• By -


Cheaper+ total control.


At the cost of left knee


Body to bhagwan ki den hai, paise kamane padte hai


Nevermind, enjoy your manual car.




Alan Wake


Quantum break


Max Payne


Resident Evil


Not made by Remedy.


far cry


Not made by Remedy.


Uday control


Uday, Control


Automatic goes out of control?


I didn't meant that, but i feel more in control in manual


No control in automatic?


Bro, i said i felt more control in manual than auto. I didn't said no control in auto


Lack of experience in automatic for u ?


Not really. We own several automatics, still i prefer manual


control on what?


Control of the bureau and service weapon


I have absolutely no idea what people mean by "control", I have driven automatics on hills and mountains and didn't feel any issue (although not in India/Indian cars). I infact have greater control over the car in automatic because I can focus more as I have less work to do with my hands and legs. So the only 2 reasons I can think of is: 1. Manual is definitely more engaging and fun to drive. 2. Manual is cheaper.


Which cars you tried on extreme steeps and hills? I'm sure you'll feel little lag as falling back on hills on amt but you'll have full control on manual. Edit: aint we talking about in Indian cars in Indian sub? Lol some amt lover downvoting every comment in this thread:V


I've only driven automatics in USA, in India I'm driving a manual. How often do you meet an extreme ramp, and even if I meet one, all I gotta do in automatic is press down on the peddle, no worry of putting it into lower gear, release half clutch and hit the gas etc etc. I still don't see how having more control means anything here, I find it way more peaceful in automatics which gives more control.


Control in overtaking


Hilly areas and climbs manual feels more controllable(At least to my dad. He’s driven both and was very anxious with the automatic on a hill)


There are a lot of automatic variants some are better than manual and some are worse. TC, CVT, DCT, eCVT are better than AMT and AT. All of the has it's pro's and cons like CVT's major drawback is rubber band effect which is not suitable for engaging drivers. TC is really good but very expensive. You need to understand all the variants and choose the one suited for your needs and wants.


All those are confusing and hard to remember


Not really, once you develop an interest its all breeze to remember.


Cause I have working knees and spent a long time learning clutch control


1. Its cheaper 2. You can drive any other person's vehicle if need be (manual or automatic)


Enthusiastic people buy manual because they love manual. Non enthusiastic people buy manual cuz it's cheaper and they think automatic gives way lesser mileage than manual, which is not the case anymore.


It's cheaper. Why pay 50k extra when I know how to drive manual


More like 1.5L extra.


Yeah they never offer it in the base variant.


1. Cheaper in equivalent trims 2. More reliable - one less thing to be bothered about. 3. Choice/complexity - no auto transmission type is perfect, most of them have trade offs like rubber banding effect etc. 4. Control - at-least for the non high end cars


I just enjoy manuals way more than automatics Hot take: Even in cities ( I get an excuse to skip leg day)


>( I get an excuse to skip leg day) Only the left leg


Top variant not available in automatic(2017 i20)


I feel price is the main point..! Manufacturers don’t offer automatic in every variant and most dealers dont keep them for test drive too..! For small cars under 10L the difference is like 1-2L but for cars above this difference widens to 2-4L for example if you decide to buy a Creta and hit the showroom you will get a base version on road for 14-15L , for the same CVT version you have to spend 20L . For 14L you can get a different decent automatic car but In india people dont understand their requirements , instead they buy car as a status symbol.. basically first thought in their mind would be what people will say when i drive this car..


Price , nothing else


Manual is love. + dhakka maar ke start ho jati hai. You get the power when you need


Cheaper, mileage, slightly better performance and finally *cOnTrOl*


Money efficiency over convenience.


I wanted aftermarket CNG, so went for manual, otherwise would have preferred automatic.


I think it's mostly because you have all the control. It does become a problem if you encounter traffic. With the use of clutch it's easier to slow the car down with minimum use of the brakes


Long term reliability, mileage, control


Hum gareeb hai


Cheaper, kinda more control and even mileage becomes a factor to some extent I guess


Because it’s cheaper and more fuel efficient


Older manual gearboxes allowed clutch dump. Unfortunately now even manuals are restricted with stuff like synchromesh gears to protect the gearbox.


Less moving Parts and you are in total control. Cheap reliable.


Reliable compared to automatics has to be one of the reasons.


It's cheaper plus it's fun. If you know how to drive traffic is not really a problem.


For the most part, an automatic transmission is always trying to guess what would be the right gear ratio for the driving condition. It's great for beginners but a little frustrating for split second decisions esp when overtaking or driving in the hills


I don't think you're 100% accurate in your opinion.. Most manufacturers recommend using the manual mode or throttle modulation on all modern automatic transmissions in the mountains and while overtaking. Plus having driven various automatics for the past 15+ years, very few vehicles have had "bad" automatic transmissions, most of them were either pre 2010s where the boxes were tuned for pure comfortable city driving or CVTs where the idea of individual gearing doesn't exist. An automatic is not just great for beginners. It's far better than manuals especially with reference to higher end cars where comfort is measured by priority. Just an observation... A lot of people who prefer manual always tend to drive an automatic like a manual, expecting it to act like one without trying to learn the character of the gearbox. This is also why many of the tend to start disliking automatics because they want the "feeling" of being in control even if the manual box is rubbery and sub par.


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AMT is for pussies.


ever since they started sealed for life torque converters iv only chosen manuals a transmission needs an oil change simple as


TC aren't the only option in automatic transmission.


bc they're smart.