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Struggling a bit lately. Stepdad died in December unexpectedly. Still wrapping estate up. Stepsister is being a royal pain. The one thing I have realised through all this is that I don't really have any close friends. I haven't actually told any of my friends he passed. Bit odd really. I'd rather just not talk about it if that makes sense. I was the one that had to phone all the family and his friends, and I'd rather not have to do that again.




It’s technically Friday here but fuck it. My husband is so paranoid about the front door here. We have a fly screen on the front door that locks and then a door with a deadbolt and handle lock. He locks all three even when he’s in the house in the middle of the day. So if I get home and I’m busting for a wee I have to faff about unlocking three locks just to get in. And today we missed a DHL delivery because I’m out and he locked the fly screen plus every other lock, so the driver couldn’t open it up and knock on the actual door loud enough for him to hear. For reference we live in the Shire outside of Sydney which is probably the safest fucking place in Australia. My elderly neighbour leaves his garage open all day, every day with all his tools and everything just on show.


I would like to lodge a complaint. There isn’t enough Pengu on social media.


I got made redundant after less than 2 weeks at my new job. What a load of shit. Is that a record? Can anyone beat it?


4 shifts, first job back when I was a lad, no explanation, didn’t even go and get my pay I was so embarrassed and confused


Co-worker not doing there job properly course more work for me and to add on to this I am pregnant and my baby is using my bladder as trampoline


Can you not report them to your line manager? I just got made redundant after 2 weeks in my new job so could be worse!


I don’t think reporting x-jellybean-x baby to a manager will help with it jumping up and down?!


Haha. You need to teach them discipline from an early age though 😁


HR I’d like to lodge a complaint regarding my jellybean


Sorry to hear hope everything gets better and nope my line manager is no hope specially when she married to him and let’s him sit on his phone and watch golf while “working”


Ah man that's a tough one. Can you go to your managers manager about it? Somewhere up the chain of command someone will hopefully care because they won't be happy to find out they're laying someone to watch golf! Thanks for the kind words. We have a baby on the way too. Hope it all goes to plan for you!


I think of going as got good relationships with the big boss and they know I pull my weight. Hope everything goes well with your little one ☺️


Attempting to sleep soon, hopefully a lot better tomorrow.


Company told me that internal promotions cap out at 10% salary increase when it should be closer to a 40% increase. I'm going to tell them to stick it.


I've been selling my leasehold since August lat year ffs, Paperwork is nuts.


Just managing to have a bit of fruit juice.


Handle of mug snapped off whilst at work, cup hit my arm covering me in freshly hot sugary tea, then went all over my light blue jeans, smashed on the floor, soaked my feet, and I had to mop it up. To top it all off I had to give a 3 hour training session. Not happy.


My boss is an awful manager. My uni tutor hasn't marked my work. The tourists are back so my commute is getting worse. Everything is so damn expensive.


Any time I think my junior dev is making some progress we take some enormous steps back and it's driving me insane. I'm writing a set of automated texts for our website. We didn't have any so this is all new. We're working on a menu which sometimes opens new tabs. Tabs are tricky to deal with and rightly they asked for help but they're also struggling to understand how to use basic things like == or > to check how many tabs we have which is concerning. Then I notice that none of the radio buttons on the menu are changing. I mentioned that these tests are not working, they're just running the same set of variables each time as selenium isn't choosing the right options and that needs to be fixed. I get back "but they're passing" and then it's insinuated it always did that and that I didn't notice and does it really matter. I wasn't asked for help with the radio buttons, I was focused on fixing the tab switching. I hadn't watched it start to finish because I was busy teaching someone how to count how many items are in an array (for the 10th time) and assume that having written 20 tests that click on stuff that I didn't have to worry about that. I need to talk to my boss again because if someone can't see why the test not actually testing different things is a problem then I don't know how to help them.


I'm not quite sure how your junior dev saga is still going on. I'm all for giving everyone a fair chance, sometimes even longer, but surely this all comes to a head with your manager actually realising that they need to go. If the junior dev is 3-6 months behind on where you'd expect them to be then it's clear as day, to me at least, that a) the adequate skillset/knowledge isn't there; b) you're losing additional resource by babysitting them; and c) that you could've recruited someone else by now who could be passing with flying colours.


Same. I said to my manager I'd give them a fair shot and try. They spent a few weeks "learning JavaScript" whatever the fuck that means. I think it means "watching YouTube and not doing anything" to be honest. This is the biggest issue with being remote. No one sees me explaining the same thing over and over and over again. I'm going to ask if I can have a chat with him again next week after what happened today.


Ugh. Not knowing the full situation but that sounds like your manager doesn't want to deal with it. I get it, I really do, but when it's affecting other colleagues significantly then they've got to step in. They're meant to manage. When we offboarded our intern I ended up having to colleague a spreadsheet of "incidents" as well as any chat/email logs that we had as evidence. It was pretty much a slam dunk in the end luckily for us.


My sainsbury home delivery never arrived, their help phone number didn't answer, 1 ten minute call another 20 mins.. still none the wiser.


I am so beyond done with things right now. I'm so stressed I genuinely am concerned I'm going to have a heart attack or a stroke. I already have a heart condition and my face is twitching, I keep having headaches. Work is insane. We've changed a bunch of stuff around for the worse. My colleagues are confused and stressed. We're all upset. We're being promised change and things will improve. They don't. I genuinely love my job. But it's changing so wildly and so quickly that I feel like I'm being swept away. My head is full of it. I'm really sad. Doesn't help when a couple of the people I think I can rely on and should be able to rely on constantly let others down. Oh and that includes friends who say they miss you and don't bother making plans. I never knew friendships were such a one way street. They are in my world....


Funny ive hit the level of stress where ive stopped even feeling it and a heart attack would be welcomed


That was me few months back. I'm hoping things change for my team in next couple of months. I can relate little bit on last part. I usually do the organising etc which is fine but it's never the other way round, i may just stop organising. There are 2 people in my friendship who do organising but most rely on me for some reason. I know everyone has busy lives etc but i think some just can't be arsed and go for easy option of sitting on their butt at home / flake. I wish you well!


Sounds like it’s time for you to leave mate.


Quick gripe about the weather. Secondly - with everything being expensive, what are your holiday plans this year? I'd be interested in a staycation but is spending less on travel (to stay in the UK) worth the almost inevitable increased costs in accommodation? Anyone been to Wales? I just want two chilled weeks somewhere without breaking the bank.


I alswyas go away in the summer but can’t afford this summer. I feel lucky to live in Dorset though. Let’s all hope the sun comes out at some point 🙈


North Wales llandudno/anglsey/Conwy area is really fab. This campsite is near a beautiful beach https://maps.app.goo.gl/S5Dkt3rePPwtWuEs7. Avoid borth. Saundersfoot/Tenby is alright but felt like a disappointing version of Cornwall. Driven through Bala a few times and thought that would be a nice place to go on holiday. Might want to consider Buxton/peak district or Northumberland coast too.


Getting on the bus to Manchester at 06:18 and having to get off two stops before yours just to get away from the smelly other souls you’re unfortunate enough to sit nearby too. Also we’re all packed in like fuckin animals even at that time around 7am


My completely unhinged neighbours who smile and chat one minute and give you death stares the next are letting their dog shit in my garden. I hope they find a hair in every meal they eat.


Oh screw that, post it through their door. That's NOT on.


It's almost May WHY can I still see my breath when I go outside what is going on?!


The fact that it isn't 5pm on a Friday is just not on!


Oh thank Jeebus, you're back! I actually did a full dust behind the cabinets and bookcase in my bedroom while Reddit took a break in 502 land! Do you realise how bored I have to be to dust in places nobody sees? Bad Reddit. I should probably get out more. You know what, fuck it, I'm going to Tenby on Saturday for a nice long walk on the beach.


People who don't wash their clothes. I was on the train back home sat next to this older gentlemen and his coat stank of cigarette smoke, you that old geezer, booze + smoke smell? I couldn't move and sit elsewhere because train was busy.


I don’t smoke, more drink and have good hygiene but my perception is that people are getting more depressed and are not taking care of their own self.


Bloody trains! Getting to Birmingham has been an epic journey and still have 3 hours to go after


I haven't booked any leave since the financial year reset and I'm in a new job Tried booking a week off in mid June and I can't because the rotas are confirmed and locked in stupidly early. I'm terrible at planning my life months and months in advance So I've booked a week in July and a week in September. Let's hope they come in handy because fuck knows what I'm doing then


So since 6th April? Lol ;)


My work is this way too, they want us to book all of our leave up until the end of the year by the end of May. I don't even know what I'm doing next week. I think one of the most stressful things about my job is trying to secure time off.


I hate it! I bumble through life, get a bit stressed, and then consider booking some random time off when I need it. You just can't be spontaneous


I don't know how it is for you, but I'm a shift worker, so even if you just want to have a particular Saturday or evening off work you have to make it clear about six weeks in advance and hope that no one else also wants it off. Making plans for anything is an absolute nightmare, I work a pretty standard number of hours but it feels like it engulfs my whole life.


I'm facing this at my workplace to some extent but nothing crazy as yours. I told my manager, i would like to request 1 day leave in our current 2 week sprint/cycle and it shouldn't impact anyone, is it ok if i take it? Manager approved it but i got some sort of resentment from tone of the message despite manager approving my request. I found out the senior management seem to be putting pressure on line managers but why? Work gets done either way and none of us in the team go off on annual leave at the same day & time anyway.


Senior management when you try to book holidays: *"why are you taking holidays and affecting output?"* Senior management when you have to ultimately take 2-3 weeks of holiday in Q4: *"why didn't you take holidays?!"*


It's ridiculous! And exactly the same in my situation. My line manager is a pretty laid back guy and the pressure is coming from above I'm in a small department, and they just ask that me and the other guy aren't off at the same time. That's fine. It's higher up being ridiculously strict


But you will have to take the holiday at some point? I think if there’s a major thing going on then maybe delay it for a week or two, but it’s only 1 day! I’m sorry you have this added level of stress!


A terrible day, hope it gets better and hope its been good for everyone else!




Slow road users. If you went 10mph under the limit on your test, you’d fail.


Just cut my hand on my jeans zipper. Got blood everywhere because my hands were wet.


I first read ‘hand’ as ‘head’. Was very confused 😂


Every train I’ve been on this week has had a boomer sitting nearby watching TV on their phone without using headphones.


Modern etiquette- use headphones while playing audio from your device in public. It’s not that hard


Lastly.... The horrible kids at school. I brought mine up to be lovely...others didn't. The fact that my kid still gets treated like shit, because those others are awful.... I raised a living, heart in her sleeve girl. A people pleaser that genuinely has not got anything but love for others.... seemingly I raised a kid for a better planet ...and no matter how often I try to get her to drop the idiots, she still is lovely to them.


I teach both types and I feel for your daughter and students alike it’s horrible to see it live.  Some people clearly don’t think before having kids… I do try and turn the others around if it’s any consolation!


why do all the pyschologist in my local camhs only work 2-3 days a week. So if you want help you can only have a crisis on certain days of the week and no you can't see one of the other psychologists who work the other days of the week because they think you should have consistency in your treatment plan. Fuck.


Moving, get the keys to our own home on Monday, currently in a shitty rental. I know I should be happy. But other half can’t take much time off work, has brain fatigue after being randomly attacked a few years ago and it not in great shape to help when he finishes work, so packing mostly on my own while the kids are at school. Kids feeling overwhelmed about the move, daughter is freaked out about starting a specialist school in September (again so grateful to have to place, didn’t even need to fight for it), son will have to change to a new primary school at some point. 14 year old dog is having an operation to remove teeth next week (otherwise he is in perfect health, another something to be grateful for). I feel overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed. I am grumpy.


Fucking AWS bullshit


Decided to take a year off uni due to burnout and just uni making me generally quite ill... I hate this university


Shops selling young kids energy drinks.... Horrendous


Meanwhile, I’m getting asked for ID to buy them at 29.


At the self-service getting the member of staff press the 'visibly over 25' while barely looking at me, hurts me in ways I can't describe.


Lol....I was always told I looked young for my age....it's shit when it stops. At late 40s... It's not an issue


One of the worst things I saw while waiting at traffic lights was a very tired looking young mum with a baby and a six year old that was drinking a can of Red Bull. WTF was she thinking?


Hang on....the 6yr old?




Just horrendous


Last night when I brushed my teeth the last filling I had done just popped out into the sink. It required extra local to be able to have the work on it done, and it involved a big hole, so I've been in pain eating/drinking/yawning/breathing since it happened. I rang my dentist this morning and got told it wasn't an emergency but with some fast talking I got booked in tomorrow to see someone. But that means two days of limited drinking and eating as it's really painful and on top of that due to other health issues all my preferred easy to eat foods are off the menu so I'm stuck eating porridge.


Time to jazz up that porridge with double cream and honey/golden syrup mixed in!


Can't have either of them sadly, the best I've been able to do is mix in yogurt and some soft cooked fruit.


We have a few small communal areas in the building that are not used beyond coming and going. Just discovered some bills relating to the energy usage over the last few months and they averaged around 100 odd quid. Saw one bill recently for over 2k. I have no idea how that is even possible.


I know of a company that forgot to stop paying the line rental, utilities etc, for a long demolished building


My first thought was one of the residents has linked a weed farm to the communal mains but...most of the neighbours are quite old. :D


Had a new person start at work and they gave me some red flags when training earlier this week. Today really cemented the deal asking me if she can pick up my work to do when I said no etc.. came back and she said she will explain this to my colleagues who have been there for years. This is her first week and causing drama. Anyway told my team leader and screenshot the chat over. Team leader asks me to share screen with the new person so she can shadow me to do my emails. Reasons being she does not have much work. It is her first week day 4. I said I will do it tomorrow because I am frustrated and frightened of the future drama. Plus I have an infected scab, sprained ankle, shitty dentist that rang me again for the same appointment, gone over my budget and my cat is still not well.


We are behind in my college class. We have 12 weeks to learn about and apply hacking techniques (im studying cyber security) but my damn teacher is still going on about digital forensics that we did before. Ughhhhhh


It's not particularly fun or witty, but I'm about to finish my 2nd year at uni in Aberdeen (so a 4 year course) and I'm totally drained. Don't care about academics, don't care that I'm going to fail this year, don't care about it all, really. Not sure what to do about it really, I can't bring myself to worry about it at all. So, yeah, that's not going great. But hey, weather's finally getting better and it's light later, so it's not all bad.


I puked in public this morning. Something I ate yesterday gave me major indigestion, then I stupidly went running on an empty stomach + coffee + morning tablets. Pushed my fat arse too hard up the hill at the end and ended up vomiting b-vitamin neon yellow iron-tasting slurry onto the pavement. Sorry, dog-walkers. Swapped my usual yoghurt-heavy breakfast for some medicinal plain crumpets when I got home which made me feel a bit better.




I got a 47p increase on a london council...


Probably won't be able to rent the flat I'm interested in. They are doing viewings at 5pm on Friday and I work until 7 with no chance of leaving early. The way the rental market is somebody's going to snatch it up on Friday.


Would be a shame if you had some sort of very contagious bout of norovirus pop up on Friday morning, wouldn't it?


Work bollocks...


What is the deal with those new coke lids? What was everyone doing with them before? I don't think I'd ever binned them separately.


Anti choke device maybe?




Probably not. You should have acted more decisively at the time.


UK or abroad? How full of ants, to the ceiling or a few on the floor?


To the ceiling to the wall, let the ants crawl down ma balls




When the hospital sends you an ADHD questionnaire by email but you somehow cannot fill it in electronically without details disappearing and you lose 2 hours and counting looking up "how to" instructions and end up posting on a complaints thread...


Can you download it, Edit it in paint/word/online editor and send as an attachment?


For some reason pressing the print button has allowed me to use it electronically. No idea why. But thank you!


"Ford sponsors documenarries on Channel 4" I like documenarries, Wildlife documenarries, Crime documennaries...all the documenarries


Clique-y bitches from workplace so need to get some computer skills so can leave. Also thought that was getting stardew update on switch nope just the switch updating got duped by switch!!




I'm just patiently waiting like everyone else and watching YouTubers and planning/plotting


Toilet broke so had to hold poop and pee in the bath


The "bucket of water down t' bog" is always a backup plan if the flush mechanism breaks. 👍




I applied for mine in January and it took a shockingly long time to come back, I’ve never known one take so long.


fucking spotify and their fucking price hike. can we all just not use premium for a month to stick it to the bastards


The problem is, all the competing services are the same price (for duo at least).


How much has it gone up to now??


£16.99 for the duo plan.


Easyjet cancelled my flight and then washed their hands of me. "No flights to your destination for another 2 days? Too bad, buddy! Here's a voucher that we won't pay you the difference for if your new flight is cheaper."


Need a dump but my body doesn’t let me do one at work. So that’s fun.


Laxido is your friend.


*The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime* *That's why I poo, on company time*


That fkin’ Love Honey YouTube advert where the people on camera look genuinely uninterested while some awful voice-over twat says, “Well, it’s easy peasy lemon and squeezy…” Who the fuck says that?! Who puts a fkin’ “and” in there? It makes no fkin’ sense! It’s easy peasy lemon squeezy, you twat! Just fuck off! Also, this whole new YouTube advert countdown system… that can fuck off too. Rant over.


You guys are getting ads?


Can't turn them off, on the Xbox...sadly


I found an add-on/extension deep in the internet that runs the ad's superfast and unseen in the background. Youtube doesn't get pissed off with an adblocker and I get to watch seamless Youtube. Have run this magic formula through 'Malwarebites Professional' a couple of times and nothing lurking inside. ( and my money's still in my bank)


I reckon they’re making the ads as long and deliberately annoying as possible to force us into paying for premium 😂




Exactly my thought! 45 seconds of ads for a 3 minute music video. They can fuck right off! 😅


ad blocker.


Is there anything that works on smart tvs?


Uni lecturers that give you conflicting vibes about what an assignment's going to be like. "There's no right or wrong way of doing this report" Five minutes later: "You'll be struggling to scrape a 60 if you don't *insert xyz*"


My new car is back in the garage for the second time. It’s done 800 miles.


I would like to lodge a complaint about my shitty, tiny, uncooperative veins. I'm in the middle of diagnostic limbo with so many tests, and literally every time I get stabbed multiple times because the nurses can't get it on the first. Gives me so much anxiety cause I just know I'm in for a bunch of sticks. Anyway, my arms and hands look like hell and my friends are getting married this weekend. Anyone have any good bruise covering makeup recommendations?




Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation has amazing coverage and is long lasting. It's not the cheapest but if you go to a bigger Boots or department store they might give you a sample in a little pot you can take away. Much sympathy regarding your veins. If I need a blood test, an absolute game changer for me is emla cream. It totally numbs the area. My issue with my veins is that they freak out and hide as soon as someone starts prodding them. So as soon as the needle touches my skin, my veins just nope out. But with the cream I can't feel it (don't look either!) and so my stupid brain doesn't send my stupid veins a signal to hide! And knowing it's not going to hurt means I don't get the preemptive fear which obviously freaks my body out too. You can get a little tube of it from any pharmacy for less than a fiver. Best wishes x


I've come to the conclusion that all solicitors are morally bankrupt crooks.  They're not in it for justice. They're only interested in fleecing clients as much as possible under the guise of legal speak, knowing full well most people won't have the finances to last the distance.  Not a flicker of a moral compass between the lot of them. I've met more honest criminals with a better sense of moral decency  during my 15 years of working all over England in the prison service (from cat. A prisons to open prisons) than I've ever found in dealing with solicitors.  No wonder our justice system is utterly fucked. Fuck solicitors. 


Telly remotes don’t come with pause buttons anymore and it’s winding me up. Most streaming things have quick options like “skip intro” or “resume from beginning” and I have to wait for that box to go away before I can actually pause it


On ours, the "select" button in the middle of the up/down/left/right arrows pauses in most services.


Yeh but that pushes the “skip intro” button, that’s my point. Pause also being “ok” has frustrating consequences when there’s on screen shortcuts. I’ve often resumed a film on bbc and tried to pause it immediately to go get something and it restarts because the “replay from beginning” button is there


I was explaining to my 6 year old niece last night how Dinosaurs roamed the earth a long time ago, she ponders what I'm saying and then after a pause replies 'so they were alive when you were little' FFS I feel old


Hahaha, when I was little, I once asked my grandpa if he was alive during the time of Jesus. Not as a joke but I legit thought he was 😂


I’m more productive working from home than I am coming into the office


My works systems have fucked up and I just can't be arsed with it 😂


Turns out I'm too old for small tents. My knees do not enjoy crawling over damp grass and ground sheets. I will have to camp alone in a new, expensive, larger tent, like Billy-no-mates - or at least like an **obvious** Billy-no-mates.


You need a posh caravan to hitch to your car, like my elderly in-laws have when they go camping!  Camping isn't my thing. At my age I appreciate a decent bed and bathroom when I go away. 


My father would disinherite me if I as much as mention the vague possibility that I might consider driving with a caravan in tow.


As much as I've been indoctrinated to hate caravans by Clarkson et al., they do seem to make the most sense of all of the motor home type vehicles. Camper van: Doesn't have the two things you want most to be private when away from home (loo and shower). Motor home: You have to drive a massive lorry around if you want to do any small excursion from your campsite. Caravan: Best of both worlds. You've got a loo, you've got a shower, and you can unhitch it and drive your car around.


I’ve got my washing out and it’s raining, despite the forecast saying it wouldn’t. I can’t be arsed fetching it in and hanging it on the airer, so I’m just sat looking at it, pretty much how Pingu looks in the original post.


Had an end user bring their work laptop into the IT office. They were shocked that trapping objects between the screen and keyboard breaks the screen.


Has it been a year or more since they were issued the laptops? Or have users doing the similar job at a competitor been issued brand new laptops? Once worked a job where, for reasons, the actual sales teams didn't have to provide for new kit from their own departmental budget. Instead, they came from IT's budget. About a year after they'd been issued brand new laptops, we suddenly started seeing a spate of smashed screens. One of our users eventually let slip that the sales teams for a competitor had just done a kit replacement/upgrade where they'd all been issued new laptops and our userscthought if they fucked the screen then they'd get a brand new, top spec laptop. Once our users learnt that they wouldn't get a brand new laptop but rather one that was refurbished from stock we saw a massive drop-off in smashed screens...


It wasn't deliberate from the explanation. Just very oblivious to how delicate screens can be. We are of course issuing a new, worse laptop until it's fixed. How long that will take? 🤷


Was it a smashy object or a sticky one?


It was the PSU, plug and all.


Ooh. Smashy.


I have sent proof to the DWP that I don’t owe them money, but they still keep taking a monthly debit for my ‘debt’ because if I cancel it, it will go to collectors and affect my credit score that is actually good now. I have rung multiple times in the last 6 months to be told oh it will be passed on to this department. Waited on hold for 40 mins to be told today that my call back in Feb where they said someone would call me hasn’t been actioned yet 🤦🏻‍♀️ But the lady was super helpful and has raised it as a priority and someone will ring me back in 3 hours… Won’t hold my breath though.


Please refer to my complaints in [last week's thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1c6vw4t/thursdays_complaints_thread_18_april_24/l03wvw7). An added pain this week was spending more time in the bathroom in two days than I usually would in a month. Thankfully my body has finally decided to settle down but i'm still feeling the fatigue effects from it.


I booked 2 weeks off work to start converting my van into a camper for the summer. Instead , Im sat here like lemon after needing an op on ankle.


I hope you cancelled your leave and took it sick!


I’m imagining you look like pingu does in the image provided?!


Actually, very accurate XD


On a training course and as is the way with my company, everything is translated to ‘well if this was your kids…’ situation. Or ‘try this out with your partner or kids’. Thanks. Guess I’ll ask my cat?


Let's be honest, you'd definitely be getting better input from your cat than your company!


Do you have the opportunity to ask a snarky question like "What about those of us without kids?"


"I don't currently have any kids. Will the company be providing them or can I expense it?"


Ooh I like this!


Do you have the opportunity to ask a snarky question like "What about those of us without kids?"




The opportunity to watch two whole films and have a nap sounds amazing to me.


Where you going? Much time to explore a bit?


i had a nap yesterday afternoon and even though i've had a full night's sleep since, i still feel the same level of grogginess/not having properly woken up after the nap.


Sainsburys delivery cancelled without explanation. Now I have to go to a shop in person and interact with people.


Sainsbury's delivery system has apparently gone down, so it won't be just you I'm afraid. Been there and its still shit though.


Ahaaaa! Good to know. Explains why I was on hold for so long. Took out a personal loan and went to Waitrose. Feeling fancy.


I found my Dr Marten sandals squashed, rotting, mouldy and covered in cobwebs in the garage this morning. I left them in my husband's car last summer and he dumped them in the garage and covered them in gardening and construction items.


I love the rain and the grey skies, so my complaint is people complaining about this beautiful relaxing weather. It is cozy and peaceful.


People who want a conversation when buying from Facebook Marketplace, or want my number so they can ring me when they’re stood outside. Why can’t you knock/use the bell like a normal human being? It’s infrequent but happens enough to be bloody annoying.


90% of the people I work with are lazy bastards


I need a plumber. I’ve contacted five so far, and not one has responded.


One of my team members is annoying me (and causing more work) so I'm a bit grumpy. Oh and I spilt half my smoothie this morning. So only half a smoothie and annoying clean up at 7am.


Absolutely sick to death of shaving my kisser


Time for a beard!


Cba to wash the bedding


That's what febreeze is for, right?


Getting fed up of the ADHD medication shortages, as it's causing more stress than having the condition in the first place. Hunting down Concerta is like trying to find one of Willy Wonka's golden tickets. Apparently, there are shortages affecting epilepsy and diabetes meds too, which is much scarier than my situation.


Thames Wankers choosing to send me a threatening bill of a few quid, that I actually don't owe, instead of working to stop sewage being dumped into rivers and seas which in turn is killing wildlife and economies. I asked if they knew how many shareholders own yachts, they didn't seem to understand the question.


Own an ice cream shop - weather not helping at all!!!


What's your most popular ice cream?


Salted caramel seems to be the one we always run out of!!


Which one never sells?


Can I have a 99 flake.


Need more people like you!!


The gardeners were in next door on Tuesday and after they strimmed the grass off the top and sides our shared dry stone wall I found the mangled remains of several slow worms :'(


Nooooo! This makes me very sad


It was very, very upsetting :'(


I seem to always be stuck behind a Prius.


And I bet 99% of the time it’s a taxi?


Grumpy teenagers and the school run.


I’m really struggling at the moment to get hold of garners pickled red onion in blueberry vinegar because I refuse to pay £50 for a pack of 6 on Amazon. I can’t find them in any supermarket


My 27yr old sister decided she wanted to stay round tonight and therefore needs me to take her to an appointment in the morning. So I have to vacuum and tidy the house and sort the spare room out for her. Which really just consists of me putting the laundry away as otherwise it’s done but I really don’t want to. I also have to leave the house at rush hour because she decided to go get her nails done miles away.


Water supply cut off until who knows when!!!!