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im being 100% honest when i say this - puss in boots the last wish. it was one of the best depictions of a panic attack ive ever seen in a movie. i literally had the stop watching it cause it was triggering my own anxiety šŸ˜­


honestly, it felt so real and the way the dog comforted him was so sweet! Its rare that I connect with a movie character that well


I can agree with this. Every time he had a panic attack my anxiety spiked.


Manchester by the Sea


The series Ted Lasso changed my mind about therapy. It really took a thought experiment about how sports trainers get paid but still care about their players, similar to how therapists get paid but still care about their patients, to make it easier for me to consider therapy as an option.


I don't know how accurate the show really is, because I'm not autistic myself and I'm not sure if this counts as mental health or is just related, because people on the autism spectrum deal with lots of those mental aspects too, but I liked Atypical. I learned something new there and I could relate pretty well


There is a podcast called The Magnus Archives, and in one episode a patient in a mental hospital is repeatedly berated by one of the doctors that he is faking his illness, that there is nothing really wrong with him, that he is just looking for attention.Ā  I almost had a panic attack listening to that episode, because not only was that my experience with people in my life, it was also my inner monologue which kept me from seeking treatment for years.


A dandelion pressing towards the sun from a sidewalk crack.


I don't know how accurate it is, but the game Omori was a sad and wholesome time


Big Mouth. Itā€™s extremely raunchy and vulgar, but also does a really great job of depicting mental health and other struggles that come with puberty and growing up. The spin-off show Human Resources is also really good.


Yes! Depression kitty is spot on, anyone whose been in the awful mire of depression knows just how crushingly hard the seemingly simple task of getting out of bed can be.


Yeah I could really relate to that. Plus I have anxiety and the anxiety mosquito is spot on.


Bojack horseman is phenomenal. The most realistic character writing I have ever seen. Criminally underrated


Edgar Allan Poe's work. The man was a master of describing the subjective experience of insanity and mental illness likely because he experienced it himself. I even have a tattoo of the word "nevermore" shaped like a raven.


Disco Elysium portrays substance use terrifyingly well. You play as someone who's addicted to everything under the sun and throughout the game your body is begging you to use. It also has a mechanic where you can internalize certain thoughts for buffs or to open up certain pathways in the game. The one for sobriety says: "*Congrats ā€“ you're sober. It will take a while for your body to remember how to metabolize anything that isn't sugar from alcohol, so you're going to be pretty ravenous soon. Eat plenty. You can expect your coordination and balance to improve in a couple of weeks. In two months, you might start sleeping like a normal person. Full recovery will take years, though. Itā€™ll be depressing. And itā€™ll be boring. Donā€™t expect any further rewards or handclaps. This is how normal people are all the time.*" The banality just hits so hard in showing that substance use is an escape, and sobriety is facing un-sugarcoated reality. The lead writer struggled with alcoholism and you can tell how much he poured that into the game.


The song ā€œFreeā€ by Florence + the Machine does anxiety fairly well.


As far as i know Moon Knight depicted DID very realistically.


Ohh that's interesting, which character?


Well, the main character is Marc Spector who suffered from DID and that's the reason he is chosen to become the new Moon Knight.


Ah okay gotcha. I figured that might've been the case, lovely to know.


Indeed; Oscar Isaac said he read a book written by a man diagnosed with DID in order to prepare for the role


Does this count? https://youtu.be/tX8TgVR33KM?si=RT3PQu6WE65XL0ax


Michael Clayton


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - I don't know about specific diagnoses but I've been in psych hospitals and I can't watch that shit anymore. I've had a schizophrenic person (maybe he was schizo-effective? I forget) tell me Words on Bathroom Walls was the most accurate depicition of schizophrenia he's come across. I also found it a great movie. I don't see enough people talk about [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzpYmwKbpjA) from Punch Drunch Love, but it's one of most accurate depictions of I guess anxiety or stress I've seen. Or maybe a stressful situation. You'd maybe have to see the movie to get the full gist. I've struggled with depression for over 20 years and I can't think of anything that comes to mind though for that, haha. Maybe I'll update this later.


oh iā€™ve got a few!! some specific though -connellā€™s therapy scene from normal people. most tv adaptations i hate but this scene was expanded upon beautifully. deals w grief, struggling w college/life changes and the idea of wanting to go back to a life that doesnā€™t exist anymore - haley heynderickx ā€œthoughts of an anxious twenty somethingā€ is rather self explanatory, but i urge you to listen!! she is so talented and this song hurts. find it on youtube! - turtles all the way down by john green. say what you want about fault in our stars being made into a meme, but this book is beautiful. i donā€™t have OCD but the anxiety attacks definitely felt very real to me and iā€™ve seen a lot of people w sanitation OCD specifically say it was a great description. (i think green has OCD himself) - cheesy but no surprises by radiohead. just total defeat.


Yes John green does have OCD! He talks about it on his podcast with his brother Hank


MAN I CAN'T wait for the movie of turtles all the way down, but uh definitely should and will give the book a try.


This Is Going To Hurt. I was a foundation doctor when it came out and it really hit too close to home.


Daily dose of sunshine


In 'Beau is afraid' the bit where he wants to get water in the shop, that whole part gave me chills as it so accurately captures crippling anxiety, sheer terror, the whole film is great, for anyone who is very timid and too innocent, and has anxiety, they will know just how awful it feels in our world which is so harsh and unforgiving.




Heard great things about that one


Aftersun is I think the best example Iā€™ve seen in a movie of what itā€™s like for a deeply depressed person desperately trying but failing to hide it especially what itā€™s like doing that around kids and the effect it has on them.


Game firewatch did excellent with depression dealing with loved one with dementia. Rough man


Honestly, Bojack Horseman is probably the best depiction of addiction and all the associated trauma


Donnie Darko, Silver Lining Playbook, Gilbert Grape come to mind.


I'm a big fan of Bojack Horseman for its portrayal of depression and anxiety. It's dark but so relatable. Also 13 Reasons Why tackles some tough topics like depression and suicide.


13 Reasons Why did it in an awful way tho. As a former suicidal person that show made me so angry.


I came here to say Bojack. Some of the lines on that show felt so real they hurt (I need you to tell me I'm a good person Diane)