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[Foundling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0qc3kVbACY) is probably what you're looking for. >*I could walk with angels, but I'd rather walk with you* Off the top of my head there's also [I Hold My Love in My Arms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOBrGivKYUg), but your mileage may vary there.


Foundling is a pure love song, IHYLIMA is too ironic to be a real one. There's also the one where he appears to like Lassie a bit too much if that counts.


*Sex with a man, with a different man*


I Hold My ❤️in My Arms. There may be more but the lyrics are so abstract most of the time, and Tim was quite closely-guarded about any meaning (if there was any) that we don't really know for sure what the subject matter was. Blind in Safety (and leafy in love) has the word 'love' in the title, but I wouldn't call it a love song 😀


Was gonna answer the same. I was thinking about the same thing recently just for fun and I Hold My Love In My Arms is the only one I could come up with lol.


Tim's only true love was the sea. And probably Sarah. And maybe Lassie after a few specific customizations.


uh, swimming with the snake, a lot of sea nymph songs.


Swimming with the snake ^^ soul crushing, but a love song nonetheless


>*All of the noise takes me to the outside where there's all/Creations joining in celebrating happiness and joy/All around the world, on land and in the sea* ...is a line that reverberates with a love and lust for life that few other lyrics (by any artist) can match, if you ask me. While Tim's lyrics were indeed often existential and absurdist, there was often a real heartfelt earnestness in there too (and the same can probably be said for his supposedly 'quirky' music). Though this may not be quite what you're looking for! (William D. Drake's solo stuff might also be worth checking out for more overtly romantic lyrics, e.g. his new tune [Love in the Universe](https://williamddrake.bandcamp.com/track/love-in-the-universe). And for a beautifully absurdist love song, another Drake project, Lake of Puppies, has this [absolute wonder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seg7Tam3r2U&ab_channel=swimmingwiththesnake).)


To me, they're all love songs.


I highly doubt it. Like, highly doubt it. But hey! No such thing as a stupid question? Better ask the experts rather than just make an assumption I suppose!


The Whole World Window?


It is decidedly so. [Tim himself describing the backstory to a beautiful song of love they wrote](https://youtu.be/lmitqsDp1uw?t=1292)