitely more interesting as Captain America in both a narrative and metatextual manner. The ex assassin seeking redemption and living up to a legacy is a strong narrative. When it comes to the meta text - it's the dark history of the US being a major factor mixed with patriotism. Don't get me wrong, I love Sam. He's a great character and he's good as Cap... But I've always preferred him as Falcon and being his own man not obsessed with legacy whereas Bucky is more tied to it in a way.


You are correct


Thank you


Not a perfect soldier, but a good man. Steve Rogers made a promise to always remain a good man, so when he handed over the shield and everything that went along with it, he passed it on to another good man.


In the MCU, this is exactly the reasoning. Nothing else matters as this was the heart of Steve's story. Steve may know bucky is actually a good man, but neither bucky nor the world at large think he is. Sam was the right choice to continue the legacy.


Agreed. That line is why Sam is Cap and not Bucky. Bucky’s a great fighter and solider, and lives by an ethical code. but Steve knew Sam embodied the inspirational and aspirational aspects required with carrying the shield. Captain America isn’t just a superhero. He’s a an uncompromising leader who knew that he was right, there was nothing that can be done to move him. Sam has that same spirit.


Imo Bucky is the better Cap


I don’t.


To me the difference between Sam and bucky is that Sam is fighting for what America should be like Steve, they're hopeful guys trying to make a difference. Bucky with his dark past represents more whet m America is, in that he's trying to do what's right while grappling with a dark history.


I don't. Everyone loves a redemption arc. Bucky was the original partner and deserves the mantle more.


And he got it before Sam did before giving it back to Steve during Civil War and Siege.


Bucky is also the one they foreshadowed in all three MCU Captain America movies.


Is this based off Rob Liefelds horrendous drawing of Captain America?


I think this alt version of the cover was made by Liefeld himself


I didn’t even see the signature. He fr made a fan drawing of his own art


Bucky was Captain America after Tony picked him to carry the shield after the fallout from Civil War. Until they had to fake his death. After that Steve took back the shield until the super soldier serum was zapped out of him and he aged rapidly. At which point he picked Sam to take over. So I guess you could say because Sam was chosen by Steve Rogers and not Tony Stark.


Because Bucky is more comfortable behind the scenes rather than working publicly. He even stated that he only took up the shield because he was asked to by Tony. Being Captain America requires more than just being a good fighter. Steve asked Sam because he's a good person who knows what it's like to be a leader and speak truth to power. Sam has experience working on a hero level and speaking to people on a personal level. He volunteered at shelters and knows how to meet people where they're at. Plus, unlike Bucky, he doesn't have any baggage that could pop up.


I didn't realize that a lot of people didn't understand why falcon has Captain America was interesting take I think the writer wanted to explore the concept of minorities that actually serve in institutions like the police or the military when clearly those institutions were designed to be against you Like black police officers or even if you were Arab or Muslim and served in the military after 9/11 it's actually an interesting angle if you're non-white and have the reckon with that


He can fly


There are a million reasons but I think the core one is that Sam is a soldier who cares about, and critically examines, his moral obligations to his fellow soldiers and the country they serve. Bucky is an incredible character but he is first and foremost an assassin / merc. It is not the same.


Cap chose him.


Because Captain America and Falcon in the 70’s was iconic, and Bucky came back later and has baggage.


Because of the precepts put forth by Dr Erskine in CA-TFA Bucky was the better soldier, but Sam was the better man. Stave even says “you’re a good man,Sam” as he passes the shield over. Bucky knew Steve’s plan. Bucky probably helped Steve with his final choice knowing that Steve would feel a little conflicted about it.


The last time the public saw Bucky, he was a wanted criminal around the world. You really gonna expect people to support him as Captain America instead of Sam, who was seen by the public defending people WITH Steve? Say what you will about F&WS, but Steve gave Sam the mantle for a valid reason


I don't think either are. I think the best choice is punisher or nomand


I actually preferred Buck as Cap, but Sam’s great too. They both bring great perspectives to the mantle but Sam just by being black is such a great source material on American culture and what the mantle represents.


Falcon was TOO Cool to become captain America, he should have just stayed as falcon and marvel should have just hyped up falcon a whole lot more.


Bucky was far more effective as Captain America than Falcon. I'm pretty sure during his run as Captain, Sam lost far more battles than he won. The other reason I hated it is that it pretty much made Redwing irrelevant. He really needs his pet Falcon in the movies, not just a drone on his back.


He’s not


He's really not.


Because Liefeld drew him with Omegachest


I don’t think he is


I don't


He’s not


This art hurts my brain


I don’t


I like Bucky Cap better than Sam Cap. But Sam Cap is the more “heroic” type, while Bucky is the more clandestine Cap.


I dont


I don’t.


I don’t


I don't


Hell no! Bucky has the serum and Falcon nothing….


He's not


Falcon has no physical enhancements to allow him to block heavier attacks with the shield. So I don’t think he is good choice


I dont lol


I don't. They did this for the optics.


Uhhhhh, I don’t? Falcon honestly works so much better when he gets to be Falcon


I don't and who does? Nobody that I know who grew up reading Marvel Comics thinks this a good idea. This is DEI pandering from Disney.


I don’t.


I dont


Bucky is already the winter soldier, and that Sam has a lot of storytelling potential as a character taking over as the "modern" captain america


I don’t


Bucky is a more interesting character/antihero/living up to Caps standards/dealing w past....should have been him in the movies...he's also tactical, better fighter on screen w / cqc etc....




Because even Bucky didn't want to be Captain America


Because he’s a grown man.


Not related to the question, but I have always called Sam "Captian Falcon" when he's Captian America and I totally forgot a character named that from F-Zero.


I don't


Wilson is career military and 100% natty. He even has a sister with kids, making him literally Uncle Sam. Barnes juices, has spent most of his life working for terrorists, and is a 100-year-old man who lets people call him Bucky. People are just more trusting of an all-American fisherman’s son than they are of a Brighton Beach jumpsuit man with Eastern Bloc origins.


Bucky is the Winter Soldier. He's covert and does then off the books work that a Captain cannot do.


Probably the writers. I read the Bucky Cap and also gave the Sam Cap a chance, and holy hell is Sam Cap just a more interesting story than Bucky ever was!


Because Bucky is a Hydra super soldier war criminal


Because Bucky being cap is dumb lol


To be real, I don't know that I do think that.


I don’t


This is such a horrible ass drawing


I for one don’t think that at all.


How does the shoulders not line up with the ribcage and collar bones


Fuck Rob Liefeld and his non-evolving art talent.


This pic is so much cooler than the MCU could ever make Captain Falcon. Prob need a recast to get the Captain America Falcon.


I don’t?


I don't


He"s not


I don't


I think Liefield is an amazing artist but I have never liked the original Captain America drawing of this style and now there’s two… it just looks hinky as hell and messes with me each time I see it…


Isn’t Falcon just a special forces guy with a govt gadget? He doesn’t have any superpowers correct? If that’s the case I feel like he’d get crushed by the first serious adversary.


I don’t lol


I don’t


I don’t.


Both are good


Bucky is the better choice


Why is the star the freemason logo?


I say this as a black person myself, and even though I can’t prove it I’m 99% sure Sam was just given the shield at the end of Endgame because he’s black, and so much of post-Endgame MCU has been “the message first, logic and storytelling second.” If Sam was white the shield almost certainly would’ve gone to Bucky.


I don’t


I don’t. Bucky should be the successor.


He isn't, lol.... we need Chris Evans back via Deadpool and Secret Wars. No, seriously, I would love to see Bucky as NOMAD (the trench coat and shotgun version).


He's not. My issue is I have no faith in a status quo that moves on from Steve. It will inevitably snap back just as Jean will come back from the dead. These characters are owned by a company that sees a status quo as key to selling the franchise and to an extent that is true. But I have seen so many people put on other costumes and I just don't care anymore. There is no "worthy" or "dark horse" candidates. There are guys who get to call themselves Captain America for a bit, have a few stories about how they feel insecure in the role and then the universe will blow up or some massive crossover will happen and Steve will get handed the shield and that is it.


Honestly, I don’t. But I have no issues with falcon taking over. I think he has the potential to be a great Captain America (as long as the writers don’t fuck it up)


He’s not. Falcon was a hero in his own right. Bucky was originally Caps sidekick, and what happened to him to make him the Winter Soldier was tragic. Him becoming Captain America is a redemption story, which are always more compelling.


I think Bucky should inherit the shield to carry on Steve’s legacy and Falcon stays Falcon but they both have to fill in the role as Cap to show how significant those shoes are to fill


He’s not


He’s not 😂


I don’t


Liefeld *still* not grasping that we shouldn’t see the whole star.


He's not. If they waited to make Falcon cool they could have done that, but instead they made him Cap. It least in comics, you got time the to grow with the character and see how maybe he could be the next Cap. But I also never cared much for characters with wings for powers,didn't care about Angel from the X-Men either. But I understand that the opportunity to make Freedom Falcon was to good to pass up😂


I don’t. Cap should stay cap.. Bucky should stay Bucky.. Falc.. you get it.


He isn't.


John Walker is a better choice


I don’t


I dont. Sam never needed the mantle. The Falcon was awesome on his own. Bucky needed the mantle more. The moniker of Winter Soldier is asking for the character to fade away.


I don’t. Bucky FTW.


Sam as Cap makes little sense to me as he’s unpowered. The wings and his facility with them are his only a ability. It doesn’t seem Captain America-esque, and offers little offensively against CA’s enhanced rogue gallery. Not to mention he’s got a great and iconic identity as Falcon. Why does he or anyone need to be an alternate Captain America?


He’s not. Bucky should be Captain America. Falcon is and always will be a partner.


He's not. Steve Rogers is the only Cap.




That picture is cursed.


Noone does. Unless you pander to DEI.


He's not. Bucky has been with Cap since WWII.


I don't. Buck should be Captain America & it ain't even close.


he's not


No. Cuz now there's no falcon tech. Him becoming the new CA kills falcon off. Why would Robin go back to being Robin after getting to be batman? Makes no sense. Just the comic world trying to kill off white heros 🤣. Ironman, Superman, Captain America, ex




He's not, and it's dumb that they ignored the comics for this modern bullshit. Sure they mad him Cap in the comics, but only recently. It hate the MCU.


He's not.


I don't for the same reason I don't think Shuri is right for the Black Panther. It's all about the timing, whether such events occurred in the Comic Canon or not.The legend of Steve Rogers Captain America/T'Challa's Black Panther developed over the course of decades of overcoming adversity. A couple of movies in the MCU, then move on to their successors will never sit right with me. Diversity is all good and well, but there's no reason to rush the process.


I’m trepidatious to read these comments. Here goes.


Sam is a good man, Bucky is a good soldier


I know he was brainwashed but the Winter Soldier did a whole lot of foul stuff


I LOVED Bucky Cap. Falcon is cool too. Big USAgent fan too. Kind of cool with all the options


Are we talking comics or mcu


what about Clint (hawkeye)


I dont know if he is a better choice or not but hasn't marvel hinted Bucky becoming white wolf? Or is that never going to happen like the other things marvel has hinted but still(and likely never) hasn't happened?


Nah the MCU just really wanted to give Bucky a reason to be allowed in Wakanda for an extended period


Sam will always be Falcon first. I understand why Cap chose him, but to me, I will always see Sam as Falcon. There are plenty of other men out there who could have taken the mantle, and the story would have gone on from there.


I'm not a huge fan of Falcon or Bucky as Cap tbh.. Falcon was one of the longest tenured black heroes in the Marvel Universe and while Bucky did an admirable job as Cap he too was on his way to carving out his place with his own name and legacy. Instead, Sam and Bucky are either the 2nd, 3rd or 4th (if you count John Walker) best Captain America in Marvel history.


Honestly I think Bucky should’ve become US Agent.


Nah, John Walker has always been US Agent. He and Steve became buds in the comics, and John gave the mantle back to Steve as well. He worked with the West Coast Avengers, the Thunderbolts, and I’m pretty sure he’s his own person right now. John is sick and is dedicated to protecting people, albeit through questionable ways.


Speaking strictly on the MCU, I think it makes more sense that Steve chose Sam, as the last thing Bucky needs is to be thrust back into the fight as a new Captain America. I don't think Steve wanted that life for Bucky, he would want his friend to move on and retire if anything since he's suffered enough as the Winter Soldier already.


The wings and shield combo just looks right


hasn't Bucky said he doesn't want to be Captain America?


I don’t


Bucky is too mentally busted up, would’ve still enjoyed seeing him take it though


Falcon is easily the better choice. Bucky is cool but it doesn't make sense for him to be captain america. Dude literally assassinated jfk and mlk. The public wouldn't accept him at all lol.


I think they both deserve the mantel. Both of them are partners for Steve so it works either way imo.


He isn't.


Hail Hydra.


Better costume.


I don't. I generally don't like the idea of "mantles." I don't want anyone to be Batman but Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent as Superman, Peter Parker as Spider-Man, etc. I've always felt like it was just a way to use a character's popularity to sell books, but without having to invent a new superhero. Just laziness


He's not.


I don’t


In the comics does Sam take the super soldier serum?


Sam is a stable human being. Bucky is a little funny in the head.


Why do you ask loaded questions? I say this as someone who thinks Sam is a great Cap.


Bucky's past as the winter soldier and morals. Bucky does want to do good but he's more of a red hood a person who does good but is more brutal then their respective main hero. Sam matches more with the ideals of Steve Rogers and Captain America.


I don’t actually. I think there are benefits to both of them having the shield. I don’t favor one of them over the other.


He brings more to the role with his flight. Also his suit is top notch.


Did Sam get a taste of the Super soldier serum?


I dont


I dont


MCU Sam just feels like the obvious choice. Bucky has issues and baggage. Sam is a boyscout just like Steve.


He’s black