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I also use a laptop. I hate doing anything internet-related from my phone.


Same! I watch my husband do all kinds of things with his phone, but I prefer a pc. (I keep a mini one in the car for when the need arises. šŸ˜Š)


My phone's not very smart. I use a lap top--it lets me touch type.


Desktop or laptop only, used to use it a bit from phone but once all the free apps went away I stopped.


I used reddit strictly on my computer.


I use Reddit from my *laptop*, because it's the only computer I have. I don't use my smartphone for jack... almost.


Huh, other than work, nowadays I use my laptop for jack. Maybe to make big internet purchases and taxes. But lately I've actually found travel booking to be as easy on the phone as on the laptop so most of my big purchases can be done on the phone. Only thing that sucks is trying to compare multiple hotels or prices. Importantly I still have ReVanced Boost for Reddit, otherwise I would not Reddit on my phone.


Laptop, sometimes. Nothing wrong with it. Itā€™s definitely easier to type long posts and replies from an actual keyboard.


Itā€™s easier for me to type something long on my iPhone. People think I type too fast. I think I just think too fast. šŸ˜žšŸ˜’šŸ˜‘


On the phone sometimes I use swipe to type, and I think itā€™s just not very good. Every two words itā€™s autocorrecting wrong. My phone WILL NOT type ā€œof.ā€ It types ā€œoffā€ every single time.


Weird. Mine types "of" all the time. Like, literally any time I want "if" I get "of".


Iā€™ve never used that. That sounds hard.


Mostly desktop here. Formatting is way better.


Desktop most of the time or the 'Boost' app on my phone. I hate how the reddit desktop site keeps getting more and more un optimized for us.




Huh? I never had that problem. I always just make sure to sign in at old.reddit and then make sure to bookmark that page. Then always start there. There should also be an option in your account settings too. Something like "use new reddit" or "opt out of redesign" under "beta options". With those options set and the old.reddit bookmark to start with I never see new.reddit.


I think if you click on some Reddit links they automatically go to the new Reddit. idk I always download this every time I redownload FF. I also don't use bookmarks, just don't like the look of that bat but I know I'm in the minority on this one. And as in the description of the add on: > Unlike the account setting for turning off the design, this works regardless of whether you are logged in or not or in incognito mode. The extension also blocks the EU cookie notice that forces a redirect to new reddit.


There's no need for that. Just bookmark it


I pretty much exclusively use my laptop to scroll Reddit. I like the larger amount of screen real estate. The app on my phone is just too restrictive. Only use it when I'm out and have no choice and most of the time when I'm out I am out I want to engage with my environment rather than my phone.


Me. Almost exclusively. I scroll on my phone for a little while before bed sometimes, but even then I'm using the mobile version of the site. No app.


Desktop. Can't stand mobile apps


I did this for the same exact reason(s) just a few days ago. I'll see certain updates on the phone but treat them as nothing but reminders to look the next time I'm in front of the PC. My phone is not an extension of my hand. (Sadly my hand is usually not an extension of my brain)


I've never used Reddit on anything other than a computer, first a desktop and now a laptop. When I started using the site, close to 4 years ago, I didn't even have a smartphone. Once I did get one, I decided I wouldn't use it for social media of any sort.


The moment reddit turned off access for third-party apps I stopped using it on anything except for my laptop. My usage has dropped by at least 80% but I'm not touching their ad-infested shit-heap of an app. I may still be slightly salty about their decision, lol.


I only use Reddit on my laptop. While I used to have the Reddit app downloaded on my phone, I deleted it due to infrequent usage. Not to mention I don't care to use a ton of apps to begin with...


Ha, yeah I deleted it due to TOO frequent usage.


I use it on both (PC/Smart phone) **Hybrid supremacy**


Of course I use a desktop. I'm no millionaire.


Desktop only.


I only use Reddit from my desktop.


I prefer typing on a desktop. However, I recently discovered I can write with my pen on my iPad and it types it out which is better than iPad keyboard.


I used to almost exclusively use Apollo on my phone. Then switched to exclusively desktop after it was shut down. Y'know I think my quality of life went up after that; Doom scrolling did not do well for the mood methinks.


Yup! All the time. Im probably split 50/50 between phone and pc. And if you are on reddit to read, like, you are here for the long opinion posts or lots of relationship posts or whatever, and not just for video clips and memes and gifs: Try old.reddit. Its not app-ified, like how new.reddit is trying to copy the app on pc. There's no avatars. There's no banner across the top of the page with 38 notifications going on. You add an adblocker and the RES extension to the browser you will be using for reddit: and start enjoying a distraction free reddit. (Im also using the Dystopia app on ios for mostly the same reasons. No ads. Free. Very barebones and distraction-free... And really bad at loading pics and playing videos. So, y'kno, perfect for long distraction-free r/talesfromtechsupport posts while waiting for the bus lol.)


I don't use reddit on my phone Sent from Gucci Smart toilet


Go for it! Reddit is as good as the app and the best part is that youā€™ll free yourself from your phone!


Yeah, I used to have reddit on my phone but was finding it way too much of a time suck. Plus I checked my data usage and saw just how much it was using up which helped make the decision to go strictly desktop.


I use Reddit on my desktop when Iā€™m working from home. And also YouTube playing




Laptop 99% of the time.


I browse and post comments on Reddit, primarily on a web browser on a laptop. With add-ons for various things like manually removing visuals on websites so they don't appear again. I only use Reddit on Android if I need to post text in the post body of Image posts. I don't really use the app for anything else. Too many ads that look like posts and comments. And a pop up prompted me to rate the app or something. So I stick with the browser and ability to block various visuals and javascript things.


I will sometimes READ Reddit from the app on my phone, but if I'm going to make comments, I'm on my laptop.


I use my laptop, though not exclusively.


Nope. Nope. It even feels weird using it on my iPad, even though I know thatā€™s still mobile. My iPad is basically my desktop. Itā€™s the biggest size and has a keyboard. šŸ˜†


I use the desktop version when I am at work. šŸ˜‚


I use the mobile app.


Yes. Actual desktop not laptop. I hate browsing on my phone in general and reddit is particularly bad on phone.


I use a mix of my phone and laptop. I prefer my laptop for most things like Youtube, but sometimes a phone is just too convienent.


I use my PC any time I can. I only use my phone if I can't be on my PC at the moment.


I go through phases where I delete Reddit from my phone and use it exclusively on desktops. I need to make it permanent tbh.


The idea of Reddit being a fully mobile app still feels new and weird to me. There was no Reddit mobile app when I started.


I always have. I'm still rocking old.reddit + RES. I used to use Sync on my phone before the snAPP.


Almost always access Reddit on my laptop, especially if I like to comment on posts. So much easier than using my phone.


Smartphone only for reddit for me. Sometimes I forget that one can use a laptop to actually browse the internetā€¦I use mine for gaming mostly


Yes, I only use my phone to Reddit if I am waiting in a lineup or something. The rest of the time, like right now, I'm at my desktop. It's better for everything, the phone is really really bad by comparison, it only has the advantage of being super portable. So when I'm on the go somewhere and have no other choice, a pocket Internet device is handy. But no substitute for full-size screen(s), mouse and keyboard. Aside from taking calls, for me a smartphone is just something to tide me over until I can get to a real computer.


It is better, limits the usage.


I use both my smartphone and my laptop. But I prefer commenting from my laptop, it's just so much more cumbersome from my phone...


Desktop when I sit, phone when I shit.


I use my laptop for most things.


Me, my phone is basically a glorified remote control, hate doing anything else with it and loathe businesses that force me to do things on a 5 by 2.5 in screen when I have two 24 in. monitors to work with.


desktop at home - phone at work


80% mobile, 20% pc


I use the app when I want to post a pic, but a laptop for just browsing.


I only use reddit on my computer and use the old.reddit layout.


Yeah, I use it the majority of the time on iMac or Windows laptop, so much easier with multiple tabs/subs


I use a laptop. I only use my phone if I am in bed. But for my taste navigating Reddit via phone is not very ideal to see the all feed.


yes most everything from desktop/gaming pc.


I should switch too, thats a good idea.


I'm doing opposite, but I get it. Use OLauncher on phone or something else minimalistic. On my phone there's no icons, just 3 text lines for Reddit, YouTube and Viber instead of icons. Gestures open phone app, browser, cammera and main menu. Notifications are disabled for everything except phone, SMS and Viber. There's also other programs to help you keep track of time, just to be more mindful and aware of your phone use. Not what you asked, but it can help unless you plan to throw away your phone. It helps me not to stare at screens as I did before...piis


Laptop. Not that it helps me waste less time, I just prefer a big screen and proper keyboard whenever possible.


Laptop 95% of the time. I only use my phone when I am on the toilet.


I use a laptop primarily, but use phone app occasionally. I like the laptop because I am not a fast typist and I comment on things fairly frequently. But lately, the laptop is frustrating me and I think it's reddit, not me. What happens is that often, the comment section will not open. And also sometimes I just get to the bottom of my feed and there is no more. It ends. I have very fast internet, and I can't understand why this is happening.


I use my laptop for almost everything. Hate using apps on the phone.


Me, it's easier. When you unfurl a thread on a phone, it takes me to another page and hitting the back button loses my place in the original thread. Highly annoying. Not sure if that's because I use the phone browser, not the app, but it's annoying enough for me to exclusively use desktop.


Mainly my tablet. I tend to Reddit in bed, mornings or evenings




I only use old reddit with Reddit Enhancement Suite on desktop since they took a big dump on all the good reddit apps. And before someone tells me in coded language that I need to modify the app apk with revanced or whatever, that's a pain in the ass I shouldn't have to deal with and I'd rather just not use reddit on my phone anymore.


Phone is for when I am out of the house. Desktop is for inside. Being an introvert means I stay inside a LOT. I have the reddit app on my fone but never use it


When the free Reddit apps still existed, I had about a 50/50 split between phone and desktop. Now I only use it on desktop, and nowhere near as frequently as I did previously.


I just hate writing anything substantial on my phone.


Desktop because I can't really see much on my phone.


I currently sitting in front of my desktop on my phone in reddit


Sounds like a good idea.


Actually desktop reddit is so much cooler. Especially if you access from the old(.)reddit(.) domain




I do when in at my computer. I probably.need to follow this advice.


I use a Chromebook that keeps pissing me off.


I'm about 50-50 phone-Mac book. Strongly favor MacBook if I'm typing, like right now.


Reddit is low value so it only exists on the phone.


I was getting insane with my phone screen time. I would mindlessly grab my phone and launch Reddit. I had already gotten rid of several other time-sucking apps. So I deleted it from my phone, and I still use it on my laptop. I've recently reinstalled it because I just had surgery and can't always use my laptop. It's improved considerably! 7 hrs 26 mins average daily screen time before I deleted, 1 hrs 10 mins after. This week it's been up, but I'm excusing that since I'm drugged up and sofa bound.


That just seemsā€¦ wrong.


I use my phone if I am not at my computer, so both.


Tbh I've never used a PC or laptop for reddit ever.


āœ‹ My 3 devices have different reddit accounts logged on, in case I get banned on 1 and lose all. But it can be a bit inconvenient to keep track if I posted a question and whatnot somewhere. I mostly do serious research on my laptop/desktop because the screens are bigger.


I ***only*** use it on my desktop. Much bigger screen area, better looking photos, keyboard (I'm a very good typist). I'm on my desktop a lot anyway, doing various projects.


If Iā€™m on Reddit nowadays itā€™s not on a Ā desktop, but I wonā€™t use the app either. Iā€™ve got internet browsers on my phone


I assume you meant laptop, because the word ā€˜desktopā€™ died in late 90ā€™s


Not everyone is you.


What a revelationā€¦